31 research outputs found

    Melaspilea lekae Brackel & Kalb 2012, sp. nov.

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    Melaspilea lekae Brackel & Kalb sp. nov. (Fig. 2J) Mycobank MB 564185 Fungus lichenicola sicut Melaspilea diplasiospora (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., sed ascosporis minoribus et Sarcographa labyrinthica (Ach.) Müll. Arg. hospite differt. Etymology:—The new lichenicolous fungus is named in honour of Prof. Leka Manoch in recognition of her numerous contributions to Thai mycology. Type:— THAILAND. Trat Province: Muang District, near Ban Nam Chieo, in a ± disturbed mangrove forest on Sarcographa labyrinthica, ± 3 m, 12°10’25’’ N, 102°28’37’’ E, 25 February 2011, K. Kalb & P. Mongkolsuk (holotype RAMK, isotype hb. Kalb 38860). Ascomata lichenicolous on thallus and ascomata of Sarcographa labyrinthica, 0.2–0.4 × 0.1–0.2 mm, lirellate to ellipsoid, occasionally branched, solitary or irregularly aggregated, superficial with an exposed, reddish brown disc, leaving a black outline when eroded. Exciple laterally carbonized, 10–18 µm thick, ± absent below the hymenium. Hymenium colourless, ca. 60 µm high, hypothecium colourless to brownish, 8–13 µm high, both KOH-, I-, K/I-. Paraphyses septate, 2–3 µm wide, not or only sparsely branched with obovate terminal cells, 4–5 µm wide, these (or the two uppermost cells) with a granular brown pigment, K–. Asci clavate, ca. 35–40 × 13–20 µm, 4–8-spored, KOH-, I-, K/I-. Ascospores 1-septate, sole-shaped, distictly constricted at the septum, finely verruculose, pale to medium brown, 14–17 × 7–8 µm. Notes:—Previously only four Melaspilea species were known to grow on Graphidaceae, namely M. diplasiospora on Graphis elegans (Borrer ex Sm.) Ach., M. epigena Müll. Arg. on Reimnitzia santensis (Tuck.) Kalb, M. epigraphella (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. on Acanthothecis consocians (Nyl.) Staiger & Kalb and M. lentiginosa (Lyell ex Leight.) Müll. Arg. on Phaeographis dendritica (Ach.) Müll. Arg. All differ in the host and especially the ascospore dimensions. While the ascospores of M. diplasiospora are considerably larger (19.5–32 × 9.5–16 µ m) than those of M. lekae, they are smaller in M. epigena (10–12 × 5 µ m), M. epigraphella (9–11 × 3.5–4.5 µm) and M. lentiginosa 10–13.5 (–16) × 5–7.5 µm.Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on pages 44-45, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Eschatogonia dissecta Timdal & R. Sant.

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    Eschatogonia dissecta Timdal & R. Sant. This lichen was recently described by Timdal and reported from Peru, French Guiana and Venezuela (Timdal 2008). The material cited below matches the description by Timdal (2008) in all respects. We found homosekikaic acid and hyperhomosekikaic acid as major substances and sekikaic acid as a trace substance (TLC). The latter was not mentioned by Timdal. Eschatogonia dissecta is a new addition to the Brazilian lichen biota. Specimen examined:— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Serra dos Coroados; Chapada dos Guimarães, trail down to the waterfall ‘ Véu de Noiva’ of Rio Coxipó, in a dark tropical rainforest, 575 m, 15°30’ S, 55°40’ W, 7 July 1980, K. Kalb & M. Marcelli (hb. Kalb 33526).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on page 41, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Cratiria vioxanthina Kalb & Elix, comb. nov.

