26 research outputs found


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    Sea urchins of different colors were collected 50 individuals each and measured their morphological characters. The data were then transformed to natural logarithm and analyzed using regression. The comparison of the regression line intercept for the shell diameter-height relationship did not show any difference, but there was a significant difference for the shell lenght-heigth relationship. The comparison between different colors exhibited variations in the shell morphology of each sea urchin population. The growth of black spined-sea urchin (Echinometra mathaei), was negative allometric; the fact that they were mostly found in the narrow crevices might have influenced their growth


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    A study on the functional role of the sea urchin, Salmacis belli, on seagrass bed near the coast of Kema, North Minahasa Regency, was done by analyzing the gut contents, the food preference, and the feeding periodicity. Sea urchins and plants were collected from the seagrass bed by snorkeling along a 100 M transect line with 30 quadrates randomly placed. The feeding periodicity was determined from the gut index in 24 hours with 3 hour intervals.  The results showed that the sea urchin S. belli fed mainly on seagrass Thallasia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides and Halimeda opuntioa. The feeding periodicity data indicated that the sea urchins actively fed in the day. The grazing capacity of the sea urchin was not affected by their body size.  In high density, sea urchins could potentially cause negative impact on the seagrass bed (i.e., destruction of the meadow)

    Zooplankton Community in The Waters of Lab Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science East Likupang North Minahasa

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the type, density, and community structure of the Zooplankton including the Diversity Index (H '), Dominance Index (C), and Evenness (e). Sampling was carried out on November 12, 2019, using planktonet to a depth of 10 m from sea level, and carried out vertically as much as 3 times at each sampling point. The results obtained were 22 genus 26 species in 3 classes, namely: Paracalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp, Calanus sp., Corycaeus sp., Acrocalanus sp., Oncaea sp., Oithona sp., Scolecithricella sp., Euterpina sp., Eurytemora sp., Centropages sp., Ctenocalanus sp., Eucalanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp., Microsetella sp., Nauplius sp., Squilla sp., Siriella sp., Pseudeuphausia sp., Nematocelis sp., Zoea., Solenocera sp. The highest relative density was found in Paracalanus sp which was 39.38%. The Diversity (H ') of zooplankton at two sampling points is classified as moderate. These values indicate the community of planktonic organisms in the areas of study is less diverse. And Dominance Index (C) shows that no species dominates the waters of East Likupang.Keywords: Community; Zooplankton; East Likupang; Domination; Diversity.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis, kepadatan, dan  struktur komunitas Zooplankton seperti Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’), Indeks Dominansi (C), dan Keseragaman (e). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 12 November 2019 mengunakan planktonet sampai kedalaman 10 m dari permukaan laut, dilakukan secara vertikal sebanyak 3 kali pada setiap titik. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh 22 genus 26 spesies dalam 3 kelas yaitu : Paracalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp, Calanus sp., Corycaeus sp,  Acrocalanus sp., Oncaea sp, Oithona sp., Scolecithricella sp., Euterpina sp., Eurytemora sp., Centropages sp., Ctenocalanus sp., Eucalanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp., Microsetella sp., Nauplius sp., Squilla sp., Siriella sp., Pseudeuphausia sp., Nematocelis sp., Zoea., Solenocera sp. Kepadatan Relatif tertinggi terdapat pada Paracalanus sp yakni 39.38%. Keanekaragaman (H’) zooplankton di dua titik tergolong sedang. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan komunitas organisme dalam kondisi yang kurang beragam. Dan Dominansi (C) menunjukkan tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di perairan Likupang Timur.Kata kunci: Komunitas; Zooplankton; Likupang Timur; Dominasi; Keanekaragaman

    Coral Fish Community at Artificial Reef In front of Marine Field Station of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNSRAT in Kampung Ambong Likupang Village, at The District of North Minahasa

