48 research outputs found
Mass media: vehicle of violence?
Violence represents a topic that cannot be considered as a taboo and, since the beginning, it has been a crucial factor in any social context. In fact, violence can be shown, reproduced and conveyed throughout different means, which, nowadays, are even more capable to innervate the community to which they're directed. In this context, mass media, and in particular movies and TV series, constitute potentials "violence vehicles", abstractly suitable to influence even the decision of an individual to commit a crime. Therefore, the present paper aims to observe if and how the mentioned means of communication could affect the action choices of their recipients
Internet addiction and criminal phenomenology: an insight on the Social Networking Sites addiction and the online death games
With the advent of the virtual world as the counterpart of our daily lives, several concerns emerged. The following paper will focus on the iGeneration, a fragile social group grown up between the online and the offline world, and its chances to develop a technology addiction. Secondly, an insight on the illustrative and extreme scenario of the Blue Whale Challenge, a death challenge emerged on social networking sites, its implications and connection with the real world
On the subject of drug addiction. The use of profiling for the examination of drug abuser's behaviour
By the use of profiling and the analysis of the deviant behavioural conduct in general terms, the figure and the behaviour of the drug abuser is examined in his peculiar features as well. In this way a behavioural model reference could rise in those cases in which there is an addicted person or a presumed one. In this paper are also introduced the New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), new drugs that cause important psychological and psychical consequences on individuals who are used to consume them. Therefore, thanks to this focus on familiar, social, environmental and psychopathological causes of the drug abuser, we try to understand his possible relation with criminality and if some initial signals could be identified in order to allow us to recognize an addicted person, introducing in this regard another useful device, the psychographic examination. Finally, also new kind of addictions are here presented together with how they could widen this study, including the particular epidemic situation caused by Covid-19
disney crime in fairy tales
The screen is colored by a celestial sky and begins to outline a castle under whose white gold stands the "Walt Disney Pictures", a semi-crown crown all and the doors of the fantasy are ready to open to the spectators. This is the classic presentation of a Disney Movie that at least once in a lifetime will happen to each of us to attend and accompany the childhood of millions of children. But what is waiting behind that castle? Charming spells and sparks of magic? Absolutely. Princesses to save and charming princes to dream? Absolutely yes. Speaking animals and an Never Land? All this and much more. But if we looked at that castle from a different perspective, and if we shifted our attention from the precious robe of the protagonist, to what deeply motivates her choices and the dynamics surrounding her, we could notice dark shadows, concealed by glittering jewels and unnatural sunsets, so brilliant to blind. The work will focus on those heaviest nuances, analyzing and deepening scenes and themes of Disney Movies where it will be possible to find criminological and psychopathological aspects, thus trying to connect two worlds so distant that for a moment they will intersect as well as in a palette of a painter you can mix white and black. ---------- Lo schermo si colora di un celeste cielo, e comincia a delinearsi un castello sotto la cui bianca aurea si staglia la sigla "Walt Disney Pictures", un semiarco corona il tutto e le porte della fantasia sono pronte a schiudersi per gli spettatori. Questa è la classica presentazione di un Film Disney a cui almeno una volta nella vita sarà capitato a ciascuno di noi di assistere, e che accompagna l'infanzia di milioni di bambini. Ma cosa ci aspetta dietro quel castello? Affascinanti incantesimi e scintille di magia? Senz'altro. Principesse da salvare e principi azzurri da sognare? Assolutamente sì. Animali parlanti e un'isola che non c'è? Tutto questo e molto di più. Se guardassimo, però, quel castello da una prospettiva diversa, e se spostassimo l'attenzione dal vestito prezioso della protagonista, a ciò che motiva in profondità le sue scelte e alle dinamiche che la circondano, potremmo notare delle sfumature oscure, celate da sfavillanti gioielli ed innaturali tramonti, tanto brillanti da accecarci. È proprio su quelle sfumature più tetre che si concentrerà il lavoro, analizzando e approfondendo scene e temi dei Film Disney in cui sarà possibile riscontrare aspetti criminologici e psicopatologici, cercando così di connettere due mondi tanto distanti che per un attimo si intersecheranno, cosi come in una tavolozza di un pittore è possibile mescolare il bianco e il nero. ---------- La pantalla es de color azul claro del cielo, y comienza a tomar forma un castillo