228 research outputs found

    Recent developments on the role of epigenetics in obesity and metabolic disease

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    The increased prevalence of obesity and related comorbidities is a major public health problem. While genetic factors undoubtedly play a role in determining individual susceptibility to weight gain and obesity, the identified genetic variants only explain part of the variation. This has led to growing interest in understanding the potential role of epigenetics as a mediator of gene-environment interactions underlying the development of obesity and its associated comorbidities. Initial evidence in support of a role of epigenetics in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) was mainly provided by animal studies, which reported epigenetic changes in key metabolically important tissues following high-fat feeding and epigenetic differences between lean and obese animals and by human studies which showed epigenetic changes in obesity and T2DM candidate genes in obese/diabetic individuals. More recently, advances in epigenetic methodologies and the reduced cost of epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) have led to a rapid expansion of studies in human populations. These studies have also reported epigenetic differences between obese/T2DM adults and healthy controls and epigenetic changes in association with nutritional, weight loss, and exercise interventions. There is also increasing evidence from both human and animal studies that the relationship between perinatal nutritional exposures and later risk of obesity and T2DM may be mediated by epigenetic changes in the offspring. The aim of this review is to summarize the most recent developments in this rapidly moving field, with a particular focus on human EWAS and studies investigating the impact of nutritional and lifestyle factors (both pre- and postnatal) on the epigenome and their relationship to metabolic health outcomes. The difficulties in distinguishing consequence from causality in these studies and the critical role of animal models for testing causal relationships and providing insight into underlying mechanisms are also addressed. In summary, the area of epigenetics and metabolic health has seen rapid developments in a short space of time. While the outcomes to date are promising, studies are ongoing, and the next decade promises to be a time of productive research into the complex interactions between the genome, epigenome, and environment as they relate to metabolic disease.Susan J. van Dijk, Ross L. Tellam, Janna L. Morrison, Beverly S. Muhlhausler, and Peter L. Mollo

    Headloop suppression PCR and its application to selective amplification of methylated DNA sequences

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    Selective amplification in PCR is principally determined by the sequence of the primers and the temperature of the annealing step. We have developed a new PCR technique for distinguishing related sequences in which additional selectivity is dependent on sequences within the amplicon. A 5′ extension is included in one (or both) primer(s) that corresponds to sequences within one of the related amplicons. After copying and incorporation into the PCR product this sequence is then able to loop back, anneal to the internal sequences and prime to form a hairpin structure—this structure is then refractory to further amplification. Thus, amplification of sequences containing a perfect match to the 5′ extension is suppressed while amplification of sequences containing mismatches or lacking the sequence is unaffected. We have applied Headloop PCR to DNA that had been bisulphite-treated for the selective amplification of methylated sequences of the human GSTP1 gene in the presence of up to a 10(5)-fold excess of unmethylated sequences. Headloop PCR has a potential for clinical application in the detection of differently methylated DNAs following bisulphite treatment as well as for selective amplification of sequence variants or mutants in the presence of an excess of closely related DNA sequences

    De novo identification of differentially methylated regions in the human genome

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    Background: The identification and characterisation of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between phenotypes in the human genome is of prime interest in epigenetics. We present a novel method, DMRcate, that fits replicated methylation measurements from the Illumina HM450K BeadChip (or 450K array) spatially across the genome using a Gaussian kernel. DMRcate identifies and ranks the most differentially methylated regions across the genome based on tunable kernel smoothing of the differential methylation (DM) signal. The method is agnostic to both genomic annotation and local change in the direction of the DM signal, removes the bias incurred from irregularly spaced methylation sites, and assigns significance to each DMR called via comparison to a null model. Results: We show that, for both simulated and real data, the predictive performance of DMRcate is superior to those of Bumphunter and Probe Lasso, and commensurate with that of comb-p. For the real data, we validate all array-derived DMRs from the candidate methods on a suite of DMRs derived from whole-genome bisulfite sequencing called from the same DNA samples, using two separate phenotype comparisons. Conclusions: The agglomeration of genomically localised individual methylation sites into discrete DMRs is currently best served by a combination of DM-signal smoothing and subsequent threshold specification. The findings also suggest the design of the 450K array shows preference for CpG sites that are more likely to be differentially methylated, but its overall coverage does not adequately reflect the depth and complexity of methylation signatures afforded by sequencing. For the convenience of the research community we have created a user-friendly R software package called DMRcate, downloadable from Bioconductor and compatible with existing preprocessing packages, which allows others to apply the same DMR-finding method on 450K array data

    Discovery and validation of molecular biomarkers for colorectal adenomas and cancer with application to blood testing

