73 research outputs found

    External Military Intervention in Lesotho's Recent Political Crisis

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    Renewal in Educational Spaces as a Relational Aspect: Making Way for a New Culture of Reasoning Innovation and Sustainability

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    Educational spaces have long been situated in repressive, non-relational and detached conditions that have been damaging to the geopolitical, socio-economic, and environmental balance. The paper reports on the effectiveness of educational spaces when characterised by an ethical relationship between human and nonhuman elements as a collaborative measure to solve earthly problems. The purpose was to highlight the role of education in producing innovative, honest, and critical thinkers who can apply knowledge to navigate relational intricacies. Qualitative data was generated from literature and a purposively sampled respondent group of eight lecturers and twelve students in a South African university, using interviews and focus group discussions. Data was categorised and analysed into themes. It was found that a pedagogical encounter which enabled students to engage in activities that deepened their knowledge of how the world works in totality gave them opportunities to understand the balancing effect of relational aspects when solving problems. This study proposes a renewal in thinking about other beings and things in educational spaces toward understanding the relational interaction brought by scientific and technological advancements that impact on human and nonhuman agents. The implication is that the world needs people to become innovators, think holistically and build a synergy between things and humanity. The study proposes that educational spaces should develop consciousness and ethical behaviour to sustain the relationship between human and nonhuman agents, which has implications for innovation and new practices that will sustain the world

    Case study - municipal solid waste management in Benoni, Ekurhuleni

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    This research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Environmental Science. Johannesburg, 2016 Research work and course work. Johannesburg, 2016.The unprecedented population growth, urbanisation and accelerating living standards, significant amounts of solid waste have accumulated all over the world. These changes, therefore, left most municipalities in African countries grappling to find viable solutions to their waste management problems (Özbay 2015). Indeed, studies have shown that the estimated annual growth rate of MSW is 3.2% to 4.5% for developed countries and 2% to 3% for developing countries (Özbay 2015). Notably, continuous increase in accumulation of solid wastes poses risks to not only human health but to the ecological environment (Al-Khatib, Kontogianni, Abu Nabaa, Alshami & Al-Sari 2015; Menikpura, Gheewala & Bonnet 2012). Improper waste management stems from the poor implementations of policies and regulations, to identify the most sustainable approaches to dealing with waste as to meet environmental and socio-economic aspirations, to address waste management efficiently. The objectives of this research are as follow: Locate, consolidate and organise secondary data that is relevant to understanding the specific waste management situation of Benoni, Ekurhuleni. Identify the importance of Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM). Analyse these data and determine how it can be utilised in the case of Benoni. Identify and suggest the best strategy implement an effective MSWM system, and Discuss the difficulties and challenges faced by Benoni and Ekurhuleni at large, due to ineffective and inefficient MSWM. The case study area Benoni is a mere example to highlight waste management burdens and challenges, which might be characteristic of most African towns. This research seeks to understand the solid waste collection and proper disposal in informal areas of Benoni and the environmental impacts thereof. In particular, the research assumes that there is yet to be implemented a more rigid and structured approach to waste management in the area which justifies and necessitates the need for research aimed at shedding light on how modern waste management systems can be adapted to the case of the informal settlements in this area. Proper waste management implementation will benefit both the specific community in informal parts of Benoni as well as the global practice of waste management. This study used the qualitative method to describe, explore, and discover phenomena related to MSWM in Benoni (Creswell, 2003). Qualitative research is typically interpretive, with the researcher using critical analysis for the interpretation of data collected (Shenton & Hay-Gibson, 2009). The quantitative research uses hypotheses in determining the form, quantity, and scope of data to be collected (Morse & Richards 2002). In doing so, the researcher pre-empts alternative ways through which the study questions may be addressed. On the other hand, qualitative investigations are not pre-emptive. In this study of MSWM in Benoni, the form, quantity, and scope of inquiry hinged upon the research questions, the study purpose, and goals, as well as from the data collected (Morse & Richards 2002). 3 Benoni has reached the dilemma in which adverse health and environmental impacts of ineffective waste management are felt, while the numbers of landfill sites have been decreasing with no planning in evidence for establishing new ones. Because of these, improvements to Benoni's MSWM will entail the cooperation of all tiers of Government as well as industry and the commercial sectors. The EMM will have to restructure the recycling industry with the support of waste management legislation. An option that EMM has is to contemplate upon the outsourcing of the management of sanitary landfill sites to public-private partnerships, based on study findings that these discharges are better managed in South Africa (Naidoo 2009). In the case of Benoni, albeit the EMM has sufficient resources to manage waste effectively, there were numerous gaps related to the challenges that exist within the municipality's waste management sector. For instance, household wastes are not timely collected, and no notices are given when collection dates are changed (Tembon 2012). Apart from these, Benoni has an underdeveloped recycling system perhaps largely because the EMM itself has no comprehensive municipal recycling program and recycling facilities. Somehow, this contradicts the impression being given by providers that they have access to all the necessary resources needed for them to be effective in their work. This research will discuss an approach to strengthening the capacity to solve the problems that come with MSWM, along with investigating whether modern waste management practices are be present implemented such as; waste diversion from landfills, as well as shifting from incinerators and using unlined landfill sites to more sustainable methods. Based on the combined experiences in the three cases, some recommendations may stand in Benoni Ekurhuleni. First, every member of the community should be empowered with education and skills on waste management to increase their levels of participation in waste sorting at the source of generation. Public involvement will encourage effective recycling that ultimately generates income. This will be particularly useful to Benoni's squatter communities. Benoni has to look into the possibility of providing skills to informal settlers so that they can construct well-planned houses for themselves. With assistance from the national government, the EMM can decide whether this type of housing can be subsidised. Third, it is essential that EMM involves stakeholders from the different sectors of the municipal area in the planning and implementation of waste management strategies. Group leaders from various communities as well as social groups such as church communities should be invited to participate because they are crucial links between the council and the community.LG201