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    Cratiria vioxanthina (Elix) Kalb & Elix comb. nov. MycoBank MB 564176 Basionym: Buellia vioxanthina Elix, Australasian Lichenology 64: 32 (2009). This saxicolous species was recently described by Elix (2009). It is characterized by a whitish to grey areolate thallus, sessile apothecia with a rather thick margin, a hymenium which is inspersed by minute oil droplets, especially in the lower part and an exciple which is dark brown at the inner and peripheral part but pale brown in the central part, mature ascospores with a distinctly rugulate (warty) outer wall and the presence of norstictic acid (major), connorstictic acid (minor), atranorin (minor), vioxanthin (minor) and demethylvioxanthin (minor). Many of these features are characteristic of the genus Cratira Marbach (2000: 160), so the species is transferred to that genus. Cratiria is distinguished from Buellia sensu str. by an exciple which is differentiated in a dark brown inner and peripheral part and a hyaline or pale brown central part (it is uniform and black in Buellia), a hymenium which is not inspersed or inspersed with minute globular oil droplets (the inspersion is always present in Buellia and is formed by rather large and irregular oil droplets) and by Buellia - type ascospores (Callispora - type in Buellia). Previously, C. vioxanthina was known only from Australia (northern Queensland and Northern Territory) but here is reported from South America for the first time. It is also a new addition to the lichen biota of Brazil. Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Sergipe: Serra de Itabaiana, ca. 45 km NE of Aracuja, Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, in an open Caatinga on a white arenite bolder near the ground, 240 m, 10°44’51’’ S, 37°20’29’’ W, 14 April 2010, K. Kalb & L. Rodrigues (hb. Kalb 37920);— São Paulo: Praia do Lázaro near Ubatuba, in a dry and light coastal forest not subject to flooding (Restinga) on a granite boulder, 2 m, 23°25’ S, 45°10’ W, 29 September 1979, K. Kalb (hb. Kalb 38977).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on pages 38-39, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Agonimia pacifica Diederich

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    Agonimia pacifica (Harada) Diederich Harada (1993) described this species and placed it in a new genus Agonimiella. Diederich however convincingly showed that the differences between the new genus and Agonimia are more minor than thought by Harada (Aptroot et al. 1997). Consequently he transferred the species to the genus Agonimia. Our own observations confirmed those of Diederich. Previously, Agonimia pacifica was known from Brazil, Costa Rica, Japan, Reunion and Taiwan (Aptroot 2002, Aptroot et al. 2008, v.d. Boom et al. 2011). This report is a new addition to the Chinese lichen biota. Specimens examined: — CHINA. Zhejiang Province: Mount Tianmushan near Lin’an city; trail from Longfengjian Parking Lot to Peak of Immortales, in a rainforest with Carpinus viminea, Cyclocarva paliurus, Castanea henryi, Quercus serrata, etc. 1200 m. 30°20’ N, 119°26’ E, 19 October 2010, K. Kalb & Z.F. Jia (hb. Kalb 38740).—Qingyuan County; Mount Baishanzu, Baishanzu National Nature Reserve below the Baishanzu Protection Station, in a mixed mountain rainforest, 1400 m. 27°45’ N, 119°11’ E, 11 October 2010, K. Kalb & Z.F. Jia (hb. Kalb 38621).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on pages 35-36, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Malmidea reunionis Kalb 2012, sp. nov.

