7 research outputs found

    Municipal survey city of Ede 1995 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal service: management and maintenance, safety, ( places of ) entertainment, housing. Satisfaction with municipal facilities, social services and maintenance in own quarter / detailed questions about ( maintenance of ) public space / satisfaction with collectioning of refusal / ( reasons for not participation in ) separated collectioning of garbage / victimization in the last 12 months, informing of those crimes / perceived frequency of crimes in own quarter / perceived chance to become victim of crime in own quarter / feelings of unsafety in the evening, at night / safety: functioning of local authorities and functioning, action and availability of the police in own quarter / contact with police in the last 12 months, reasons / satisfaction with police contacts / more-less attention should be paid to specific sorts of police tasks / frequency of entertainment activities, supply of entertainment in Ede, catering industry / nuisance caused by catering in the last 12 months / aspects of social climate and living situation in Ede / monthly rent paid for house/ saleable value of own house / number of years living in present house / quality of house and housing conditions / wishes for housing, moving. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religio

    Municipal survey city of Ede 1993 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal service, safety, traffic and transport, leisure time spending, time budgeting. Contacted the citizen service of the town hall during last year / ( satisfied with ) opening hours / alternative opening hours / desirability of availability of citizen service in sub-areas of Ede/ criteria for those service: housing, costs, ready-while-you-wait service / citizen service compared to service of post office / victimization in the last 12 months, informing of those crimes / perceived number of crimes in own quarter / perceived chance to become victim of crime in own quarter / measures to protect oneself against crimes / more-less attention should be paid to specific sorts of crime / number of cars in household / drivers licence, seasons-ticket for public transport / use of public transport / kind of transport used in daily life / decrease of car-use, willing to not using a car in certain daily life circumstances / measures to decrease own use of car / municipal measures to decrease use of cars / improvements on public transport and use of bicycle / quarter without cars / parking in the centre of Ede / last visit in Ede: time spend on finding a parking place / parking problems are cause of less visits to Ede centre / influence of raising parking taxes / number of leisure time activities in the last 12 months/ on which location / hindrances to participate in leisure time activities / enough possibilities for leisure time spending, time budgeting. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durable

    Municipal survey city of Ede 1994 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal Information Service, contingency plan education, municipal taxes, local broadcasting companies. Frequency of reading newspapers / ( preference of ) sources of information about town council orders, municipal affairs / reading the municipal information pages in the local door-to-door newspaper/ frequency of reading about specific subjects in the municipal information pages and evaluation of quality / read-heard about several municipal subjects / contents, availability and presentation of municipal information / frequency of listening-watching radio and television, especially the local broadcasting companies and their municipal information / respondent took note about the information of the contingency plan / actions performed in case of alarm, knowledge of what to do / it is worthwhile to exercise the contingency plan / ( quality of ) information about municipal taxes, availability / payment of taxes / preparedness to pay more taxes for better social services. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur

    Gemeente-enquete Ede 1994 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal Information Service, contingency plan education, municipal taxes, local broadcasting companies. Frequency of reading newspapers / ( preference of ) sources of information about town council orders, municipal affairs / reading the municipal information pages in the local door-to-door newspaper/ frequency of reading about specific subjects in the municipal information pages and evaluation of quality / read-heard about several municipal subjects / contents, availability and presentation of municipal information / frequency of listening-watching radio and television, especially the local broadcasting companies and their municipal information / respondent took note about the information of the contingency plan / actions performed in case of alarm, knowledge of what to do / it is worthwhile to exercise the contingency plan / ( quality of ) information about municipal taxes, availability / payment of taxes / preparedness to pay more taxes for better social services. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur

    Gemeente-enquete Ede 1993 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal service, safety, traffic and transport, leisure time spending, time budgeting. Contacted the citizen service of the town hall during last year / ( satisfied with ) opening hours / alternative opening hours / desirability of availability of citizen service in sub-areas of Ede/ criteria for those service: housing, costs, ready-while-you-wait service / citizen service compared to service of post office / victimization in the last 12 months, informing of those crimes / perceived number of crimes in own quarter / perceived chance to become victim of crime in own quarter / measures to protect oneself against crimes / more-less attention should be paid to specific sorts of crime / number of cars in household / drivers licence, seasons-ticket for public transport / use of public transport / kind of transport used in daily life / decrease of car-use, willing to not using a car in certain daily life circumstances / measures to decrease own use of car / municipal measures to decrease use of cars / improvements on public transport and use of bicycle / quarter without cars / parking in the centre of Ede / last visit in Ede: time spend on finding a parking place / parking problems are cause of less visits to Ede centre / influence of raising parking taxes / number of leisure time activities in the last 12 months/ on which location / hindrances to participate in leisure time activities / enough possibilities for leisure time spending, time budgeting. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durable

    Gemeente-enquete Ede 1995 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal service: management and maintenance, safety, ( places of ) entertainment, housing. Satisfaction with municipal facilities, social services and maintenance in own quarter / detailed questions about ( maintenance of ) public space / satisfaction with collectioning of refusal / ( reasons for not participation in ) separated collectioning of garbage / victimization in the last 12 months, informing of those crimes / perceived frequency of crimes in own quarter / perceived chance to become victim of crime in own quarter / feelings of unsafety in the evening, at night / safety: functioning of local authorities and functioning, action and availability of the police in own quarter / contact with police in the last 12 months, reasons / satisfaction with police contacts / more-less attention should be paid to specific sorts of police tasks / frequency of entertainment activities, supply of entertainment in Ede, catering industry / nuisance caused by catering in the last 12 months / aspects of social climate and living situation in Ede / monthly rent paid for house/ saleable value of own house / number of years living in present house / quality of house and housing conditions / wishes for housing, moving. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religio

    Gemeente-enquete Ede 1997 - VSO

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    Er is een nieuwe versie van deze dataset beschikbaar, zie het veld 'Relations'. De bestanden van de verouderde versie zijn niet meer te downloaden. Opinion of inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede, the municipal policy and municipal facilities Crime, insecurity, and inconveniences in neighbourhood where respondent is living / quality of life / community centres / participation in arts and culture / information and involvement concerning town and country planning by the municipality / opinion about the 'Information Guide Municipality Ede 1997/1998' / environmental issues / suggestion for questions in next survey Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religio