2 research outputs found

    Lingkungan Sosial Budaya dan Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap Pengobatan Luar Puskesmas (Kasus di Kota Kotamobagu dan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara)

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    Social cultural environment and Clients perception to the traditional health services considered as two important aspects. Social culture environment measured by social culture values and locality wisdom aspects. Clients perception to the traditional health services measured by perception to traditional mid-wife and perception to the traditional health service. Social culture environment that oriented to the health service has a high category, on the other hand, clients perception to the traditional health services has a middle category. Extention education is needed to improve the client's behavior

    Karakteristik Pelanggan dan Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap Pelayanan Puskesmas (Kasus di Kota Kotamobagu dan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara)

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    Clients characteristics and clients perception to the Community health service has been considered as two important aspects. Clients characteristics measured by age, income, works, sex, education background, number of families, distances to community health service, the understanding of mean, goal, and benefit for healthy life. Clients perception to the Community health service measured by medical worker, health services and the cure that has been given has a high level category. Clients satisfaction conducted by Community Health Service tends to be high category