19 research outputs found

    Short-term root and leaf decomposition of two dominant plant species in a Siberian tundra

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    In tundra ecosystems, global warming is expected to accelerate litter decomposition and to lead to shifts in vegetation composition. To understand these shifts, it is important to understand the interactions between global warming, vegetation composition, litter quality and decomposition in the tundra. In addition, it is important to consider root litter since roots are the major part of plant biomass in the tundra. In order to increase our understanding of decomposition, and root decomposition in particular, we performed a litter transplant experiment in northeastern Siberia, in which we measured mass loss for leaf and root litter (live and dead material) of the two dominant plant species, graminoid Eriophorum vaginatum and shrub Betula nana, in three vegetation types (E. vaginatum or B. nana dominated and mixed vegetation) during the growing season.Our results show that although leaf decomposition did not differ between the two species, root decomposition showed significant differences. Mass loss of live roots was higher for E. vaginatum than for B. nana, but mass loss of E. vaginatum dead roots was lowest. In addition, we found evidence for home-field advantage in litter decomposition: litter of a plant decomposed faster in vegetation where it was dominant. Mass loss rates of the litter types were significantly correlated with phosphorus content, rather than nitrogen content. This indicates that phosphorus limits decomposition in this tundra site.The low decomposition rate of B. nana live roots compared to E. vaginatum live roots suggests that the acceleration of decomposition in the Arctic may be partly counteracted by the expected expansion of shrubs. However, more information on litter input rates and direct effects of climate change on decomposition rates are needed to accurately predict the effects of climate change on carbon dynamics in tundra ecosystems.</p

    Dataset for: "Shrub decline and expansion of wetland vegetation revealed by very high resolution land cover change detection in the Siberian lowland tundra"

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    Input materials, scripts and results for: - Trend analyses in MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index for 2000-2019 in the Indigirka Lowlands, Sakha Republic, Russian federation. - Land Cover Change Detection of Vegetation Functional Groups in an Arcitc tundra site using very high resolution (0.5) satellite images in a focus area in the Kytalyk Reserve, Indigirka Lowlands over the period 2010-2019

    Contrasting radiation and soil heat fluxes in Arctic shrub and wet sedge tundra

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    Vegetation changes, such as shrub encroachment and wetland expansion, have been observed in many Arctic tundra regions. These changes feed back to permafrost and climate. Permafrost can be protected by soil shading through vegetation as it reduces the amount of solar energy available for thawing. Regional climate can be affected by a reduction in surface albedo as more energy is available for atmospheric and soil heating. Here, we compared the shortwave radiation budget of two common Arctic tundra vegetation types dominated by dwarf shrubs (Betula nana) and wet sedges (Eriophorum angustifolium) in North-East Siberia. We measured time series of the shortwave and longwave radiation budget above the canopy and transmitted radiation below the canopy. Additionally, we quantified soil temperature and heat flux as well as active layer thickness. The mean growing season albedo of dwarf shrubs was 0.15 ± 0.01, for sedges it was higher (0.17 ± 0.02). Dwarf shrub transmittance was 0.36 ± 0.07 on average, and sedge transmittance was 0.28 ± 0.08. The standing dead leaves contributed strongly to the soil shading of wet sedges. Despite a lower albedo and less soil shading, the soil below dwarf shrubs conducted less heat resulting in a 17 cm shallower active layer as compared to sedges. This result was supported by additional, spatially distributed measurements of both vegetation types. Clouds were a major influencing factor for albedo and transmittance, particularly in sedge vegetation. Cloud cover reduced the albedo by 0.01 in dwarf shrubs and by 0.03 in sedges, while transmittance was increased by 0.08 and 0.10 in dwarf shrubs and sedges, respectively. Our results suggest that the observed deeper active layer below wet sedges is not primarily a result of the summer canopy radiation budget. Soil properties, such as soil albedo, moisture, and thermal conductivity, may be more influential, at least in our comparison between dwarf shrub vegetation on relatively dry patches and sedge vegetation with higher soil moisture.ISSN:0013-936XISSN:1520-585

    Tundra Browning in the Indigirka Lowlands (North-Eastern Siberia) Explained by Drought, Floods and Small-Scale Vegetation Shifts

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    Contrary to the general “greening of the Arctic”, the Siberian Indigirka Lowlands show strong “browning” (a decrease in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index or “NDVI”) in various recent satellite records. Since greening and browning are generally indicative of increases and losses in photosynthetically active biomass, this browning trend may have implications for the carbon balance and vegetation of this Arctic tundra region. To explore potential mechanisms responsible for this trend break from general Arctic greening, we studied timeseries of Landsat summer maximum NDVI, weather data, and high-resolution maps of vegetation compositional change, topography, geomorphology and hydrology. We find that a significant proportion of browning (lower summer NDVI) is explained by moisture dynamics, with high snow depths and resulting floods as well as summer drought coinciding with low NDVI. Relations between seasonal weather variables and NDVI are spatially heterogeneous, with floodplains, drained thaw lake basins and Yedoma ridges showing different patterns of association with weather variables. Low summer NDVI after high snowfall was particularly evident in floodplains, likely explained by early summer floods. Local small-scale vegetation changes explained only small amounts of variance in browning rates in Landsat NDVI. Local expansion of Sphagnum vegetation in particular may have contributed to recent browning of our study site, but higher resolution NDVI timeseries are necessary to accurately constrain the role of small-scale vegetation shifts. Overall, associations identified in this study suggest that future increases in Arctic precipitation variability and extremes may limit tundra greening, but to different extents even across comparatively small topographical contrasts.</p

