9 research outputs found

    Femmes et citoyenneté dans la Grande-Bretagne du XIXe siècle : reconnaissance de l’égalité ou de la différence des sexes ?

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    En Grande-Bretagne comme en France, la récente législation destinée à favoriser de manière paritaire l’accès des femmes aux fonctions électives a provoqué une controverse publique sur la question de la nature égalitaire ou différentialiste de la citoyenneté féminine. Parfois menées au nom de la différence des sexes, les campagnes en faveur du vote des femmes ont fait naître la thèse qu’en Grande-Bretagne la citoyenneté leur avait été finalement accordée en 1918 sur cette base. Rien n’est plus loin de la réalité comme le démontre cet article qui revient sur les débats du XIXe siècle pour souligner, au contraire, le caractère profondément égalitaire de la revendication suffragiste britannique et de la reconnaissance de l’existence politique des femmes à l’ère édouardienne.The recent measures destined to favour the equal representation of British women in Parliament have rekindled the equality /difference question which has always been at the core of the XIXth-century suffragist debates. Contrary to the thesis grounded on some of the campaigners’ misleading arguments that citizenship in Britain was granted on the basis of gender, the article posits that sex equality was central to the vindications of British women and finally recognized with their political rights in 1918

    Mona Hearn, Thomas Edmondson and the Dublin Laundry : a Quaker Businessman, 1837-1908

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    Monacelli-Faraut Martine. Mona Hearn, Thomas Edmondson and the Dublin Laundry : a Quaker Businessman, 1837-1908. In: Études irlandaises, n°30 n°2, 2005. L'Irlande et l'Europe, sous la direction de Christophe Gillissen. p. 174

    Mona Hearn, Thomas Edmondson and the Dublin Laundry : a Quaker Businessman, 1837-1908

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    Monacelli-Faraut Martine. Mona Hearn, Thomas Edmondson and the Dublin Laundry : a Quaker Businessman, 1837-1908. In: Études irlandaises, n°30 n°2, 2005. L'Irlande et l'Europe, sous la direction de Christophe Gillissen. p. 174

    Male Voices on Women's Rights: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century British Texts Manchester

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    In the context of the #metoo movement, some have expressed a long-running fear that feminism and the cause of women’s rights may enhance the opposition between men and women instead of bridging the gap between them, and create division instead of harmony. Martine Monacelli’s collection of texts written by men in favour of women’s rights could hardly have come at a better time to redefine the contours of the extent of men’s political engagement throughout the 20th century for women’s rights. The question of men and women’s equality is one that concerns everyone. Published in 2017, this collection is structured around four sections preceded by a preface and anintroduction, written by Martine Monacelli, that frame the selected texts and provide information and landmarks that historicise these extracts

    Male Voices on Women's Rights: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century British Texts Manchester

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    In the context of the #metoo movement, some have expressed a long-running fear that feminism and the cause of women’s rights may enhance the opposition between men and women instead of bridging the gap between them, and create division instead of harmony. Martine Monacelli’s collection of texts written by men in favour of women’s rights could hardly have come at a better time to redefine the contours of the extent of men’s political engagement throughout the 20th century for women’s rights. The question of men and women’s equality is one that concerns everyone. Published in 2017, this collection is structured around four sections preceded by a preface and anintroduction, written by Martine Monacelli, that frame the selected texts and provide information and landmarks that historicise these extracts

    La Grande-Bretagne et la modernité au XIXe siècle (adaptations et réactions)

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    NICE-BU Lettres Arts Sci.Hum. (060882104) / SudocSudocFranceF