72 research outputs found

    MDS and MHDR cyclic codes over finite chain rings

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    In this work, a unique set of generators for a cyclic code over a finite chain ring has been established. The minimal spanning set and rank of the code have also been determined. Further, sufficient as well as necessary conditions for a cyclic code to be an MDS code and for a cyclic code to be an MHDR code have been obtained. Some examples of optimal cyclic codes have also been presented

    Retrospective analysis of stillbirth at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Stillbirth is a matter of concern for mother and family as it leads to mental trauma and requires a supportive counselling about the cause of death, management of current pregnancy and future of next pregnancy.Methods: Present retrospective observational study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital over a period of 3 years which include 1765 females who had foetal death. Pregnancy of ≥28 week or fetal weight ≥1000 gram were taken as inclusion criteria.Results: Total number of births in above said period were 32085 and number of total stillbirth reported were 1765 that is 5.5% of total birth. Maximum cases had their first pregnancy (45.3%) and of were of 20 to 25-year age group (61.02%), and most of them were illiterate (63.96%) and belong to low socioeconomic status (95.8%). The causes for stillbirth were divided into four groups - medical, obstetrical, placental and unexplained causes which were 6.96%, 31.38%, 14.10%, and 47.53% respectively. Management of stillbirth was done as per standard protocol for the department and 90.9% cases had vaginal deliveries, 8.8% cases had caesarean section, and 0.16% had operative vaginal delivery.Conclusions: Stillbirth is a hidden component of new born health status which is often neglected when we talk about perinatal mortality and infant mortality. Majority of case had hypertensive disorders of pregnancy followed by antepartum haemorrhage, infection and congenital malformations.

    Reversible cyclic codes over finite chain rings

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    In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions for the reversibility of a cyclic code of arbitrary length over a finite commutative chain ring have been derived. MDS reversible cyclic codes having length p^s over a finite chain ring with nilpotency index 2 have been characterized and a few examples of MDS reversible cyclic codes have been presented. Further, it is shown that the torsion codes of a reversible cyclic code over a finite chain ring are reversible. Also, an example of a non-reversible cyclic code for which all its torsion codes are reversible has been presented to show that the converse of this statement is not true. The cardinality and Hamming distance of a cyclic code over a finite commutative chain ring have also been determined

    Maternal and perinatal outcome in eclampsia at a tertiary care center

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    Background: Preeclampsia is the occurrence of hypertension in combination with proteinuria, developing after 20 weeks gestation in a previously normotensive non-proteinuric patient. The objective of this study was to study the prevalance of eclampsia at PGIMS, Rohtak. To study the clinical profile, maternal and perinatal outcome in eclamptic patients.Methods: This is a retrospective study and case records of all eclampsia cases were analysed from the study period of January 2018 to December 2018.Results: There were 113 cases of eclampsia out of 11,661 deliveries and prevalence of eclampsia was calculated to be 0.96%. Majority of the patients were not registered 95.57%. 58% of patients were Primigravidas. 56% of the patient in the age group of 21-25 years. Antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum eclampsia were 71%, 1.7% and 27% respectively. Caesarean section was the preferred mode of delivery and was performed in 57% cases. ICU admission was required in 25% and remaining cases were managed in general/eclampsia ward. All patients received MgSO4 by Zuspan regimen. 12% patient developed HELLP syndrome and pulmonary oedema developed in 6% patient. There were a total of 3.5% maternal deaths during the study period. Total percentage of perinatal deaths due to eclampsia was 23%.Conclusions: Eclampsia continues to be one of the prime etiological factors for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. This is due to lack of proper antenatal care, low socioeconomic condition and lack of education. Regular antenatal checkup, early recognition and proper management are vital to tackle this challenge. MgSo4 is the anticonvulsant of choice and Zuspan regimen of MgSO4 is effective in the management of eclampsia

