19 research outputs found

    Syngas as a Reburning Fuel for Natural Gas Combustion

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    The paper aims to confirm the syngas application as a reburning fuel to reduce e.g. NO emission during natural gas combustion. The main aim of this modelling work was to predict pollutants generated in the exhaust gases and to indicate the influence of the syngas on the natural gas combustion process. The effect of residence time of fuel-air mixture was also been performed. Calculations were made with CHEMIKN-PRO for reburning process using syngas. The boundary conditions of the reburning process were based on experimental investigations. The addition of 5, 10, 15 and 19% of reburning fuel into natural gas combustion was studied. The effects of 0.001 to 10 s of residence time and the addition of 5, 10, and 15% of syngas on combustion products were determined. The performed numerical tests confirmed that co-combustion of the natural gas with syngas (obtained from sewage sludge gasification) in the reburning process is an efficient method of NOx reduction by c.a. 50%. Syngas produced from sewage sludge can be utilised as a reburning fuel

    Pyrolysis-Based Municipal Solid Waste Management in Poland—SWOT Analysis

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    Poland’s management of municipal waste, which amounts to over 13 million tons/year, is not efficient—about 60% of the waste is subjected to recovery processes, about 20% of all municipal waste is converted into energy, and almost 40% is landfilled. The authors of this article recognize the potential of pyrolysis as a method of the thermal processing of waste allowing the potential of the energy contained in the waste to be utilized. Pyrolysis is an economically attractive alternative to incineration, with a significantly lower environmental impact, allowing efficient waste management and the use of pyrolysis by-products in the energy sector (pyrolysis gas), or in the building materials sector (biochar). Despite so many advantages, this method is not employed in Poland. The aim of the paper is to indicate a recommended strategy for the application of pyrolysis in Poland as a method of the thermal processing of municipal solid waste. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was used as a research method. In the first step, on the basis of the literature review, the factors which may affect the use of pyrolysis in Poland were identified. In the second step, five experts evaluated the weights of those factors and the interactions between them. The products of the weights and interactions allowed, in accordance with SWOT analysis methodology, the most desirable strategy of pyrolysis application in Poland to be determined, which turned out to be an aggressive one. This means that pyrolysis as a thermal waste processing method should be implemented on a large scale in Poland to improve the indicators of municipal waste management

    Kinetyka formowania tlenk贸w azotu w p艂omieniu gazowym

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    This paper treats about the problem of nitrogen oxides formation in the process of natural gas combustion. The analysis of the influence of selected combustion parameters on the concentration of NO, N2O and NO2 in the combustion products was done. From many factors determining NOx formation two was selected, ie temperature and residence time at the highest temperature zone, considering them to be particularly important. Detailed analysis of the absolute rate of NOx for various combustion temperatures was done with the use of commercial software CHEMKIN-PRO. Moreover, the paths of formation of above- mentioned compounds were determined.The main goal of the research is to analyze the impact of selected parameters of combustion process, such as temperature, on formation of thermal nitrogen oxides, with special emphasis on the chemistry of the process. The use of numerical methods to predict the products of combustion process, especially NOx, is of great importance in terms of ecological and economical aspectsW niniejszym artykule poruszono problematyk臋 formowania tlenk贸w azotu w procesie spalania gazu ziemnego. Przeanalizowano wp艂yw wybranych parametr贸w spalania na udzia艂 NO, N2O i NO2 w produktach spalania. Spo艣r贸d wielu czynnik贸w determinuj膮cych tworzenie si臋 NOx wybrano dwa, a mianowicie temperatur臋 i czas przebywania w strefie najwy偶szych temperatur, uznaj膮c je jako szczeg贸lnie istotne. Za pomoc膮 komercyjnego oprogramowania CHEMKIN-PRO dokonano szczeg贸艂owej analizy absolutnej szybko艣ci NOx dla r贸偶nych temperatur spalania. Ponadto, sporz膮dzono 艣cie偶k臋 formowania ww. zwi膮zk贸w. Zasadniczym celem bada艅 jest analiza wp艂ywu wybranych parametr贸w procesu spalania, takich jak temperatura, na formowanie termicznych tlenk贸w azotu, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem chemii procesu. Wykorzystanie metod numerycznych do przewidywania produkt贸w spalania, m.in. NOx, jest niezwykle istotne w aspekcie ekologicznym i ekonomicznym

    Risk Factors for Poland to Achieve the European Commission鈥檚 Recycling and Landfill Targets and Their Effects on Waste-to-Energy Conversion: A Review