bajo cuyo blanco de oro se coloca la abreviatura "de Walt Disney Pictures", un semi-arco rodea el todo y las puertas de la imaginación están listos para salir del cascarón para los espectadores. Esta es la presentación clásica de una PelÃcula de Disney que al menos una vez en la vida nos ha sucedido a cada uno de nosotros para asistir, y que acompaña a millones de niños. Pero, ¿qué está esperando detrás de ese castillo? Encantadores hechizos y chispas de magia? Absolutamente. ¿Princesas para salvar y prÃncipes azules para soñar? Absolutamente sà ¿Animales que hablan y una isla que no está allÃ? Todo esto y mucho más. Si observamos, sin embargo, que el castillo desde una perspectiva diferente, y si a mitad de camino a través de la atención por parte del precioso vestido el personaje principal, lo que motiva profundamente en sus elecciones y la dinámica que lo rodean, se puede notar las sombras oscuras, ocultas por las joyas espumoso y puestas de sol antinaturales, tan brillantes para cegar. Es precisamente en los tonos más sombrÃos que se centrarán los trabajos, analizando y profundizando escenas y pelÃculas temas de Disney, donde se pueden encontrar aspectos criminológicos y psicopatológicas, tratando asà de conectar dos mundos tan lejos que un momento se cruzará, asà como en una paleta de un pintor puede mezclar blanco y negro
dsm v major changes and overview on personality disorders with special reference to borderline disorder dsm v principali modifiche e panoramica sui disturbi della personalita con particolare riferimento al disturbo borderline dsm v cambios mayores y vision general de los trastornos de personalidad con referencia especial al trastorno borderline
The purpose of this article is to describe the amendments made in the new version of DSM (fifth edition) as to understand not only main aspects of certain diseases and/or personality disorders, but also whether or not changes shifted focus to dimensional instead of categorical system or if in some aspects both are considered. Moving forward from a general overview of the handbook, the effective changes will be examined in detail. Attention will also be given to Personality Diseases, taking account of various studies on this subject and the most recent knowledge on "Borderline Disease" from a diagnostic standpoint. Considering the complex construction of such disease, will be firstly illustrated the assumption of first studies so as to cover the most recent clinical and theoretical contributions, together with a brief overview of some treatment approach such as psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and systemic-relational, principles of medical treatment, a summary on differential diagnosis and a representation of some clinical case as well. The article will be concluded by a brief discussion of future prospects able to provide the clinician with even more effective and safe operational strategies as to lead professionals towards more specific and less misleading assumptions for a better approach in any scope (therapeutic, forensic, etc.) and giving comfort to those who receive support as well. Everyone is a very unique individual, even if similar to others. That is why it is extremely important to clearly identify a disease and ensure an adequate treatment.
RiassuntoL'obiettivo del presente lavoro, è quello di descrivere le principali modifiche apportate nella nuova versione del DSM (quinta ed.) rispetto a quella precedente, per cercare di comprendere non solo gli aspetti più significativi di determinate Patologie e/o Disturbi della Personalità , ma anche se nei suindicati cambiamenti, l'ottica si è spostata o meno ad un sistema dimensionale piuttosto che categoriale o se in alcuni aspetti, vengono considerati entrambi, partendo quindi da una panoramica generale sul Manuale, per poi affrontare nel dettaglio le reali modifiche. Verrà inoltre approfondita la tematica relativa ai Disturbi della Personalità , tenendo presenti i vari studi e ricerche sull'argomento e quindi le acquisizioni più recenti in termini di strumenti operativi utili da un punto di vista diagnostico-clinico, con particolare riferimento al "Disturbo Borderline", decisamente complesso nel suo costrutto, partendo dall'assunto relativo ai primi studi sul tema, fino a giungere ai vari contributi teorico-clinici più recenti, unitamente ai cenni su alcuni approcci terapeutici quali ad esempio, psicodinamico, cognitivo-comportamentale e sistemico-relazionale, principi sulla farmacoterapia ed una sintesi sulla diagnosi differenziale, nonché la rappresentazione di alcuni Casi clinici. Concludendo con un sintetico excursus su quelle che potrebbero essere le prospettive future in grado di fornire strategie operative sempre più fertili e sicure per il clinico, sia a conforto dello stesso che di chi usufruisce dell'aiuto, guidando gli operatori verso ipotesi più specifiche e meno devianti, per un migliore approccio in qualsiasi ambito di applicazione (terapeutico, forense ecc..). Ogni soggetto è un individuo a se stante, pur evidenziando caratteristiche simili. Per questo è estremamente importante per quanto più è possibile, riuscire nell'individuazione di una precisa patologia su cui va applicato un mirato processo trattamentale.