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    Results: Genome-wide analysis uncovered reproducible gene expression signatures for both adenomas and cancers compared to controls. 386/489 (79%) of the adenoma and 439/529 (83%) of the adenocarcinoma biomarkers were validated in independent tissues. We also identified genes differentially expressed in adenomas compared to cancer. KIAA1199 was selected for further analysis based on consistent up-regulation in neoplasia, previous studies and its interest as an uncharacterized gene. Plasma KIAA1199 RNA levels were significantly higher in patients with either cancer or adenoma (31/ 40) compared to neoplasia-free controls (6/20).This work was co-funded by Flinders University of South Australia and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia. Drs. Dunne, Molloy and Brown are employed by CSIRO. These funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Funding was also provided by Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd., a company involved in the discovery and commercialization of biomarkers for colorectal cancer. Drs. LaPointe, Pedersen, Gaur, McEvoy and Thomas are employed by Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd and Prof. Young is a paid consultant of Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd. The funder thus played roles in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, and preparation of the manuscript. Mrs. Pimlott and Dr. Wattchow have nothing to disclose. This work was co-funded by Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd, a company involved in the discovery and commercialization of biomarkers for colorectal cancer. Drs. LaPointe, Pedersen, Gaur, McEvoy and Thomas are employed by Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd. Prof. Young is a paid consultant of Clinical Genomics Pty Ltd. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on sharing data and materials

    An Acidic Motif Retains Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 on Large Dense Core Vesicles

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    The release of biogenic amines from large dense core vesicles (LDCVs) depends on localization of the vesicular monoamine transporter VMAT2 to LDCVs. We now find that a cluster of acidic residues including two serines phosphorylated by casein kinase 2 is required for the localization of VMAT2 to LDCVs. Deletion of the acidic cluster promotes the removal of VMAT2 from LDCVs during their maturation. The motif thus acts as a signal for retention on LDCVs. In addition, replacement of the serines by glutamate to mimic phosphorylation promotes the removal of VMAT2 from LDCVs, whereas replacement by alanine to prevent phosphorylation decreases removal. Phosphorylation of the acidic cluster thus appears to reduce the localization of VMAT2 to LDCVs by inactivating a retention mechanism

    CAHM, a long non-coding RNA gene hypermethylated in colorectal neoplasia

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    Copyright © 2014 Landes Bioscience This is an open-access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The article may be redistributed, reproduced, and reused for non-commercial purposes, provided the original source is properly cited. Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. Please check the License conditions for the work which you wish to reuse. Full and appropriate attribution must be given. This permission does not cover any third party copyrighted material which may appear in the work requested.The CAHM gene (Colorectal Adenocarcinoma HyperMethylated), previously LOC 100526820, is located on chromosome 6, hg19 chr6:163 834 097–163 834 982. It lacks introns, encodes a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and is located adjacent to the gene QKI, which encodes an RNA binding protein. Deep bisulphite sequencing of ten colorectal cancer (CRC ) and matched normal tissues demonstrated frequent hypermethylation within the CAHM gene in cancer. A quantitative methylation-specific PCR (qMSP ) was used to characterize additional tissue samples. With a threshold of 5% methylation, the CAHM assay was positive in 2/26 normal colorectal tissues (8%), 17/21 adenomas (81%), and 56/79 CRC samples (71%). A reverse transcriptase-qPCR assay showed that CAHM RNA levels correlated negatively with CAHM % methylation, and therefore CAHM gene expression is typically decreased in CRC . The CAHM qMSP assay was applied to DNA isolated from plasma specimens from 220 colonoscopy-examined patients. Using a threshold of 3 pg methylated genomic DNA per mL plasma, methylated CAHM sequences were detected in the plasma DNA of 40/73 (55%) of CRC patients compared with 3/73 (4%) from subjects with adenomas and 5/74 (7%) from subjects without neoplasia. Both the frequency of detection and the amount of methylated CAHM DNA released into plasma increased with increasing cancer stage. Methylated CAHM DNA shows promise as a plasma biomarker for use in screening for CRC

    Resistant Starches Protect against Colonic DNA Damage and Alter Microbiota and Gene Expression in Rats Fed a Western Diet123

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    Resistant starch (RS), fed as high amylose maize starch (HAMS) or butyrylated HAMS (HAMSB), opposes dietary protein-induced colonocyte DNA damage in rats. In this study, rats were fed Western-type diets moderate in fat (19%) and protein (20%) containing digestible starches [low amylose maize starch (LAMS) or low amylose whole wheat (LAW)] or RS [HAMS, HAMSB, or a whole high amylose wheat (HAW) generated by RNA interference] for 11 wk (n = 10/group). A control diet included 7% fat, 13% protein, and LAMS. Colonocyte DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) were significantly higher (by 70%) in rats fed the Western diet containing LAMS relative to controls. Dietary HAW, HAMS, and HAMSB opposed this effect while raising digesta levels of SCFA and lowering ammonia and phenol levels. SSB correlated inversely with total large bowel SCFA, including colonic butyrate concentration (R2 = 0.40; P = 0.009), and positively with colonic ammonia concentration (R2 = 0.40; P = 0.014). Analysis of gut microbiota populations using a phylogenetic microarray revealed profiles that fell into 3 distinct groups: control and LAMS; HAMS and HAMSB; and LAW and HAW. The expression of colonic genes associated with the maintenance of genomic integrity (notably Mdm2, Top1, Msh3, Ung, Rere, Cebpa, Gmnn, and Parg) was altered and varied with RS source. HAW is as effective as HAMS and HAMSB in opposing diet-induced colonic DNA damage in rats, but their effects on the large bowel microbiota and colonocyte gene expression differ, possibly due to the presence of other fiber components in HAW

