23 research outputs found

    Mushroom flavour

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    Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and microscopic, but they are also an interesting source of flavours, fragrances and odours, e.g. garlic, coconut, flour-like, cucumber or fruit-like, as well as the most characteristic for this kingdom of living organisms mushroom-like flavour and aroma. Fungi can possess many different and interesting flavours and fragrances - starting from nice anise-like, fruit-like, cucumber, garlic, to cheese-garlic, and ending with potato or flour-like smells. Some mushrooms emit carbide or distinctly faecal-like odour. The taste of mushrooms is frequently correlated with their aroma. What components does the core of a mushroom flavour consist of? Chemical analysis of specimens reveals compounds responsible for characteristic flavour and odour. It was found that the most characteristic flavour compound is defined mainly by C8 volatiles. Between all C8 compounds the most important for mushroom flavour are oct-1-en-3-ol, octan-3-ol, octan-3-on and oct-1-en-3-on. Fungi and mushrooms can enable biotechnological production of some flavour components, for instance the Nidula niveotomentosa produces a characteristic raspberries compound - raspberry ketone in submerged cultures; the biotechnological production can also provide rare and tasty forest mushroom biomass e.g. edible boletus.Bogactwo aromatów w świecie grzybów pozwala na biotechnologiczne wykorzystanie ich do otrzymywania bądź to czystych związków, jak np. w przypadku ketonu malinowego pozyskiwanego z Nidula niveotomentosa, bądź np. aromatycznej grzybni mogącej zastąpić rzadkie i pożądane gatunki grzybów leśnych, np. borowików

    Tubercle disease of sugar beets, the lost pathogen, and the thin border between pathogenicity and stimulatory effect

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    Tubercle disease or a bacterial pocket disease of sugar beets are names used to describe one of the gall-malformed diseases of sugar beet roots. Xanthomonas beticola is the historical name of the pathogen supposedly causing bacterial pocket disease. There were no isolates deposited in any collection corresponding to the originally isolated bacteria, except two strains from the NCPPB (National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, UK). However, both isolates were identified as related to Bacillus pumilus, which raised doubts about their pathogenicity. In our laboratory, greenhouse, and preliminary field experiments, we demonstrated that such strains are not pathogenic to sugar beets. Furthermore, both strains promoted their growth, improved their yield quality, and partly protected them against Rhizoctonia solani in a field experiment

    Rhizoctonia solani AG5 and Its Offspring – Morphology and Sensitivity to Fungicides

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    The objective of these studies was to identify differences and similarities within the progeny of Rhizoctonia solani AG5, which arose from basidiospores produced by the maternal strain ID23. The following characteristics were analyzed: appearance of the mycelium (color, structure, zonation, and presence of sclerotia), growth rate (at 10°C, 20°C, and 30°C), fungicide sensitivity, and hyphal structure. The mycelial color of R. solani AG5 ranged from white/cream to light and dark brown. The structure of the mycelium may be compacted or flattened with visible zoning or fluffy with dark brown sclerotia on the colony surface. Homokaryons and heterokaryons derived from homokaryons were analyzed by constructing a phylogenetic tree using morphological data. Single basidiospore-grown isolates formed a separate subclade, the majority of which were grouped with a maternal isolate; however, heterokaryons derived from them created a separate subclade. In addition, isolates grown in basidiospores germinated at low temperatures created their own group, but with some exceptions. This shows a divergence in the morphological parameters of the subsequent generations and within generations. The optimal temperature for growth was found to be between 20°C and 30°C. The exceptions were strains obtained from basidiospores that germinated at refrigerated temperatures. For these samples, 10°C was found to be the optimal growth temperature. The hyphae of homokaryons were characterized by the presence of branching at an almost right angle and the presence of a septum at the site of constriction of the branch itself. The mean diameter of hyphae ranged 2.93–15.60 μm, depending on the age of hyphae. The fungicidal compounds at a concentration of 10 ppm had no significant effect on the activity of the tested strains, whereas a tenfold increase in the dose reduced the growth ability of the tested isolates. The activity of fungicides containing azoxystrobin, thiuram, or thiophanate-methyl on R. solani resulted in a reduction in the mycelial growth rate only in the case of azoxystrobin and thiuram, and in some cases, it was completely inhibited (thiophanate-methyl)

