11 research outputs found

    Hydraulic conductivity of peat in Western Siberia

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    The paper aims at estimating hydraulic conductivity of peat. It is a complicated process since peat has some unique properties that are not typical for mineral soils. Other difficulties involve the lack of elaborated procedure for laboratory testing and data processing, high sensitivity of peat soils to external and internal factors; which leads to considerable fluctuation in peat hydraulic conductivity values. The specific properties of hydraulic conductivity in peat soils are proved by numerous experimental data. The article also provides the permeability values for the most typical peat species in Western Siberia. The obtained data allow forecasting peat soil response to the development of peatlands

    Determination of water content in clay and organic soil using microwave oven

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    The article deals with the techniques of soil water content determination using microwave radiation. Its practical application would allow solving the problems of resource efficiency in geotechnical survey due to reduction of energy and resource intensity of laboratory analysis as well as its acceleration by means of decreasing labour intensity and, as a result, cost reduction. The article presents a detail analysis of approaches to soil water content determination and soil drying, considers its features and application. The study in soil of different composition, typical for Western Siberia including organic and organic-mineral ones, is a peculiarity of the given article, which makes it rather topical. The article compares and analyzes the results of the investigation into soil water content, which are obtained via conventional techniques and the original one developed by the authors, consisting in microwave drying. The authors also give recommendation on microwave technique application to dry soil

    The Relationship of Physical Property Indicators and Clay Soil Structural Strength of Tomsk Oblast Territory

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    The article deals with the characteristic of initial condition in fine-grained soils - its structural strength - p[str]. Estimation and measurement of this factor at soil testing are of primary importance for defining its physical and mechanical properties as well as for subsequent calculation of foundation settlements that is insufficiently covered in Code of practice, national standard and inefficiently applicable in practice of engineering geological investigations. The article reveals the relationship between soil physical property, its occurrence depth, which will make possible to forecast pstr over the given territory

    Application of microwave method for moisture determination of organic and organic-mineral soils

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    The problem of rapid drying arises when determining moisture, ash and organic matter content, as well as during many other soil tests. For highly-organic and organo-mineral peat soils the problem of advanced measurement of moisture content is of special importance, since after reweighing the dry sample increase in mass may be observed. The article examines the methods in determining the moisture content in peat and organic soils via microwave radiation, which will greatly speed up the process, simplify the complexity and cost of laboratory tests. The paper presents a detailed review of the methods determining moisture content in soils and characteristics, as well as application scope. The work contains the research results on moisture organic soils: drying in a microwave oven and the current domestic standards

    Application of microwave method for moisture determination of organic and organic-mineral soils

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    The problem of rapid drying arises when determining moisture, ash and organic matter content, as well as during many other soil tests. For highly-organic and organo-mineral peat soils the problem of advanced measurement of moisture content is of special importance, since after reweighing the dry sample increase in mass may be observed. The article examines the methods in determining the moisture content in peat and organic soils via microwave radiation, which will greatly speed up the process, simplify the complexity and cost of laboratory tests. The paper presents a detailed review of the methods determining moisture content in soils and characteristics, as well as application scope. The work contains the research results on moisture organic soils: drying in a microwave oven and the current domestic standards

    Classifications of bog peat sensitivity to anthropogenic impact (Western Siberia)

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    The article deals with strength parameters of peats in Western Siberia, evaluates their transformations under the anthropogenic mechanical impact, presents peat classification in terms of sensitivity allowing the forecast of strength loss when destructing their structure in the process of building roads, pipelines. Sensitivity classification also permits predicting roadability for construction design

    Application of microwave method for determining soil moisture

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    Relevance. Laboratory and field methods for determining soil moisture, commonly used in manufacturing organizations in Russia, have not changed essentially for many decades, resulting in their relatively high complexity and energy consumption. However, in current market conditions there is a need to improve the speed, quality and efficiency in determining soil physical characteristics. The main aim was to study the drying process of dispersed soils in microwave ovens while determining their moisture content and to develop a methodology for determining soil moisture using microwave radiation. The application of the method in practice will solve the problems of increasing the resource efficiency of engineering and geological surveys by decreasing the energy and labor intensity of laboratory research, and, as a result, cost reduction. Object of research: soils typical for Western Siberia, picked on the territory of the Tomsk region and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Research methods include a method for determining soil moisture using microwave ovens, as well as by analyzing the results using MS Excel and Statistica. Results. The paper considers the possibility of using the method of accelerated determination of moisture of various soils with the help of microwave ovens at engineering and geological surveys for design, construction, repair and reconstruction of structures. It was found that spread of moisture values of the dispersed soils during drying in a microwave oven is in most cases not higher than when drying in a convection oven. It was confirmed that during drying no loss of organic matter in the ground occurs, as well as there is no growth in sample mass that increases the accuracy of determinations. The reliability of the confirmed test results was confirmed by the method of drying the soil to constant weight, in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents. The authors have developed and tested the methodological recommendations for determining soil moisture when they are dried in a microwave oven