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    Malmidea reunionis Kalb sp. nov. (Fig. 2H) Mycobank MB 564183 Sicut Malmidea polycampia (Tuck.) Kalb & Lücking sed ascosporis maioribus, soraliis deficientibus differt. Type:— MASCARENE ISLANDS. Reunion: Forêt de Bébour, a few km NW of Plaine-des-Palmistes, sentier botanique, in a pristine tropical mountain rainforest, 1300 m, 21°08’ S, 55°35’30’’ E, 31 August 1991, K. & A. Kalb (holotype hb. Kalb 25202). Etymology:—The new lichen is named after the island where the type was collected. Thallus crustose, corticolous, continuous, 50–90 µm thick, minutely verrucose, soralia and isidia absent. Medulla of verrucae and thallus cream to yellowish, KOH+ orange to pale purple. Photobiont chlorococcoid, cells 5–7 µm diam. Apothecia sessile, rounded, 0.7–1.5 mm diam. and 0.4–0.5 mm high; disc plane to slightly convex, chocolate brown; margin of granifera - type, thin, entire, slightly prominent, depressed with age, cream coloured to pale yellow. Excipulum hyaline at periphery, internally with a medullary layer composed of loosely arranged, periclinal hyphae with constricted septa, 120–150 µm wide, incrusted with ochraceousyellow hydrophobic granules, dissolving in KOH with a lemon yellow reaction. Hypothecium 180–250 µm high, pale brown to honey brown, KOH-. Epihymenium indistinct. Hymenium 160–200 µm high, hyaline. Asci 90–110 × 20–25 µm, (2–)4(–8) spored. Ascospores non-septate, wall not uniformly thickened, i.e. distinctly thicker at the ends, halonate, ellipsoid to fusiform, 22–30 × 12–15 µ m, halo 1–1.5 µm wide. Chemistry: no atranorin detected, but at least 6 unknown lichen substances present, among them one major yellow pigment with relative R f -values 50, 34, 35 in solvents A, B’ and C (Elix & Ernst-Russell 1993). Notes:—The new species is distinguished by the rather large ascospores with distinct, terminal wall thickenings. Similar ascospores are known from M. chrysostigma (Vain.) Kalb, Rivas Plata & Lumbsch and M. incrassata Kalb (see above). The former can be distinguished by its golden to orange-red medulla and the presence of emodin as a major metabolite while the latter is distinguished by a piperis - type exciple, the lack of thalline warts and the much smaller ascospores. From M. polycampia, it is distinguished by the absence of soralia. Additional material examined: — MASCARENE ISLANDS. Reunion: Cirques de Cilaos; Mare à Joseph between Thermales and Bras Sec, in remnants of a pristine rainforest, 1350 m, 21°07’30’’ S, 55°30’ E, 24 August 1991, K. & A. Kalb (hb. Kalb 38967).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on pages 42-44, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Coenogonium pineti Lucking & Lumbsch 2004

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    Coenogonium pineti (Schrad. ex Ach.) Lücking & Lumbsch A careful comparison of the specimen cited below and European material of this cosmopolitan species revealed them to be identical. It is probably not rare in Thailand, but due to its very small, pale apothecia it is easily overlooked. Coenogonium pineti is a new addition to the Thai lichen biota. Specimens examined:— THAILAND. Trat Province: Laem Ngob District; Black sand beach near Tumbol Laem Ngob, in an old ± disturbed mangrove forest with dominant Rhizophora apiculata, Rh. mucronata, Lumnitzera racemosa and Avicennia marina, ± 3 m, 12°10’11’’ N, 102°24’27’’ E, 25 February 2011, K. Kalb & P. Mongkolsuk (hb. Kalb 38905).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on page 38, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Cryptothecia napoensis Kalb & Jonitz 2012, sp. nov.

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    Cryptothecia napoensis Kalb & Jonitz sp. nov. (Fig. 1E, F) Mycobank MB 564179 Sicut Cryptothecia candida (Kremp.) R. Sant., sed materia chemica differt. Type:— ECUADOR. Napo: Between Tena and Pto. Misahuallí, a few km W of Misahuallí, walking trail to ‘ Cascada de Latas’, on bamboo stipes in a tropical rainforest, 480 m, 01°01.9’ S, 77°44’ W, 3 September 2011. K. Kalb, J. Kalb & H. Jonitz (holotype hb. Kalb 38968, isotype UPS). Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to Napo Province in Ecuador where the type was collected. Thallus up to 4 cm wide, but sometimes several thalli confluent and then forming patches up to 10 cm wide, firmly attached to the substrate, smooth, dull, grey, greenish grey to green, heteromerous, thin, up to 50 µm thick; prothallus byssoid, brownish to black; medulla white, I+ blue; photobiont trentepohlioid, with several cells aggregated. Ascigerous parts delimited, round to elongated, raised, white, I+ violet, 0.4–1 mm diam. Paraphysoids tightly enclosing the asci. Asci frequent, ± globose, ca. 50 µm diam., walls 5–6 µm thick, usually with (4–)6(–8) ascospores. Ascospores ellipsoid but often curved and slightly thickened in the middle, with 9–13 transverse and 1–3(–4) longitudinal septa, (40–)45–55(–60) × (12–)13–15(–18) µm. Chemistry: confluentic acid (major), 2’- O -methylmicrophyllinic acid (trace) and 2’- O -methylperlatolic acid (trace) [J. Elix 2011, HPLC, TLC]. Notes:— Cryptothecia napoensis is closely related to the epiphyllous C. candida, and initially a new species was not described despite its occurence on bamboo. Bamboo culms provide a habitat often exploited by foliicolous species (Santesson 1952). However, C. candida is distinguished by its slightly larger ascospores (48–)52–60(–65) × (16–)17–20(–22) µm (Thor 1997) and especially by its alternative chemistry, i.e. not gyrophoric acid as mentioned by Thor (1997), but 2’- O -methylperlatolic acid and 2’- O -methylanziaic acid (Lücking et al. 2006). The morphologically identical neotropical C. filicina differs in having perlatolic acid. Until now, the chemistry of the new species is unique within the genus.Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on pages 40-41, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Brigantiaea phaeomma Hafellner 1997

