764 research outputs found

    i possibili Sud dell'esistenza: L'isola di Evelina Santangelo

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    \u201cIl modo in cui ho sempre trattato la lingua, il modo in cui ho sempre ricercato una particolare espressivit\ue0, anche quando non ho raccontato esplicitamente della mia terra, sono una traccia fortissima ed evidente della mia identit\ue0 siciliana. E infine anche l\ub4ossessiva attenzione verso la marginalit\ue0, verso tutti i possibili \u2018sud\u2019 dell\ub4esistenza\u201d. Cos\uec dichiara Evelina Santangelo, in un\u2019intervista del 2009, confermando la conflittualit\ue0 dialettica di un legame con la \u201cterramadre\u201d sempre pi\uf9 lontano dalla riconoscibilit\ue0 mimetica dei luoghi eppure talmente intrinseco alle ragioni stesse della scrittura da farsene elemento costitutivo. La Sicilia dell\u2019autrice palermitana si delinea nella sua fisionomia fisica ma soprattutto etica, culturale, tra presente e passato, attraverso la chiave elettiva delle scelte linguistiche ed espressive. Schermata dal cedimento al luogo comune, la narrazione trova, infatti, la sua \u201cprospettiva inedita\u201d nell\u2019interpretare le dinamiche storiche e sociali di un\u2019isola cui la migrazione, la modernit\ue0 consumistica, la trascuratezza istituzionale sfigurano il volto pur non soffocandone il battito vitale. Laddove \u201cl\u2019occhio del mondo \ue8 cieco\u201d , si potrebbe dire parafrasando il titolo della sua prima raccolta di racconti, e si arresta all\u2019evidenza del dato empirico, la scrittura si incarica invece di scandagliarne i risvolti celati, le pieghe latenti e, nel farlo, ricorre alle potenzialit\ue0 semantiche ed espressive della parola. L\u2019inclinazione alla visionariet\ue0, l\u2019incursione della sintassi onirica, la contaminazione con la forma dell\u2019apologo, variamente declinati nel suo itinerario narrativo, dalla Lucertola color smeraldo al Giorno degli orsi volanti, si incarnano sin da Senzaterra, romanzo sul dramma dello sdradicamento in una concretezza spazio-temporale misurabile nei confini isolani e nella specola adolescenziale. In Cose da pazzi, l\u2019ultima fatica editoriale del 2012, l\u2019ancoraggio della rilettura coscienziale tra gli ingranaggi societari della Palermo pi\uf9 dilemmatica, conferisce al dettato narrativo, che pure non rinuncia alla presenza fitta di un lessico figurato, denso di similitudini e metafore, una diversa \u201cmaterialit\ue0\u201d

    Prevention of neurological injuries during mandibular third molar surgery: technical notes

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    Surgery to the mandibular third molar is common, and injuries to the inferior alveolar nerve and the lingual nerve are well-recognized complications of this procedure. The aim of these technical notes is to describe operative measures for reducing neurological complications during mandibular third molar surgery. The following procedure should be used to prevent damage to the inferior alveolar nerve: a well-designed mucoperiosteal flap, to obtain appropriate access to the surgical area; a conservative ostectomy on the distal and distal-lingual side; tooth sectioning, to facilitate its removal by decreasing the retention zones; tooth dislocation in the path of withdrawal imposed by the curvature of the root apex; and careful socket debridement, when the roots of the extracted tooth are in intimate contact with the mandibular canal. To prevent injury to the lingual nerve, it is important (I) to assess the integrity of the mandibular inner cortex and exclude the presence of fenestration, which could cause the dislocation of the tooth or its fragment into the sublingual or submandibular space; (II) to avoid inappropriate or excessive dislocation proceedings, in order to prevent lingual cortex fracture; (III) to perform horizontal mesial-distal crown sectioning of the lingually inclined tooth; (IV) to protect the lingual flap with a retractor showing the cortical ridge; and (V) to pass the suture not too apically and from the inner side in a buccal-lingual direction in the retromolar are

    Delayed eruption of permanent dentition and maxillary contraction in patients with cleidocranial dysplasia: review and report of a family

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    Introduction. Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is an inherited disease caused by mutations in the RUNX2 gene on chromosome 6p21. This pathology, autosomal dominant or caused by a spontaneous genetic mutation, is present in one in one million individuals, with complete penetrance and widely variable expressivity. Aim. To identify the incidence of these clinical findings in the report of the literature by means of PubMed interface from 2002 to 2015, with the related keywords. The report of local patients presents a clinical example, related to the therapeutic approach. Results and Discussions. The PubMed research resulted in 122 articles. All the typical signs were reported in all presented cases. The maxilla was hypoplastic in 94% of the patients. Missing of permanent teeth was found in two cases: one case presented a class II jaw relationship, instead of class III malocclusion. Similar findings were present in our cohort. Conclusion. CCD is challenging for both the dental team and the patient. The treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach. Further studies are required to better understand the cause of this disease. According to this review, a multistep approach enhances the possibilities to achieve the recovery of the most possible number of teeth, as such to obtain a good occlusion and a better aesthetic