    Changes of chemical groundwater composition in the republic of Altai due to the earthquakes

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    The relevance of the study is caused by the need to improve the methods of forecasting the earthquakes in seismically active regions of the Republic of Altai. Groundwater is an indicator of seismic processes and responds to the changes of the stress-strain state of earth material within the zones of forthcoming tectonic earthquakes sources. The main aim of the study is to examine and assess the impact of the earthquakes and aftershocks on the peculiarities of the groundwater of the Republic of Altai in order to find the hydrogeological premonitory symptoms of the earthquakes. The methods used in the study: the study is based on the results of the groundwater monitoring within the Republic of Altai, which is carried out at local, territorial and regional levels. Hydrodynamic (level, discharge), temperature conditions and qualitative composition of groundwater are observed by the Territorial Center «Altaigeomonitoring». The observation points relate to interstices and springs and in the absence thereof within remote areas ? to wells. The results. As a result of the monitoring studies carried out within the Republic of Altai the changes of the chemical groundwater composition caused by the impact of seismic events were revealed. The changes of microelement and macrocomponent groundwater composition due to the Chuya earthquake and its aftershocks were studied. The spatial and temporal characteristics of groundwater in the region are analyzed. Special attention is given to the analysis of the changes of the chemical composition and temperature within observation point located on the Severnaya Street in Gorno-Altaisk. After the earthquake in 2004 the water temperature here increased and the chemical composition started to respond markedly to the earthquakes within the Republic of Altai. Thus, the preparation of an earthquake accompanied by a complex set of changes of stress fields in the Earth's crust influences the chemical composition, conditions and temperature of the groundwater within the region

    Application of microwave method for determining soil moisture

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    Актуальность. Лабораторные и полевые методы определения влажности грунтов, повсеместно используемые в производственных организациях на территории РФ, принципиально не меняются уже много десятилетий, следствием чего являются их относительно высокая трудоемкость и энергозатратность. Вместе с тем в современных рыночных условиях возникает необходимость повышения скорости, качества и энергоэффективности определения физических характеристик грунтов. Цель работы: изучение процесса сушки дисперсных грунтов в микроволновых печах при определении их влажности и разработка методики определения влажности грунтов при помощи сверхвысокочастотного (СВЧ) излучения, применение которой на практике позволит решить задачи повышения ресурсоэффективности инженерно-геологических изысканий за счет снижения энерго- и трудоемкости лабораторных исследований и, как следствие, снижения их себестоимости. Объект исследований: типичные для Западной Сибири грунты, отобранные на территории Томской области и Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа. Методы исследования: метод определения влажности грунтов при помощи СВЧ-печей, а также анализ и обработка полученных результатов методами математической статистики, реализованными средствами программных продуктов MS Excel и Statistica. Результаты. Рассмотрена возможность применения метода ускоренного определения влажности различных грунтов при помощи СВЧ-печей при инженерно-геологических изысканиях для проектирования, строительства, ремонта и реконструкции сооружений. Установлено, что разброс значений влажности дисперсных грунтов при сушке в СВЧ-печи в большинстве случаев не выше, чем при сушке в конвекционной. Подтверждено, что при сушке не происходит потерь органического вещества и связной воды в грунтах, а также увеличения массы пробы, что повышает точность определений. Достоверность полученных результатов подтверждена методом сушки грунта до постоянной массы, в соответствии с требованиями действующих нормативных документов. Разработаны и опробованы методические рекомендации по определению влажности грунтов при их сушке в СВЧ-печи.Relevance. Laboratory and field methods for determining soil moisture, commonly used in manufacturing organizations in Russia, have not changed essentially for many decades, resulting in their relatively high complexity and energy consumption. However, in current market conditions there is a need to improve the speed, quality and efficiency in determining soil physical characteristics. The main aim was to study the drying process of dispersed soils in microwave ovens while determining their moisture content and to develop a methodology for determining soil moisture using microwave radiation. The application of the method in practice will solve the problems of increasing the resource efficiency of engineering and geological surveys by decreasing the energy and labor intensity of laboratory research, and, as a result, cost reduction. Object of research: soils typical for Western Siberia, picked on the territory of the Tomsk region and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Research methods include a method for determining soil moisture using microwave ovens, as well as by analyzing the results using MS Excel and Statistica. Results. The paper considers the possibility of using the method of accelerated determination of moisture of various soils with the help of microwave ovens at engineering and geological surveys for design, construction, repair and reconstruction of structures. It was found that spread of moisture values of the dispersed soils during drying in a microwave oven is in most cases not higher than when drying in a convection oven. It was confirmed that during drying no loss of organic matter in the ground occurs, as well as there is no growth in sample mass that increases the accuracy of determinations. The reliability of the confirmed test results was confirmed by the method of drying the soil to constant weight, in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents. The authors have developed and tested the methodological recommendations for determining soil moisture when they are dried in a microwave oven