    Isolation and functional characterization of Lycopene β-cyclase (CYC-B) promoter from Solanum habrochaites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carotenoids are a group of C40 isoprenoid molecules that play diverse biological and ecological roles in plants. Tomato is an important vegetable in human diet and provides the vitamin A precursor <it>β</it>-carotene. Genes encoding enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthetic pathway have been cloned. However, regulation of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthetic pathway and accumulation of specific carotenoid in chromoplasts are not well understood. One of the approaches to understand regulation of carotenoid metabolism is to characterize the promoters of genes encoding proteins involved in carotenoid metabolism. <it>Lycopene β-cyclase </it>is one of the crucial enzymes in carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in plants. Its activity is required for synthesis of both α-and β-carotenes that are further converted into other carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. This study describes the isolation and characterization of chromoplast-specific <it>Lycopene β-cyclase </it>(<it>CYC-B</it>) promoter from a green fruited <it>S. habrochaites </it>genotype EC520061.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A 908 bp region upstream to the initiation codon of the <it>Lycopene β-cyclase </it>gene was cloned and identified as full-length promoter. To identify promoter region necessary for regulating developmental expression of the <it>ShCYC-B </it>gene, the full-length promoter and its three different 5' truncated fragments were cloned upstream to the initiation codon of <it>GUS </it>reporter cDNA in binary vectors. These four plant transformation vectors were separately transformed in to <it>Agrobacterium</it>. <it>Agrobacterium</it>-mediated transient and stable expression systems were used to study the <it>GUS </it>expression driven by the full-length promoter and its 5' deletion fragments in tomato. The full-length promoter showed a basal level activity in leaves, and its expression was upregulated > 5-fold in flowers and fruits in transgenic tomato plants. Deletion of -908 to -577 bp 5' to ATG decreases the <it>ShCYC-B </it>promoter strength, while deletion of -908 to -437 bp 5' to ATG led to significant increase in the activity of GUS in the transgenic plants. Promoter deletion analysis led to the identification of a short promoter region (-436 bp to ATG) that exhibited a higher promoter strength but similar developmental expression pattern as compared with the full-length <it>ShCYC-B </it>promoter.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Functional characterization of the full-length <it>ShCYC-B </it>promoter and its deletion fragments in transient expression system <it>in fruto </it>as well as in stable transgenic tomato revealed that the promoter is developmentally regulated and its expression is upregulated in chromoplast-rich flowers and fruits. Our study identified a short promoter region with functional activity and developmental expression pattern similar to that of the full-length <it>ShCYC-B </it>promoter. This 436 bp promoter region can be used in promoter::reporter fusion molecular genetic screens to identify mutants impaired in <it>CYC-B </it>expression, and thus can be a valuable tool in understanding carotenoid metabolism in tomato. Moreover, this short promoter region of <it>ShCYC-B </it>may be useful in genetic engineering of carotenoid content and other agronomic traits in tomato fruits.</p

    Clinical study of ectopic pregnancy at tertiary care center in Haryana, India

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    Background: Ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition in the first trimester of pregnancy. Diagnosis can be done by clinical examination, serum β-HCG and ultrasonography. This retrospective study was done to know the incidence, risk factors, and management of ectopic pregnancy.Methods: It was a retrospective study conducted on 75 patients of ectopic pregnancy admitted at tertiary care hospital in Haryana from February-2017 to January-2019. Data collected from record room and analysis done.Results: Total deliveries were conducted were 5064. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 1.48%, majority of the women were in the age group of 21-30 (68%), multi-parous (77.32%). The most common risk factor was abortion 33.33%, f/b tubal ligation was 13.13%, medical management of ectopic pregnancy done in 30.66%, 8% were managed by laproscopically and 58.66% by laparotomy.Conclusions: Safe sexual practices can reduce pelvic infections and ectopic pregnancy incidences. Early diagnosis before tubal rupture can reduce morbidity and mortality in ectopic pregnancy

    Maternal and neonatal outcome in pregnancy with previous lower segment caesarean section undergoing trial of scar