ResumenEl propósito de este artÃculo es describir las enmiendas hechas en la nueva versión del DSM (quinta edición) para comprender no solo los aspectos principales de ciertas enfermedades y / o trastornos de la personalidad, sino también si los cambios cambiaron el enfoque a dimensional en lugar de categórico sistema o si en algunos aspectos se consideran ambos. Avanzando desde una descripción general del manual, los cambios efectivos serán examinados en detalle. También se prestará atención a las enfermedades de la personalidad, teniendo en cuenta varios estudios sobre este tema y el conocimiento más reciente sobre "Enfermedad lÃmite" desde un punto de vista diagnóstico. Teniendo en cuenta la compleja construcción de dicha enfermedad, se ilustrará en primer lugar la suposición de los primeros estudios para cubrir las contribuciones clÃnicas y teóricas más recientes, junto con una breve descripción de algunos enfoques de tratamiento, tales como psicodinámico, cognitivo-conductual y sistémico-relacional, principios del tratamiento médico, un resumen sobre diagnóstico diferencial y una representación de algunos casos clÃnicos también. El artÃculo concluirá con una breve discusión de las perspectivas futuras capaces de proporcionar al clÃnico estrategias operativas aún más efectivas y seguras para guiar a los profesionales hacia suposiciones más especÃficas y menos engañosas para un mejor enfoque en cualquier ámbito (terapéutico, forense, etc.). y dar consuelo a quienes también reciben apoyo. Todos son individuos únicos, incluso si son similares a los demás. Por eso es extremadamente importante identificar claramente una enfermedad y garantizar un tratamiento adecuado
criminological and investigative analysis of sexual vicious behaviour
The following work is going to treat assembling main studies about the topic, the criminological analysis of sexual vicious behavior, outcome of a research led within a Master's contest about "Criminology, investigative and strategic sciences for security", by the Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. The number of victims caused by this peculiar aberration of human behavior, per year, is comparable to a war: even though, of the latter one, shares only a subtle gradient of aggressiveness, produced or linked with sexual choices and not relating to more socially-elaborated frames, growth out to a political-military basis. Therefore, "Behavior", first and foremost, "sexual vicious", furthermore: this one is the indivisible hendiadys that will remark the "behavior1" on which the focus points into, to no scatter speculative energies and to tighten the essay's core in two clamped angles of research, that otherwise could spread outwards, becoming loose and approximative. Consequently, will be of preliminary importance to start from the semantic compounds between aggressiveness and sex, that spread themselves in the definitions of rape and sexual abuse. Possibly, we will obtain a perimeter, a slot from which observe the general topic about the sexual normality and deviance: in the twilight interstice, stemmed from the difference between these two poles, that could seem a prism but also an opaque and shady tissue, the sexual vicious behavior shows off its dynamics, its inner mechanics, its selfpropelling criminal engine. Of course, the article's structure had to contemplate all the psychodynamic path of the sex offender, profiting by methodological guidelines of prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, so arriving in a ranking whose value, probably, founds the peak utility in investigative environments (if there was an acting-out). ---------- Il lavoro che segue tratterà , rassegnando le principali ricerche in materia, l'analisi criminologica del comportamento sessuale violento, frutto di una ricerca condotta nell'ambito del Master in "Criminologia, scienze investigative e strategiche per la sicurezza" dell'Università Unitelma Sapienza di Roma. I numeri delle vittime di questa peculiare aberrazione del comportamento umano, per anno, sono paragonabili a quelli di una guerra: eppure, di quest'ultima, ne condividono solamente un certo gradiente di violenza, generata o correlata a opzioni di natura sessuale e non in contesti socialmente più elaborati di matrice politico-militare. Per cui "comportamento", innanzitutto, "sessuale violento", poi: quest'ultima è l'endiadi inscindibile che connoterà il "comportamento" su cui punta il focus, per non disperdere le energie speculative e per stringere in due serrati angoli di ricerca l'argomento, che