378 research outputs found

    Resistance Pattern Of Urinary Tract Infection Bacterial Isolates To Selected Quinolones

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    The Quinolones inhibit bacteria by interacting with DNA topoisomerases (gyrases) of which four subunits (two A and B monomers) have been identified thus, inhibiting bacterial DNA gyrase. High level resistance to quinolones can be produced by serial exposure of bacteria to subinhibitory concentration. A Total of 408 suspected UTI and high vagina swab (HVS) samples were examined for bacteria and the isolates obtained tested against the newer quinolones. Prevalence of Bacterial isolates revealed Escherichia coli 110(92%) as the most isolated organism from urine, while Staphylococcus aureus 31(32%) was the most isolated species from HVS samples. Bacterial species such as coliforms 55(70%) and Klebsiella spp 42(84%), equally had high prevalence rate in urine samples. Pseudomonas aeroginosa 19(66%) was next to Staphylococcus aureus in terms of prevalence of isolated strains from HVS samples. The resistance pattern observed for these isolates, showed that the strains were least resistant to Ciprofloxacin, followed by Ofloxacin and Perfloxacin, while they were most resistant to Nalidixic acid. There was however no statistical significance (

    Effects of Farm and Non-Farm Income on Income-Inequality among Rural Households in Osun –State, Nigeria

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    Rural households in sub-Sahara African drive their income from a variety of sources with farm and non-farm activities accounting for a substantial share of total income. Despite the importance of non-farm activities for rural farm households, little is still known about the impact of such activities on the distribution of income and poverty in Nigeria. This study access the effect of farm and non-farm income on Income- inequality among rural household. The study was carried out in osun state, Nigeria. The study was based on primary data obtained through the use of three hundred and fifty-four structure questionnaire using a multi-stage (three stage) sampling procedure. Both descriptive statistics, gini inequality decomposition by type of income and tobit model analysis were used to analyzed the data obtain.The result obtained from the study shows that majority (64.12%) of all households’ derived income from farming which also accounted for 62.6% of the total income. The remaining 37.4% of total Income are derived from different sources from non-farm income. These are non-farm wage and self-employment, each respectively constituting 18.5% and 18.9%.Result of determinants of household income revealed that the major determinants of self-employment income were the age of the household head, their sex, years of farming experience and their household size. For non-farm wage employment income, their major determinant were the sex of the household need, household educational level, farming experience, access to credit and land ownership. For determinants of farm income, only farming experience and land ownership were the significant determinants of the income.Result of gini decomposition by type of income method reveal that farm income as a whole account for 85.31% while non-farm account for only 14.6% of total inequality. The relative concentration coefficient of 1.51 also confirm that farm income is inequality increasing where as non-farm income with value of 0.42 in inequality decreasing in the study area.Conclusively, non-farm income will help in absolving farm income stock and improve income distribution among household in rural areas. Keywords: effect, farm income, non-farm income, income inequality, rural household

    Determinants of Participation in Non-Farm Activities among Rural Households in Osun State- An Application of Multinomial Logit (Mnl) Model

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    Recently, there is a growing recognition that rural households receive their income from a diverse portfolio of activities and that one of the most important of these activities is the rural non-farm sector. The study was carried out in Osun – State, Nigeria. The study is based on primary data obtained through the use of 354 structured questionnaire administered to selected rural household head in the area, adopting a multistage sampling procedure. The model of analysis was a multinomial logit model.The result of the analysis shows that the log-likelihood value of the model is -165.9833, the likelihood ratio (Χ2 ) value of 441.9926 which is greater than critical chi-square at 1% level of significance and this confirm that all the slope coefficient are significant different from zero, that is the explanatory variables  are collectively significant in explaining determinants of non-farm participation, an indicative of goodness of fit for the estimated model. Individual variables like Age of the household head, its square, Gender, and farming experience are found to be significant for non-farm self-employment. While only education and Gender coefficient were found to be significant for non-farm wage employment. Household variables like household landholding is one of the most important household level determinants of non-farm  self-employment in the study area, membership of cooperative and the value of asset were also significant in determine non-farm self- employment. For non-farm wage employment, the major determinant were household size, access to credit, total farm size and membership of cooperative. Among the community variables, distance to the nearest market and index of access to communication facilities were determinant of non-farm self-employment in the study area. For non-farm wage employment, only land productivity index has a strong negative effect on its participation.The study therefore recommended provision of social amenities like good road, potable water, electricity, availability of modern market facilities in rural areas by government and private developers will go a long way in promoting non-farm activities in rural area. Community development association and non-governmental organization (NGOs) can also help in this issue. Keywords: Determinants, Participation, Non-farm activities, Rural-household

    Production of Biodegradable Detergent from Castor Oil

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    This research work was carried out with the objective of extraction of oil from castor seeds and its utilization to produce a biodegradable detergent. Solvent extraction method was employed in extracting the oil and the total percent oil yield was found to be 23.8%. The experimentally determined saponification value of the oil was 183.7275mgKOH/g of oil. The detergent efficiency, determined as a measure of the foamability of the detergent was found to be 2.6cm. The pH tests revealed mildly basic properties. The color, scent and efficiency of the detergent were improved with the addition of bleaching agent, perfume and foaming agents respectively. Keywords: Castor seeds, Castor Oil, Biodegradable detergent, Saponification DOI: 10.7176/CMR/11-1-0

