7 research outputs found

    Functional Recovery and Serum Angiogenin Changes According to Intensity of Rehabilitation Therapy After Stroke

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    Rehabilitation is still the only treatment available to improve functional status after the acute phase of stroke. Most clinical guidelines highlight the need to design rehabilitation treatments considering starting time, intensity, and frequency, according to the tolerance of the patient. However, there are no homogeneous protocols and the biological effects are under investigation. To investigate the impact of rehabilitation intensity (hours) after stroke on functional improvement and serum angiogenin (ANG) in a 6-month follow-up study. A prospective, observational, longitudinal, and multicenter study with three cohorts: strokes in intensive rehabilitation therapy (IRT, minimum 15 h/week) vs. conventional therapy (NO-IRT, <15 h/week), and controls subjects (without known neurological, malignant, or inflammatory diseases). A total of seven centers participated, with functional evaluations and blood sampling during follow-up. The final cohort includes 62 strokes and 43 controls with demographic, clinical, blood samples, and exhaustive functional monitoring. The median (IQR) number of weekly hours of therapy was different: IRT 15 (15-16) vs. NO-IRT 7.5 (5-9), p < 0.01, with progressive and significant improvements in both groups. However, IRT patients showed earlier improvements (within 1 month) on several scales (CAHAI, FMA, and FAC; p < 0.001) and the earliest community ambulation achievements (0.89 m/s at 3 months). There was a significant difference in ANG temporal profile between the IRT and NO-IRT groups (p < 0.01). Additionally, ANG was elevated at 1 month only in the IRT group (p < 0.05) whereas it decreased in the NO-IRT group (p < 0.05). Our results suggest an association of rehabilitation intensity with early functional improvements, and connect the rehabilitation process with blood biomarkers

    Predictors of Neurological and Functional Recovery in Patients with Moderate to Severe Ischemic Stroke: The EPICA Study

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    Background. Improving our knowledge about the impact of restorative therapies employed in the rehabilitation of a stroke patient may help guide practitioners in prescribing treatment regimen that may lead to better post-stroke recovery and quality of life. Aims. To evaluate the neurological and functional recovery for 3 months after an acute ischemic stroke occurred within previous 3 months. To determine predictors of recovery. Design. Prospective observational registry. Population. Patients having suffered acute moderate to severe ischemic stroke of moderate to severe intensity within the previous 3 months with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score from 10 to 20, 24 hours after arrival at emergency room (ER). Methods. All prespecified variables (sociodemographic and clinical data, lifestyle recommendations, rehabilitation prescription, and neurological assessments) were assessed at three visits, i.e., baseline (D0), one month (M1), and three months (M3). Results. Out of 143 recruited patients, 131 could be analysed at study entry within 3 months after stroke onset with a mean acute NIHSS score of 14.05, decreased to 10.8 at study baseline. Study sample was aged 64.9±13.8 years, with 49.2% of women. Neurorehabilitation treatment was applied to 9 of 10 patients from the acute phase and for three months with different intensities depending on the centre. A large proportion of patients recovered from severe dependency on activities of daily living (ADL) at D0 to a mild or moderate disability requiring some help at M3: mean NIHSS=10.8 to 5.7; median modified Rankin Scale mRS=4 to 3; Barthel index BI=40 to 70; all p values14) who received MLC901 showed above median improvements on mRS compared to control group at M1 (71.4% vs. 29.4%; p=0.032) and M3 (85.7% vs. 50%; p=0.058). Older subjects and women tend to have less improvement by M3. Conclusions. Our study in patients with moderate to severe stroke shows overall recovery on neurological and functional assessments during the 3 months of study observation. Apart from demonstrating traditional “non-modifiable” predictors of outcome after stroke, like age, sex, and stroke severity, we also detected association between the use of dietary supplement MLC901 and recovery

    Percepción diferencial de la intervención para la convivencia entre escolares de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