    Towards rural innovation extension delivery in Lesotho : the perceived benefit of a multi-stakeholders intervention approach

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    Rural Agricultural Extension System in Lesotho depends on how successful extension knowledge is assembled from multiple actors and applied. Issues are wide ranging, from professional management and technical capacity constraints to the use of multiple, often overlapping and competing approaches by various role players, to mention just a few. First, the study identified multiple actors in rural agricultural extension. Second, it assessed the extent of multi-stakeholder coordination and the approaches used in rural extension. Third, it presented a comparison between best innovative models as identified in the literature and the practices in Lesotho. Fourth, it developed an innovative intervention model for knowledge transfer in consultation with the users of extension service in the two rural settlements. Using a mixed-research method conducted in two rural settlements from Ha Lejone in the Highlands and 'Muela in the Eastern Foothills of Lesotho to study the problem of coordination among actors, anecdotal evidences suggested that the patterns of interaction are not as effective and efficient as they potentially could be. The results show a mismatch of activities between service providers and farmers in terms of inputs provided and inputs required. Poor inter-ministerial and institutional coordination cultures are the majorelements preventing more effective interaction among actors. Introducing a multi-stakeholder intervention approach maps out roles and relationships within the extension knowledge systems by incorporating practices that are already known with exotic ones would give a fresh impetus to the reform of public sector agricultural extension in Lesotho. Policy recommendations for better use of innovation knowledge systems and approaches in the delivery of extension services, concludes the thesis. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Developmentunrestricte

    The philosophy of human rights and the question of good governance in Africa

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    Philosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyD. Litt. et Phil. (Philosophy

    Reconceptualising Curriculum And Assessment In Universities Of Tehchology In South Africa

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    ThesisThis study sought to examine lecturers’ perceptions on curriculum design and modes of assessment within a differentiated system in universities of technology (UoTs) in South Africa. This research project is predominantly qualitative and adopts an interpretive approach during data collection. Selection of participants consisted of three purposively selected HoDs, fourteen lecturers from different faculties, most of whom come from industries, and twelve purposively selected undergraduate students. A purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of data. Data were collected by using an interview schedule for staff, observation, and questionnaires for students, including document analysis. A thematic analysis was used to sort data qualitatively into emerging themes. It was found that curriculum design and assessment, which integrates theory and practice whilst placing theoretical knowledge at the centre of the curriculum, contributes towards developing students’ analytical abilities pertinent to social justice issues and innovative skills. The findings further showed the importance of recognising the uniqueness of the role of universities of technology in comparison with traditional universities in integrating theory and practice that enables the application of knowledge. This study concludes that students’ success during the pedagogic encounter depends on meaningful engagement with content knowledge and meaningful ways in which students are assessed to enable them to develop analytical and creative thinking abilities and skills pertinent to solving complex problems and for stimulation of innovative thinking that lays the foundation for using thinking abilities to tackle social justice issues as well as being able to transcend and adapt to the 21st century innovative and knowledge economy

    Can Social Inclusion Policies Reduce Health Inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa?—A Rapid Policy Appraisal

