71 research outputs found

    Presence of anaesthetists in intensive care medicine in Spain

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    Toxicidad renal del sevoflurano

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    Integración de los principios de cuidados paliativos en cuidados intensivos

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    En la literatura científica se constata un reciente interés por integrar los principios de la medicina paliativa en el trabajo cotidiano de la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI). El artículo revisa este planteamiento con la idea de fondo de que su aplicación pueda aportar luz en la resolución de ciertos problemas éticos presentes. Los pacientes con procesos avanzados y en situación de final de vida ingresados en cuidados intensivos se encuentran con un nivel de sufrimiento y vulnerabilidad que sólo una atención comprensiva y holística puede dar un alivio adecuado. Sin embargo, la realidad clínica del cuidado de estos pacientes en UCI, por el momento, está lejana a ese ideal. La mejora de la atención clínica en este sentido, especialmente en el fallecimiento, es el punto de interés que nos ocupa. Avanzar en este aspecto es complejo pero se hace necesario un esfuerzo. La propuesta es recurrir a la medicina paliativa como modelo de referencia en los cuidados del final de vida y en la atención holística, e introducir sus principios de tratamiento en la UCI. El objetivo del artículo es exponer una estrategia práctica para llevarlo a cabo y que pueda ser útil en la mejora de la atención clínica y ética de los pacientesRecent scientific literature has shown a growing interest to integrate palliative medicine principles into the daily workflow in the intensive care unit (ICU). This article reviews this trend with the goal that its application might provide more understanding in the resolution of some current ethical issues. Patients with an advanced disease process and at the end of life who are admitted in the intensive care unit are in such a profound level of suffering and vulnerability that only an holistic and comprehensive approach can provide adequate relief to them. Nevertheless, the reality of the clinical care of these patients in the ICU is far beyond that ideal. Our primary end point is the improvement in the clinical care provided, especially when the patient is dying. It is indeed very complex to make progress in this field, but an effort has to be made. The project is to turn to palliative medicine as a role model for end of life care and as an holistic approach, and introduce palliative medicine principles in the ICU. The goal of this article is to reveal a practical approach to accomplish this, and make it functional in order to improve our patients’ clinical and ethical car

    Evaluation of the prognostic value of the risk, injury, failure, loss and end-stage renal failure (RIFLE) criteria for acute kidney injury

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    AIM: The experts have argued about the use of the risk, injury, failure, loss and end-stage renal failure (RIFLE) criteria as a prognosis scoring system. We examined the association between in-hospital mortality and the RIFLE criteria, and discussed its accuracy as a prognosis factor. METHODS: In this prospective study, we analysed the data gathered from a cohort of 956 patients admitted in a Spanish tertiary hospital between January 1998 and April 2006. Hazard ratios for mortality, and survival curves within 60 days were calculated. Discrimination and calibration of the model were also assessed. RESULTS: Excluding 53 patients, 903 patients were finally analysed. We classified them into groups according to the maximum RIFLE class reached during their admission. The RIFLE class was assessed by the glomerular filtration rate criterion. We found an increase in the in-hospital mortality risk. Cox proportional hazard models showed that RIFLE classes risk, injury, and failure were significant predictive factors (hazard ratios were 2.77, 3.23 and 3.52, respectively; P for trend was 0.005). The multivariate analyses from the cross-classification of the participants according to Liano score values (severity of illness) and RIFLE classes showed additive effects of the exposures on in-hospital mortality. CONCLUSION: In this population, the risk of in-hospital mortality during the acute kidney injury (AKI) episode was positively associated with RIFLE classes. We showed that the RIFLE classification system had discriminative power in predicting hospital mortality within 60 days in AKI patients, but not better than a specific AKI predictive model. However, a combined use of both may give a more robust prognosis system

    Karnofsky performance score in acute renal failure as a predictor of short-term survival

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    Karnofsky Performance Scale Index (KPS) is a measure of functional status that allows patients to be classified according to their functional impairment. We aim to assess if the prior KPS may predict the risk of death among patients with acute renal failure (ARF). METHODS: A cohort of 668 consecutive patients who had been admitted in an university-affiliated hospital between June 2000 and June 2006, and had been diagnosed with ARF, were studied. Three hundred and eighty-six patients with ARF who matched at least one of the RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss and End stage) criteria on increased serum creatinine were included for subsequent analysis. The group was divided into four categories, according to different Karnofsky scores measured by a nephrologist (>or=80, 70, 60 and <or=50). We used an adjusted logistic regression model to assess the relationship between the Karnofky score and mortality. RESULTS: A significant risk of in-hospital mortality within 90 days was observed when the other groups were compared with the >or=80 Karnofsky group. Adjusted odds ratios were 8.87 (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.03-25.99), 6.78 (95% CI 2.61-17.58) and 2.83 (95% CI 1.04-7.68), for Karnofsky groups of <or=50, 60 and 70, respectively. An adjusted odds ratio of 1.75 (95% CI 1.37-2.23) was observed for every 10 point decrease in KPS score. CONCLUSION: Functional status as indicated by the KPS is an independent predictor of death in this cohort of patients with ARF. Patients who presented lower scores had increased mortality rate

