10 research outputs found

    Influence of the Internet on studying English

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    The article considers theoretical aspects of influence of the Internet on studying English, including on the opportunities of listening and increase of motivation for studying English. The characteristic of blended learning technology in studying the foreign languages is given. The practical justification of the efficiency of studying English using the information-communicative technologies, in particular the electronic and communication learning platform Moodle in the process of implementation of blended learning technology is presented. The efficiency and motivating influence of use of the information-communicative technologies in the educational process is experimentally shown. © 2015 by the author(s)

    Influence of the Internet on studying English

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    The article considers theoretical aspects of influence of the Internet on studying English, including on the opportunities of listening and increase of motivation for studying English. The characteristic of blended learning technology in studying the foreign languages is given. The practical justification of the efficiency of studying English using the information-communicative technologies, in particular the electronic and communication learning platform Moodle in the process of implementation of blended learning technology is presented. The efficiency and motivating influence of use of the information-communicative technologies in the educational process is experimentally shown. © 2015 by the author(s)

    Features of translation of medical instructions from English and French languages into Russian (Pharmacological discourse)

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal difficulties in translating instructions on the usage of medicines from English and French into Russian. Translation of medical instructions is a private form of medical translation that is in high demand. Each medicine should have a detailed description in Russian. With this document, a manufacturer guarantees to patient that subject to the prescribed standards, medicine will provide a certain effect that it is safe for life and health. The instruction is a kind of memo for a patient and a guarantee of the correctness of taking medicine. The authors of the article examined instructions for the use of medicines as genres of pharmaceutical discourse, highlighted the features of pharmaceutical terminology, examined ways to translate scientific terminology and vocabulary, analyzed translation techniques for transmitting vocabulary instructions for the use of medicines (translation of the instructions for the medicine > from English into Russian, as well as instructions for the > medicine from French into Russian), errors were identified in their translation. The following research methods were used in the work: comparative typological method, empirical method, observation method, analysis and synthesis, a descriptive method, a method of comparative analysis of the original and translation, and generalisation of the obtained results. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the synthesis of theoretical material on the problem of translation of instructions for the use of medicines. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can be used in the practical activities of translators of specialized literature and in the development of special translation courses of scientific literature from French and English into Russian. In addition, the results of this study can be used in the development of educational materials for students of medical specialties, the organization of advanced training and the exchange of teaching experience


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    The article is a part of the educational manual «Verb aspects. Corrective course» addressed to foreign students of the senior courses studying the Russian language. The purpose of the educational manual is to teach foreign students to use correctly the Russian verb aspects within the framework of the basic program. The article presents training exercises for activating the studied material, as well as speech tasks for introducing the material into speech. The experiment conducted by us in two groups of the second-year course of the third term of education allowed to define the degree of the effectiveness of the given educational materials in the repetition of verb aspects. In one of the groups (12 people) the training exercises from the correction course, which we are talking about, were used. The students were from different countries: India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Brazil. In the other group there were also 12 people. Control testing showed that in the group using these training materials, good and excellent results were 20% more. The collected material can be used to make an educational manual on the verb aspects, as well as writing methodological developments, in the exchange of pedagogical experience.Данная статья является частью учебного пособия «Виды глагола. Корректировочный курс», адресованного иностранным студентам второго курса медицинского института, изучающим русский язык. Цель пособия - научить иностранных студентов правильно употреблять виды русских глаголов в рамках базовой программы. В статье представлены тренировочные упражнения для активизации изучаемого материала, а также речевые задания для введения изучаемого материала в речь. Определить степень эффективности данных учебных материалов при повторении видов глагола позволил эксперимент, проведённый нами в двух группах второго курса третьего семестра обучения. В одной из групп (12 человек) на занятиях использовались тренировочные упражнения из корректировочного курса, о котором идёт речь. Студенты были из разных стран: Индия, Иран, Ирак, Сирия, Бразилия. В другой группе было также 12 человек. Контрольное тестирование показало, что в группе, работающей с использованием данных учебных материалов, хороших и отличных результатов было на 20% больше. Собранный материал можно использовать для создания учебного пособия, посвященного видам глагола, а также при написании методических разработок, при обмене педагогическим опытом


