13 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Campylobacter in Faeces, Livers and Carcasses of Wild Boars Hunted in Tuscany (Italy) and Evaluation of MALDI-TOF MS for the Identification of Campylobacter Species

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    A total of 193 wild boars hunted in Tuscany, an Italian region with a high presence of wild ungulates, were examined to assess the occurrence of Campylobacter species in faeces, bile, liver and carcasses, with the aim of clarifying their contribution to human infection through the food chain. Campylobacter spp. were found in 44.56% of the animals, 42.62% of the faecal samples, 18.18% of the carcass samples, 4.81% of the liver tissues and 1.97% of the bile samples. The Campylobacter species genotypically identified were C. coli, C. lanienae, C. jejuni and C. hyointestinalis. The prevalent species transpired to be C. coli and C. lanienae, which were isolated from all the matrices; C. jejuni was present in faeces and liver, while C. hyointestinalis only in faeces. Identification was carried out by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) on 66 out of 100 isolates identified genotypically, and the technique yielded unsatisfactory results in the case of C. lanienae, which is responsible for sporadic human disease cases. The level of Campylobacter spp. contamination of meat and liver underlines the need to provide appropriate food safety information to hunters and consumers

    Instrumentalization of administrative law

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy licencjackiej jest przedstawienie cechy prawa administracyjnego jaką jest instrumentalizacja prawa administracyjnego. Celem pracy jest wyjaśnienie czym jest instrumentalizacja prawa oraz przedstawienie jej pozytywnych i negatywnych przykładów. Praca składa się z pięciu rozdziałów. Pierwszy z nich tłumaczy skąd wywodzi się ta cecha prawa. Kolejne dwa rozdziały wymieniają pozytywne i negatywne przykłady instrumentalizacji prawa administracyjnego. Rozdział czwarty porównuje obejście prawa administracyjnego a jego instrumentalizację. Ostatni rozdział wymienia gwarancję zapobiegające negatywnej instrumentalizacji prawa administracyjnego.The subject of the Bacherol of Arts thesis is to present the feature of administrative law which is the instrumentalization of administrative law. The main aim of the work is to explain what is the instrumentalization of the law and to present its positive and negative examples. This work is composed of five chapters. The first of them explains where such a trait has originated. The next two chapters enumerate the positive and negative examples of the instrumentalisation of administrative law. The fourth chapter compares the circumvention and the instrumentalization of the law . The last chapter of this work lists the examples of guarantees to prevent of instrumentalization administrative law

    The phenomenon of the abuse of law from the perspective of the specificity of administrative law

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie zjawiska nadużycia prawa z perspektywy specyfiki prawa administracyjnego. Celem pracy jest zobrazowanie charakterystyki nadużycia na gruncie prawa administracyjnego. Praca składa się z czterech głównych rozdziałów. Pierwszy z nich nawiązuje do historii omawianego zjawiska. Drugi rozdział przedstawia nadużycie prawa w kontekście prawa cywilnego. W trzeciej części pracy omówione zostały charakterystyczne cechy prawa administracyjnego, które wpływają na potencjalne nadużycie prawa. Ostatnia część pracy przedstawia wybrane zagadnienia nadużycia w prawie administracyjnym.The subject of the work is the presentation of the phenomenon of the abuse of law from the perspective of the specificity of administrative law. The aim of the work is to display the characteristics of the abuse of law in the context of administrative law. The work consists of four chapters. The first one is a reference to the history of the topic discussed. The second one presents the abuse of law in the context of civil law. In the third chapter of the work the characteristic features of administrative law are illustrated , these features which potentially influence the abuse of law. The last part of the work presents the selected issues concerning the abuse of law

    Selenium, copper, and zinc concentrations in the raw and processed meat of edible land snails harvested in Poland

