14 research outputs found

    Translation, psychometric evaluation and validation of the “diabetes health profile-18” questionnaire in Arabic

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    Introduction: measuring quality of life requires an instrument validated in the population language. The purpose of our study was to translate and analyze the psychometric properties of the literary Arabic version of the “diabetes health profile (DHP)-18”. Methods: we conducted a methodological study for psychometric evaluation and validation of the DHP-18, following the steps of the cross-cultural validation described by Vallerand. A convenience sample of people with diabetes was collected for this purpose. The developed questionnaire included participants‘ demographic characteristics, diabetes data and the experimental version of the DHP-18 questionnaire. Validity, reliability and questionnaire standards establishment were carried out. Results: a sample of 333 diabetics was recruited. Test-retest correlation coefficient (r = 0.985; p<0.01) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (alpha = 0.840) showed that the experimental version was accurate in terms of temporal stability and internal consistency. The content validity index was 0.84 and showed that the questionnaire statements accurately measured the concepts under study. The exploratory principal axis factoring, using the orthogonal varimax rotation, allowed the extraction of a factorial solution with four independent factors, grouping the 18 items of the questionnaire. Correlation coefficients between the three corresponding dimensions of the theoretical model of the questionnaire were low and positive, between 0.431 and 0.535, confirming that each dimension measured a unique content. Conclusion: the literary Arabic version of the DHP-18 has proven to be valid, reliable and ready for use in clinical practice in Tunisian people with diabetes

    Benzylthiouracil-Induced Glomerulonephritis

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    Vasculitis is a rare complication of antithyroid drugs (ATDs). It was first described with Propylthiouracil (PTU). We report a new case of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) vasculitis with glomerulonephritis induced by Benzylthiouracile (BTU). A 50-year-old man with Graves disease treated with BTU developed general malaise and haematuria without skin rash or respiratory involvement. Laboratory data revealed acute renal failure with proteinuria and haematuria. An indirect immunofluorescence test for ANCA was positive, showing a perinuclear pattern with specificity antimyeloperoxidase (MPO). A renal biopsy was performed and revealed pauci-immune extracapillary glomerular nephropathy and necrotic vasculitis lesions. Based on these findings we concluded to the diagnosis of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis associated with ANCA induced by BTU therapy. The drug was therefore discontinued and the patient was treated with steroids and immunosuppressive treatment during 3 months. Renal failure, proteinuria and haematuria significantly improved within 2 months. However, P-ANCA remained positive until 10 months after drug withdrawal. Thyroid function was kept within normal range using iodine solution. We demonstrated clearly that BTU may induce severe forms of vasculitis with glomerulonephritis. Thus, the ANCA must be measured when confronted to systemic manifestation during treatment

    Etude sur le diabÚte aigu cétosique inaugural dans un hÎpital du Centre-Est Tunisien

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    La cĂ©tose est une complication aiguĂ« du diabĂšte qui consiste en une accumulation de corps cĂ©toniques sanguins. MalgrĂ© la haute prĂ©valence du diabĂšte cĂ©tosique dĂ©crite, il existe trĂšs peu d’informations concernant l’épidĂ©miologie de cette complication inaugurale du diabĂšte en Tunisie. L’objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et clinico-biologiques des cĂ©toses inaugurales dans un hĂŽpital du Centre-Est tunisien. Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective, transversale et exhaustive, Ă  propos de patients admis pour une cĂ©tose inaugurale sur une pĂ©riode allant de janvier 2010 Ă  aoĂ»t 2016. La population d’étude a Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©e en 2 groupes selon la prĂ©sence ou pas d’une auto-immunitĂ© anti pancrĂ©atique: groupe DAI (diabĂšte de type 1 auto-immun) regroupe tous les patients avec une auto-immunitĂ©, et le groupe DNAI (diabĂšte cĂ©tosique non auto-immuns) sans auto-immunitĂ©. Il s’agit de 391 patients, de sex ratio 266 hommes/125 femmes, d’ñge moyen de 34±14,33 ans. La prĂ©dominance masculine Ă©tait nette: 68% dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. L’ñge de la cĂ©tose Ă©tait significativement plus prĂ©coce dans le groupe DAI. Un facteur prĂ©cipitant la cĂ©tose Ă©tait retrouvĂ© chez 77,7% de la population globale d’étude, significativement plus frĂ©quent dans le groupe DAI que dans le groupe DNAI. Le facteur le plus retrouvĂ© Ă©tait les infections virales. Les Anticorps anti thyroĂŻdiens Ă©taient significativement importants dans le groupe DAI. La cĂ©tose est un facteur de dĂ©compensation inaugurale frĂ©quent du diabĂšte en Tunisie. La population la plus importante a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite chez l’adulte jeune masculin, avec l’absence d’une auto-immunitĂ©, et un profil clinique du diabĂšte de type 2

