165 research outputs found

    Efficiency of application topical timolol 0.5% prevented migraine attacks

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    Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Department of Ophtalmology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of headache and associated symptoms that last 4-72 hours. It is a disease with genetic substrate, very common, debilitating and costly, with a considerable socioeconomic impact, recorded mainly in the most productive period of life between 25 and 55 years. Migraine is often associated with photophobia, phonophobia, vertigo, sometimes vomiting, fatigue. For the treatment of migraine attacks are recommended NSAIDS, triptans, ergot preparations. For preventive treatment are recommended β-adrenergic blockers, calcium channel inhibitors, serotonin antagonists, tranquilizers, antidepressants. Typically, most of such pharmaceuticals are administered orally. Since most of migraine attacks are accompanied with a retro-orbital pain, the efficacy and safety of topical Timolol 0.5% on blockage of β-adrenergic receptors for preventing migraine headaches are assessed. Beta-blockers are awell-known prophylactic treatment for migraine; however, treatment by the ocular route has not been widely considered. Timolol maleate eye drops 0.5% have been prescribed as a prophylactic treatment against migraine headaches, according to reports with success in terms of the prophylactic effect of such treatment. Conclusion: This article presents cases from the literature that illustrate the resolution of a visual field defect, ophtalmoplegia and another simptoms associated with migraine possibly due to administration of a topical beta-blocker. This novel method of treatment may have a place in the management of migraine. Timolol maleate eye drop is an effictive, well-tolerated, safe, and easy-to-use prophylactic antimigraine medication

    The Posttraumatic Occlusion of the Vertebral Artery: Case presentation

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    We investigate radiographic features of vertebral artery injury/occlusion associated with nonpenetrating cervical spine trauma and to demonstrate the importance of the CTA in high-risk cases. With the popularization of CTA (Computed Tomography Angiography) and MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography), vertebral artery injury has been a common complication of cervical spine trauma. The occlusion of the vertebral artery secondary to non-penetrating trauma of the cervical spine (fractures and/dislocations) can be found in approximately 20% of the cases. Vertebral artery occlusion was rarely symptomatic because of sufficient collateral blood supply through not only contralateral vertebral artery but also the circle of Willis

    Innovation and Crowdsourcing Contests

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    In an innovation contest, an organizer seeks solutions to an innovation-related problem from a group of independent agents. Agents, who can be heterogeneous in their ability levels, exert efforts to improve their solutions, and their solution qualities are uncertain due to the innovation and evaluation processes. In this chapter, we present a general model framework that captures main features of a contest, and encompasses several existing models in the literature. Using this framework, we analyze two important decisions of the organizer: a set of awards that will be distributed to agents and whether to restrict entry to a contest or to run an open contest. We provide a taxonomy of contest literature, and discuss past and current research on innovation contests as well as a set of exciting future research directions

    Cystic abdominal lymphangioma – laparoscopic approach

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    Clinica I Chirurgie, Clinica Universitară „Sf.Spiridon”, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Gr.T.Popa”, Iaşi, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Limfangioamele chistice (LC) sunt tumori benigne rare de origine limfatică (anomalie vasculară congenitală). Cea mai frecventă localizare este regiunea craniană – faţa şi gâtul (75% - higromă chistică), regiunea axilară şi mediastinul (20%) şi 5% - alte locaţii. LC retroperitoneale reprezintă <1% dintre cazuri. Material și metode: Noi raportăm o serie din 7 cazuri de LC abdominale operate prin abord laparoscopic din 17 LC operate în ultimii 10 ani în Clinica I Chirurgie, Clinica Universitară „Sf.Spiridon”. Rezultate: Raportul femei/bărbaţi a fost de 6/1,cu vârstă medie de 35,6 ani (20-51 ani). Simptomele principale au fost durerea, distensia abdominală şi prezenţa unei formaţiuni abdominale palpabile. Pacienţii au fost supuşi examenului clinic, ultrasonografic şi CT. Diagnosticul de LC a fost suspectat preoperator numai în 3 cazuri. Explorarea laparoscopică a pus în evidenţă existenţa tumorilor retroperitoneale numai în 2 cazuri, în mezenter, în omentul mare şi mezocolon pe dreapta – cîte un caz fiecare. Noi am recurs la excizia laparoscopică a chistului cu evoluţie postoperatorie favorabilă. Dimensiunea medie a tumorii a fost de 11,4 cm. Durata medie de spitalizare a fost de 3,4 zile. Concluzii: Abordul laparoscopic este fezabil (“standardul de aur”), stabileşte diagnosticul şi permite excizia chirurgicală completă, ceea ce diminuează riscul de recidive.Introduction: Cystic lymphangioamas (CL) are rare benign tumors, with lymphatic origin (congenital vascular anomaly). It locates the most frequent cranial region – face and neck (75% - cystic hygroma), mediastinum and axilla (20%) and 5% other locations. CL retroperitoneal represents <1% of cases. Material and methods: We report a series of 7 cases of abdominal CL operated by laparoscopic approach from 17 CL operated in last 10 years in the First Surgical Clinic, “St.Spiridon” Hospital. Results: The ratio female/male was 6/1, with a mean age of 35.6 years (20-51 years). The main symptoms were pain, abdominal distension and palpable abdominal mass. Patients were examined clinically, ultrasound and CT. The diagnosis of CL was suspected preoperatively only in 3 cases. Laparoscopic exploration reveals the existence of retroperitoneal tumor in 2 cases, in mesentery, in great omentum and in right mesocolon in 1 case each. We performed laparoscopic excision of the cyst with favorable postoperative course. Mean tumor size was 11.4 cm. Mean hospital stay was 3.4 days. Conclusions: Laparoscopic approach is feasible (gold standard), certified diagnosis and allows complete surgical excision, which reduces the risk of relapse