    Morphological features of sugar beet and its yield quality

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    W warunkach polowych oceniono cechy morfologiczne roślin buraka cukrowego, zdrowotność oraz plonowanie. W trakcie sezonu mierzono takie cechy, jak długość, szerokość, liczbę liści oraz wysokość główek korzeni. Celem badań było określenie wpływu cech pokroju roślin buraka na parametry plonowania. Wyliczono współczynniki korelacji między cechami morfologicznymi a cechami plonowania. Wykazano negatywny wpływ zwiększonych główek korzenia na wielkość i jakość plonu buraka cukrowego. Niewielkie uszkodzenia liści także negatywnie wpływały na gromadzenie cukru w korzeniach, a delikatne uszkodzenia korzeni sprzyjały jego gromadzeniu. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między jakością plonu a długością blaszki liścia oraz liczbą dojrzałych i starzejących się liści, co było widoczne w lipcu i sierpniu, oraz powierzchnią liści odmian w typie normalno-cukrowym a masą plonu korzeni. Nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu wielkości powierzchni blaszek liściowych i ogólnej liczby liści mierzonych w kolejnych terminach pomiarów na plon.The field experiment was realized in 2012 in Kondratowice (Dolnośląskie) on the KWS-Lochow area. In this study six cultivars in three types of sugar beet were used (sugar type Z type: Danuśka KWS, Natura KWS, Sława KWS, normal type – N type: 2B934, Julietta, Elvira KWS; and a type with an emphasis on the root yield – E type: Primadonna KWS and Oliviera KWS). In the middle of June and July and in the end of August the number of leaves per plant was counted and sizes of roots’ crowns were measured for randomly chosen 20 plants. Leaves were also measured (petiole length, leaf length and width, and leaf surface area). The health condition of foliage was estimated each month, a six-grade scale (0–5) for leaves was used (0 – meant healthy, 5 – disease symptoms on more than 70% of the leaf surface). Health quality of roots was evaluated in September and for this purpose a five-point scale (0–4) was used, where 0 – meant healthy roots, and 4 – the roots completely destroyed. The quantity and quality of yield were estimated in an automatic system Venema. The aim of the work was the estimation of morphological features of sugar beet plants in the field experiment and finding correlations (p = 0.05) between them and yield parameters. Average root yields were over 100 t·ha⁻¹. Sugar type cultivars (Z) showed an average sugar content 16.49–18.29%, but cultivar 2B934 (E) – only 13.2%. Minute C. beticola and R. beticola symptoms were observed on leaves, they were negatively correlated with sugar content. Correlation between root infection and sugar content showed that delicate scab symptoms on the roots’ surfaces can be a reason of greater sugar content. It was found negative correlation between yield quality and root’s crown sizes, especially for N-type and E-type varieties but not for Z-type. The study indicates that a greater number of young leaves appearing in July promotes deterioration of the roots by excessive accumulation of sodium. It was observed that in July leaf length contributes to the reduction in the yield of technological sugar, and in August can be seen more efficient assimilation in long leaves expressed as a sugar content in the roots, but the combined correlation of the above characteristic with the content of molasses-building elements explains the decrease in the yield of technological sugar content. Positive correlations were found between yield quality and such features as leaf length and number of mature leaves as well as senescent leaves. The correlations were distinct in July and August. This can be partly explained by favourable position of long leaves and better use of sun energy. The leaf area was positively correlated with a root yield for sugar-type (Z-type) varieties

    Właściwości toksyczne przesączy pohodowlanych Alternaria radicina w stosunku do nasion i siewek marchwi

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    The carrot seed samples health condition and their germination ability were discussed for the period 1997-2003. For the discussed period, the average infection of seed plots was 9.8 % and the seeds' percentage germination was 68.4 %. These parameters were correlated each other. The culture filtrates of five isolates of Alternaria radicina were tested in the laboratory experiments. A. radicina isolates were obtained from carrot seeds. Toxic activity of metabolites included in culture filtrates showed different activity against seeds and seedlings depending on the isolate type. Their phytotoxic influence was observed against germination of seeds; morę dead seeds and abnormal seedlings were observed under their influence as well as the time of germination was prolonged. The influence on the normally developed and healthy seedlings showed the phytotoxic activity for more concentrated culture filtrates and a positive activity for low concentrated culture filtrates (l %, 2 %) of isolates 001 and 003. The direct relationships between culture filtrates and their concentrations were not observed.Porównano zdrowotność oraz zdolność kiełkowania partii nasion marchwi pochodzących z trzech rejonów Polski w latach 1997-2003. Średnie porażenie nasion w omawianym okresie wynosiło 9,8 %, a średnia zdolność kiełkowania - 68,4 %. Obydwa parametry były ze sobą skorelowane. W doświadczeniach laboratoryjnych zbadano wpływ przesączy pohodowlanych pięciu izolatów Alternaria radicina uzyskanych z nasion marchwi. Metabolity zawarte w przesączach pohodowlanych wykazywały działanie fitotoksyczne zarówno na nasiona marchwi, jak i na jej siewki. Obserwowano zwiększoną śmiertelność nasion, rozwój siewek anormalnych oraz przedłużenie kiełkowania. Roztwory przesączy pohodowlanych wpływały także negatywnie na żywotność zdrowych i normalnie rozwiniętych siewek marchwi, jednak filtraty izolatów 001 i 003 w małych stężeniach (l %, 2 %) wykazywały się zdolnością do przedłużania życia siewek w porównaniu do kontroli. Nie obserwowano bezpośredniej zależności działania badanych przesączy od ich stężenia