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    The aim of this study was to looking for the number of species, individual number and coral fish community structure at Artificial Reef in Front Marine Field Station of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNSRAT in Kampung Ambong Likupang Village at The District of North Minahasa. This research was done at artificial structure consist of different materials i.e iron, concrete struckture and bamboo which were laid at aproximately 9 metres. 23 coral fish species consist of : 3 species of indicator fish, 3 species of herbivorous target fish, 9 species of carnivorous target fish and 8 species mayor fish. The highest number of species was found in May 2019 (21 species) while at the same time low in individual (291) was found. In March 2019, coral fish was found in fair category (17 species) while high number of individual (383) was found in April 2019 (16 species) and the number of individual (321) was found. Diversity of all species that found from March up to May 2019 was 2,373 (good category). The dominance indeks was found 0,132 and could be categorized  as lowKeywords : Artificial, Subtrat, coral reef, fish. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan pada substrat buatan dengan bahan yang berbeda yaitu besi, beton dan bambu yang diletakkan pada kedalaman + 9 meter. Ditemukan 23 jenis ikan karang yang meliputi  3 jenis ikan indikator, 3 jenis ikan target herbivora, 9 jenis ikan target karnivora dan 8 jenis ikan mayor. Jenis ikan karang yang tinggi ditemukan pada bulan Mei 2019 yaitu 21 jenis sedangkan jumlah individu rendah 291 individu, pada bulan Maret 2019 ikan karang yang ditemukan tergolong sedang berjumlah 17 jenis sedangkan jumlah individu tinggi yaitu 383 individu dan pada bulan April ikan karang yang ditemukan berjumlah 16 jenis dengan jumlah individu 321. Indeks keanekaragaman (H’) dari keseluruhan jenis mulai dari bulan Maret hingga Mei 2019 yaitu 2,373 dan dikategorikan sedang, indeks dominansi (D) 0,132 dan diketegorikan rendah.Kata kunci: Artifisial, Subtrat, terumbu karang, ikan

    Fish Biodiversity in Poigar River Estuary North Sulawesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and size variation of fish caught in the Poigar River Estuary. Sampling was carried out on tide and low tide in the New Moon and Full Moon phases using beach trawl. The catch gets 42 species, 2,726 individuals and weighs 11,355.5 g. The dominance index at low tide and water recedes 0.47 and 0.44 respectively. Diversity Index at high tide and low tide are 0.93 and 1.11 respectively. Found 10 important fish species in tide and 13 species at low tide, there are four species which are important fish both at low tide and high tide, namely Ambassis urotaenia, Ambassis intetrupta, Gazza minuta and Gerres filamentosus. The size distribution of fish from the juvenile phase to the adult phase is the Ambassis urotaenia with a distribution size of 4.2 cm to 9.0 cm and the Ambassis interupta 4.3 to 9.7 cm. Fish classified as only in the juvenile phase are Gazza minuta with a distribution size of 4.0 cm to 12.9 cm and Gerres filamentosus 6.3 cm to 8.6 cm.Kata kunci: Biodiversity, River Poigar, species, juvenile and adult.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan variasi ukuran ikan yang tertangkap di Muara Sungai Poigar. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada air pasang dan air surut  pada fase  Bulan Baru dan Bulan Purnama dengan menggunakan pukat pantai.  Hasil tangkapan mendapatkan 42 spesies, 2.726 individu dan berat 11.355,5 g. Indeks dominasi pada saat air pasang dan air surut masing-masing 0,47 dan 0,44. Indeks Keanekaragaman pada saat air pasang dan surut pasang-masing sebesar 0,93 dan 1,11.  Ditemukan 10 spesies ikan penting pada air pasang dan 13 spesies pada air surut, terdapat empat spesies yang merupakan ikan penting baik pada saat surut maupun pasang yaitu Ambassis urotaenia, Ambassis intetrupta, Gazza minuta dan Gerres filamentosus.   Sebaran ukuran ikan dari fase juvenile sampai fase dewasa adalah Ambassis urotania dengan sebaran ukuran 4,2 cm sampai 9,0 cm dan Ambassis intetrupta 4,3 cm sampai 9,7 cm. Ikan  yang tergolong hanya pada fase juvenile adalah  Gazza minuta dengan sebaran ukuran 4,0 cm sampai 12,9 cm dan Gerres filamentosus 6,3 cm  sampai 8,6 cm.Kata kunci: Biodiversitas, Sungai Poigar, spesies, juvenile dan dewasa