    Optimal Resource Allocation over Networks via Lottery-Based Mechanisms

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    We show that, in a resource allocation problem, the ex ante aggregate utility of players with cumulative-prospect-theoretic preferences can be increased over deterministic allocations by implementing lotteries. We formulate an optimization problem, called the system problem, to find the optimal lottery allocation. The system problem exhibits a two-layer structure comprised of a permutation profile and optimal allocations given the permutation profile. For any fixed permutation profile, we provide a market-based mechanism to find the optimal allocations and prove the existence of equilibrium prices. We show that the system problem has a duality gap, in general, and that the primal problem is NP-hard. We then consider a relaxation of the system problem and derive some qualitative features of the optimal lottery structure

    Laparoscopic surgical education -the experience of the First Surgical Unit Iaaei

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    Rezumat Trainingul în chirurgia laparoscopicã -experienåa Clinicii I Chirurgie Iaaei Învãåãmântul chirurgical, dupã principiile clasice, se desfãaeoarã în sala de operaåie sub coordonarea unui chirurg cu exeperienåã. De-a lungul timpului aei în special dupã introducerea tehnicilor de chirurgie minim invazivã ca abord standard pentru multe afecåiuni, au fost dezvoltate multiple metode care sã asigure însuaeirea cunoaetinåelor. Din punct de vedere al comportamentului uman, se disting trei niveluri de cunoaaetere: 1) comportament uman bazat pe abilitãåi de bazã; 2) comportament bazat pe reguli; 3) comportament bazat pe cunoaaetere. Abilitãåile necesare chirurgiei minim-invazive sunt dificil de însuaeit folosind modelul clasic de învãåãmânt chirurgical, datoritã a numeroase motive: etice, medico-legale aei economice. De aceea, au fost dezvoltate multiple tipuri de simulatore destinate învãåãmântului chirurgical minim-invaziv. Actualmente, simulatoarele sunt acceptate peste tot în lume pentru trainingul tehnicilor minim-invazive asigurând îmbunãtãåirea performanåelor tinerilor chirurgi. Simulatoarele folosite curent asigura însã numai însuaeirea abilitãåilor practice de bazã aei, paråial, a comportamentului bazat pe reguli. Totuaei, folosirea modelelor animale ca aei a viitoarelor modele de simulatoare de realitate virtualã vor oferi posibilitatea însuaeirii aei a comportamentului bazat pe cunoaaetere. Cu toate acestea nu existã o curriculã general acceptatã pentru trainingul în chirurgia minim-invazivã. Lucrarea prezintã experienåa de peste 10 ani a Clinicii I Chirurgie Iaaei aei evoluåia diverselor metode aei tehnici de antrenament. De asemenea, s-a realizat un review al literaturii despre noile concepte aei probleme ale învãåãmântului chirurgical. Cuvinte cheie: chirurgie minim-invazivã, învãåãmânt medical, simulatoare, training laparoscopic, realitate virtualã Abstract The classic apprenticeship model for surgical training takes place into the operating theater under the strict coordination of a senior surgeon. During the time and especially after the introduction of minimally invasive techniques as gold standard treatment for many diseases, other methods were developed to successful fulfill the well known three stages of training: skillbased behavior, rule-based behavior and knowledge-based behavior. The skills needed for minimally invasive surgery aren&apos;t easily obtained using classical apprenticeship model due to ethical, medico-legal and economic considerations. In this way several types of simulators have been developed. Nowadays simulators are worldwide accepted for laparoscopic surgical training and provide formative feedback which allows an improvement of the performances of the young surgeons. The simulators currently used allow assimilating only skill based behavior and rule-based behavior. However, the training using animal models as well as new virtual reality simulators and augmented reality offer the possibility to achieve knowledgebased behavior. However it isn&apos;t a worldwide accepted laparoscopic training curriculum. We present our experience wit