136 research outputs found

    Toric intraocular lenses for correction of astigmatism in keratoconus and after corneal surgery

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    Purpose: To describe the results of cataract extraction with toric intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in patients with preexisting astigmatism from three corneal conditions (keratoconus, postkeratoplasty, and postpterygium surgery). Methods: Cataract patients with topographically stable, fairly regular (although sometimes very high) corneal astigmatism underwent phacoemulsification with implantation of a toric IOL (Zeiss AT TORBI 709, Alcon Acrysof IQ toric SN6AT, AMO Tecnis ZCT). Postoperative astigmatism and refractive outcomes, as well as visual acuities, vector reduction, and complications were recorded for all eyes. Results: This study evaluated 17 eyes of 16 patients with a mean age of 60 years at the time of surgery. Mean follow-up in this study was 12 months. The corrected distance Snellen visual acuity (with spectacles or contact lenses) 12 months postoperatively was 20/32 or better in 82% of eyes. The mean corneal astigmatism was 6.7 diopters (D) preoperatively, and 1.5 D of refractive cylinder at 1-year follow-up. No vision-compromising intra- or postoperative complications occurred and decentration or off-axis alignment of toric IOLs were not observed. Conclusion: Phacoemulsification with toric IOL implantation was a safe and effective procedure in the three mentioned corneal conditions. Patient selection, counseling, and IOL placement with optimal astigmatism correction are crucial

    Naar een draagvlak voor een voertuigtechnische snelheidsbeheersing binnen een intrensiek veilige verkeersomgeving

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    Beleidsaanbevelingen voor snelheidsbegrenzing : begeleidende maatregelen noodzakelijk

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    In dit artikel wordt aangegeven hoe het beleid de aanvaardbaarheid van een maximale snelheidsbegrenzing kan versterken. Daarbij blijken vooral begeleidende maatregelen een absolute noodzaak: sensibilisering naar doelgroepen, demonstratieprojecten, financiële prikkels, gefaseerde invoering, ISA

    Shifting Complexity: The Impact of Modularization on IS Complexity

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    Many organizations strive to reduce the complexity of their IS architecture. One frequently used intervention is to minimize IS complexity by applying modularization. With modularization, systems are decomposed into modules to maximize IT flexibility. However, very few organizations achieve the anticipated benefits when introducing modularization. Therefore, our aim in this paper is to increase our understanding of the effects of modularization on IS complexity. Through a case study, we explore the relation between modularization and IS complexity. The results show three design choices through which modularization affects IS complexity: (1) the degree of granularity, (2) unification of terminology, and (3) the centralization of connections. The results also show that IS complexity is often shifted instead of reduced. Complexity seems to shift as a ‘waterbed effect’ across the IS architecture and across the different conceptualizations of complexity. With that understanding, IS complexity can be moved to a location in an organization better suited to deal with it

    Thyroid cancer in a patient with a germline MSH2 mutation. Case report and review of the Lynch syndrome expanding tumour spectrum

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    Lynch syndrome (HNPCC) is a dominantly inherited disorder characterized by germline defects in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes and the development of a variety of cancers, predominantly colorectal and endometrial. We present a 44-year-old woman who was shown to carry the truncating MSH2 gene mutation that had previously been identified in her family. Recently, she had been diagnosed with an undifferentiated carcinoma of the thyroid and an adenoma of her coecum. Although the thyroid carcinoma was not MSI-high (1 out of 5 microsatellites instable), it did show complete loss of immunohistochemical expression for the MSH2 protein, suggesting that this tumour was not coincidental. Although the risks for some tumour types, including breast cancer, soft tissue sarcoma and prostate cancer, are not significantly increased in Lynch syndrome, MMR deficiency in the presence of a corresponding germline defect has been demonstrated in incidental cases of a growing range of tumour types, which is reviewed in this paper. Interestingly, the MSH2-associated tumour spectrum appears to be wider than that of MLH1 and generally the risk for most extra-colonic cancers appears to be higher for MSH2 than for MLH1 mutation carriers. Together with a previously reported case, our findings show that anaplastic thyroid carcinoma can develop in the setting of Lynch syndrome. Uncommon Lynch syndrome-associated tumour types might be useful in the genetic analysis of a Lynch syndrome suspected family if samples from typical Lynch syndrome tumours are unavailable

    Berekening van de grondstoffenconsumptie in Vlaanderen (1991- 2001),

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    Als het gebruik van grondstoffen en het produceren van afval evenredig toenemen, zal dit leiden tot ernstige problemen. Indien de mens wil streven naar een welvarende, maar solidaire maatschappij, niet alleen voor de huidige maar ook voor toekomstige generaties, moet de economische groei losgekoppeld worden van het gebruik van primaire grondstoffen. Er moet m.a.w. gestreefd worden naar dematerialisatie: een vermindering van het gebruik van primaire grondstoffen per eenheid product of dienst. Om te komen tot een groter bewustzijn omtrent deze proble-matiek en tot de vereiste beleidsinitiatieven, is er nood aan meetinstrumenten die grondstoffenstromen in kaart brengen, stromen met een belangrijke invloed op het milieu belichten en toelaten ontkoppeling en dematerialisatie te meten. Material Flow Analysis (MFA) wint dan ook meer en meer aan belang als instrument voor de evaluatie van materiaalintensiteit en grondstoffengebruik. studie uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, MIR


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    Keywords: Dataflow analysis techniques are key to reduce the number of design iterations and shorten the design time of real-time embedded network based multiprocessor systems that process data streams. With these analysis techniques the worstcase end-to-end temporal behavior of hard real-time applications can be derived from a dataflow model in which computation, communication and arbitration is modeled. For soft real-time applications these static dataflow analysis techniques are combined with simulation of the dataflow model to test statistical assertions about their temporal behavior. The simulation results in combination with properties of the dataflow model are used to derive the sensitivity of design parameters and to estimate parameters like the capacity of data buffers. real-time, dataflow analysis, multiprocessor system, predictable design, systemon-chip 1
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