286 research outputs found

    Move Healthy Intellectual Output 1 Report:Mapping Report

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    One reason for non-participation in and drop-out from sports and physical activity participation is sports related injuries where especially knee and ankle injuries contribute to this problem. Therefore, the project MOVE HEALTHY: Improving Health and Sustaining Participation of Youngsters in Sports around Europe seeks to develop free-of-charge education material to effectively support sport coaches and physical educators around Europe to prevent primary lower extremity injuries of the youngsters participating in their sport trainings and physical education (PE) classes. Therefore, MOVE HEALTHY seeks to develop exercise based routines to prevent sports and physical activity related injuries. The routines will be web-based including instruction videos. The routines will be based on the OPTIMAL motor learning theory and Self Determination Theory. It is intended that the consortium develops – by the process of co-creation with sport coaches and PE teachers – functional sports exercises that can be integrated in real world sport training and PE classes. With it, the project directly contributes to an improved sharing of good practices and develops innovative instruments in order to lower the risks of injuries and enhance sports participation in youngsters. The objective is to improve the motor competence of the youngsters, as well as to attitudinal and behavioral changes of the sport coaches and PE teachers during their practice. The ultimate goal of the MOVE HEALTHY project is that the youngsters can enjoy a lifelong, healthy sport participatio

    Handleiding Project ‘Sportbouwer’:zelfstandig leren sporten voor kinderen

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    Inhoudsopgave Inleiding pag. 3 Hoofdstuk 1: Motorisch leren, taakgericht leren & zelfsturing pag. 5 Hoofdstuk 2: Opzet project ‘Sportbouwer’ pag. 9 Hoofdstuk 3: Toelichting bij de lessen pag. 10 Hoofdstuk 4: Toelichting bij de app pag. 13 Hoofdstuk 5: Toelichting bij de sportkaarten pag. 17 Bijlagen: Bijlage 1: Sportkaarten Bijlage 2: Eerste selectieformulier: Wat ga ik doen? Bijlage 3: Overzicht van de acht stappen per vaardigheid. Bijlage 4: Planningsformulier materiaalverdeling Bijlage 5: Sport enquêt

    Praktijkgerichte kennis- en innovatie agenda voor sport en bewegen:Praktijkgerichte kennis- en innovatieagenda voor sport en bewegenUitdagingen en prioriteiten voor de sportprofessional

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    In 2020 heeft het SIA Lectorenplatform Sport en Bewegen in opdracht van Topteam Sport gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een praktijkgerichte kennis- en innovatieagenda op het gebied van sport en bewegen. Doel van het opstellen van deze kennis- en innovatieagenda is om thema’s te identificeren die bij kunnen dragen aan het oplossen van de maatschappelijke uitdagingen waar we mee te maken hebben. Voorbeelden daarvan zijn de stijgende bewegingsarmoede en zorgkosten onder diverse bevolkingsgroepen, de stijgende gezondheidsverschillen tussen mensen met een hoge en lage opleiding en de toenemende segregatie tussen bevolkingsgroepen. De praktijkgerichte kennis- en innovatieagenda draagt bij aan het oplossen van de handelingsverlegenheid van sport- en beweegprofessionals bij deze uitdagingen en het professionaliseren en innoveren van de beroepspraktijk

    The importance of satisfying children’s basic psychological needs in primary school physical education for PE-motivation, and its relations with fundamental motor and PE-related skills

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    Background: Motivation for physical education (PE) is considered an important factor for the development of children’s physical skills during PE. According to self-determination theory, satisfaction of the psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence is related to higher levels of autonomous motivation, and lower levels of controlled motivation. To get a better insight into these relations, the present study examines whether satisfaction of the psychological needs is predictive of fundamental motor skills (FMS) and PE-related skills, both directly, and indirectly (via motivation, i.e. ‘the motivational sequence’). As PE-related skills are more representative to the skills that are generally practiced during PE, the strongest relations are expected for these types of skills. Method: In this study, 2224 children (51.6% boys, mean age 11.8 ± 0.55) of 89 primary schools filled out questionnaires assessing the satisfaction of their basic psychological needs and their motivation for PE. Using a block design, FMS were assessed using standardized tests, and a diverse set of PE-related skills that are explicitly practiced during PE-lessons were tested using valid and reliable tests. Structural equation models were built in Mplus to examine the hypothesized relations. Results: Competence, peer-relatedness, and teacher-relatedness were predictive of autonomous motivation, whereas only peer-relatedness was predictive of controlled motivation. Different relations with psychological needs and motivation were found for FMS and PE-related skills. Autonomous and controlled motivation predicted PE-related skills, whereas only controlled motivation predicted FMS, in both cases via direct and indirect paths. In addition, direct relations were found between competence and both FMS and PE-related skills, and of peer-relatedness and teacher-relatedness with FMS specifically. Conclusions: Satisfaction of the psychological needs seems important for children’s PE-motivation and for their skill development, both directly and indirectly. These results underline the important role that PE-teachers play in constructing a need-satisfying environment. The motivational sequence seems to be more applicable to PE-related skills than to FMS, showing that is important to choose adequate outcome measures when examining PE-motivation
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