15 research outputs found

    Probing singularities in quantum cosmology with curvature scalars

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    We provide further evidence that the canonical quantization of cosmological models eliminates the classical Big Bang singularity, using the {\it DeBroglie-Bohm} interpretation of quantum mechanics. The usual criterion for absence of the Big Bang singularity in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum cosmological models is the non-vanishing of the expectation value of the scale factor. We compute the `local expectation value' of the Ricci and Kretschmann scalars, for some quantum FRW models. We show that they are finite for all time. Since these scalars are elements of general scalar polynomials in the metric and the Riemann tensor, this result indicates that, for the quantum models treated here, the `local expectation value' of these general scalar polynomials should be finite everywhere. Therefore, we have further evidence that the quantization of the models treated here eliminates the classical Big Bang singularity. PACS: 04.40.Nr, 04.60.Ds, 98.80.Qc.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Explorando sistemas hamiltonianos II: pontos de equilĂ­brio degenerados

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    Neste segundo artigo sobre sistemas hamiltonianos, apresentamos o mĂ©todo da explosĂŁo (blow-up) para a determinação da natureza de pontos fixos (pontos de equilĂ­brio) degenerados. Aplicamos o mĂ©todo a dois modelos hamiltonianos com um e dois graus de liberdade, respectivamente. Primeiramente, analisamos um sistema formado por um pĂȘndulo simples submetido a um torque externo constante. Em seguida, consideramos um sistema formado por um pĂȘndulo duplo com segmentos de comprimentos e massas iguais, tambĂ©m submetidos a torques externos constantes e nĂŁo nulos. A presença de pontos de equilĂ­brio degenerados nos casos dos pĂȘndulos simples e duplo ocorre para certos valores dos torques externos

    Resonant structure of space-time of early universe

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    A new fully quantum method describing penetration of packet from internal well outside with its tunneling through the barrier of arbitrary shape used in problems of quantum cosmology, is presented. The method allows to determine amplitudes of wave function, penetrability TbarT_{\rm bar} and reflection RbarR_{\rm bar} relatively the barrier (accuracy of the method: ∣Tbar+Rbar−1∣<1⋅10−15|T_{\rm bar}+R_{\rm bar}-1| < 1 \cdot 10^{-15}), coefficient of penetration (i.e. probability of the packet to penetrate from the internal well outside with its tunneling), coefficient of oscillations (describing oscillating behavior of the packet inside the internal well). Using the method, evolution of universe in the closed Friedmann--Robertson--Walker model with quantization in presence of positive cosmological constant, radiation and component of generalize Chaplygin gas is studied. It is established (for the first time): (1) oscillating dependence of the penetrability on localization of start of the packet; (2) presence of resonant values of energy of radiation EradE_{\rm rad}, at which the coefficient of penetration increases strongly. From analysis of these results it follows: (1) necessity to introduce initial condition into both non-stationary, and stationary quantum models; (2) presence of some definite values for the scale factor aa, where start of expansion of universe is the most probable; (3) during expansion of universe in the initial stage its radius is changed not continuously, but passes consequently through definite discrete values and tends to continuous spectrum in latter time.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 table