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    The global resurgence of interest in the social determinants of health provides an opportunity for determined action on unacceptable and unjust health inequalities that exist within and between countries. This paper reviews three categories of social inclusion policies: cash-transfers; free social services; and specific institutional arrangements for programme integration in six selected countries—Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe. The policies were appraised as part of the Social Exclusion Knowledge Network (SEKN) set up under the auspices of the World Health Organization's Commission on Social Determinants of Health. The paper highlights the development landscape in sub-Saharan Africa and presents available indicators of the scale of inequity in the six countries. A summary of the policies appraised is presented, including whether or what the impact of these policies has been on health inequalities. Cross-cutting benefits include poverty alleviation, notably among vulnerable children and youths, improved economic opportunities for disadvantaged households, reduction in access barriers to social services, and improved nutrition intake. The impact of these benefits, and hence the policies, on health status can only be inferred. Among the policies reviewed, weaknesses or constraints were in design and implementation. The policy design weaknesses include targeting criteria, their enforcement and latent costs, inadequate parti-cipation of the community and failure to take the cultural context into account. A major weakness of most policies was the lack of a monitoring and evaluation system, with clear indicators that incorporate system responsiveness. The policy implementation weaknesses include uneven regional implementation with rural areas worst affected; inadequate or poor administrative and implementation capacity; insufficient resources; problems of fraud and corruption; and lack of involvement of civil servants, exacerbating implementation capacity problems. The key messages to sub-Saharan African governments include: health inequalities must be measured; social policies must be carefully designed and effectively implemented addressing the constraints identified; monitoring and evaluation systems need improvement; and participation of the community needs to be encouraged through conducive and enabling environments. There is a need for a strong movement by civil society to address health inequalities and to hold governments accountable for improved health and reduced health inequalities

    Estimated HIV Trends and Program Effects in Botswana

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    Background: This study uses surveillance, survey and program data to estimate past trends and current levels of HIV in Botswana and the effects of treatment and prevention programs. Methods/Principal Findings: Data from sentinel surveillance at antenatal clinics and a national population survey were used to estimate the trend of adult HIV prevalence from 1980 to 2007. Using the prevalence trend we estimated the number of new adult infections, the transmission from mothers to children, the need for treatment and the effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and adult and child deaths. Prevalence has declined slowly in urban areas since 2000 and has remained stable in rural areas. National prevalence is estimated at 26 % (25–27%) in 2007. About 330,000 (318,000–335,000) people are infected with HIV including 20,000 children. The number of new adult infections has been stable for several years at about 20,000 annually (12,000–26,000). The number of new child infections has declined from 4600 in 1999 to about 890 (810–980) today due to nearly complete coverage of an effective program to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). The annual number of adult deaths has declined from a peak of over 15,500 in 2003 to under 7400 (5000–11,000) today due to coverage of ART that reaches over 80 % in need. The need for ART will increase by 60 % by 2016. Conclusions: Botswana’s PMTCT and treatment programs have achieved significant results in preventing new child infections and deaths among adults and children. The number of new adult infections continues at a high level. More effective prevention efforts are urgently needed

    Supply and pricing strategies of informal rural transport providers

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    Informal paratransit operators using a range of vehicle types (including pickup trucks, small buses, and motorcycles) are a major provider of mobility in rural areas of the developing world. The paper describes a mixed method approach used to examine such operators’ decisions about vehicle deployment, route frequency, network organisation, and pricing in three rural districts in South Africa. New evidence is presented showing that the condition of rural roads (both paved and unpaved) affects the quantity and quality of public transport services provided, as well as the fares charged to passengers. This strengthens the case for judicious infrastructure investment as a way of improving rural access and livelihoods, and suggests how this might happen by way of leveraging better private sector responses. We also describe the emergence of a differentiated service hierarchy involving a variety of vehicle types suited to different operating conditions, and based on intentional coordination among operators of minibus and pickup truck (‘bakkie’) services. We argue that governments should promote such coordination and innovation in rural transport markets.The UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) under the African Community Access Programme (AFCAP).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jtrangeohj201

    Vehicle differentiation in informal rural transport services: New evidence from South Africa

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    Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Southern African Transport Conference 8-11 July 2013 "Transport and Sustainable Infrastructure", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.The paper examines the characteristics of supply and pricing strategies of informal rural public transport operators in South Africa. The research provides statistical and qualitative confirmation of previous findings around the factors driving transport supply in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, but adds significant new insights that can help shape more effective responses to the rural mobility challenge. A key determinant of the quantity and quality of service is the condition of roads (both paved and unpaved), suggesting that judicious infrastructure investment can be used to leverage better and more affordable private sector responses. We further describe the emergence of a differentiated service hierarchy involving a greater variety of vehicle types suited to different operating conditions, and based on intentional coordination among operators of minibus and pickup trucks ('bakkies') services. We discuss ways in which governments might promote such coordination and innovation in rural transport markets.This paper was transferred from the original CD ROM created for this conference. The material was published using Adobe Acrobat 10.1.0 Technology. The original CD ROM was produced by Document Transformation Technologies Postal Address: PO Box 560 Irene 0062 South Africa. Tel.: +27 12 667 2074 Fax: +27 12 667 2766 E-mail: nigel@doctech URL: http://www.doctech.co.zamv201
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