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    Poland is highly likely, as per a European Commission report, to fall short of meeting the 2025 targets related to the preparation for re-use and recycling of municipal waste and packaging waste. The risk of not meeting the municipal waste recycling targets stands at 27%, while for packaging waste, it is estimated at 30%. Recycling rates play a pivotal role in gauging the efficiency of waste management systems, as well as in monitoring progress toward a circular economy. Taking into account the considerable likelihood of Poland not achieving the recycling targets, the authors of the paper found it imperative to identify the risk factors associated with Poland鈥檚 failure to meet the European Commission鈥檚 recycling and landfill targets within the waste-to-energy context. Additionally, they sought to evaluate the potential for the development of the waste-to-energy concept in Poland. The research objectives were fulfilled through the literature review method. By employing the classification of factors outlined in a SWOT analysis, the authors highlighted which of the identified risk factors could or should be considered strengths or weaknesses, opportunities or threats to the Polish recycling process. Mapping out future courses of action will enable decision-makers in Poland to address the weaknesses in recycling, capitalize on opportunities arising from the socio-economic situation in Poland, and formulate plans to mitigate the identified threats. Undertaking such initiatives has the potential to enhance recycling rates in Poland and facilitate the broader application of waste-to-energy practices

    Kinetyka formowania tlenk贸w azotu w p艂omieniu gazowym

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    This paper treats about the problem of nitrogen oxides formation in the process of natural gas combustion. The analysis of the influence of selected combustion parameters on the concentration of NO, N2O and NO2 in the combustion products was done. From many factors determining NOx formation two was selected, ie temperature and residence time at the highest temperature zone, considering them to be particularly important. Detailed analysis of the absolute rate of NOx for various combustion temperatures was done with the use of commercial software CHEMKIN-PRO. Moreover, the paths of formation of above- mentioned compounds were determined. The main goal of the research is to analyze the impact of selected parameters of combustion process, such as temperature, on formation of thermal nitrogen oxides, with special emphasis on the chemistry of the process. The use of numerical methods to predict the products of combustion process, especially NOx, is of great importance in terms of ecological and economical aspectsW niniejszym artykule poruszono problematyk臋 formowania tlenk贸w azotu w procesie spalania gazu ziemnego. Przeanalizowano wp艂yw wybranych parametr贸w spalania na udzia艂 NO, N2O i NO2 w produktach spalania. Spo艣r贸d wielu czynnik贸w determinuj膮cych tworzenie si臋 NOx wybrano dwa, a mianowicie temperatur臋 i czas przebywania w strefie najwy偶szych temperatur, uznaj膮c je jako szczeg贸lnie istotne. Za pomoc膮 komercyjnego oprogramowania CHEMKIN-PRO dokonano szczeg贸艂owej analizy absolutnej szybko艣ci NOx dla r贸偶nych temperatur spalania. Ponadto, sporz膮dzono 艣cie偶k臋 formowania ww. zwi膮zk贸w. Zasadniczym celem bada艅 jest analiza wp艂ywu wybranych parametr贸w procesu spalania, takich jak temperatura, na formowanie termicznych tlenk贸w azotu, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem chemii procesu. Wykorzystanie metod numerycznych do przewidywania produkt贸w spalania, m.in. NOx, jest niezwykle istotne w aspekcie ekologicznym i ekonomicznym

    Kinetyka formowania tlenk贸w azotu w p艂omieniu gazowym

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    This paper treats about the problem of nitrogen oxides formation in the process of natural gas combustion. The analysis of the influence of selected combustion parameters on the concentration of NO, N2O and NO2 in the combustion products was done. From many factors determining NOx formation two was selected, ie temperature and residence time at the highest temperature zone, considering them to be particularly important. Detailed analysis of the absolute rate of NOx for various combustion temperatures was done with the use of commercial software CHEMKIN-PRO. Moreover, the paths of formation of above- mentioned compounds were determined.The main goal of the research is to analyze the impact of selected parameters of combustion process, such as temperature, on formation of thermal nitrogen oxides, with special emphasis on the chemistry of the process. The use of numerical methods to predict the products of combustion process, especially NOx, is of great importance in terms of ecological and economical aspectsW niniejszym artykule poruszono problematyk臋 formowania tlenk贸w azotu w procesie spalania gazu ziemnego. Przeanalizowano wp艂yw wybranych parametr贸w spalania na udzia艂 NO, N2O i NO2 w produktach spalania. Spo艣r贸d wielu czynnik贸w determinuj膮cych tworzenie si臋 NOx wybrano dwa, a mianowicie temperatur臋 i czas przebywania w strefie najwy偶szych temperatur, uznaj膮c je jako szczeg贸lnie istotne. Za pomoc膮 komercyjnego oprogramowania CHEMKIN-PRO dokonano szczeg贸艂owej analizy absolutnej szybko艣ci NOx dla r贸偶nych temperatur spalania. Ponadto, sporz膮dzono 艣cie偶k臋 formowania ww. zwi膮zk贸w. Zasadniczym celem bada艅 jest analiza wp艂ywu wybranych parametr贸w procesu spalania, takich jak temperatura, na formowanie termicznych tlenk贸w azotu, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem chemii procesu. Wykorzystanie metod numerycznych do przewidywania produkt贸w spalania, m.in. NOx, jest niezwykle istotne w aspekcie ekologicznym i ekonomicznym