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    Brigantiaea phaeomma (Nyl.) Hafellner Previously, Brigantiaea phaeomma was known only from the Southern Hemisphere, including Argentina, Australia and New Zealand (Hafellner 1997). It is characterized by apothecia covered by a rust-brown granular pruina which reacts KOH+ purple, 1-spored asci and in being muscicolous rather than corticolous. This report is a new addition to the Chinese lichen biota. Specimen examined:— CHINA. Zhejiang Province: Qingyuan County; Mount Baishanzu, Baishanzu National Nature Reserve below the Baishanzu Protection Station, over mosses on a tree trunk in a mixed mountain rainforest, 1400 m, 27°45’ N, 119°11’ E, 11 October 2010, K. Kalb & Z.F. Jia (hb. Kalb 38611).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on page 38, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Malmidea incrassata Kalb 2012, sp. nov.

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    Malmidea incrassata Kalb sp. nov. (Fig. 2G) Mycobank MB 564182 Sicut Malmidea vinosa (Eschw.) Kalb, Rivas Plata & Lumbsch, sed ascosporis cum parietibus apicalibus incrassatis et atranorino producente differt. Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Serra do Mar; Serra do Garrãozinho between Moji das Cruzes and Bertioga, in a very humid and dark primary rainforest (Mata Atlântica), 850 m, 23°45’ S, 46°10’ W, 29 March 1980, K. Kalb & G. Plöbst (holotype SP, isotype hb Kalb 21130). Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to the thickened end of the ascospores. Thallus crustose, corticolous, continuous, 100–180 µm thick, ± smooth or wrinkled, dull to slightly shiny, without warts, grey to green-grey, soralia and isidia absent. Medulla white, KOH-. Photobiont chlorococcoid, cells 6-8 µm in diameter. Apothecia sessile, rounded, 1–1.8 mm diam. and 0.4–0.5 mm high; disc plane to slightly concave, brown-grey to dark ochre; margin of piperis - type, thin, 100–200 µm thick, slightly prominent, whitish grey to dark grey, black when wet. Outer part of the exciple (30–50 µm) hyaline, internally brown to dark brown 100–200 µm thick, without a medullary layer or hydrophobic granules. Hypothecium 140–160 µm high, brown, KOH-. Epihymenium indistinct. Hymenium 80–100 µm high, hyaline. Asci 50–60 × 13–18 µm, (4–)6(–8) spored. Ascospores non-septate, wall unequally thickened, i.e. more thickened at both ends (or only one end), halonate, ellipsoid to fusiform, 12–17 × 6–10 µm, halo 1.5–2 µm thick. Chemistry: atranorin (major to trace) and a triterpene (major) with relative R f -values 73, 82, 88 in solvents A, B’, C (Elix & Ernst-Russell 1993). Notes:—The new species is very similar to Malmidea vinosa, but that species differs in having ascospores with uniformly thickened walls and lacks secondary lichen products (holotype tested). Additional material examined: — BRAZIL. São Paulo: Serra do Mar; Serra do Garrãozinho between Moji das Cruzes and Bertioga, in a very humid and dark primary rainforest (Mata Atlântica), 850 m, 23°45’ S, 46°10’ W, 28 October 1978, K. Kalb & G. Plöbst (hb. Kalb 37864). — Serra do Mar; Serra de Paranapiacaba, ca. 80 km SW of São Paulo, in a light and humid rainforest (Mata Atlântica), along the Rio Juquiá, 700 m, 24°00’ S, 47°20’ W, 28 March 1978, K. Kalb & G. Plöbst (hb. Kalb 37808). — Ilha Comprida opposite Cananéia, in a dense and very humid coastal forest not subject to flooding (restinga), 3 m, 25°00’ S, 47°50’ W, 15 July 1979, K. Kalb (hb. Kalb 21134).— Rio de Janeiro: Serra da Mantiqueira; Itatiaia, Parque National do Itatiaia, in a humid and dark primary rainforest (Mata Atlântica), 800 m, 22°20’ S, 44°35’ W, 21 July 1978, K. Kalb & G. Plöbst (hb. Kalb 38972). — Serra da Mantiqueira; Itatiaia, Parque National do Itatiaia, in a humid and dark primary rainforest (Mata Atlântica), 1100 m, 22°20’ S, 44°35’ W, 21. VII. 1978, K. Kalb & G. Plöbst (hb. Kalb 38973).Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on pages 41-42, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482

