1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1 of Changes in plasma PLAC-1 concentration and its expression during early-mid pregnancy in bovine placental tissues – a pilot study

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    Supplementary Material 1: Figure S1: The original Western Blotting images confirming the presence of PLAC1 protein (a, b – blood plasma, c, d – placental tissues) at different gestational stages (1st – 6th month of pregnancy). NP – non-pregnant cows; Figure S2: Average expression stability values (M) of tested candidate reference genes according to geNorm. Genes with the lowest M-value are characterised by the most stable expression; Figure S3: Determination of the number of internal control genes required for RT-qPCR data normalization according to geNorm. The pairwise variation Vn/n+1 < 0.15 indicates that n-number of reference genes is sufficient for obtaining reliable results and inclusion of an additional (n + 1) control gene is not required; Figure S4: Dissociation curves obtained for gene of interest (PLAC1) and candidate reference genes tested in this study; Figure S5: Different expression of PLAC1 mRNA between maternal and foetal part of the placenta in the 3rd and 6th months of pregnancy in cows. Different letters represent statistical significance at p < 0.01