    Numerical prediction of the chemical composition of gas products at biomass combustion and co-combustion in a domestic boiler

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    In recent years the numerical modelling of biomass combustion has been successfully applied to determine the combustion mechanism and predict its products. In this study the influence of the addition of waste glycerin in biomass wood pellets on the chemical composition of exhaust gases has been investigated. The pellets have been prepared from spruceand pine wood sawdust without and with addition of waste glycerin. The waste glycerol is a undesirable by-product of biodiesel transesterification at oil manufacturing. The produced pellets were being burned in the 10 kW domestic boiler adapted to wood pellets combustion. The possibilities of pollutants generation (CO2, CO, NOx SOx and compounds containing chlorine) in the exhaust gases coming from the boiler were numerically calculated using the latest version of CHEMKIN-PRO software, introduced by the American company Reaction Design. The results of the calculations correspond to the data obtained on a real object, in particular: combustion temperature, gas pressure, residence time of fuel in the burner, air flow, fuel consumption, as well as elementary composition of fuel supplied into the boiler. The proposed method of predicting the chemical composition of exhaust gases allows proper control of the combustion process and can be considered as an important step in reducing the pollutants (lower emission of NOx, SOx and CO2 neutral) and thus to contribute to the improvement of the environmental quality. In addition, knowledge of the amounts of Clbased compounds produced in combustion process (under given conditions), can serve as an important hint in terms of corrosion prevention of boiler- and chimney steels

    Review of Selected Determinants Affecting Use of Municipal Waste for Energy Purposes

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the impact of selected conditions on the use of municipal solid waste in energy production processes. The authors in this publication indicated that the factors determining the effective use of solid municipal waste may be, in particular, formal and legal conditions, methods used in the processes of thermal waste transformation, recovery logistics or emergency situations such as pandemics or armed conflicts. Their knowledge can be very useful in the processes of the effective use of municipal waste for the production of thermal energy, especially in the current period of the energy crisis faced by most EU countries. This paper also emphasizes the importance of RDF (refuse-derived fuel) for the thermal energy sector, which can be used both in large combustion plants and in less powerful facilities, including local heating and combined heat and power plants as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The article was prepared by means of the systematic literature review (SLR) method, utilising the Scopus database and secondary sources

    Management of Lignocellulosic Waste towards Energy Recovery by Pyrolysis in the Framework of Circular Economy Strategy

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    The article presents the possibilities of effective management of lignocellulosic waste by including it in the circular economy. The pyrolysis process was chosen as the thermal conversion method. This approach, due to a high flexibility of the obtained products, better quality of the solid residue (char), and the lower emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, e.g., SO2 and NOx, is a competitive solution compared to combustion process. Wood waste from alder and pine were analyzed. As part of laboratory tests, the elementary composition was determined, i.e., C, H, N, S, and O. The pyrolysis process was carried out at a temperature of 600 掳C on an experimental stand for the conversion of solid fuels in a stationary bed. For the obtained data, using the Ansys Chemkin-Pro calculation tool, the detailed chemical composition of gaseous products of the pyrolysis process was modeled for a varying temperature range and residence time in the reactor. The studies have shown that for certain process conditions it is possible to obtain a high calorific value of pyrolytic gas, up to 25 MJ/m3

    The Application of Lignocellulosic Biomass Waste in the Iron and Steel Industry in the Context of Challenges Related to the Energy Crisis

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    This review presented a comprehensive analysis of recent developments in research regarding the use of lignocellulosic biomass products in the iron and steel industry. The role of lignocellulosic biomass used as a source of energy as well as reducing agents in iron and steel sector in the era of energy crisis served as the foundation for this review. Attention has been paid to different biomass characteristics as well as pretreatment methods and conversion products of biomass. The present review also included some issues of energy management system in the steel industry. Furthermore, the possibilities of replacing fossil energy carriers with lignocellulosic biomass in the steel and iron industry was reviewed focusing on advantages, challenges, and future prospects. The present process and product quality criteria, which biomass-derived fuels must also meet, was discussed. This paper compiled the most current developments in biomass metallurgical research to serve as a source for the theoretical foundation as well as for the development of practical applications. The novelty of this study lies in the comprehensive discussion of the lignocellulosic biomass application in the iron and steel industry that are so far unpublished