    Shrub decline and expansion of wetland vegetation revealed by very high resolution land cover change detection in the Siberian lowland tundra

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    Vegetation change, permafrost degradation and their interactions affect greenhouse gas fluxes, hydrology and surface energy balance in Arctic ecosystems. The Arctic shows an overall “greening” trend (i.e. increased plant biomass and productivity) attributed to expansion of shrub vegetation. However, Arctic shrub dynamics show strong spatial variability and locally “browning” may be observed. Mechanistic understanding of greening and browning trends is necessary to accurately assess the response of Arctic vegetation to a changing climate. In this context, the Siberian Arctic is an understudied region. Between 2010 and 2019, increased browning (as derived from the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index) was observed in the Eastern Siberian Indigirka Lowlands. To support interpretation of local greening and browning dynamics, we quantified changes in land cover and transition probabilities in a representative tundra site in the Indigirka Lowlands using a timeseries of three very high resolution (VHR) (0.5 m) satellite images acquired between 2010 and 2019. Using spatiotemporal Potts model regularization, we substantially reduced classification errors related to optical and phenological inconsistencies in the image material. VHR images show that recent browning was associated with declines in shrub, lichen and tussock vegetation and increases in open water, sedge and especially Sphagnum vegetation. Observed formation and expansion of small open water bodies in shrub dominated vegetation suggests abrupt thaw of ice-rich permafrost. Transitions from open water to sedge and Sphagnum, indicate aquatic succession upon disturbance. The overall shift towards open water and wetland vegetation suggests a wetting trend, likely associated with permafrost degradation. Landsat data confirmed widespread expansion of surface water throughout the Indigirka Lowlands. However, the increase in the area of small water bodies observed in VHR data was not visible in Landsat-derived surface water data, which suggests that VHR data is essential for early detection of small-scale disturbances and associated vegetation change in permafrost ecosystems.</p

    Extremely wet summer events enhance permafrost thaw for multiple years in Siberian tundra

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    Permafrost thaw can accelerate climate warming by releasing carbon from previously frozen soil in the form of greenhouse gases. Rainfall extremes have been proposed to increase permafrost thaw, but the magnitude and duration of this effect are poorly understood. Here we present empirical evidence showing that one extremely wet summer (+100 mm; 120% increase relative to average June–August rainfall) enhanced thaw depth by up to 35% in a controlled irrigation experiment in an ice-rich Siberian tundra site. The effect persisted over two subsequent summers, demonstrating a carry-over effect of extremely wet summers. Using soil thermal hydrological modelling, we show that rainfall extremes delayed autumn freeze-up and rainfall-induced increases in thaw were most pronounced for warm summers with mid-summer precipitation rainfall extremes. Our results suggest that, with rainfall and temperature both increasing in the Arctic, permafrost will likely degrade and disappear faster than is currently anticipated based on rising air temperatures alone

    Shrub growth rate and bark responses to soil warming and nutrient addition – A dendroecological approach in a field experiment

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    Tundra shrubs are slow-growing species limited by low air temperature and scarce nutrient availability. However, shrub expansion has been widely observed in the Arctic during the last decades and attributed to climate warming. Shift in shrub growth, wood structure and abundance affects the surface albedo and permafrost thawing and these changes may feedback to climate. Despite the importance of shrub–climate feedbacks, uncertainties about shrub growth sensitivity to climate remain. Here, we explored the indirect effects of climate warming on shrub growth (vertical and radial), bark thickness, and bark investment in four arctic shrub species. We combined a field experiment addressing two suggested growth drivers – thawing depth and nutrient availability – with dendroecology in a Siberian tundra ecosystem. We used heating cables to increase the thawing depth. To enhance the nutrient availability, we fertilized the surface soil layers. We found that shrub growth was mainly limited by nutrient availability, as indicated by the fertilization treatment effects on shrub growth ring widths. We also found a bark thickness decrease with the combined soil heating and nutrient addition treatment and a negative correlation between bark investment and growth rate for two of the species. These findings suggest that tundra shrubs, especially deciduous species, will grow faster and taller driven by an increasing nutrient availability in the surface soil layers. However, shrubs might become more vulnerable to pests, herbivory, and climate extremes, such as frost or drought events, due to thinner bark and lower bark investment. Using dendroecological approaches in field experiments simulating projected climate scenarios for the Arctic, and an increasing number of study species and locations will reduce uncertainties related to shrub growth sensitivity to climate and other processes driving shrub dynamics.</p