    Stirtonia rhizophorae Kalb & Mongkolsuk 2012, sp. nov.

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    Stirtonia rhizophorae Kalb & Mongkolsuk sp. nov. (Fig. 2K–L) Mycobank MB564186 Sicut Stirtonia macrocarpa Makhija & Patw. et S. schummii Aptroot, sed acidum confluenticum continet. Type:— THAILAND. Trat Province: Muang District, near Ban Nam Chieo, in a ± disturbed mangrove forest on Rhizophora apiculata, ± 3 m, 12°10’25’’ N, 102°28’37’’ E, 25 February 2011, K. Kalb & P. Mongkolsuk (holotype RAMK, isotype hb. Kalb 38845). Etymology:—The new species is named after the phorophyte on which the type species was collected. Thallus spreading, covering an area of up to 7 cm diam., contiguous, smooth to slightly warty, whitish grey, with calcium oxalate crystals, I+ blue. Ascigerous zones delimited, round to slightly elongated in outline, 0.5– 1.5 mm diam., raised, always higher than the thallus, white, with calcium oxalate crystals, I+ blue. Asci globose to ovoid, 8-spored, ascospores 12–15-septate, ellipsoid, 60–85 × 25–33 µm, cells of ± equal size (Fig. 2 L). Chemistry: confluentic acid (TLC). Thallus and ascigerous zones C-, Pd-, KOH-, UV-. Notes:—At present, no other species of Stirtonia is known to have this chemistry. It should be noted that a chemical reinvestigation of the type of Stirtonia schummii did not confirm the presence of perlatolic acid as mentioned in the protologue, but rather psoromic acid. This finding was confirmed by co-chromatography with the pure acid. Furthermore, Stirtonia macrocarpa probably does not contain 2’- O -methylperlatolic acid as mentioned by Aptroot (2009), but three unknown substances (Makhija & Patwardan 1987). Confluentic acid is a common substance in the related genus Cryptothecia which differs from Stirtonia in having muriform ascospores. However, ascospore septation is variable in many genera and both transversely septate and muriform ascospores can be found in closely related species of the same genus (Lücking 2009). The genera of Arthoniales are currently being revised by G. Thor and A. Frisch (pers. comm.) so that no taxonomic changes are made here.Published as part of Kalb, Klaus, Buaruang, Kawinnat, Mongkolsuk, Pachara & Boonpragob, Kansri, 2012, New or otherwise interesting Lichens. VI, including a lichenicolous fungus, pp. 35-47 in Phytotaxa 42 on page 45, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.42.1.5, http://zenodo.org/record/489482