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    School connivance is referred to as one of the difficulties to be solved in the academic field. The study proposes to analyze the psychometric properties of the M-EP scale, adapted to the Dominican Republic and to investigate the perception of norms of school connivance by students from the educational community of Santo Sunday and its influence in the appearance of violent situations in the school setting. 1945 students from different primary education centers in Santo Domingo participated, aged between 11 and 17 years old. The instruments used were: the M-EP, which evaluates measures to improve school connivance perceived, and, the CUVE3-EP, which assesses the frequency with which the students consider that occur different types of school violence. The results are discussed in order to guide a more effective interventionLa convivencia escolar refiere una de las dificultades a resolver en el ámbito académico. El estudio plantea analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala M-EP, adaptado a la República Dominicana, investigar la percepción de normas de convivencia escolar por parte de los estudiantes de la comunidad educativa de Santo Domingo, y su influencia en la aparición de situaciones violentas dentro de marco escolar. Participaron 1945 estudiantes procedentes de centros educativos de Santo Domingo, de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 17 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: el M-EP, que evalúa medidas de mejora de la convivencia escolar percibida, y el CUVE3-EP, que evalúa la frecuencia con la que el alumnado considera que ocurren diferentes tipos de violencia escolar. Los resultados se discuten con el objeto de orientar una intervención más eficaz

    Rapid and Reproducible MALDI-TOF-Based Method for the Detection of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium Using Classifying Algorithms

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    Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium represents a health threat due to its ability to spread and cause outbreaks. MALDI-TOF MS has demonstrated its usefulness for E. faecium identification, but its implementation for antimicrobial resistance detection is still under evaluation. This study assesses the repeatability of MALDI-TOF MS for peak analysis and its performance in the discrimination of vancomycin-susceptible (VSE) from vancomycin-resistant isolates (VRE). The study was carried out on protein spectra from 178 E. faecium unique clinical isolates—92 VSE, 31 VanA VRE, 55 VanB VRE-, processed with Clover MS Data Analysis software. Technical and biological repeatability were assayed. Unsupervised (principal component analysis, (PCA)) and supervised algorithms (support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF) and partial least squares–discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)) were applied. The repeatability assay was performed with 18 peaks common to VSE and VRE with intensities above 1.0% of the maximum peak intensity. It showed lower variability for normalized data and for the peaks within the 3000–9000 m/z range. It was found that 80.9%, 79.2% and 77.5% VSE vs. VRE discrimination was achieved by applying SVM, RF and PLS-DA, respectively. Correct internal differentiation of VanA from VanB VRE isolates was obtained by SVM in 86.6% cases. The implementation of MALDI-TOF MS and peak analysis could represent a rapid and effective tool for VRE screening. However, further improvements are needed to increase the accuracy of this approach

    Escuela y sociedad : un reto para el educador

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    Esta publicación recopila las ponencias, planes de mejora, talleres y experiencias educativas presentadas durante las Jornadas de Formación del Profesorado, celebradas en Santander en 1998. El libro se estructura en tres bloques de contenido. El primero, en el que se desarrollan cinco ponencias: 1. Perfíl y papel del pofesor en la actualidad, el catedrático Pedro Hernández Hernández expone su punto de vista acerca del tema. 2. La animación a la lectura, una tarea de todos, la periodista Montserrat Sarto explica formas diversas de animar a la lectura. 3. La educación en Unamuno, conferencia dada por el catedrático José Luis Abellán a tenor del papel de la educación en la obra de Unamuno. 4. La ciencia, la cultura española y la educación, disquisiciones del catedrático Antonio Fernández-Rañada sobre la sociedad dividida entre las ciencias y las letras. 5. Programa Abiel (bibliotecas escolares) Jaime Denis, Director del Programa de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación propone una visión más dinámica de las bibliotecas como espacios culturales. A continuación se contemplan los dieciséis talleres que se pusieron en marcha durante las jornadas. Por último, encontramos las experiencias en Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria, así como consideraciones generales, que suman, entre todas, noventa y dos.CantabriaES

    Escuela y sociedad : una mirada hacia el futuro

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    Esta publicación recopila las ponencias, planes de mejora, talleres y experiencias educativas presentadas durante las Jornadas de Formación del Profesorado, celebradas en Santander en 1997. El libro se estructura en cuatro bloques de contenido; El primero en el que se desarrollan tres ponencias: 1. Manuel Maceiras Fafián, analiza el asunto de los valores en educación. 2. José Luis García Garrido, ofrece una panorámica de la educación en Europa y de las perspectivas de la misma de cara al siglo XXI. 3. Juan Carlos Tedesco, abarca el tema de la educación y multiculturalidad. A continuación se contemplan los casos de cuatro centros escolares en los que se han llevado a cabo planes de mejora. El tercer bloque es el de los talleres de Teatro, Astronomía, Bibliotecas, Medio Natural, etc. En último lugar encontramos las experiencias en Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria, así como unas consideraciones generales, sumando entre todas ellas, cincuenta y dos.CantabriaES