21 research outputs found

    Gluon helicity from global analysis of experimental data and lattice QCD Ioffe time distributions

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    International audienceWe perform a new global analysis of spin-dependent parton distribution functions with the inclusion of Ioffe time pseudo-distributions computed in lattice QCD (LQCD), which are directly sensitive to the gluon helicity distribution, Δg\Delta g. These lattice data have an analogous relationship to parton distributions as do experimental cross sections, and can be readily included in global analyses. We focus in particular on the constraining capability of current LQCD data on the sign of Δg\Delta g at intermediate parton momentum fractions xx, which was recently brought into question by analysis of data in the absence of parton positivity constraints. We find that present LQCD data cannot discriminate between positive and negative Δg\Delta g solutions, although significant changes in the solutions for both the gluon and quark sectors are observed

    Mediation as a New Technique for Resolving Disputes in the Mental Health System

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    In the mental health service system, disputes take on various forms and exist in both clinical practice and management. Existing policy and administrative practice has favored a combination of medical and judicial/legal models to handle conflicts among consumers, mental health professionals, and others. The authors propose the addition of mediation as a third form of resolving issues, explicate some of the differences between mediation and current methods of resolving conflicts, and suggest benefits of using mediation

    Resistência parasitária em helmintos de eqüídeos e propostas de manejo Parasite resistance on helminths of equids and management proposal’s

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    Os eqüinos apresentam uma grande variedade de parasitas em sua fauna helmíntica, e algumas espécies/gêneros são de relevada importância, como: Parascaris equorum, Anoplocephala perfoliata, Oxyuris equi, Cyathostomum spp. e Strongylus spp. O controle destas infecções depende principalmente da utilização de produtos antiparasitários de forma supressiva ou estratégica e, em menor escala, de forma curativa. O tratamento supressivo é o fator mais importante na promoção da seleção de organismos resistentes, prejudicando a sustentabilidade de qualquer programa sanitário. As formas de detecção da resistência parasitária são onerosas e as mais comuns expressam resultados imprecisos. Entretanto, estas técnicas servem para monitorar a evolução e determinar os organismos envolvidos. A combinação de drogas é uma ferramenta que deve ser utilizada com muita cautela, pois esta alternativa não garante uma redução significativa de organismos resistentes aos compostos envolvidos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar formas de planejamento que auxiliem a melhorar a condição sanitária, o bem-estar dos animais e preserve o efeito tóxico dos produtos antiparasitários.<br>Equines harbour a variety of parasitic organisms on their helminth fauna and there are a few species/genus of interest, such as: Parascaris equorum, Anoplocephala perfoliata, Oxyuris equi, Cyathostomum spp. and Strongylus spp. The control of these infections relies mostly on the suppressive or strategic usage of antiparasitic compounds, and to a less extent on curative/salvage treatments. Suppressive treatment is the most important factor regarding the selection of resistant organisms, causing the impairment of sanitary programs. Detection methods of parasite resistance are expensive and the most common ones express variable results. Although, these techniques allow monitoring the evolution and the determination of which organisms are involved. Drug combination is a toll that should be used with caution, because it may not reduce the presence of resistant organisms to the compounds involved. The objective of this article is to demonstrate control alternatives that would contribute to sanitary management, to improve animal welfare and to preserve the toxic effect of the antiparasitic products