106 research outputs found

    Automatic power factor correction by microcontroller 8051

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    In the present technological revolution power is very precious. So we need to find out the causes of power loss and improve the power system. Due to industrialization the use of inductive load increases and hence power system losses its efficiency. So we need to improve the power factor with a suitable method. . When ever we are thinking about any programmable devices then the embedded technology comes into fore front. The embedded is now a day very much popular and most the product are developed with Microcontroller based embedded technology.Automatic power factor correction device reads power factor from line voltage and line current by determining the delay in the arrival of the current signal with respect to voltage signal from the function generator with high accuracy by using an internal timer. This time values are then calibrated as phase angle and corresponding power factor. Then the values are displayed in the 2X16 LCD modules. Then the motherboard calculates the compensation requirement and accordingly switches on different capacitor banks. This is developed by using 8051 microcontroller.Automatic power factor correction techniques can be applied to the industries, power systems and also house holds to make them stable and due to that the system becomes stable and efficiency of the system as well as the apparatus increases. The use of microcontroller reduces the costs

    Spanning Tree Based Community Detection Using Min-Max Modularity

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    AbstractCommunity refers to the group of entities which have similar behavior or characteristic among them. Usually community represents basic functional unit of social network. By understanding the behavior of elements in a community, one can predict the overall feature of large scale social network. Social networks are generally represented in the form of graph structure, where the nodes in it represent the social entities and the edges correspond to the relationships between them. Detecting different communities in large scale network is a challenging task due to huge data size associated with such network. Community detection is one of the emerging research area in social network analysis.In this paper, a spanning tree based algorithm has been proposed for community detection which provides better performance with respect to both time and accuracy. Modularity is the well known metric used to measure the quality of community partition in most of the community detection algorithms. In this paper, an extensive version of modularity has been used for quality assessment


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    Introduction: Neglected fracture neck of femur remains a challenge for Orthopedicians. Various options are available; each having its own pros and cons. In young adults there is always a dilemma whether to salvage the head and perform osteotomy or opt for radical surgery like THR.  The present study was done for a comparative analysis between two procedures: Pauwells osteotomy and total hip replacement and decide which is better opted for our Indian scenario. Material and methods:  47 cases of neglected fracture neck of femur operated during December 2017– January 2021 were included in this study. Cases were divided into two groups based on the method of surgery, Group 1: Pauwells osteotomy 17 cases and Group 2: THR 30 cases. The comparision was done on the basis of operative and post operative parameters like duration of surgery, blood loss, pain, duration of hospital stay, hip functionality by Harris Hip Score and complications like infection, dislocation, limb length shortening. Results: On assessing the operative parameters, it was found that duration of surgery was longer and statistically significant in Pauwells osteotomy; along with more blood loss. For the post-operative parameters, the duration of pain was longer and Hb level was less in Pauwells ostetomy which was statistically significant. However the hip functionality as assessed by Harris Hip Score was found to be not statistically significant. Conclusion: Both modalities of treatment i.e Pauwells ostetomy and THR restore the hip functionality in neglected fracture neck of femur; however Pauwells osteotomy has the advantage of preservation of native hip which is an essential requisite for squatting and other hip activities in relatively younger neglected fracture neck of femur patients whereas THR remains indisputable choice in less physically demanding patients

    Mast Cell Tumour in a Dog and Its Surgical Management

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    Abstract An 8-year-old male Labrador dog was presented with a history of inappetence, occasional bloody diarrhoea and two ulcerated pea-nut sized swelling in the groin region. On the basis of complete blood cell count and cytological examination of the tumour aspirate it was diagnosed as a case of mast cell tumour. Under general anaesthesia the tumour nodules were excised and three doses of vincrystine sulphate were given at recommended dose with dextrose normal saline. Post-operatively antibiotics, analgesics and supportive therapy were followed and the dog recovered well without any recurrence

    A Glimpse into the Resistant Pattern of Uropathogens: An Overview

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) poses a serious health issue for all age groups from neonates to geriatric age groups. Majority of the women experience urinary tract infections once in their lifetime. Escherichia coli (E.coli) is the most common uropathogen causing UTI which is followed by Klebsiella and Enterococci. Amoxicillin is the most resistant antibiotic against both E.coli and Klebsiella pneumonia whereas Gentamycin and Nitrofurantoin have been sensitive to both E.coli and Klebsiella pneumonia. Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli, Klebsiella species, Proteus species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Citrobacter species are the most common causes of UTI. Enterococcus species, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and Coagulase-negative bacteria are among Gram-positive bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus is a coagulase-positive gram-positive bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). Hence, we come to the serious conclusion that Uropathogens are becoming increasingly resistant to a different group of antibiotics. The misuse and indiscriminate use of antimicrobials have led to the emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria all over the world, posing a threat to the public. Estimating the local etiology and sensitivity pattern could help in successful treatment. Inquiring into UTI epidemiology, such as risk factors, bacterial strains, and antimicrobial susceptibility, could help healthcare planners determine the best course of action

    Genomska tipizacija i filogenetska analiza izolata pasjeg parvovirusa izdvojenih u državi Odisha u Indiji.