    Application of antagonistic properties of Bacillus subtilis against Rhizoctonia solani

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    Celem badań była ocena antagonistycznych właściwości, wyizolowanego z ryzosfery korzenia buraka cukrowego, szczepu Bacillus subtilis EM1 wobec Rhizoctonia solani ID105. Aktywność przeciwgrzybową określono w badaniach in vitro na podstawie zahamowania wzrostu grzybni patogenu oraz w doświadczeniu wazonowym, w którym określono wpływ B. subtilis EM1 na wzrost roślin porażonych tym patogenem. W pracy określono zdolność bakterii B. subtilis EM1 do biosyntezy kwasu indolilo-3-octowego (IAA). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że testowany szczep zahamowuje w 85,0% wzrost grzybni fitopatogenu, jednak nie ogranicza jego wpływu na wzrost i porażenie roślin. B. subtilis EM1 wykazuje zdolność do biosyntezy IAA. Największe stężenie 67,6 μg/cm3 IAA stwierdzono po 7 dniach inkubacji szczepu w obecności 2000 μg/cm3 L-tryptofanu. Badany szczep stymulował wzrost siewek buraka cukrowego.The aim of the research was an assessment of antagonistic properties of strain Bacillus subtilis EM1, isolated from the rhizosphere of sweet beetroot, against Rhizoctonia solani ID105. Antifungal activity was determined in in vitro test on the basis of the mycelial growth inhibition of the pathogen in a pot test, in which the influence of B. subtilis EM1 on the growth of infected plants was evaluated. The paper also determines the ability of B. subtilis EM1 to synthesize indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Conducted research proved that tested strain inhibits the mycelial growth of the pathogen by 85.0%, however, it does not affect the plant’s growth or the infection process. B. subtilis EM1 shows the ability to synthesize IAA. The highest concentration of IAA amounting 67.6 μg/cm3 was noted after 7 days of strain incubation in the presence of 2000 μg/cm3 L-tryptophan. The strain under study stimulated the growth of sugar beetroot seedlings

    Badanie możliwości ograniczania rozwoju wybranych glebowych patogenów buraka cukrowego przez Bacillus subtilis oraz Promieniowce

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    Soil-borne pathogens of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) are often responsible for its poor quality and yield loss. Protection against the group of pathogens is possible only in the early stage of plant development, later there is no possibility for application of chemicals into the soil. This is a reason of the importance of biological methods of plant protection as well as the natural occurrence in the soil of some potentially antagonistic microorganisms. In the laboratory experiments some interactions between pathogens and potentially antagonistic microorganisms were tested as well as their influence on the sugar beet seedlings. Pathogens (Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum and Streptomyces scabies) were isolated from diseased sugar beet root tissues. The antagonists were Bacillus subtilis, Streptomyces griseoviridis and two isolate of streptomycetes A-2003 and II-2003. Antagonistic microorganisms could not or could only slightly limit development of pathogens. The best result was observed in the case of R. solani which was limited by S. griseoviridis. In vitro B. subtilis and S. griseoviridis could decrease also growth of S. scabies. F. oxysporum showed very low pathogenic ability against sugar beet seedlings, but isolates of A-2003 and II-2003 decreased the number of diseased seedlings in the soil inoculated by F. oxysporum. The microorganisms tested as the antagonists did not injury seedlings of sugar beets. The strongest pathogenicity showed A. cochlioides and any one of antagonistic bacteria could not protect the seedlings against it. They also could not protect seedlings against R. solani, but in the case of soil infected by S. scabies they showed the possibility to protect seedlings.Choroby korzeni buraka cukrowego (Beta vulgaris L.) powodują znaczne obniżenie ilości oraz jakości plonu tej rośliny. Zwalczanie patogenów glebowych ograniczone jest tylko do fazy siewek buraka, w późniejszym czasie nie ma możliwości chemicznej walki z patogenami glebowymi. Dlatego bardzo ważna jest obecność w glebie naturalnych antagonistów mikroorganizmów patogennych. Organizmy antagonistyczne można także wprowadzać sztucznie do środowiska glebowego, co umożliwia rozwój metod biologicznej ochrony roślin. W przeprowadzonych doświadczeniach, w warunkach laboratoryjnych, zbadano wzajemne oddziaływanie, w warunkach in vitro, pomiędzy patogenami otrzymanymi z zainfekowanych korzeni buraka cukrowego: Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum oraz Streptomyces scabies a potencjalnymi antagonistami: Bacillus subtilis, Streptomyces griseoviridis oraz dwoma wybranymi izolatami promieniowców (A-2003 i II-2003) otrzymanymi z ranek parchowych na korzeniach buraka. Zbadano także ich wpływ na rośliny buraka w infekcyjnym doświadczeniu wazonowym. Stwierdzono, że wpływ antagonistów na rozwój patogenów był niejednakowy. Obserwowano niewielki stopień ograniczenia wzrostu patogenów przez S. griseoviridis i przez B. subtilis, szczególnie w odniesieniu do R. solani. F. oxysporum wykazywał bardzo nikłe właściwości patogenne wobec siewek buraka, a badane promieniowce A-2003 i II-2003 w niewielkim stopniu ograniczały rozwój jego grzybni oraz w odniesieniu do kombinacji kontrolnej zmniejszały liczbę chorych roślin w teście wazonowym. Wykazano, że żaden z potencjalnych antagonistów nie powodował uszkodzeń siewek buraka. Siewki hodowane w wazonach zainokulowanych antagonistami oraz A. cochlioides nie były chronione przed tym patogenem, podobnie jak w przypadku wazonów infekowanych R. solani, natomiast B. subtilis i S. griseoviridis dobrze chroniły siewki przed S. scabies