    Comparative histological and histomorphometric results of six biomaterials used in two-stage maxillary sinus augmentation model after 6-month healing

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    To evaluate the performances of six different bone substitute materials used as graft in maxillary sinus augmentation by means of histological and histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies retrieved from human subjects after a 6-month healing period. Materials and Methods. Six consecutive patients (3 males, 3 females, aged 50-72 years), healthy, nonsmokers, and with good oral hygiene, presenting edentulous posterior maxilla with a residual bone crest measuring ≤ 4 mm in vertical height and 3 to 5 mm in horizontal thickness at radiographic examination, were selected to receive sinus augmentation and delayed implant placement. Under randomized conditions, sinus augmentation procedures were carried out using mineralized solvent-dehydrated bone allograft (MCBA), freeze-dried mineralized bone allograft (FDBA), anorganic bovine bone (ABB), equine-derived bone (EB), synthetic micro-macroporous biphasic calcium-phosphate block consisting of 70% beta-tricalcium phosphate and 30% hydroxyapatite (HA-β-TCP 30/70), or bioapatite-collagen (BC). After 6 months, bone core biopsies were retrieved and 13 implants were placed. Bone samples were processed for histological and histomorphometric analysis. CT scans were taken before and after surgery. After 4 months of healing, patients were restored with a provisional fixed acrylic resin prosthesis, as well as after further 2-4 months with a definitive cemented zirconia or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. Results. There were no postoperative complications or implant failures. The histological examination showed that all biomaterials were in close contact with newly formed bone, surrounding the graft granules with a bridge-like network. No signs of acute inflammation were observed. The histomorphometry revealed 20.1% newly formed bone for MCBA, 32.1% for FDBA, 16.1% for ABB, 22.8% for EB, 20.3% for HA-β-TCP 30/70, and 21.4% for BC. Conclusions. Within the limitations of the present investigation, all the six tested biomaterials showed good biocompatibility and osteoconductive properties when used in sinus augmentation procedures, although the FDBA seemed to have a better histomorphometric result in terms of newly formed bone and residual graft material. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier (Registration Number): NCT03496688

    Surgical management of extrafollicular variant of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in the maxillary posterior region

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    Background. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a relatively uncommon benign neoplasm of odontogenic epithelial origin, accounting for less than 5% of odontogenic tumors. Case Report. The reported case describes morphological characteristics, clinical course, radiographic and histopathological features, and surgical therapy of an extrafollicular variant of AOT in the maxillary posterior region. An asymptomatic swelling on the left side in the posterior region of the maxilla, gradually increased since approximately 12 months, developed in a 16-year-old Caucasian female patient. Radiographic images revealed a well-defined, unilocular radiolucency, with some small foci of radiopacity inside, and root resorption of the first and second molars. On the base of the histological examination of the specimen retrieved by incisional biopsy, the diagnosis of AOT was made, and the conservative surgical enucleation of the lesion was performed. Discussion. The present case was reported in agreement with an extensive review, in which it was recommended to discontinue reporting classic follicular cases because their clinicopathological profile was well-known, but to continue reporting well-documented cases of the extrafollicular variant, with indication of the exact position. Conclusion. The present case was reported in order to expand the knowledge about the clinical behavior and surgical treatment of the extrafollicular variant of AOT

    A Simulation Model for a Hybrid-Electric Craft in Restricted Waters

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    Sustainable mobility is one of the most challenging issues for passenger transport inside environmental protected areas and ecologically fragile environments. To reduce the pollutant emissions, the adoption of electric or hybrid-electric solutions for crafts propulsion is a suitable option for green navigation. However, the operation in restricted basin leads also to specific critical issues for the vessel sailing, as dealing with shallow or restricted waters and transit under low air-gap bridges. The combination of these constraints with the adoption of a hybrid-electric propulsion system increases the design difficulties also for a small craft, requiring the use of advanced simulation models to assess the vessel performances. This work presents a simulation model for a small passenger craft that will operate in the Grado Lagoon. The model combines the hydrodynamic issues of manoeuvring and propulsion in restricted water with the simulation of the electric loads and capacity of the energy storage system installed onboard. The simulations performed with the developed simulation system are in accordance with data measured during trials on a prototype of the vessel. The developed model is a powerful tool for designers in order to rapidly assess the green capabilities of new projects since the early design stages
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