    Serum C-reactive protein on the prognosis of oncology patients with acute renal failure: an observational cohort study

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    We undertook this study to evaluate the significance of the C-reactive protein level (CRP) as a prognostic factor in oncology patients with acute renal failure (ARF) during nephrology consultation. METHODS: The study was comprised of a cohort of 375 consecutive oncology patients who had been admitted to a university-affiliated hospital between March 1998 and April 2006 and had been diagnosed with ARF. One hundred and fifty nine patients with ARF who matched at least one of the RIFLE criteria on increased serum creatinine were included for subsequent analysis. We used a Cox proportional hazard model. RESULTS: Clinical pathological variables were compared among patients with serum CRP levels > or =8 mg/dL (exposed group; cut-off point: median) and patients with serum CRP level <8 mg/dL (control group). In-hospital mortality rates associated with CRP levels were 53.8% for > or =8 mg/dL and 21.5% for <8 mg/dL (p <0.001). After adjusted analysis, the presence of a CRP level > or =8 mg/dL was significantly associated with an increased in-hospital mortality (HR 2.10; 95% CI: 1.17-3.78) than in those patients with similar Liano scoring, the same RIFLE classes, and the same treatment for ARF. In addition, each increment of 1 mg/dL of serum CRP was associated with an adjusted 4% increment of in-hospital mortality (HR 1.04, 95% CI: 1.01-1.06). CONCLUSIONS: CRP levels at nephrology consultation were an independent predictor of death in this cohort of oncology patients with ARF. Patients with levels > or =8 mg/dL may be considered at higher risk of death

    Valoración de la repercusión del dolor sobre la productividad laboral: validación del cuestionario WPAI:Pain

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    Fundamento. Los instrumentos de medida de salud son esenciales en la actividad clínica diaria. Sin embargo, es necesario un proceso de validación para poder certificar la validez y fiabilidad de los mismos. En la actualidad no existe ninguno que permita evaluar la repercusión del dolor en la productividad laboral de los pacientes. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es validar un cuestionario para evaluar las consecuencias del dolor en dicha productividad. Método. En base al Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire – General Health hemos creado una versión modificada denominada WPAI:Pain con el fin obtener un cuestionario que pudiera medir las consecuencias del dolor en la productividad laboral. El estudio se realizó siguiendo las pautas habituales de validación de pruebas, omitiéndose las fases de redacción y validez de contenido ya que se modificaba un cuestionario existente. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 577 cuestionarios en dos hospitales universitarios españoles. Se comprobó la capacidad discriminante del cuestionario mediante prueba de U de Mann-Whitney. Se realizaron los test de fiabilidad obteniéndose un alfa de Cronbach de 0,896 con un test de dos mitades de Guttman de 0,921. Se comprobó la estabilidad con un test-retest estadísticamente significativo. La validez de constructo se estableció mediante correlación de Pearson comparando los resultados del cuestionario con el dolor en escala visual analógica, que resultó estadísticamente significativa para todos los valores. Conclusiones. El cuestionario WPAI:Pain es un instrumento de medida válido para determinar las consecuencias del dolor en la productividad laboral de los pacientes, siendo el único validado en español. Sin embargo, se requieren estudios de mayor envergadura para poder confirmar una validez universal.Background. Health measuring instruments are essential in daily clinical practice. However, a validation process is needed in order to certify the validity and reliability of it. The aim of our study is to validate a questionnaire to assess the consequences of pain in work productivity. Methods. Based on the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire – General Health we have created a modified version called WPAI:Pain in order to be able to measure the consequences of pain in work productivity. The study was conducted following the usual guidelines of test validation, omitting face validity as WPAI:Pain is a modification of an existing questionnaire. Validity and reliability were calculated. Results. A total of 577 questionnaires were obtained in 2 spanish university hospitals. The questionnaire’s discriminating power was verified by Mann-Whitney test. Reliability tests were realized, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.896 and Guttman split-half was 0.921. Stability was evaluated with a test-retest which was significant. Construct validity was established by Pearson correlation comparing the results of the questionnaire with the pain visual analog scale, which was statistically significant for all values. Conclusions. The WPAI:Pain questionnaire is a valid instrument for measuring the consequences of pain in work productivity. It is currently the only one validated in Spanish. Major studies are needed in order to establish its universal validity