    Badanie wpływu właściwości fizyko-chemicznych gleb na populację Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn w obecności wybranych herbicydów

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    Celem przeprowadzonych badań polowych było określenie wpływu właściwości fizyko-chemicznych gleb (w tym: pH, właściwości charakteryzujących kompleks sorpcyjny, zawartości węgla organicznego i jego składu frakcyjnego) na rozwój fitopatogenicznego grzyba Rhizoctonia solani w obecności wybranych herbicydów: (BASF) Expander 400SC, Flirt 450SC, Pyramin Turbo 520SC; (Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH) Nortron 200EC; (Organika-Sarzyna) Buranit 74EC. Pole doświadczalne zlokalizowano w Domecku koło Opola na glebie brunatnej kl. V, wytworzonej z piasków gliniastych mocnych zalegających na glinie średniej. Na całość doświadczenia składało się 6 kombinacji założonych metodą rozlosowanych bloków w 4 powtórzeniach. Rhizoctonia solani izolowano z gleby w dwóch okresach pomiarowych za pomocą selektywnego podłoża agarowego. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują, iż najskuteczniejszym inhibitorem wzrostu fitopatogenicznego grzyba Rhizoctonia solani może być herbicyd Expander 400SC (najniższy poziom populacji i przyrostu w czasie) przy stosunkowo wysokiej zawartości materii organicznej i lekko kwaśnym odczynie gleby. Podobnie niski poziom przyrostu populacji, w efekcie końcowym niższy od kontrolnego, powodował też Pyramin. Niektóre właściwości chemiczne gleby mogą wpływać na uboczną aktywność herbicydów w stosunku do R. solani.The aim of this work was to define the influence of organic matter content and some soil properties on the development of phythopathogenic soil fungi Rhizoctonia solani (causing sugar beet damping-off) at the presence of different composition herbicides (Nortron 200EC, Pyramin Turbo 520SC, Buranit 74EC, Flirt 450SC, Expander 400SC). Populations of fungi were isolated from soil using selective agar medium. Fungi propagules (in 1 g soil) were estimated one week and one month after application of herbicides. Herbicides could inhibit the growth of R. solani in soil comparing to the control without herbicides. The best inhibitory properties showed Expander 400SC and Pyramin Turbo 520SC. Some properties of soil could influence on additional activity of herbicides, for instance in the case of Nortron

    Preliminary assessment of the possibility of supporting the decomposition of biodegradable packaging

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    This article presents a preliminary evaluation of the possibility of using grass biomass from a sports field as a compost ingredient which positively affects the degree of decomposition of the biodegradable wrappings. For 5 months the biodegradable bags were stored, both empty and filled with organic waste in the heap of grass clippings. After that period, fragments of the bags were observed under the microscope and then assessed the state of their decomposition. The results indicate that the biomass used favourably affected the process of bag degradation, however the speed of decomposition of the empty bags was quicker than the bags filled with the organic waste