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    Introduction: The objective of the present research was to carry out a comparative assessment of copper, zinc, and selenium concentrations in the meat of edible land snails collected in Poland (Helix pomatia, Cornu aspersum maxima, and Cornu aspersum aspersum), as well as to determine the effect of preliminary processing of Roman snails (Helix pomatia) on the content of the aforementioned elements. Material and Methods: In the first stage, determinations were made on unprocessed snail meat. In the second stage, the study focused on Roman snails and consisted in an additional evaluation of frozen meat after full processing. Zinc and copper contents were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and the selenium content was established by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The selenium content differed significantly among all three species. The copper content in Roman snails differed significantly from that in farmed snails. No significant difference in the zinc level was noted among the three snail species. The selenium content in raw and processed meat of Roman snails did not show any significant difference while the copper and zinc level was significantly higher in processed meat samples. Conclusion: The present research on the meat of edible snails showed different levels of selenium, copper, and zinc, depending on the species, collection site, and subjection to processing

    Fatty acid profile in fat obtained from edible part of land snails harvested in Poland

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    Introduction: The objective was to determine the content of fatty acids in edible snail fat by snail species, collection site, and processing stage

    Insight into <i>Trichinella britovi</i> Infection in Pigs: Effect of Various Infectious Doses on Larvae Density and Spatial Larvae Distribution in Carcasses and Comparison of the Detection of Anti-<i>T. britovi</i> IgG of Three Different Commercial ELISA Tests and Immunoblot Assay

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    There is limited information available on the Trichinella britovi (T. britovi) muscle larvae (ML) distribution in pig muscle and the humoral immune response of pigs infected with moderate doses of this parasite; therefore, this study investigated the infectivity of a Polish strain of T. britovi for pigs, the antibody response of this host to various doses of T. britovi, and the efficiency of three different commercial ELISA kits and an immunoblot assay at detecting anti-T. britovi IgG. No significant differences in terms of the infection level of particular muscles or of whole carcasses between pigs infected with 3000 and those infected with 5000 ML of T. britovi were observed. The highest intensity of T. britovi infection was reported in the diaphragm pillars. The larvae of T. britovi showed homogeneous distribution with respect to the muscle side. Statistically, specific IgG antibodies against excretory–secretory (ES) antigens of Trichinella ML were first detected by all ELISA protocols on day 36 post infection; however, individual pig results showed some differences between the three tests applied. A significant increase in the level of anti-T. britovi IgG was observed between days 36 and 41 post infection, and from day 45 until day 62 after T. britovi infection, production of these antibodies reached its plateau phase. No positive correlation was found between the anti-T. britovi IgG level and the larvae density in 15 different muscles. Sera of T. britovi-infected pigs showed reactivity with T. britovi ML ES antigens of 62, 55, and 52 kDa. The results provide novel information on spatial larvae distribution in muscles and the humoral immune response of pigs exposed to two different doses of a Polish strain of T. britovi, extend knowledge on serological diagnostic tools which may be introduced in veterinary practice for the detection of T. britovi infections in pig production, and offer practical solutions for meat hygiene inspectors in the field at sampling sites when examining pig carcasses for Trichinella

    Interleukin-6 as a Milk Marker of Clinical and Subclinical Intramammary Infections (IMI) in Cows Caused by <i>Streptococcus</i> spp.

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the concentrations of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in milk and serum of healthy cows (HE) and cows with mastitis caused by Streptococcus spp. The blood and milk samples were obtained from Holstein-Friesian cows (Lublin region, Poland). A total of 43 milk and serum samples from 28 cows with mastitis and 15 healthy cows were selected for study. IL-6 levels in milk from HE cows ranged from 6.09–80.24 pg/mL (median 26.6 pg/mL) and were significantly lower than in milk from both cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis (487.09 pg/mL vs. 26.6 pg/mL in CM, p p Streptococcus spp. develop a local immune response in the mammary gland in response to the pathogen. Monitoring of IL-6 levels in milk can allow early detection of mastitis, which is especially important in cases of subclinical inflammation