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    Background: Women with previous LSCS often have to make a decision about mode of delivery of their second baby. As the rate of caesarean section is continuously increasing, vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) is a good strategy to decrease caesarean rate. The present study was planned to assess the fetomaternal outcome in pregnancies with previous lower segment caesarean section undergoing trial of scar and to identify the factors, which can influence the outcome of trial of scar.Methods: This was a prospective observational study on 100 patients at a tertiary care institute. Pregnant women with previous LSCS were selected randomly for the study on the basis of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Each labor monitored closely using a partogram. Decision for repeat emergency caesarean was taken by consultant. All women included in the study were followed through delivery and till discharge.Results: Out of 100 pregnant women 49 % cases had successful VBAC, 50% had emergency caesarean and one patient had laparotomy for rupture uterus. In women, who also had a prior vaginal delivery, 72% delivered vaginally, as compared to 40% of the women who did not undergo prior vaginal delivery (p value=0.003). Women who were in spontaneous labor, 59.21% delivered vaginally, whereas women who were induced, 16.6% delivered vaginally. The rate of perinatal complication was more in the patients who required an emergency CS after a failed trial. Conclusions: Our findings may encourage obstetricians to encourage VBAC in the properly screened ANC patients and decrease the rate of recommending caesarean section

    Study of medical disorders in pregnancy among in patients at a tertiary care hospital in Haryana, India

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    Background: Pregnancy is a physiological condition in which various changes occur in pregnant women just to accommodate growing fetus. Pregnancy is a stress test for woman and may unmask certain underlying chronic diseases like, DM, hypertension which were silent or asymptomatic prior to pregnancy. This study was done to know the incidence, type and demographic profile of medical disorders in pregnancy among in patient at a tertiary care hospital.Methods: It was a retrospective study conducted on 578 patients of medical disorders in pregnancy admitted in a tertiary care hospital from January 2017 to December 2017. Data collected from record room and analysis done.Results: Total antenatal admissions were 4721. Incidence of medical disorders was 12.24%. Majority of women were in age group 20-30 years (65.5%). Low-parity (P0, P1). Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy was commonest reported disorder (42.3%), followed by hematological disorder (38.7%), liver disorder 5%, endocrine disorder 4.8%, epilepsy 3.8% and HIV 2.6% in present study.Conclusions: Hypertensive disorders were commonest medical disorder followed by hematological, liver, endocrine and epilepsy. All medical disorders in pregnancy to be managed by team approach

    Tuberous sclerosis in pregnancy: a rare genetic disease requiring multidisciplinary approach in pregnancy

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystemic, autosomal dominant genetic disorder with complete penetrance, that can evolve with hamartomas in multiple organs, such as skin, central nervous system, kidney and lung. Penetrance in genetics is the proportion of individuals carrying a particular variant (or allele) of a gene (the genotype) that also express an associated trait (the phenotype). Due to the wide phenotypic variability in TSC, the disease is often not recognized. The diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis were reviewed in 2012, at the second International tuberous sclerosis complex consensus conference. The diagnosis is based on genetic criteria, by the identification of inactivating pathogenic mutation of tumour suppressor genes TSC1 and TSC2, and clinical criteria, including cutaneous, renal, pulmonary, cardiac and neurological manifestations. Authors present with a rare case report of a patient with TSC presenting at term

    A review on distribution, properties, genetic organization, immobilisation and applications of urease

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    Urease, a nickel-containing metalloenzyme is getting remarkable attention due to a diverse range of applications for mankind. Urease plays a magnificent role in various field like agriculture, analytical, geological phenomena, beverage industry and is an important diagnostic tool. Urease is mainly present in bacteria, fungi, plants and invertebrates and its manifestation in specific genera may open new vistas for its taxonomic position. Various qualitative and quantitative assays are also reported for the estimation of urease enzyme. Urease based biosensors utilizing green synthesis on nanoparticles are also trending. Recently developed inhibitors against urease were discussed in the review. Inhibitory mechanisms involving the structural similarity of the substrate through modification or derivatization can also help in rational drug design by two possible competitive ways either by mimicking monodentate urea binding or binding as a tetrahedral intermediate. Immobilisation of urease through gel entrapment, using non-covalent and covalent protein tags, cross linkage, covalent bonding, using composite films, Teflon, co-precipitation and coating on nanoparticles is also reported. This review also comprised of various application of urease including enhancement of fertility in the soil, cell to cell organization, protection to predators, treatment of various bladder related diseases and infections, analysis of urea and heavy metal ions, biocementation, pollution control by bioleaching of heavy metals and making beverages urea and ethyl carbamate free. As researchers have a keen interest in urease enzyme at present, most of its aspects were incorporated in the article to make it helpful to the scientific community for further research related to the development of new inhibitors and add on applications of urease for the upliftment of the human as well as environment.
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