    Survival Rate and Growth of Acropora sp. Transplanted on Artificial Substrate in Kampung Ambong, Likupang Timur

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    60 coral specimens transplanted on three artificial substrates, namely bamboo, iron and concrete showed that the average length of coral fragments on the bamboo substrate for four months ranged from (7.45 - 10.11 cm) the highest increase in the highest coral length occurred in the second month (1.05 cm). On the average iron substrate, the average coral fragment length ranged (9.41 - 11.68 cm), the absolute increase in coral length was highest in the fourth month (0.94 cm). Whereas on the concrete substrate (5.23 - 6.77 cm) on the concrete substrate the absolute increase was highest in the third month (0.73 cm). The results of data analysis showed the rate of increase in coral Acropora sp. ranged (0.50 - 0.78 cm / month, on the bamboo substrate the rate of increase showed a better value of the iron and concrete substrate which was equal to (0.78 cm / month). In this study the survival of corals had a percentage that could be said to be successful. iron survival rate of 90% and on the concrete substrate by 70%.Keywords: Acropora sp, TransplantationABSTRAK60 spesimen karang yang ditransplantasi pada tiga substrat buatan yaitu bambu, besi dan beton menunjukkan bahwa rataan panjang fragmen karang pada substrat bambu selama empat bulan diperoleh berkisar (7,45 - 10,11 cm) pertambahan mutlak panjang karang tertinggi terjadi pada bulan kedua yaitu (1,05 cm). Pada substrat besi rataan panjang fragmen karang rata – rata berkisar (9,41 – 11.68 cm) pertambahan mutlak panjang karang tertinggi pada bulan keempat yaitu (0.94 cm). Sedangkan pada substrat beton (5,23 – 6,77 cm) pada substrat beton pertambahan mutlak tertinggi pada bulan ketiga (0,73 cm). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan laju pertambahan karang Acropora sp. berkisar (0.50 – 0.78 cm/bulan, pada substrat bambu laju pertambahan menunjukkan nilai yang lebih baik dari substrat besi dan beton yaitu sebesar (0.78 cm/bln). Dalam penelitian ini keberhasilan hidup karang mempunyai persentase yang bisa dikatakan berhasil. Pada substrat bambu dan besi tingkat kelangsungan hidup sebesar 90% dan pada substrat beton sebesar 70%.Kata Kunci : Acropora sp, Transplantas

    Zooplankton Community in the Waters of Lab Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science East Likupang North Minahasa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis, kepadatan, dan struktur komunitas Zooplankton seperti Indeks Keanekaragaman (H\u27), Indeks Dominansi (C), dan Keseragaman (e). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 12 November 2019 mengunakan planktonet sampai kedalaman 10 m dari permukaan laut, dilakukan secara vertikal sebanyak 3 kali pada setiap titik. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh 22 genus 26 spesies dalam 3 kelas yaitu : Paracalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp, Calanus sp., Corycaeus sp, Acrocalanus sp., Oncaea sp, Oithona sp., Scolecithricella sp., Euterpina sp., Eurytemora sp., Centropages sp., Ctenocalanus sp., Eucalanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp., Microsetella sp., Nauplius sp., Squilla sp., Siriella sp., Pseudeuphausia sp., Nematocelis sp., Zoea., Solenocera sp. Kepadatan Relatif tertinggi terdapat pada Paracalanus sp yakni 39.38%. Keanekaragaman (H\u27) zooplankton di dua titik tergolong sedang. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan komunitas organisme dalam kondisi yang kurang beragam. Dan Dominansi (C) menunjukkan tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di perairan Likupang Timur

    Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii Biomass in Waleo Waters, Kema District, Minahasa Utara Regency

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    This study was aimed at knowing the aquati environmental condition, the fresh weight and ry weight of root, rhizome, and leaf of  Thalassia hemprichii, and the ratio of seagrass biomass of Thalassia hemprichii with sampling sites.It was done in Waleo waters, Kema district, Minahasa Utara regency. Data collection used 50×50 cm quadrat, and each T. hemprichii in the quadrat was removed.  Water temperature and salinity were measured. Each study site was photographed.This study was done at the lowest tide in 3 locations, near mangrove forest, in the seagrass bed, and coral reefs. Seagrass samples were put in separated plastic bags with location, placed in the cool box, ans brought to the laboratory for further analysis. The samples were cleansed and put in the alcohol-containing plastic bag. Then, the samples were dried and weighed. Results showed that the highest biomass occurred in root, then leaf, and rhizome for all study sites. Keywords: seagrass, biomass, Thalassia hemprichii. ABSTRAKTujuan Penelitian adapun tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan perairan di lokasi penelitian, untuk mengetahui berapa besar berat basah dan berat kering dari bagian-bagian (akar, rhizoma, dan daun) dari lamun Thalassia hemprichii, untuk mengetahui perbandingan biomassa dari lamun Thalassia hemprichii berdasarkan masing-masing stasiun pengambilan sampel. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Perairan Waleo Kecamatan Kema Minahasa Utara. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuadaran 50×50 cm, dan  setiap lamun Thalassia hemprichii di  dalam kuadran dicabut. Suhu dan salnitas air juga diukur. Lokasi penelitian diambil gambar bawah air. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada saat surut terrendah dekat hutan mangrove, di hamparan lamunn dan daerah terumbu karang. Sampel lamun dimasukan ke dalam plastik di pisahkan sesuai sub lokasi, sampel di masukan kedalam cool box dan di bawah ke laboratorium untuk di teliti. Lamun dicuci bersih menggunakan air bersih dan diisi dalam plastik sampel dengan memakai alkohol. Lamun di bawah ke laboratorium akan di keringkan dan ditimbang. Hasil biomassa lamun Thalassia hemprichii di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa tertinggi terdapat pada akar, kemudian daun, dan batang.Kata Kunci : Lamun, Biomassa, Thalassia hemprichii.

    Macrozoobenthic Community Structure in Subtidal Soft-bottom Area Along the Coast of Lembeh Island -North Sulawesi

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    The present paper describes the soft-bottom macrozoobenthic community structure inhabiting Lembeh Island's waters (North Sulawesi). Material for the study was collected from 5 stations in October 2013 using a La Motte grab (600 cm2) and subsequently sieved through a 1 mm square mesh sieve. A total of 1147 individuals belonging to 78 species (taxa) of macrozoobenthos and representative of higher taxonomic groups belonging to 12 phyla were recorded and identified. Univariate analysis showed low abundance of individuals and number of species in the Pintu Kota station which has a black sludge of sediment but Shannon index values at this station is the highest. Instead Motto station relatively far from anthropogenic disturbance showed a high abundance of individuals and number of species but Shannon index values at this station is the lowest. The station is dominated by Tanais sp at a density of 9533 individuals m-2. Shannon index is less sensitive to measure the effect of anthropogenic disturbances compared with the abundance of individuals and number of species. The multivariate analysis (Cluster Analysis and Correspondence Analysis) managed to separate the three groups (essemblage) makrozoobethos: Group A (Posokan), Group B (Motto) and Group C (Pancoran, Mawali and Pintu Kota). Abiotic factors such as granulometri, physicochemical, hydrodynamics and anthropogenic factors believed to be the factors controlling the formation of the ecological group