altrimenti presterebbe il fianco ad infinite indagini euristiche, ovvero a gradazioni prospettiche troppo ampie e, quindi, inesorabilmente approssimative. Risulterà pertanto di preliminare rilevanza partire dalle combinazioni semantiche tra violenza e sesso, che si irradiano nelle definizioni di stupro ed abuso sessuale. Si otterrà , auspicabilmente, un perimetro, una feritoia dalla quale osservare l'argomento più generale attinente la normalità e la devianza sessuale: nell'interstizio chiaroscurale, ricavato dalla breve ed incerta distanza tra questi poli, che può essere sì un prisma ma anche uno stagnante tessuto opaco ed adombrante, il comportamento sessuale violento svela la propria meccanica, il proprio intrinseco funzionamento, la propria semovenza criminale. Certamente, la strutturazione dell'articolo doveva tenere in considerazione tutto l'itinerario psicodinamico del sex offender, traendo particolare giovamento dalle indicazioni metodologiche del prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, così arrivandone, in ragione delle singole estrinsecazioni della devianza, ad una classificazione il cui valore, probabilmente, trova l'apice della propria utilità in ambienti investigativi (laddove vi sia stato un acting-out). ---------- El trabajo que sigue, al renunciar a la investigación principal sobre este tema, el análisis criminológico del comportamiento sexual violento, es el resultado de una investigación realizada en el Máster en "CriminologÃa, Ciencias de Investigación y Estratégicas para la Seguridad" en la Universidad Unitelma Sapienza Roma. El número de vÃctimas de esta peculiar aberración del comportamiento humano por año es comparable al de una guerra, sin embargo, estas últimas solo comparten un cierto grado de violencia, generada o relacionada con opciones de naturaleza sexual, y no contextos socialmente más elaborados de la matriz polÃtico-militar. Por lo tanto, "comportamiento" es en primer lugar un "sexo violento", entonces: este último es la dotación inseparable que transmitirá el "comportamiento" en el que se enfoca el foco, para no dispersar las energÃas especulativas y sujetar en dos esquinas de la búsqueda el argumento, que de otra manera se adherirÃa a investigaciones heurÃsticas interminables, o a grados prospectivamente amplios y por lo tanto inexorablemente aproximados. Por lo tanto, será de primordial importancia a partir de las combinaciones semánticas entre violencia y sexo, que irradian las definiciones de violación y abuso sexual. Esperemos hallar un perÃmetro, una rendija desde la cual observar el argumento más general sobre la normalidad y la desviación sexual: en el intersticio de claroscuro, obtenido a partir de la distancia corta e incierta entre estos polos, que puede ser un prisma, pero también uno Tejido mate y opaco estancado, el comportamiento sexual violento revela su propia mecánica, su funcionamiento intrÃnseco, su propia auto evolución criminal. Ciertamente, la estructuración del artÃculo debe tener en cuenta todo el itinerario psicodinámico del delincuente sexual, obteniendo un beneficio particular de las indicaciones metodológicas del prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, llegando, en razón de la extinción individual de la desviación, a una clasificación cuyo valor probablemente encuentre su aptitud en los entornos de investigación (donde ha sido un acting-out)
Stalking of social healthcare workers: Preliminary results of a study conducted in Sardinia, Italy
Several studies have highlighted that particular social and professional categories are at higher risk of being victim of stalking. Physicians and healthcare workers in general are at risk of being harassed while practising their profession, especially by their patients; this risk has been shown to be higher for psychiatrists and psychotherapists. According to a recent study, 21% of psychiatrists has been a victim of stalking; length of stalking behaviour on healthcare workers varies from a few weeks to several years. Aim of the present work is to gain a better understanding and a highlight on the frequency with which stalking occurs toward social and healthcare workers of public health facilities in Sardinia. After a review of literature, an anonymous questionnaire, prepared ad-hoc, has been administered to a sample of 265 healthcare workers in Sardinia: out of the 210 who have answered, we have taken into consideration 187 healthcare workers, have excluded 23 operators (psychiatric rehabilitators, professional educators, social workers) and chosen