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    The use of «false cognates» in medical texts is widespread enough, and the number of mistakes that translators make is large. The purpose of this article is to identify medical words that may be mistaken due to their belonging to this group of vocabulary, possible errors when translating this category of words from English and French into Russian and vice versa, and establishing ways to eliminate errors when translating them, techniques which help to avoid misinterpretation of a text. In order to summarize the existing knowledge, the authors analyzed specialized literature on this issue, reviewing in detail the translation features of «false cognates» and, using examples, analyzed the characteristic errors that may occur during translation. The issues of theory and practice of teaching students of the Medical Institute of Russian Peoples’ Friendship University in a special course «Theory and Practice of Translation» are discussed in the article. The foreign students of three groups studing professionally oriented medical translation from Russian into English and French and from the above-noted languages into Russian took part in the study of this topic. As the experiment showed the knowledge of the specificity of the «false cognates» phenomenon helps to avoid «hidden rocks» when interpreting a professional medical text. The results of this article can also be applied when giving lectures and special courses on the theory and practice of translating foreign languages, developing teaching materials for medical students, and preparing specialized dictionaries.Применение «ложных друзей переводчика» в текстах медицинской направленности достаточно широко распространено, а количество ошибок, которые совершают переводчики, велико. Целью данной статьи является выявление тех слов медицинской тематики, перевод которых может быть ошибочным в силу их принадлежности к данной группе лексики, возможных ошибок при переводе данной категории слов с английского и французского языка на русский и обратно, и установление способов устранения ошибок при их переводе, приемов и техник, помогающих избежать неправильной интерпретации текста. С целью обобщения имеющихся знаний авторами была проанализирована специализированная литература по данному вопросу, подробно рассмотрены особенности перевода «ложных друзей переводчика» и непосредственно на примерах разобраны характерные ошибки, которые могут возникнуть при переводе. В статье обсуждаются вопросы теории и практики обучения студентов на кафедре русского языка медицинского института РУДН по специальному курсу «Теория и практика перевода». В изучении данной темы приняли участие иностранные студенты трех групп, занимающиеся профессионально ориентированным медицинским переводом с русского на английский и французский языки и с указанных языков на русский язык. Как показал эксперимент, знание специфики явления «ложные друзья переводчика» помогает избежать «подводных камней» при интерпретации профессионального медицинского текста. Результаты данной статьи могут также найти применение при проведении лекционных и специальных курсов по теории и практике перевода иностранных языков, разработке учебных материалов для студентов медицинских специальностей, подготовке специализированных словарей


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    The article is a part of the educational manual «Verb aspects. Corrective course» addressed to foreign students of the senior courses studying the Russian language. The purpose of the educational manual is to teach foreign students to use correctly the Russian verb aspects within the framework of the basic program. The article presents training exercises for activating the studied material, as well as speech tasks for introducing the material into speech. The experiment conducted by us in two groups of the second-year course of the third term of education allowed to define the degree of the effectiveness of the given educational materials in the repetition of verb aspects. In one of the groups (12 people) the training exercises from the correction course, which we are talking about, were used. The students were from different countries: India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Brazil. In the other group there were also 12 people. Control testing showed that in the group using these training materials, good and excellent results were 20% more. The collected material can be used to make an educational manual on the verb aspects, as well as writing methodological developments, in the exchange of pedagogical experience.Данная статья является частью учебного пособия «Виды глагола. Корректировочный курс», адресованного иностранным студентам второго курса медицинского института, изучающим русский язык. Цель пособия - научить иностранных студентов правильно употреблять виды русских глаголов в рамках базовой программы. В статье представлены тренировочные упражнения для активизации изучаемого материала, а также речевые задания для введения изучаемого материала в речь. Определить степень эффективности данных учебных материалов при повторении видов глагола позволил эксперимент, проведённый нами в двух группах второго курса третьего семестра обучения. В одной из групп (12 человек) на занятиях использовались тренировочные упражнения из корректировочного курса, о котором идёт речь. Студенты были из разных стран: Индия, Иран, Ирак, Сирия, Бразилия. В другой группе было также 12 человек. Контрольное тестирование показало, что в группе, работающей с использованием данных учебных материалов, хороших и отличных результатов было на 20% больше. Собранный материал можно использовать для создания учебного пособия, посвященного видам глагола, а также при написании методических разработок, при обмене педагогическим опытом


