72 research outputs found

    Model metadata report for BGS-DECC shale study model, central and eastern Midland Valley of Scotland

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    For the purpose of detailed documentation and inclusion in the National Geological Model, this report describes the five stratigraphic surfaces and 19 faults which formed the geological framework for the BGS-DECC Midland Valley shale resource estimation (Monaghan, 2014). The model was made by integration of seismic, well, borehole, mining and map data and a small component of the previous Midland Valley regional model (Monaghan, 2013). The modelled surfaces and accompanying report are available for download from the DECC website (https://www.gov.uk/oil-and-gas-onshore-exploration-and-production#seismic-and-wells) and are copyright DECC 2014. The volumetric grids, cut-off surface, maturity-depth surface, percentage shale and Total Organic Carbon maps used to calculate gross rock volumes and net shale volumes for the resource estimation are not included in this report or accompanying model files

    3D attributed models for addressing environmental and engineering geoscience problems in areas of urban regeneration : a case study in Glasgow, UK

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    The City of Glasgow is situated on and around the lower floodplain and inner estuary of the River Clyde in the west of Scotland, UK. Glasgow’s urban hinterland once was one of Europe’s leading centres of heavy industry, and of ship building in particular. The industries were originally fed by locally mined coal and ironstone. In common with many European cities, the heavy industries declined and Glasgow was left with a legacy of industrial dereliction, widespread undermining, and extensive vacant and contaminated sites, some the infilled sites of clay pits and sand and gravel workings

    Model metadata report for the Midland Valley of Scotland Regional Model 2012/13

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    This report describes the revision of the Midland Valley of Scotland regional model in 2012/13 to integrate and unify models at a variety of higher resolutions that have been completed and approved between 2008 and 2012. The revised model contains a subset of only the largest faults and 4 key surfaces. It extends a significant way offshore in the east (Firth of Forth and Forth Approaches) and some way offshore in the west (Firth of Clyde). Geologist’s judgement has been used in decision making for model integration. Model uncertainty is extremely variable, particularly at depth

    Tectonic synthesis and contextual setting for the Palaeozoic of the Moray Firth region, Orcadian Basin

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    This report is designed simply to provide a summary tectonic outline and contextual setting against which offshore seismic and well data relating to the Devono-Carboniferous evolution of the Inner Moray Firth region, adjacent areas of the Orcadian Basin, and UK offshore regions can be considered. This summary is intended to help better frame the questions that will arise during interrogation of that data; the findings that result from that analysis are presented elsewhere in the report series (Arsenikos et al., 2016; Kimbell & Williamson, 2016; Monaghan et al., 2016). The pattern of Devonian and Carboniferous tectonics in the Moray Firth region will be strongly influenced by the underlying pattern of (N)NE-(S)SW tending Caledonian basement discontinuities transecting the region, in particular the expression of regional stress patterns along and across the trace of the Great Glen – Walls Boundary Fault Zone (GGFZ). Sinistral motion, on that very large-scale intra-Laurussian structure, is seen throughout most of the Upper Palaeozoic (Dewey and Strachan, 2003) but by the late Carboniferous, interaction of Baltica-Siberia across the Ural Sea foredeep had come into play, promoting dextral shear on the GGFZ (Coward, 1993; cf. Domeier and Torsvik, 2014). In the Devono-Carboniferous, and under the influence of overall sinistral transcurrent motion on the GGFZ, E(SE)-W(NW) directed stretching should be anticipated in the Moray Firth region with N(NE)-S(SW) oriented extensional faults likely. Such structures would be similar in style to the patterns of faulting associated with the Devonian outliers observed onshore in Moray- Buchan, and also as described in the Helmsdale region (Underhill & Brodie, 1993). In addition to a strong ‘basement’ control from inherited Caledonian (N)NE to (S)SW features, there is likely also to be underlying control from any Caledonian plutonic complexes present (Kimbell & Williamson, 2016). The present day pattern of Moray Firth faulting, established depocentres and intra-basinal highs, comprises a strong Mesozoic pattern of tectonic features (e.g. Andrews et al., 1990; Underhill 1991; Thomson and Underhill 1993) superimposed on older (‘post-Caledonian’) tectonic patterns established in the Late Carboniferous, most likely in response to the south-westwards movement of Baltica relative to Laurussia at this time (cf. Coward, 1993). Those regional stresses generated dextral shear in the GGFZ, coincident with strongly partitioned strain in the North Sea basin interior (Leslie et al. 2015). From Late Carboniferous times, N(NW) – S(SE) directed extension in the Inner Moray Firth region generated W(SW)-E(NE) trending extensional faults (e.g. the Banff and Wick faults). This stress régime sets in place the framework of highs and lows preceding any Permian uplift and younger tectonics as the switch to the earliest Atlantic-opening stresses occurred. WNW-ESE directed extension, observed and dated in the Pentland Firth area (267+/-3 Ma, Dichiarante et al. 2015), will likely generate increasingly oblique (sinistral?) wrench on the Wick/Banff Faults from this time. Dip-slip components of movement are likely on the older (N)NE- (S)SW-trending structures inherited from the Caledonian, e.g. the Helmsdale/Strathconnon Faults, and perhaps the GGFZ; the latter may be too steep and fundamental a structure to actively respond in pure extension at this time

