7 research outputs found


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    Object-oriented is one of the key phrases of the decade. The object paradigm has been variously billed as everything from a great revolution, how we will build the information systems of the future to an evolution, not a revolution to much ado about nothing. Companies are admonished to go 00 or be left behind as their competitors gain an advantage by building 00 systems. 7\u27he tutorial will provide a basic understanding of the object paradigm and of object-oriented (00) systems for those with little or no familiarity with them. The tutorial will begin wilh a small example to introduce the principle concepts of the paradigm in a specific setting, and to give a sense of what an 00 system is and how it runs. l\u27he concepts will include abstraction; classes, instances, and objects: methods, messages, and polymorphism; generalization, specialization, and inheritance; aggregation; (other) associations; and encapsulation and data hiding. As we examine the implementation of the example, we will be looking for answers to the queslions Where is the program? How does il work? How does il stan? We will see also some of the differenccs between a structured program and an 00 one. Next we will examine the process of creating an 00 system. The 00 life cycle is generally considered to be a prototyping-like process involving repeated cycles through modeling and implementation. Modeling involves 00 analysis and logical design. implementation involves physical design and 00 programming. The principle boundary in the process is between modeling and implementation. Two of the alleged strengths of the paradigm are the blurring between analysis and logical design in modeling and the reduced gap (compared to traditional structured approaches) between modeling and implementation. We will look at a framework for classifying the various modeling tools (e.1., object diagrams and state transition diagrams) with some examples from our earlier problem. Of course, 00 systems don\u27t build themselves. So next we will spend a few minutes discussing the management of 00 projects because Lhe best technology and ideas won\u27t help much if you can\u27t get them inlo practice. Reuse has become to some people the key concept and promise of the object paradigm. Reuse is supposed to reduce development time, eliminate bugs, improve quality, etc. We will briefly examine some types of reuse and offer some comments on these claims. Finally. as you might expect, a topic as hot as the object pan,digm is generating a great deal of research, both applied and theoretical. Time permitting, we will identify some current key research areas. A list of definitions and a selected reading list will be available at the tutorial. The example system will be available from the speaker

    A Review of the Literature on the Empathy Construct Using Cluster Analysis

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    Empathy plays a central role in human behavior and is a key aspect of social functioning. The extensive research on the empathy construct in fields such as psychology, social work, and education has revealed many positive aspects of empathy. Through the use of cluster analysis, this research takes a new approach to reviewing the literature on empathy and objectively identifies groups of empathy research. Next, this study relates the information systems (IS) discipline’s focus on empathy research through the projection of IS empathy paragraphs into those clusters, and identifies areas of empathy research that are currently being largely overlooked by the IS field. The use of cluster analysis and projection for conducting a literature review provides researchers with a more objective approach for reviewing relevant literature

    Reuse and Analogical Reasoning in Object-Oriented Analysis

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    Academic institutions adopt different advising tools for various objectives. Past research used both numeric and text data to predict students’ performance. Moreover, numerous research projects have been conducted to find different learning strategies and profiles of students. Those strategies of learning together with academic profiles assisted in the advising process. This research proposes an approach to supplement these activities by text mining students’ essays to better understand different students’ profiles across different courses (subjects). Text analysis was performed on 99 essays written by undergraduate students in three different courses. The essays and terms were projected in a 20-dimensional vector space. The 20 dimensions were used as independent variables in a regression analysis to predict a student’s final grade in a course. Further analyses were performed on the dimensions found statistically significant. This study is a preliminary analysis to demonstrate a novel approach of extracting meaningful information by text mining essays written by students to develop an advising tool that can be used by educators

    Reuse and Analogical Reasoning in Object-Oriented Analysis

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