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    The article presents the instructional techniques for teaching translation of «false cognates», as well as some of the training materials used in teaching foreign students studying the theory and practice of professionally oriented medical translation in the framework of the special course «Fundamentals of Translation» (English and French). The purpose of educational materials is to teach foreign students to translate correctly «false cognates» in the field of medicine. The article presents training exercises for the revitalization of the studying material, as well as speech tasks for introducing the studying material into speech. The experiment conducted by us in three groups of a special course allowed us to determine the degree of effectiveness of these teaching materials in translating international and pseudo-international words from English and French into Russian. Training exercises on the materials presented in the article were used in two groups of students from different countries at the lessons on the theory and practice of translation. There were 10 students in two experimental groups. There were also 10 people in the control group. Control testing showed that there was a 25% increase in good and excellent results in the group working with these training materials. The collected material can be used to create a textbook on translation of international and pseudo-international words, as well as when writing methodological developments in the exchange of educational experience.В данной статье представлены методические приемы при обучении переводу «ложных друзей переводчика», а также часть учебных материалов, используемых в обучении иностранных студентов, изучающих теорию и практику профессионально ориентированного медицинского перевода в рамках специального курса «Основы перевода» (английский и французский языки). Цель учебных материалов - научить иностранных студентов правильно переводить «ложные друзья переводчика» в области медицины. В статье представлены тренировочные упражнения для активизации изучаемого материала, а также речевые задания для введения изучаемого материала в речь. Определить степень эффективности данных учебных материалов при переводе интернациональных и псевдоинтернациональных слов на русский язык с английского и французского языков позволил эксперимент, проведённый нами в трех группах специального курса. В двух группах студентов из разных стран на занятиях по теории и практике перевода использовались тренировочные упражнения по материалам, представленным в статье. В двух экспериментальных группах было по 10 студентов. В контрольной также 10 человек. Контрольное тестирование показало, что в группе, работающей с использованием данных учебных материалов, хороших и отличных результатов было на 25% больше. Собранный материал можно использовать для создания учебного пособия, посвященного переводу интернациональных и псевдоинтернациональных слов, а также при написании методических разработок, при обмене педагогическим опыто

    Possibilities of using integrated learning in teaching English in a non-linguistic college

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    In the current conditions, apart from high-quality professional education, a crucial component of a specialist's competitiveness is the knowledge of a foreign language (further on - FL). Because of this, during the training of higher educational institutions' students, learning a FL requires considering professional specifics and its orientation on actualizing the professional activity tasks. Hence, methods of teaching a FL as a science are faced with the aim of searching for the optimal ways of reaching a sufficient level of FL knowledge for professional goals. Therefore, the aim of present article is to discuss the specifics of various methods of teaching a FL for professional communication and the possibilities of using them in a nonlinguistic college. In the context of present study, integrated learning is defined as learning, in which the focus is shifted from isolated teaching of a FL for professional communication to integration of learning the language with studying special disciplines. Analysis of theoretical developments and conduction of an experimental study showed that teaching a FL for professional communication on the basis of the CLIL methodology is efficient for students of a non-linguistic college. © 2017

    Possibilities of using integrated learning in teaching English in a non-linguistic college

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    In the current conditions, apart from high-quality professional education, a crucial component of a specialist's competitiveness is the knowledge of a foreign language (further on - FL). Because of this, during the training of higher educational institutions' students, learning a FL requires considering professional specifics and its orientation on actualizing the professional activity tasks. Hence, methods of teaching a FL as a science are faced with the aim of searching for the optimal ways of reaching a sufficient level of FL knowledge for professional goals. Therefore, the aim of present article is to discuss the specifics of various methods of teaching a FL for professional communication and the possibilities of using them in a nonlinguistic college. In the context of present study, integrated learning is defined as learning, in which the focus is shifted from isolated teaching of a FL for professional communication to integration of learning the language with studying special disciplines. Analysis of theoretical developments and conduction of an experimental study showed that teaching a FL for professional communication on the basis of the CLIL methodology is efficient for students of a non-linguistic college. © 2017