    Devonian and Carboniferous stratigraphical correlation and interpretation in the Central North Sea, Quadrants 25 – 44

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    This report details the stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of the UK Central North Sea for the 21CXRM Palaeozoic project. The 21CXRM Palaeozoic project results are delivered as a series of reports and digital datasets for each area. This report describes the stratigraphical correlation of Devonian and Carboniferous strata south of, and over, the Mid North Sea High (Quadrants 25-44) using both well and seismic data. It builds on the work of Cameron (1993a) and others, and uses lithostratigraphy to understand how facies vary across the area. A major outcome of this work is the detailed description of the Cleveland Group, the basinal correlative of the Scremerston, Yoredale and Millstone Grit formations within the offshore extension of the Cleveland Basin

    Seismic interpretation and generation of key depth structure surfaces within the Carboniferous and Devonian of the Orcadian Study Area, Quadrants 7-9, 11-15 and 19-21

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    This report details the rationale, methodology and results of a regional seismic interpretation of the 21CXRM Palaeozoic ‘Orcadian study area’, specifically the Inner Moray Firth and western Outer Moray Firth basins (Quadrants 11–15), the East Orkney Basin (Quadrant 13) and the Grampian High area (Quadrants 19–21). The aim of the interpretation was to create Two-Way Travel Time (TWTT) and depth maps that show the distribution of Palaeozoic basins and highs, and where possible interpret key Devono-Carboniferous surfaces and main structural elements in order to contribute a tectono-stratigraphic model of the Palaeozoic succession. Some 35,000 line kilometres of predominantly 2D seismic data have been interpreted and tied to key released wells in the study area. In total, 8 depth structure maps of key horizons have been produced for the pre-Permian succession. The maps do not cover the entire study area as it was not possible to interpret a specific seismic reflector everywhere due both to seismic resolution and also current day extents (as a result of non-deposition and/or erosion). These maps provide a key element to aid assessment of the petroleum systems of the Palaeozoic sequence within the study area. Where present, the surfaces with a grid spacing of 5000 m, give a regional view of the topography of the horizons, and comprise: Inner and Outer Moray Firth and East Orkney Basin area Base Zechstein; Top Firth Coal Formation; Top Eday Marl Formation; Top Orcadia Formation; Base Orcadia Formation; Top Struie Formation; Top Basement. The geological succession over the Grampian High area was such that only the following surfaces were generated: Base Zechstein; Base Carboniferous/ Top Devonian; Top Basement. The regional structure map of the area constructed for this report, and observations made from the seismic data, have been integrated with peer reviewed published information to describe a tectonic synthesis for the region (Leslie et. al., 2016). A new pre-Permian subcrop map is presented here that builds on existing publications (Smith, 1985; Marshall and Hewett 2003) and incorporates relevant new well penetrations since the previous maps were published. The well dataset has been either validated or re-interpreted before being integrated with the new seismic interpretation. The map extends the interpretation of the pre-Permian subcrop northwards from the published Central North Sea map (Arsenikos et al., 2015)

    Organic geochemistry of Palaeozoic source rocks, central North Sea (CNS)

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    This report details a regional analysis of the source rock quality and potential of Palaeozoic rocks of the UK Central North Sea for the 21CXRM Palaeozoic project. The objective was to undertake a regional screening of all intervals to identify source rocks using new and legacy datasets of all Carboniferous and Devonian samples. In addition, a literature review (Appendix 1) summarises source and kerogen typing information from legacy reports. The background and stratigraphic nomenclature are given in Monaghan et al. (2016), details on individual well interpretations and stratigraphy are given in Kearsey et al. (2015). Geological context on the results of this work are included in basin modelling (Vincent, 2015) and were synthesised into a petroleum systems analysis in Monaghan et al. (2015). New and legacy Carboniferous and Devonian source rock geochemical data were examined per well using industry standard criteria to give an overview of the source rock quality, type (oil or gas prone) and maturity. The aims of this study were to classify the source rock quality of 33 wells, to examine if intervals were ‘gas-prone’ or ‘oil-prone’, and to ascertain the hydrocarbon generation stage of each well based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance (VR, where available) and total organic carbon (TOC) data. The term ‘gas prone’ was used to describe source rocks that have or could generate gas; ‘oil prone’ for source intervals that have or could generate oil. This study was a rapid screening exercise to identify intervals or areas of interest, and as such the data and inferences must be used concomitantly with other geological data to fully assess the source rock potential within the studied wells. It should be noted that the wells studied penetrate different parts of the geological succession and in many cases only small sections of the Devonian and Carboniferous interval. An initial sift through the wells with available geochemical data indicated that 33 wells had enough data to be usefully evaluated. Subsequently it was found that 8 of the 33 wells had incomplete, unreliable or otherwise poor source rock quality data sets and therefore were not analysed further; the reasons are detailed in this report. The remaining 25 wells selected for analysis were: 43/28-2, 26/07-1, 26/08-1, 36/13-1, 36/23-1, 38/16-1, 38/18-1, 39/07-1, 41/08-1, 42/10a-1, 42/10b-2ST, 42/09-1, 41/10-1, 42/10b-2, 41/15-1, 43/21-2, 41/01-1, 41/20-1, 41/14-1, 43/02-1, 43/17-2, 43/20b-2, 43/28-1, 43/28-2, 44/13-1, 44/16-1. Samples analysed from the majority of these wells were interpreted to be gas prone in the Carboniferous succession (Figure 1). 1. 41/10-1, 41/14-1 and 41/20-1 contained source rocks that were both gas window mature (e.g. VR >1.3) and can be regarded as excellent gas source. Strata in 43/17-2, 44/16-1 and 43/28-1 were also gas mature in all or parts of the section of interest, but with variable source rock quality. The six wells all had low S2 peaks: this may be due to either prior hydrocarbon generation and depletion or the initial presence of low amounts of non-inert kerogen. 2. 41/15-1, 42/10b-2 and 43/21-2 were also identified as possessing good gas-prone source rocks with elevated S2 values and also a high maturity attained by the source rocks. 41/01-1 was identified as a good for gas generation in the deeper section. 3. 26/07-1, 26/08-1, 36/13-1, 38/16-1, 39/07-1, 41/08-1, 42/10a-1, 42/10b-2ST, 42/09-1, 43/02-1, 43/20b-2, 43/28-2 and 44/13-1, contain good to excellent quality source rocks, but have not matured sufficiently to generate significant amount of gas, so these can be regarded as poor gas sources based on their current maturity. If present, in deeper basins some of these intervals will have generated significant quantities of gas