    A panel of genes methylated with high frequency in colorectal cancer

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    Background: The development of colorectal cancer (CRC) is accompanied by extensive epigenetic changes, including frequent regional hypermethylation particularly of gene promoter regions. Specific genes, including SEPT9, VIM1 and TMEFF2 become methylated in a high fraction of cancers and diagnostic assays for detection of cancer-derived methylated DNA sequences in blood and/or fecal samples are being developed. There is considerable potential for the development of new DNA methylation biomarkers or panels to improve the sensitivity and specificity of current cancer detection tests. Methods: Combined epigenomic methods - activation of gene expression in CRC cell lines following DNA demethylating treatment, and two novel methods of genome-wide methylation assessment - were used to identify candidate genes methylated in a high fraction of CRCs. Multiplexed amplicon sequencing of PCR products from bisulfite-treated DNA of matched CRC and non-neoplastic tissue as well as healthy donor peripheral blood was performed using Roche 454 sequencing. Levels of DNA methylation in colorectal tissues and blood were determined by quantitative methylation specific PCR (qMSP). Results: Combined analyses identified 42 candidate genes for evaluation as DNA methylation biomarkers. DNA methylation profiles of 24 of these genes were characterised by multiplexed bisulfite-sequencing in ten matched tumor/normal tissue samples; differential methylation in CRC was confirmed for 23 of these genes. qMSP assays were developed for 32 genes, including 15 of the sequenced genes, and used to quantify methylation in tumor, adenoma and non-neoplastic colorectal tissue and from healthy donor peripheral blood. 24 of the 32 genes were methylated in \u3e50% of neoplastic samples, including 11 genes that were methylated in 80% or more CRCs and a similar fraction of adenomas. Conclusions: This study has characterised a panel of 23 genes that show elevated DNA methylation in \u3e50% of CRC tissue relative to non-neoplastic tissue. Six of these genes (SOX21, SLC6A15, NPY, GRASP, ST8SIA1 and ZSCAN18) show very low methylation in non-neoplastic colorectal tissue and are candidate biomarkers for stool-based assays, while 11 genes (BCAT1, COL4A2, DLX5, FGF5, FOXF1, FOXI2, GRASP, IKZF1, IRF4, SDC2 and SOX21) have very low methylation in peripheral blood DNA and are suitable for further evaluation as blood-based diagnostic markers

    Unsafe care in residential settings for older adults. A content analysis of accreditation reports.

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    Background Residents of aged care services can experience safety incidents resulting in preventable serious harm. Accreditation is a commonly used strategy to improve the quality of care; however, narrative information within accreditation reports is not generally analysed as a source of safety information to inform learning. In Australia, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC), the sector regulator, undertakes over 500 accreditation assessments of residential aged care services against national standards every year. From these assessments, the ACQSC generates detailed Site Audit Reports. In over one-third (37%) of Site Audit Reports, standards relating to Personal and Clinical Care (Standard 3) are not being met. The aim of this study was to identify the types of resident Safety Risks that relate to Personal and Clinical Care Standards not being met during accreditation or re-accreditation. These data could inform priority setting at policy, regulatory and service levels. Methods An analytical framework was developed based on the World Health Organization’s International Classification for Patient Safety (ICPS) and other fields including Clinical Issue (the issue related to the incident impacting on the resident e.g., wound/skin or pain). Information relating to safety incidents in the Site Audit Reports was extracted and a content analysis undertaken using the analytical framework. Clinical Issue and the ICPS-based classification were combined to describe a clinically intuitive category (“Safety Risks”) to describe ways in which residents could experience unsafe care e.g., diagnosis/assessment of pain. The resulting data were descriptively analysed. Results The analysis included 65 Site Audit Reports that were undertaken between September 2020 – March 2021. There were 2,267 incidents classified into 274 types of resident Safety Risks. The twelve most frequently occurring Safety Risks account for only 32.3% of all incidents. Relatively frequently occurring Safety Risks were organisation management of infection control; diagnosis/assessment of pain, restraint, resident behaviours, falls; and multiple stages of wounds/skin management e.g., diagnosis/assessment, documentation, treatment, and deterioration. Conclusion The analysis has shown that accreditation reports contain valuable data that may inform prioritisation of resident Safety Risks in the Australian residential aged care sector. A large number of low frequency resident Safety Risks were detected in the accreditation reports. To address these, organisations may use implementation science approaches to facilitate evidence-based strategies to improve the quality of care delivered to residents. Improving the aged care workforces’ clinical skills base may address some of the Safety Risks associated with diagnosis/assessment and wound management