    Effect of Thermal Pretreatment on the Yield of Biogas from Microcoleous Vaginatus

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    Biomass is being looked upon as one of the promising renewable energy sources for the future, with growing interest in microalgae conversion into biogas through anaerobic digestion. Recently, the ability of microalgae to treat waste water has doubled its potentials material today. However, in spite of the progress made in that regards, there are still challenges of algae conversion to biofuel, due to the presence of complex cell wall in some algae. Cell wall inhibits bacteria growth during degradation. In this research work 10 grams of Microcoleous vaginatus was treated in an oven at varying temperatures of 70, 75 and 80 oC for an hour, out of which 4 g was measured into 250 ml serum bottle for digestion at mesophilic temperature of 37 oC. Based on the results of proximate analysis, 69%increase in carbohydrate was attained with 72.7 – 148% reduction in moisture content. The biogas yield of untreated sample was 4.36 mLg−1 VS, while, pretreated samples at 70, 75 and 80 ℃ produced 8.39, 9.07 and 9.38 mLg−1VS (volatile solid) of biogas. This  corresponds to 92, 108 and 115% higher than that of untreated samples. However, thermal treatment of M. vaginatus prior to digestion show positive effect on carbohydrate extraction and enhanced biogas and methane yield as well. Therefore, this makes the substrate a good feedstock for biogas production. Keywords: Biomass, pretreatment, thermal, anaerobic digestion, degradation, Microcoleous vaginatus

    Valuing Urban Forests: The Application of Contingent Valuation Methods

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    An economic valuation of the environmental service functions of forest trees in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB) permanent campus was performed using the contingent valuation method (CVM).This was to elicit willingness to pay (WTP) values from the respondents as a measure of value for the conservation of forest trees on the campus. The respondents were private individuals purposively selected from among the academic and non-academic staff members. A total of 68 respondents (45%) were willing to pay amounts of money ranging from #5 to#1000 monthly. The modal value was #100 having recorded the highest percentage of response (41%).The mean monthly WTP values ranged from #70 to #154 with corresponding aggregate values of #23450 and #51724 (1USD=#129). These amounts represented the estimated monthly monetary values of the environmental service functions of forest trees at the study site. Some socioeconomic variables such as age, monthly income, and length of service significantly influenced the WTP for urban environmental service functions as indicated by the linear equation. Keywords: contingent valuation, forest service functions, trees,.Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies of Management Vol. 1 (2) 2008: pp. 61-6

    Design And Implementation of Dsp-Based Intelligent Controller For Automobile Braking System

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    An intelligent braking system has great potential applications especially, in developed countries where research on smart vehicle and intelligent highways are receiving ample attention. The system when integrated with other subsystems like automatic traction control, intelligent throttle, and auto cruise systems, etc will result in smart vehicle maneuver. The driver at the end of the day will become the passenger, safety accorded the highest priority and the journey optimized in term of time duration, cost, efficiency and comfortability. The impact of such design and development will cater for the need of contemporary society that aspires to a quality drive as well as to accommodate the advancement of technology especially in the area of smart sensors and actuators. The emergence of digital signal processor enhances the capacity and features of universal microcontroller. This paper introduces the use of TI DSP, TMS320LF2407 as an engine of the system. The overall system is designed so that the value of inter-vehicle distance from infrared laser sensor and speed of follower car from speedometer are fed into the DSP for processing, resulting in the DSP issuing commands to the actuator to function appropriately

    In vivo Evaluation of Microorganisms Isolated from Peels of Selected Carbohydrate Rich Tubers

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    Aims: To detect the effect of microbes isolated from peels of Carbohydrate-rich tubers on Albino rats. Study Design: The study was a comparative and descriptive study. Cassava and cocoyam peels were bought from Obanla market, Federal University of Technology, Akure. Those samples were put into a sterile polythene bag and transported to microbiology laboratory for microbiological analysis. Place and Duration of Study: Microbiology Laboratory, Elizade University, Department of Animal Production and Health Research Laboratory, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. The study was performed between September, 2015 and March, 2016 Methodology: Two gram of the samples was grounded in a mortar with pestle. The serial dilution method was aseptically used to reduce the microbial load present in the collected samples. Nutrient agar and potato dextrose agar were used to isolate the bacteria and fungi respectively from the samples under aseptic condition. Biochemical tests and sugar fermentation were carried out on the bacterial isolates after pure culture was obtained. Results: The isolated bacteria were Streptococcus faecalis, Corynebacterium fascians, Micrococcus luteus, Alcaligenes faecalis and Aeromonas hydrophila. Fungal isolates were identified using lactophenol cotton blue. Fungi isolated includes: Articulospora inflata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Geotrichum albidum, Torula herbarum and Halosporangium panum. All the bacteria isolates were used to infect Albino rat. The uninfected rats were used as control. The histopathological and haematological analysis carried out on liver and intestine of the albino rats showed that the microorganisms caused a pathological change that ranges from necrosis of the liver hepatocytes, hepatocellular drainage and hemorrhage to vacuolation and inflammatory cell infiltrations of the intestinal wall. Conclusion: This study has shown that cassava and cocoyam peels can act as vehicles for disseminations of pathogenic microorganisms and should therefore be properly disposed
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