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    Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) comprises three major antigenic variants CPV-2a, CPV-2b and CPV-2c. Their mutated variants in geographically distinct locations need to be investigated to understand viral evolution and for development of effective management measures. In the present study, 71 faecal and 12 blood samples from suspected dogs in the state of Odisha, India were analyzed by PCR. Faecal lysate, extracted by the fast boiling method was found to be more sensitive as a template for PCR compared to DNA extracted from faecal samples by the phenol-chloroform method. The results revealed 29 positive cases (583 bp amplicon) out of 71 faecal samples, and 5 positive cases out of 12 blood samples examined, with a few variations in the results from blood and faecal samples in the same cases, thus suggesting the necessity of screening both blood and faecal samples for diagnosis. Restriction digestion of the 583 bp PCR amplicon with MboII (PCR-RFLP) confirmed the strain not to be CPV-2c. Further sequencing of the 583 bp fragments recognized the variant as one of the mutated CPV-2a strain. Interestingly, an additional presence of CPV-2a mutant of 525 bp was observed in eleven of the positive faecal samples, along with the 583 bp fragment in PCR that needs further characterization. These two CPV-2a variants shared a common clade with other CPV-2a variants in the phylogenetic tree separating CPV-2b and CPV-2c. Our results confirm the dynamic changes in CPV variants and emphasize the importance of CPV surveillance for understanding of viral epidemiology.Pasji parvovirus tip 2 (PPV-2) ima tri glavne antigenske varijante: PPV-2a, PPV-2b i PPV-2c. Radi razumijevanja njegove evolucije i razvijanja učinkovitih mjera suzbijanja potrebno je istražiti njegove mutante iz različitih geografskih područja. U ovom je radu lančanom reakcijom polimerazom bio pretražen 71 uzorak fecesa i 12 uzoraka krvi pasa sa sumnjom na parvovirusnu infekciju u državi Odisha u Indiji. Postupak dobivanja fekalnog lizata brzim ključanjem pri 100 °C pokazao se osjetljivijim u odnosu na ekstrakciju DNA iz uzoraka fecesa fenol-kloroformom. Rezultati su pokazali da je od 71 pretraženog uzorka fecesa 29 bilo pozitivnih (583 bp umnožak), a od 12 pretraženih uzoraka krvi sedam pozitivnih s različitim nalazima kod istih slučajeva, što govori da je za postavljanje dijagnoze potrebno pretražiti oba uzorka od iste životinje. Cijepanje odsječka 583 bp restrikcijskim enzimom MboII (PCR-RFLP) pokazalo je da izdvojeni soj ne pripada PPV-2c. Daljnjim sekvencioniranjem fragmenata od 583 bp pokazalo se da izolat pripada mutiranoj varijanti PPV-2a. Zanimljivo je da je u 11 pozitivnih uzoraka fecesa usporedno s fragmentima od 583 bp bila dokazana i prisutnost mutanta PPV-2a s fragmentom od 525 bp što iziskuje daljnju karakterizaciju. Te dvije varijante PPV-2a svrstane su u zajedničku skupinu u filogenetskom stablu, različitu od PPV-2b i PPV-2c. Naši rezultati potvrđuju dinamiku promjena varijanata PPV s naglaskom na važnost istraživanja za razumijevanje njegove epizootiologije

    Development of a Sensor System for Detection of Missing Seeds in a Tractor-operated Groundnut Planter

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    To minimize the missing seeds in groundnut planting, an Infra Red (IR) technology based sensor system was developed for a tractor drawn 9- row groundnut planter. This system could detect the number of groundnut seeds falling through a seed tube and provides visual and audible indications of missing drop(s). Laboratory evaluation of the planter with sensor system indicated that the variations of actual number of seeds dropped and display reading varied from 4.97% to 6.72% when operating speed varied from 2.5 km.h-1 to 3.5 km.h-1. The seed rates were 118.53 kg.ha-1 at 2.5 km.h-1, 100.10 kg.ha-1 at 3.0 km.h-1 and 93.20 kg.ha-1 at 3.5 km.h-1 operating speed. Under field condition, the planter without sensor system had lowest (22.60%) missing seeds at speed of 2.5 km.h-1, and highest (32.85%) missing seeds at higher speed of 3.5 km.h-1; while the planter with sensor system had 5.92% - 10.84% missing seeds with forward speed varying from 2.5 km.h-1 to 3.5 km.h1 . The missing index of seed thus, reduced by 16-22% with incorporation of the sensor device with the planter. With increase in forward speed, seed rate decreased irrespective of use of the sensor with the planter due to higher planter vibration as well as the seeds dropping back from the metering cells in the seed box before being discharged in seed tube. However, using the sensor system, no significant effect of speed on seed rate was observed