to analyze victimization suffered by psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social healthcare workers. In our sample the subjects who reported harassments comparable to the crime of stalking are represented by 30 healthcare workers out of the total sample of 187 (16%). Females are the most frequently represented with a ratio of 23/30 (77%) compared to males 7/30 (23%). The risk of being a victim of harassment was higher for the group of psychiatrists and psychologists than for nurses. Among the victims, 18 were psychiatrists (60%), 3 psychologists (10%), and 9 nurses (30%). Healthcare professionals are at high risk of victimization. The main tool available to the services is the team approach to multi-problematic cases, avoiding isolation of the dyad designated operator-patient. The feeling of impotence and isolation that is frequent in the victims of stalking, as shown also in our sample, is highlighted by several studies in which 10% of the victims interviewed claims to have thoughts of suicide as a way out
Characterization of Clostridioides difficile Strains from an Outbreak Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
The epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) has changed over the last two decades, due to the emergence of C. difficile strains with clinical relevance and responsible for nosocomial outbreaks with severe outcomes. This study reports an outbreak occurred in a Long-term Care Unit from February to March 2022 and tracked by using a Matrix-Assisted Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) typing approach (T-MALDI); subsequently, a characterization of the toxigenic and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of the C. difficile isolates was performed. A total of 143 faecal samples belonging to 112 patients was evaluated and C. difficile DNA was detected in 51 samples (46 patients). Twenty-nine C. difficile isolates were obtained, and three different clusters were revealed by T-MALDI. The most representative cluster accounted 22 strains and was considered to be epidemic, in agreement with PCR-Ribotyping. Such epidemic strains were susceptible to vancomycin (MIC <= 0.5 mg/mL) and metronidazole (MIC <= 1 mg/mL), but not to moxifloxacin (MIC > 32 mg/mL). Moreover, they produced only the Toxin A and, additionally, the binary toxin. To our knowledge, this is the first reported outbreak referable to a tcdA+/tcdB-/cdt+ genotypic profile. In light of these results, T-MALDI is a valid and rapid approach for discovering and tracking outbreaks
Active surveillance for carbapenemaseproducing Klebsiella pneumoniae and correlation with infection in subjects attending an Italian tertiary-care hospital: a 7-year retrospective study
Objectives The distribution of carbapenemase-producing
Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPKP) phenotypes and genotypes
in samples collected during 2011–2018 was evaluated.
The association between patients with CPKP-positive
rectal swab and those with CPKP infection, as well as the
overall analysis of CPKP-infected patients, was performed.
Setting The study was performed in a tertiary-care
hospital located in Northern Italy.
Participants Two groups were considered: 22 939 ‘atrisk’ patients submitted to active surveillance for CPKP
detection in rectal swabs/stools and 1094 CPKP-infected
patients in which CPKP was detected in samples other
than rectal swabs.
Results CPKP-positive rectal swabs were detected in 5%
(1150/22 939). A CPKP infection was revealed in 3.1%
(719/22 939) of patients: 582 with CPKP-positive rectal
swab (50.6% of the 1150 CPKP-positive rectal swabs)
and 137 with CPKP-negative rectal swab. The 49.4%
(568/1150) of the patients with CPKP-positive rectal swab
were carriers. The overall frequency of CPKP-positive
patients (carriers and infected) was almost constant
from 2012 to 2016 (excluding the 2015 peak) and then
increased in 2017–2018. blaKPC was predominant
followed by blaVIM. No difference was observed in the
frequency of CPKP-positive rectal swab patients among
the different material groups. Among the targeted
carbapenemase genes, blaVIM was more significantly
detected from urine than from other samples.
Conclusions The high prevalence of carriers without
evidence of infection, representing a potential reservoir of
CPKP, suggests to maintain the guard about this problem,
emphasising the importance of active surveillance for
timely detection and separation of carriers, activation of
contact precautions and antibiotic treatment guidance on
suspicion of infection