6 research outputs found

    Pie charts, one for each village of study, displaying different NS health-related data across the 12-week study period.

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    <p>Color coding: <i>Red-</i> Proportion of children with NS; <i>Black-</i> Proportion of children with nodding spells reported for the first time; <i>Yellow</i>- Proportion of children with NS who were injured; <i>Green-</i> Proportion of children with NS who died; <i>Blue-</i> Proportion of children with NS who did not have anti-seizure medication. For comparison purposes, the number of children with NS monitored per village was normalized to 100%. Percentages above 100% are indicative of repeated outcomes. The pie chart corresponding to Ludok and Olam villages (bottom right) should be taken only for reader orientation because values summarize data collected for only 4 weeks (<a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006588#pntd.0006588.s001" target="_blank">S1 Tables</a>).</p

    Screenshot of the <i>Magpi</i> web-interface.

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    <p>The image shows a) the user name associated with the mHealth reporter sending the survey record, b) the survey record start and end times, c) the time the record was submitted/uploaded to the <i>Magpi</i> server and d) the GPS stamp.</p

    A real-time medical cartography of epidemic disease (Nodding syndrome) using village-based lay mHealth reporters - Fig 2

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    <p><b>A, B</b>) Geo-localized visualization of the Acholiland surveillance area. <b>C</b>) Close-up of a surveillance area section. <b>D, E</b>) Real-time electronic map of child health, injury and illness relating to NS in Paikat Akidi village (Angole parish, Awere sub-county, Pader district) and Bolo Lapeta village (Bolo parish, Awere sub-county, Pader district) at week 6 of data collection. Color coding: <i>Red</i>- Households with at least 1 child with NS; <i>Green</i>- Households with at least 1 child with NS who did not have medication (E1); was injured (E2); or died (E3) that week.</p

    Temporal monitoring of NS health data in Paikat Akidi village, Angole parish, Awere sub-county, Pader district.

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    <p><b>A)</b> Real-time electronic map for weeks 1, 6, and 12 of data collection. Color coding: <i>Red-</i> Households with at least 1 child with NS; <i>Green</i>- Households with at least 1 child with NS who did not have anti-seizure medication (A); was injured (B); or died (C) that particular week.</p