    Classification on consistency of organomineral soils of Western Siberia

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    Актуальность. Классификация органоминеральных грунтов по государственным стандартам давно требует корректирования, так как методы определения классификационных показателей консистенции дают завышенные значения влажности границ раскатывания и текучести из-за высокого содержания органического вещества. Вследствие несовершенства стандартов испытания проводятся субъективно, их результаты малодостоверны и грунты неправильно классифицируются, что приводит к ошибкам в расчетах оснований сооружений. Целесообразность определений консистенции содержащих органику грунтов сомнительна, и в целях снижения затрат при инженерно-геологических изысканиях авторы предлагают детально рассмотреть проблему классификации органоминеральных грунтов на примере многочисленных экспериментальных данных, полученных для грунтов Западно-Сибирского региона, и рекомендуют внести изменения в действующие стандарты. Цель: на базе экспериментальных исследований органоминеральных грунтов Западной Сибири выявить взаимосвязи между показателями консистенции и содержанием органического вещества и обосновать правомочность использования классификаций по пределам Аттерберга, применяемых для минеральных грунтов. Объект: органоминеральные глинистые грунты, типичные для Западной Сибири, отобранные на территории окрестностей г. Томска, нефтегазовых месторождений Томской области и Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа Методы: методы определения влажности на границе текучести и раскатывания (wL и wp), содержания органического вещества (Ir), а также анализ результатов в MS Excel and Statistica Результаты. Проведен обзор и анализ зарубежных методов определения классификационных показателей консистенции при инженерно-геологических изысканиях, рассмотрены проблемы их получения и применения для грунтов, содержащих органику. Проведены определения органического вещества, показателей влажности и консистенции, получены значимые взаимосвязи между показателями, и составлены регрессионные уравнения. В итоге выявлены несоответствия с действующей классификацией органоминеральных глинистых грунтов из-за завышения показателей консистенции, поэтому в связи с их неинформативностью рекомендуется отказаться от их применения для грунтов, содержащих органику.Relevance. Classification of organomineral soils according to state standards require correction. Methods for determining classification consistency indicators give excessive values moisture content of the plasticity and liquid limits due to the high content of organic matter. Due to imperfect standards, their results are unreliable and the grounds are incorrectly classified, which leads to errors in calculations of the base of constructions. The expediency of determining the consistency of organics containing soils is doubtful, and in order to reduce costs in engineering and geological investigations, the authors propose to consider in detail the problem of classification of organomineral soils by the example of numerous experimental data obtained for soils in the West Siberian region and recommend the changes to existing standards. The main aim of the research is to identify the relationship between consistency indicators and organic matter content based on the experimental studies of organic-mineral soils of Western Siberia and justify the use of the Atterberg limits applied for mineral soils. Object: organomineral clay soils typical for Western Siberia, picked on the territory surroundings of the city of Tomsk, oil and gas fields of Tomsk region and Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous District. Research methods include a method for determining limits of liquid and plasticity (wL and wР) and organic content (Ir ), as well as by analyzing the results using MS Excel and Statistica. Results. The authors have carried out the review and analysis of foreign methods for determining the classification indexes of consistency in engineering-geological surveys and considered the problems of their carrying out and applications for soils containing organic sub- stances. The determinations of organic matter, moisture content and consistency were carried out, significant interrelations between the indices were obtained and regression equations were compiled. As a result, inconsistencies with the current classification of organomineral clay soils due to overestimation of the consistency indices are revealed, therefore, in relation to their uninformativeness, it is re- commended to abandon their use for organics containing soils