7 research outputs found

    Field analysis of the deterioration after some years of use of four insect-proof screens utilized in Mediterranean greenhouses

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    The installation of insect-proof screens on greenhouse vents is one of the principal methods of protection against harmful insects for crops. Their main disadvantage lies on their negative effects on natural ventilation and greenhouse microclimate, which have been the focus of studies by several authors. However, few works have analysed the effect of accumulated dust and dirt on these screens. The present study has analysed four anti-insect screens, comparing their geometric characteristics before installation and after three to four years of use. Two negative effects have been observed and quantified: deterioration of the threads that make up the screen and reduction of porosity due to accumulated dirt in the pores. This deterioration over time gives leads to a mean increase in thread diameter of 3.1%, as well to a mean decrease in the pore size of 6.2% and 2.3% in the weft (Lpx) and the warp (Lpy), respectively. In fact, the insect-proof screen porosity (φ) decreased due to the deterioration of the threads by an average of 6.5%, in addition to an average 20.3% reduction due to the accumulation of dirt in the pores, making a total reduction in porosity of 26.8%. This decrease in porosity leads to lower greenhouse ventilation rates, and is therefore detrimental for the greenhouse microclimate. Consequently, it is recommended that insect-proof screens in arid areas such as Almería (Spain), with abundant dust suspended in the atmosphere, be washed monthly using water sprayed at high pressure

    Effect of Greenhouse Film Cover on the Development of Fungal Diseases on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in a Mediterranean Protected Crop

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    Greenhouses on the Mediterranean coast mainly use plastic materials as their cover. The influence of light exerted by these materials directly affects the crops by modifying the environment in which they develop. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the use of two plastic films in an experimental greenhouse on the development of fungal diseases in two spring–summer crop cycles: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) from february to July 2021 and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) from February to July 2022. The study was carried out in Almeria (Spain) in a multispan greenhouse divided transversely into two sectors by a polyethylene sheet. A commercial film was installed in the east sector (90% of transmissivity and 55% diffusivity) and an experimental film was installed in the west sector (85% of transmissivity and 60% diffusivity). In addition, the effect of the yield and quality of the harvested fruit was determined. In this study, two diseases were established naturally on the crop: (i) powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) in both the tomato and the pepper crop cycles and (ii) early blight (Alternaria solani) in the tomato. The analyses of both diseases showed that the areas of the greenhouse that used the plastic cover, which presented a lower sunlight transmissivity, showed higher levels of disease than the areas that used the plastic cover that allowed greater transmissivity of light within the greenhouse, differing statistically in some phases of the crop. The marketable yield was 4.2% (for tomato) and 3.1% (for pepper) higher in the sector with the experimental film with high transmissivity. For both crops, the quality of the fruits did not show statistically significant difference

    Determinación de los patrones de flujo de aire en un invernadero multitúnel mediante anemometría sónica

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    The present work describes a methodology for studying natural ventilation in Mediterranean greenhouses using sonic anemometry. The experimental work took place in the three-span greenhouse located at the agricultural research farm belonging to the University of Almería. This methodology has allowed us to obtain patterns of natural ventilation of the experimental greenhouse under the most common wind regimes for this region. It has also enabled us to describe how the wind and thermal effects interact in the natural ventilation of the greenhouse, as well as to detect deficiencies in the ventilation of the greenhouse, caused by the barrier effect of the adjacent greenhouse (imply a mean reduction in air velocity close to the greenhouse when facing windward of 98% for u, 63% for uy, and more importantly 88% for ux, the component of air velocity that is perpendicular to the side vent). Their knowledge allows us to improve the current control algorithms that manage the movement of the vents. In this work we make a series of proposals that could substantially improve the natural ventilation of the experimental greenhouse. For instance, install vents equipped with ailerons which guide the air inside, or with vents in which the screen is not placed directly over the side surface of the greenhouse. A different proposal is to prolong the opening of the side vents down to the soil, thus fomenting the entrance of air at crop level.En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una metodología para estudiar la ventilación natural en invernaderos mediterráneos mediante anemometría sónica. Los ensayos se han realizado en un invernadero multitúnel de tres módulos situado en el Campo de Prácticas de la Universidad de Almería. Esta metodología nos ha permitido obtener los patrones de ventilación natural del invernadero experimental para los vientos más comunes de la región. También nos ha permitido describir la interacción entre el efecto eólico y térmico, así como detectar deficiencias en la ventilación natural del invernadero debidas al efecto barrera de otro invernadero adyacente (provocando una reducción media en la velocidad del aire en el exterior de la ventana de barlovento de hasta el 98% para u, 63% para uy y, más importante, 88% para ux, la componente de la velocidad del aire que es perpendicular a la superficie de ventilación lateral). Los conocimientos adquiridos en este trabajo nos permitirán mejorar los algoritmos de control del sistema de ventilación. En este trabajo se realizan una serie de propuestas que podrían mejorar sustancialmente la ventilación natural del invernadero. Por ejemplo, se proponen algunas posibles modificaciones de la configuración de las ventanas laterales, buscando una mayor captación del aire exterior: se podría optar por ventanas dotadas de alerones exteriores que dirijan al aire hacia el interior o ventanas en las que la malla no se coloque directamente sobre la superficie lateral del invernadero, diseñando una antesala donde el aire pueda entrar sin la oposición de la malla. Otra propuesta sería prolongar la apertura de las ventanas laterales hasta el suelo, para favorecer así la entrada de aire a nivel del cultivo

    Influence of the Diffusivity and Transmittance of a Plastic Greenhouse Cover on the Development of Fungal Diseases in a Cucumber Crop

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    Mediterranean greenhouses are usually covered by plastic materials (films); these films allow light to pass through them, modifying some of their characteristics. The properties of the plastic cover influence the development of greenhouse crops. In addition, it can influence the stresses that the plants endure and the development of fungal diseases in the crop. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect that an experimental film cover, with high transmittance and high light diffusivity, produces on the development of fungal diseases on a cucumber crop (Cucumis sativus L.). Two different film covers were compared: (i) commercial film (transmittance of 85%; diffusivity of 60%); and (ii) experimental film (transmittance of 90%; diffusivity of 55%). The study was carried out across two autumn–winter crop cycles in a multi-span greenhouse divided into two isolated sectors. Three fungal diseases caused the main damage to the cucumber crop: downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis), powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginia) and gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae). In the case of powdery mildew, a greater severity in the sector was observed with the commercial film in comparison with the sector with the experimental film, with significant statistical differences between the two sectors in both crop cycles. Downy mildew and gummy stem blight were fungal diseases with less presence than downy mildew, and a greater presence of these two fungal diseases in the sector with the commercial film was also observed in both crop cycles