    Seismic interpretation and generation of key depth structure surfaces within the Devonian and Carboniferous of the Central North Sea, Quadrants 25 – 44 area

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    This report details the rationale, methodology and results of a regional seismic interpretation of the western margin of the Central North Sea (CNS) area, specifically over the Mid North Sea High area, the offshore extension of the Northumberland Trough and the Forth Approaches area. The aim of the interpretation was to create maps that show the distribution of Palaeozoic basins and highs, and where possible interpret key Devono-Carboniferous surfaces and main structural elements in order to build a tectono-stratigraphic model of the Palaeozoic geology. Some 50,000 line kilometres of predominantly 2D seismic data have been interpreted and tied to key released wells in the study area. The seismic and well data were augmented by donated reports from sponsor companies. A set of 5 depth structure maps of selected Palaeozoic horizons has been produced for the pre-Permian succession. These maps provide a key element to aid assessment of the petroleum prospectivity of the Palaeozoic within the study area. The surfaces, with a grid spacing of 5000 m, give a regional view of the topography of the horizons, and comprise: Upper Permian Base Zechstein Group; Lower Carboniferous near Top Scremerston Formation; Lower Carboniferous near Top Fell Sandstone Formation; Lower Carboniferous near Top Cementstone Formation; and Middle Devonian near Top Kyle Limestone Group. The regional structure map of the area constructed for this report and observations made from the seismic data, have been integrated with peer reviewed published information to describe a tectonostratigraphic model for the region (Leslie et. al., 2015). A new pre-Permian subcrop map is presented here that builds on existing publications (Smith,1985a, b; Kombrink et al., 2010) and incorporates all relevant new well penetrations since the previous map was published. The well dataset has been either validated or re-interpreted before being integrated with the new seismic interpretation (Kearsey et al., 2015). Figure 10 in Section 3.3.1 below summarises the regional structures referred to in the general observations listed below. General observations on the structures defined across Quadrants 29, 30, 31, 37, 38 and 39: The Middle-Upper Devonian basins and highs follow a NW-SE trend across Quadrants 29-30 and 37-38; Lower Carboniferous sequences (Tournaisian and Visean) are interpreted to be present in depocentres across much of the area covered by Quadrants 29 to 38; wells, mainly drilled on the structural highs, constrain the edge of the Lower Carboniferous basins; There is a structurally complicated area in the southernmost part of Quadrant 38 which comprises a folded Visean and probably Namurian succession. The structure can be interpreted either as an anticlinal rollover on a low-angle fault, or as a compressional anticlinal fold (see Figure 17 below). The structure trends broadly NNE-SSW, plunging northwards into Quadrant 38

    Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA05, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA05 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Mine water borehole GGA05 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Main mine working void and overlying sandstone roof. The mine working is a water-filled void and initial hydrogeological indications from the test pumping are of a very high yielding borehole. Borehole GGA05 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the rock wall and has a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole

    Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA01, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow.

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    This report and accompanying data release describe the ‘as-built’ borehole GGA01 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, as well as summarising hydrogeological testing and an initial geological interpretation. Mine water borehole GGA01 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Upper mine working and overlying sandstone roof. The mine working is interpreted to be filled with a loosely packed mine waste. Hydrogeological evidence from test pumping indicates that the borehole is very high yielding. Borehole GGA01 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the rock wall and has a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole
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