    Plant trait response of tundra shrubs to permafrost thaw and nutrient addition

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    Plant traits reflect growth strategies and trade-offs in response to environmental conditions. Because of climate warming, plant traits might change, altering ecosystem functions and vegetation-climate interactions. Despite important feedbacks of plant trait changes in tundra ecosystems with regional climate, with a key role for shrubs, information on responses of shrub functional traits is limited. Here, we investigate the effects of experimentally increased permafrost thaw depth and (possibly thawassociated) soil nutrient availability on plant functional traits and strategies of Arctic shrubs in northeastern Siberia. We hypothesize that shrubs will generally shift their strategy from efficient conservation to faster acquisition of resources through adaptation of leaf and stem traits in a coordinated whole-plant fashion. To test this hypothesis, we ran a 4 year permafrost thaw and nutrient fertilization experiment with a fully factorial block design and six treatment combinations - permafrost thaw (control, unheated cable, heated cable) fertilization (no nutrient addition, nutrient addition). We measured 10 leaf and stem traits related to growth, defence and the resource economics spectrum in four shrub species (Betula nana, Salix pulchra, Ledum palustre and Vaccinium vitis-idaea), which were sampled in the experimental plots. The plant trait data were statistically analysed using linear mixed-effect models and principal component analysis (PCA). The response to increased permafrost thaw was not significant for most shrub traits. However, all shrubs responded to the fertilization treatment, despite decreased thaw depth and soil temperature in fertilized plots. Shrubs tended to grow taller but did not increase their stem density or bark thickness. We found a similar coordinated trait response for all four species at leaf and plant level; i.e. they shifted from a conservative towards a more acquisitive resource economy strategy upon fertilization. In accordance, results point towards a lower investment into defence mechanisms, and hence increased shrub vulnerability to herbivory and climate extremes. Compared to biomass and height only, detailed data involving individual plant organ traits such as leaf area and nutrient contents or stem water content can contribute to a better mechanistic understanding of feedbacks between shrub growth strategies, permafrost thaw and carbon and energy fluxes. In combination with observational data, these experimental tundra trait data allow for a more realistic representation of tundra shrubs in dynamic vegetation models and robust prediction of ecosystem functions and related climate- vegetation-permafrost feedbacks

    Rapid Vegetation Succession and Coupled Permafrost Dynamics in Arctic Thaw Ponds in the Siberian Lowland Tundra

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    Thermokarst features, such as thaw ponds, are hotspots for methane emissions in warming lowland tundra. Presently we lack quantitative knowledge on the formation rates of thaw ponds and subsequent vegetation succession, necessary to determine their net contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. This study sets out to identify development trajectories and formation rates of small‐scale (<100 m2), shallow arctic thaw ponds in north‐eastern Siberia. We selected 40 ponds of different age classes based on a time‐series of satellite images and measured vegetation composition, microtopography, water table, and thaw depth in the field and measured age of colonizing shrubs in thaw ponds using dendrochronology. We found that young ponds are characterized by dead shrubs, while older ponds show rapid terrestrialization through colonization by sedges and Sphagnum moss. While dead shrubs and open water are associated with permafrost degradation (lower surface elevation, larger thaw depth), sites with sedge and in particular Sphagnum display indications of permafrost recovery. Recruitment of Betula nana on Sphagnum carpets in ponds indicates a potential recovery toward shrub‐dominated vegetation, although it remains unclear if and on what timescale this occurs. Our results suggest that thaw ponds display potentially cyclic vegetation succession associated with permafrost degradation and recovery. Pond formation and initial colonization by sedges can occur on subdecadal timescales, suggesting rapid degradation and initial recovery of permafrost. The rates of formation and recovery of small‐scale, shallow thaw ponds have implications for the greening/browning dynamics and carbon balance of this ecosystem

    Deciduous Tundra Shrubs Shift Toward More Acquisitive Light Absorption Strategy Under Climate Change Treatments

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    The effects of climate change on plants are particularly pronounced in the Arctic region. Warming relaxes the temperature and nutrients boundaries that limit tundra plant growth. Increased resource availability under future climate conditions may induce a shift from a conservative economic strategy to an acquisitive one. Following the leaf economics spectrum that hypothesizes a strategy gradient between survival, plant size and costs for the photosynthetic leaf area, light absorption of tundra plants may increase. We investigated climate change effects on light absorptance and the relationship between light absorptance (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, FAPAR) and structural and nutritional leaf traits, performing a soil warming and surface soil fertilization experiment on two deciduous tundra shrub species. Our results show that fertilization and warming combined increase light absorptance in Arctic shrubs and that FAPAR is correlated with leaf nutrients but not with structural leaf traits. This indicates an economic strategy shift of shrubs from conservative to acquisitive induced by warming and fertilization combined. We found species-specific differences: FAPAR was influenced by warming alone in Betula nana but not in Salix pulchra, and FAPAR was correlated with leaf phosphorus in B. nana but not in S. pulchra. We attribute this to water limitation of B. nana that generally grows in drier areas within the study site compared to S. pulchra. We conclude that FAPAR is a measure that opens up more possibilities to estimate nutritional leaf traits and nutrient cycles, plant economic strategies, and ecological feedbacks of the tundra ecosystem on broader scales.ISSN:0148-0227ISSN:2169-8953ISSN:2169-896