    Microbiological Changes in Meat and Minced Meat from Beavers (Castor fiber L.) during Refrigerated and Frozen Storage

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    This study aims to evaluate the microbiological status, pH, and water activity of European beaver meat to establish its shelf-life and microbiological safety. In this study, the microbiological profiles of meat and minced meat obtained from the carcasses of beavers were investigated. Microbial evaluation of the chilled meat was performed within 24 h after hunting, on the 7th day and 14th day, and the evaluation of the frozen meat was made during the 11th week of storage. Meat samples were analysed for total viable count (TVC), psychrotrophic bacteria count (PBC), Enterobacteriaceae count (EBC), Escherichiacoli count (EC), total staphylococcal count (TSC), lactic acid bacteria count (LABC) and total yeast and mould counts (TYMC). Tests for the presence of pathogenic bacteria from the genus Salmonella and Listeria were also performed. Additionally, the pH and water activity were determined. The initial amount of TVC was 4.94 log CFU/g in meat samples and 4.80 log CFU/g in minced meat. After 14 days of storage, the TVC increased to 8.33 in meat samples and 8.08 log CFU/g in minced meat. Pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria and Salmonella were not found in the beaver meat tested. The microbiological state of meat stored frozen for 11 weeks was comparable to the state found in meat stored refrigerated for seven days regarding the number of microorganisms

    Genetic Diversity and Potential Virulence of <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i> Isolates Originating from Polish Artisanal Cheeses

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    Artisanal cheeses can be sources of Listeria monocytogenes and cause disease in humans. This bacterial pathogen is a species of diverse genotypic and phenotypic characteristics. The aim of the study was to characterize 32 isolates of L. monocytogenes isolated in 2014–2018 from artisanal cheeses. The isolates were characterized using whole genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. The artisanal cheese isolates resolved to four molecular groups: 46.9% of them to IIa (1/2a-3a), 31.2% to IVb (4ab-4b-4d-4e), 12.5% to IIc (1/2c-3c), and 9.4% to IIb (1/2b-3b-7). Two evolutionary lineages emerged: lineage II having 59.4% of the isolates and lineage I having 40.6%. The sequence types (ST) totaled 18: ST6 (15.6% of the isolates), ST2, ST20, ST26, and ST199 (each 9.4%), ST7 and ST9 (each 6.3%), and ST1, ST3, ST8, ST16, ST87, ST91, ST121, ST122, ST195, ST217, and ST580 (each 3.1%). There were 15 detected clonal complexes (CC): CC6 (15.6% of isolates), CC9 (12.5%), CC2, CC20, CC26, and CC199 (each 9.4%), CC7 and CC8 (each 6.3%), and CC1, CC3, CC14, CC87, CC121, CC195, and CC217 (each 3.1%). The isolates were varied in their virulence genes and the differences concerned: inl, actA, LIPI-3, ami, gtcA, aut, vip, and lntA

    Occurrence of <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i> in Artisanal Cheeses from Poland and Its Identification by MALDI-TOF MS

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen. A source of infection can be artisanal cheeses. Identification of the Listeria species is important for the protection of public health and the food industry. This study aimed to examine artisanal cheeses for the presence of L. monocytogenes and the effectiveness of the MALDI-TOF MS method in the identification of the L. monocytogenes isolates. A total of 370 samples of artisanal cheeses were examined. L. monocytogenes was found in 23 cheese samples (6.2%). The reliability of L. monocytogenes identification achieved by MALDI-TOF MS was varied, and the vast majority of the isolates (27/32) were identified only to the secure genus, probable species level. This study showed that (i) the occurrence of L. monocytogenes in the artisanal cheeses was at a higher level than that in the other EU countries, (ii) the standard of species identification of L. monocytogenes isolates from artisanal cheeses achieved by MALDI-TOF MS was not satisfactory and (iii) the presence of L. monocytogenes in artisanal cheeses remains a problem with regard to the food safety criterion and a potential public health risk