3 research outputs found

    Il benessere del paziente psichiatrico: standard e meta? “Non c’è Salute senza Salute Mentale”

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    Nel corso del 19° Congresso SOPSI (Società Italiana di Psicopatologia), si è svolto il Simposio “Benessere in Psichiatria”, realizzato con il supporto non condizionato di Takeda Italia, all’interno del quale autorevoli esperti hanno discusso dei nuovi standard di cura, della relazione tra opzioni terapeutiche e benessere, e del concetto di benessere come meta terapeutica. Tema portante delle relazioni è stato la qualità di vita del paziente psichiatrico e della sua famiglia. Ciò che è emerso dalle relazioni degli esperti è una crescente necessità di affrontare i bisogni del paziente psichiatrico sia da un punto di vista clinico, con la messa a punto di nuovi farmaci che riducano gli effetti collaterali e migliorino le performance cognitive dei soggetti affetti da patologie psichiatriche, sia sociale, attraverso l’educazione a stili di vita più salutari, per la riduzione dello stigma e il reinserimento nella società. Dal simposio ha preso vita il progetto “Benessere in Psichiatria”, sul sito www.benessereinpsichiatria.it, che si pone come obiettivo il superamento del concetto di remissione sintomatologica e di recupero funzionale in favore di un approccio integrato alla salute globale della disabilità in generale e allo stigma.. During the 19th SOPSI (Italian Society of Psychopathology) Congress, the Symposium “Wellbeing in Psychiatry” was held with the unconditional support of Takeda Italy, in which leading experts discussed the new standard of care, the relationship between treatment options and wellbeing, and the concept of wellbeing as a therapeutic goal. The prevailing topic of the presentations was the quality of life of psychiatric patients and their families. What emerged from the expert presentations is a growing need to address the psychiatric patient’s needs both from the clinical and social point of view: first, with the development of new drugs that reduce side effects and improve cognitive performance in psychiatric patients; and second, by teaching healthier lifestyles, promoting the reduction of stigma and reintegration into society. The symposium gave birth to the Italian project “Benessere in Psichiatria” (“Wellbeing in Psychiatry”), on the website www.benessereinpsichiatria.it, which aims to move beyond the concept of symptomatic remission and functional recovery for an integrated approach to global health, disability and stigma

    Familial aggregation of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery scores in a large sample of outpatients with schizophrenia and their unaffected relatives

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    Background: The increased use of the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) to investigate cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia fostered interest in its sensitivity in the context of family studies. As various measures of the same cognitive domains may have different power to distinguish between unaffected relatives of patients and controls, the relative sensitivity of MCCB tests for relativeâ\u80\u93control differences has to be established. We compared MCCB scores of 852 outpatients with schizophrenia (SCZ) with those of 342 unaffected relatives (REL) and a normative Italian sample of 774 healthy subjects (HCS). We examined familial aggregation of cognitive impairment by investigating within-family prediction of MCCB scores based on probandsâ\u80\u99 scores. Methods: Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze group differences in adjusted MCCB scores. Weighted least-squares analysis was used to investigate whether probandsâ\u80\u99 MCCB scores predicted REL neurocognitive performance. Results: SCZ were significantly impaired on all MCCB domains. REL had intermediate scores between SCZ and HCS, showing a similar pattern of impairment, except for social cognition. Proband's scores significantly predicted REL MCCB scores on all domains except for visual learning. Conclusions: In a large sample of stable patients with schizophrenia, living in the community, and in their unaffected relatives, MCCB demonstrated sensitivity to cognitive deficits in both groups. Our findings of significant within-family prediction of MCCB scores might reflect disease-related genetic or environmental factors