8 research outputs found
Configuration of an Integrated Quality-Social Responsibility-Performance Management System in the Hospitality Industry. Case Studies: Balneary Tourism Romania
The introduction of quality, performance, and social responsibility systems in organizations that are open to learn and wish to permanently improve their activity ensures the sustainable development of those organizations. The purpose of this research is to investigate the characteristics of these three systems in order to identify the common impact areas and the existing interrelations, which would be able to facilitate an integrated approach and create an understanding of equifinalities at the organizational level. Moreover, such an integrated approach highlights the role of economic and financial analysis in the assessment of the quantifiable aspects and the direction in the assessment of the non-quantifiable ones. Through this, we intend to obtain a possible configuration for an integrated quality–performance–social responsibility approach applied to 11 entities in different Romanian health resorts recognized for their natural healing factors. The research was structured on two levels: one addressing the phenomenological approach and one dedicated to the application of the European Foundation for Quality Management. The research presents economic and financial data that are the processed results of a social survey regarding customer satisfaction as well as information from reports provided by internal and financial audit missions. The conclusions of our results reveal three distinct situations: low quality, reduced performance, and stakeholder dissatisfaction; low quality, high performance, and partial stakeholder satisfaction; and appropriate quality, high performance, and adequate stakeholder satisfaction
Exploring economic effects of work out of company office based on bibliometric analysis
Increasing the incidence of work out of company office (WOCO) by transforming it from a more limited and circumstantial practice into a predominant work option requires a special attention of social partners and political decision-makers in order to harmonize economic and social performances. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of WOCO from the economic perspective – resources allocation and performance, developing the previous studies through the approach of the broad area of WOCO, extending the analysis at the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, in order to harmonize the objectives of sustainable economic growth. Using bibliometric techniques, the 289 scientific publications from the Web of Science platform were analysed, highlighting the conceptual and intellectual structure of the research, in the field. The research themes related to economic topic consist of: the degree of employment, technology and digital infrastructure development, economic performance and productivity, and carrying out economic activities from the perspective of WOCO. The results of this broad-spectrum research reveal a holistic view of the network, constituting a relevant reference to develop a comprehensive understanding of the impact of WOCO, useful to researchers, managers, and regulatory bodies, and identifying the potential research gaps and future research direction
Declarativity and efficiency in providing services of general economic interest. Empirical study regarding the relation between heating costs and budget constraints
Defined by each country separately, according to real options, circumstances and traditions,
the services of general economic interest have an objective purpose in ensuring protection
and security for population. The services of general economic interest involve both public
and economic services and show characteristics of both fields, reflecting the capabilities of
communities to organize, regulate and provide them. Considering the accessibility to the
essential service of general economic interest of providing household heating, as an
undeniable condition of consumer protection, an analysis has been made in this field, with
reference to the concrete manner of providing these services. The goal of this endeavor was
to emphasize the actual conditionalities induced by the budget constraints of households
while ensuring the universality of the access to the essential heating service. The empirical
study is based on a survey of 55 households in sector 2 of Bucharest that have access to gas
heating systems, while they have different revenues and equipments. The processing of the
gathered data allowed the procurement of certain indicators that explain how household
revenues determine the access to the heating services and how the deficiencies of the
insurance system of these services deepen the social polarization and increase the
weightings of those living at the limit of subsistence
A muldimensional approach of the relationship between teleworking and employees well-being: Romania during the pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
The inclusion of the issue of well-being in the social space, by contextualizing the process in functions of reconfiguring working conditions is of significant interest for both employees and employers in win-win approach. The dynamical systems produce chaotic behavior amplified by specific nonlinear feedback mechanisms and irreversible irregularities. The pandemic generated by SARS-CoV-2 virus has determined the extension of the use of telework and the issue of the dichotomy related potential benefits/ disadvantages associated with it. The anomie of the society with multiple dysfunctions is potentiated by the individual anomie induced by anti-pandemic measures. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of telework on employee well-being, from the perspective of the theory of social production function, considering seven areas of evaluation, assessed on the basis of specific items. In order to collect the subjectively perceived information, we developed an opinion questionnaire. The information was processed using correlation analysis and regression analysis. We noticed there are some differences in the perception of well-being depending on the workplace and gender. There is a positive relationship between professional development and competences, job satisfaction, work-life balance, organizational climate and well-being, and a negative relationship between the emotional dimension, commitment, autonomy and well-being in the case of the telework
A Decade for the <i>Mathematics</i>: Bibliometric Analysis of Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Ecology, and Environment
Our study commemorates this event by presenting a retrospective of the publications related to the use of mathematical tools for the analysis of economic, ecological, and environmental phenomena. We analyzed 1257 scientific publications using bibliometric techniques to examine the most productive and influential authors and their contributions in the economic, ecological, and environmental fields. Co-authorship among the top authors and countries, co-occurrence of the keywords, bibliographic coupling of the documents and authors, and author co-citation were analyzed by applying network analysis techniques using VOSviewer software, identifying the intellectual structure of the research and the collaborative networks in the fields. The results show that mathematics has grown impressively in terms of publication and citation. The contributions come from all over the world, but the majority are from the People’s Republic of China and Spain. The results also show themes and trends in the economic, environmental, and ecological fields and a predominant use of mathematical tools in optimization processes in order to rigorously substantiate the decisions of investors and policymakers. Thus, our study offers support for any researcher to understand the current state of the art and develop a comprehensive understanding of journal publications
The Analysis of the Impact of Energy and Environmental Policies of the European Union on the Economic Performance of Companies. Case Study in the Transport Sector
The macroeconomic reason and objectives, in a normative framework, reside to a large extent in the support, catalysis, and efficiency of activities at the microeconomic level, the gear through which they are built. Responsible behaviour at the macro and microeconomic level involves the dynamic revelation of dysfunctions and conflicts, generated within each sphere, in their relationship, as well as in the involved normative framework, in order to establish effective mechanisms for balance and development. The purpose of this approach is to analyse the micro-macroeconomic convergence from the perspective of the link between economic performance and energy consumption from the point of view of ensuring the necessary resources and the efficiency of their use, with impact on the environment. The study covers the transport sector at the level of the member countries of the European Union in the period 2011-2020, the collected data being processed with the regression method. The growth in energy efficiency and energy dependence are, against the background of the increase in the volume of activity, factors that lead to an increase in the gross operating rate. From the analysis, it emerges that the use of renewable energy to a greater extent, as a result of sustainable development, does not constitute a significant factor for improving the economic performance of companies in the transport sector. The contributions of the two-dimensional approach conducted consist of mediating the conflict between the objectives of economic profitability and the environmental constraints, targeting both the microeconomic level, through the analysis of the gross operating rate in correlation with energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as the macroeconomic level, constituting a benchmark in policies substantiation
Multidimensional Assessment of Job Satisfaction in Telework Conditions. Case Study: Romania in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Improving employee performance is one of the main levers for companies to achieve their goals. The detachment of work from place is a growing trend, affecting the performance levels of both employees and employers. The purpose of this research was to assess job satisfaction in telework conditions, based on areas considered decisive and evaluated by specific items. To this end, an opinion questionnaire was created, the information was processed with correlation analysis and regression analysis. This study showed that job satisfaction in telework is associated with higher skills, autonomy, and a favorable organizational climate, but also with a higher level of emotional exhaustion generated by constant access to work, as well as the lack of relationships and mentoring. We found a statistically significant positive link between competencies, autonomy, organizational climate, and job satisfaction. Significant differences were observed in the perception of job satisfaction with respect to the gender dimension, as well as between employees of various age categories
Telework: A Social and Emotional Perspective of the Impact on Employees’ Wellbeing in the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic gives us the largest telework experiment ever conducted globally, that will most likely leave visible and lasting marks on the organization of the labor market in the future. The purpose of this approach is to investigate the wellbeing from the social and emotional perspective of the individual, considering relevant relational communication, emotional dimension, work intensity, organization, autonomy and work–life balance, customized in the context of teleworking. The information was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. The wellbeing assessment was performed based on the correlation analysis and the regression analysis. The results of the studies reveal that the existence of adequate communication and work–life balance ensure the wellbeing of telework employees, while the increase in work intensity degrades it. Furthermore, good communication moderates the relationship between organizational skills and wellbeing. The comparative analysis of wellbeing in relation to the explanatory variables considered by including the gender and age perspective reveals the existence of different configurations, with specific signs and statistical meanings