    Contribution of type 2 diabetes associated loci in the Arabic population from Tunisia: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have both reproducibly identified several common Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) that confer type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk in European populations. Our aim was to evaluate the contribution to T2D of five of these established T2D-associated loci in the Arabic population from Tunisia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case-control design comprising 884 type 2 diabetic patients and 513 control subjects living in the East-Center of Tunisia was used to analyze the contribution to T2D of the following SNPs: E23K in <it>KCNJ11/Kir6.2</it>, K121Q in <it>ENPP1</it>, the -30G/A variant in the pancreatic ÎČ-cell specific promoter of Glucokinase, rs7903146 in <it>TCF7L2 </it>encoding transcription factor 7-like2, and rs7923837 in <it>HHEX </it>encoding the homeobox, hematopoietically expressed transcription factor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>TCF7L2</it>-rs7903146 T allele increased susceptibility to T2D (OR = 1.25 [1.06–1.47], <it>P </it>= 0.006) in our study population. This risk was 56% higher among subjects carrying the TT genotype in comparison to those carrying the CC genotype (OR = 1.56 [1.13–2.16], <it>P </it>= 0.002). No allelic or genotypic association with T2D was detected for the other studied polymorphisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the Tunisian population, <it>TCF7L2</it>-rs7903146 T allele confers an increased risk of developing T2D as previously reported in the European population and many other ethnic groups. In contrast, none of the other tested SNPs that influence T2D risk in the European population was associated with T2D in the Tunisian Arabic population. An insufficient power to detect minor allelic contributions or genetic heterogeneity of T2D between different ethnic groups can explain these findings.</p

    Intriguing association between type 1 diabetes mellitus, Gitelman syndrome and Cacci-Ricci disease: Triad of rare diseases: A case report

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    We report the case of a patient who exhibits a concurrent diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus, Gitelman syndrome and Cacci-Ricci disease. A 27-year-old male patient was diagnosed with Gitelman syndrome at the age of 3 years. Fourteen years later, he developed an autoantibody-negative type 1 diabetes mellitus. Cacci-Ricci’s disease was revealed by terminal hematuria and considered in view of the appearance found on the computed tomography (CT) scan. The finger-prick blood glucose level was 6 g/dl with no acetonuria. Creatinine clearance was 60 ml/min. Thyroid function tests were normal. Calcium, phosphorus and parathormone (PTH) levels were normal. Discussion: Gitelman syndrome is a rare disorder. The association between Gitelman syndrome and type 1 diabetes mellitus has been reported in the literature in two patients. Authors have investigated the association between Gitelman syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Several pathophysiological explanations have been put forward. Cacci-ricci disease is a rare, benign congenital anomaly. No association between type 1 diabetes mellitus, Gitelman syndrome and Cacci-Ricci disease has been reported in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first case described in the literature

    DiabĂšte de type 1 post-traumatique chez un soldat de l’armĂ©e

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    L'influence du stress comme facteur prĂ©cipitant l'apparition du diabĂšte de type 1 est un sujet largement Ă©tudiĂ© dans la littĂ©rature. La relation entre les traumatismes physiques et psychologiques et le diabĂšte ont Ă©tĂ© un sujet rarement Ă©tudiĂ© en milieu militaire. Le diabĂšte post-traumatique reste toujours un sujet controversĂ©. Nous rapportons le cas d'un soldat tunisien, sans antĂ©cĂ©dents personnels ou familiaux d’auto-immunitĂ©, qui a Ă©tĂ© diagnostiquĂ© pour un diabĂšte de type 1 au dĂ©cours d’une agression physique lors de conflits sociaux entre les forces de l’ordre et les citoyens

    Common polymorphisms of calpain-10 and the risk of Type 2 Diabetes in a Tunisian Arab population: a case-control study

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    Abstract Background Genetic variations in the calpain-10 gene (CAPN10), in particular the at-risk diplotype (112/121), were previously implicated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods We examined the association of CAPN10 UCSNP-43 (rs3792267), UCSNP-19 (rs3842570), and UCSNP-63 (rs5030952) SNPs with T2D in 917 Tunisian T2D patients and 748 non-diabetic controls. CAPN10 genotyping was done by PCR-RFLP. Results Enrichment of UCSNP-19 2R (minor) allele and 2R/2R genotype was found in T2D patients; the allele and genotype distribution of UCSNP-43 and UCSNP-63 alleles and genotypes were not significantly different between patient groups and non-diabetic control subjects. Regression analysis demonstrated progressive increases in T2D risk in 3R/2R [OR (95% CI) = 1.35 (1.08 - 1.68)] and 2R/2R [OR (95% CI) = 1.61 (1.20 - 2.18)] genotypes. Of the six haplotypes detected, enrichment of haplotype 111 (UCSNP-43/UCSNP-19/UCSNP-63) was seen in patients (Pc = 0.034); the distribution of the other haplotypes was comparable between patients and control subjects; neither haplotype 211 nor haplotype 212 was observed. Furthermore, the frequency of all CAPN10 diplotypes identified, including the "high-risk diplotype (112/121) reported for Mexican-Americans and Northern Europeans, were comparable between patients and controls. Conclusions CAPN10 UCSNP-19 variant, and the 111 haplotype contribute to the risk of T2D in Tunisian subjects; no significant associations between CAPN10 diplotypes and T2D were demonstrated for Tunisians.</p