121 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of intermediate mass stars members of the M6 (NGC 6405) open cluster

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    We present here the first abundance analysis of 44 late B, A and F-type members of the young open cluster M6 (NGC 6405, age about 75 Myrs). Spectra, covering the 4500 to 5800 \AA{} wavelength range, were obtained using the FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectrograph attached to the ESO Very Large Telescopes (VLT). We determined the atmospheric parameters using calibrations of the Geneva photometry and by adjusting the HβH_{\beta} profiles to synthetic ones. The abundances of up to 20 chemical elements, were derived for 19 late B, 16 A and 9 F stars by iteratively adjusting synthetic spectra to the observations. We also derived a mean cluster metallicity of [Fe/H]=0.07±0.03\mathrm{[Fe/H]=0.07\pm0.03} dex from the iron abundances of the F-type stars. We find that, for most chemical elements, the normal late B and A-type stars exhibit larger star-to-star abundance variations than the F-type stars do probably because of the faster rotation of the B and A stars. The abundances of C, O, Mg, Si and Sc appear to be anticorrelated to that of Fe, while the opposite holds for the abundances of Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Ni, Y, and Ba about as expected if radiative diffusion is efficient in the envelopes of these stars. In the course of this analysis, we discovered five new peculiar stars: one mild-Am, one Am, and one Fm star (HD 318091, CD-32 13109, GSC 07380-01211), one HgMn star (HD 318126), and one He-weak P-rich (HD 318101) star. We also discovered a new spectroscopic binary, most likely a SB2. We performed a detailed modelling of HD 318101,the new He-weak P-rich CP star, using the Montr\'eal stellar evolution code XEVOL which treats self-consistently all particle transport processes. Although the overall abundance pattern of this star is properly reproduced, we find that detailed abundances (in particular the high P excess) resisted modelling attempts even when a range of turbulence profiles and mass loss rates were considered.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal (Oct.15,2015), 115 pages, 15 figure

    Parallélogrammes Galoisiens

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    RésuméWe generalize the notion of a Galois extension by that of a Galois parallelogram; a Galois extension is just a flat Galois parallelogram. The existence of Galois parallelograms is proved in the number field case. We state numerous general properties of Galois parallelograms which give, in particular, the usual properties of classical Galois theory. Then, we introduce a “two-dimensional Galois theory” by generalizing to Galois parallelograms the classical Galois bijection for finite Galois extensions

    A study of the elements copper through uranium in Sirius A: Contributions from STIS and ground-based spectra

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    We determine abundances or upper limits for all of the 55 stable elements from copper to uranium for the A1 Vm star Sirius. The purpose of the study is to assemble the most complete picture of elemental abundances with the hope of revealing the chemical history of the brightest star in the sky, apart from the Sun. We also explore the relationship of this hot metallic-line (Am) star to its cooler congeners, as well as the hotter, weakly- or non-magnetic mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars. Our primary observational material consists of {\em Hubble Space Telescope} (HSTHST) spectra taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) in the ASTRAL project. We have also used archival material from the %\citep/{ayr10}. COPERNICUSCOPERNICUS satellite, and from the HSTHST Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), as well as ground-based spectra from Furenlid, Westin, Kurucz, Wahlgren, and their coworkers, ESO spectra from the UVESPOP project, and NARVAL spectra retrieved from PolarBase. Our analysis has been primarily by spectral synthesis, and in this work we have had the great advantage of extensive atomic data unavailable to earlier workers. We find most abundances as well as upper limits range from 10 to 100 times above solar values. We see no indication of the huge abundance excesses of 1000 or more that occur among many chemically peculiar (CP) stars of the upper main sequence. The picture of Sirius as a hot Am star is reinforced.Comment: With 6 Figures and 4 Tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    The SIMBAD astronomical database

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    Simbad is the reference database for identification and bibliography of astronomical objects. It contains identifications, `basic data', bibliography, and selected observational measurements for several million astronomical objects. Simbad is developed and maintained by CDS, Strasbourg. Building the database contents is achieved with the help of several contributing institutes. Scanning the bibliography is the result of the collaboration of CDS with bibliographers in Observatoire de Paris (DASGAL), Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, and Observatoire de Bordeaux. When selecting catalogues and tables for inclusion, priority is given to optimal multi-wavelength coverage of the database, and to support of research developments linked to large projects. In parallel, the systematic scanning of the bibliography reflects the diversity and general trends of astronomical research. A WWW interface to Simbad is available at: http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/SimbadComment: 14 pages, 5 Postscript figures; to be published in A&A

    Chemical composition of A and F dwarf members of the Coma Berenices open cluster

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    Abundances of 18 chemical elements have been derived for 11 A (normal and Am) and 11 F dwarfs members of the Coma Berenices open cluster in order to set constraints on evolutionary models including transport processes (radiative and turbulent diffusion)calculated with the Montreal code. A spectral synthesis iterative procedure has been applied to derive the abundances from selected high quality lines in high resolution high signal-to-noise echelle spectra obtained with ELODIE at the Observatoire de Haute Provence. The chemical pattern found for the A and F dwarfs in Coma Berenices is reminiscent of that found in the Hyades and the UMa moving group. In graphs representing the abundances [X/H] versus the effective temperature, the A stars often display abundances much more scattered around their mean values than the F stars do. Large star-to-star variations are detected for A stars in their abundances which we interpret as evidence of transport processes competing with radiative diffusion. The F stars have solar abundances for almost all elements except for Mg, Si, V and Ba. The derived abundances patterns, [X/H] versus atomic number, for the slow rotator HD108642 (A2m) and the moderately fast rotator HD106887 (A4m) were compared to the predictions of self consistent evolutionary model codes including radiative and different amounts of turbulent diffusion. None of the models reproduces entirely the overall shape of the abundance pattern. While part of the discrepancies between derived and predicted abundances may be accounted for by non-LTE effects, the inclusion of competing processes such as rotational mixing in the radiative zones of these stars seems necessary to improve the agreement between observed and predicted abundance patterns.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure

    The BTC40 Survey for Quasars at 4.8 < z < 6

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    The BTC40 Survey for high-redshift quasars is a multicolor search using images obtained with the Big Throughput Camera (BTC) on the CTIO 4-m telescope in V, I, and z filters to search for quasars at redshifts of 4.8 < z < 6. The survey covers 40 sq. deg. in B, V, & I and 36 sq. deg. in z. Limiting magnitudes (3 sigma) reach to V = 24.6, I = 22.9 and z = 22.9. We used the (V-I) vs. (I-z) two-color diagram to select high-redshift quasar candidates from the objects classified as point sources in the imaging data. Follow-up spectroscopy with the AAT and CTIO 4-m telescopes of candidates having I < 21.5 has yielded two quasars with redshifts of z = 4.6 and z = 4.8 as well as four emission line galaxies with z = 0.6. Fainter candidates have been identified down to I = 22 for future spectroscopy on 8-m class telescopes.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures; Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa