8 research outputs found


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    The mechanism of rock fragmentation around blastholes is of prior importance in the evaluation of drilling and blasting performance in open pit and underground mines. This paper aims to numerically investigate the crack propagation mechanism around a single blasthole using the distinct element method (DEM). In this study, two specimens with different borehole diameters were considered and the effects of the stress waves on their cracking mechanism were simulated. To validate the numerical model, the length of the radial cracks around each blasthole was measured and compared against an analytical fracture mechanics model. The fractured zones around the blasthole were also compared against previous experimental tests and good agreement was observed. The effect of a single discontinuity on the crack propagation mechanism was also studied and it was found that the discontinuity normal stiffness plays a significant role in the fractured zones around the blasthole. For low values of normal stiffness, the discontinuity surface acted as a free surface, and the shock wave was significantly reflected, while at high values of normal stiffness, cracks propagate across the discontinuity surface.Mehanika loma stijena oko minskih bušotina važan je čimbenik u ocjeni varijabli bušenja i miniranja, bilo na površini ili pod zemljom. U radu je numerički ispitana mehanika širenja lomova u blizini jedne takve bušotine uporabom metode diskretnih elemenata. Simulirana su dva uzorka različitih promjera bušotina te način širenja tlačnih valova i nastanak pukotina. Numerički model provjeren je mjerenjem dužine radijalnih pukotina oko bušotine te usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti s analitičkim modelom mehanike loma. Zone pucanja oko bušotine uspoređene su s prethodnim eksperimentalnim testovima te je opaženo dobro podudaranje. Također je istražen i utjecaj pojedinačnoga diskontinuiteta na širenje pukotina te je utvrđeno kako čvrstoća diskontinuiteta ima veliku ulogu u opisanim zonama lomova oko bušotina. Kod nižih vrijednosti čvrstoće zone diskontinuiteta djeluju kao slobodne zone gibanja s kojih se tlačni valovi uglavnom reflektiraju. Zone veće čvrstoće ne sprječavaju pukotine da prolaze kroz njih

    Distinct element modelling of the mechanical behaviour of intact rocks using voronoi tessellation model

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    This paper aims to study the mechanical behaviour and failure mechanism of intact rocks under different loading conditions using the grain based model implemented in the universal distinct element code (UDEC). The grain based numerical model is a powerful tool to investigate complicated micro-structural mechanical behaviour of rocks. In the UDEC grain based model, the intact material is simulated as assemblies of a number of polygonal blocks bonded together at their contact areas. To investigate the ability of such a numerical framework, uniaxial and triaxial compression tests as well as direct tensile test were simulated in UDEC and then the results were compared with the laboratory experiments undertaken on Hawkesbury sandstone. There was a good agreement between the experimental and numerical under different loading conditions. In order to investigate the effect of micro-properties of the grain based model, blocks and contacts, on the laboratory scale intact rocks, a set of parametric study was undertaken. The results from this analysis confirmed that the block size is an intrinsic characteristic of a model which has significant effects on the mechanical behaviour of the numerical models. Also, it was concluded that the cohesion and friction angle of contact surfaces control both uniaxial and triaxial compressive strengths. Finally, it was found that in the triaxial compression test, as the applied confining pressure increases, the effect of contact cohesion on the strength decreases while the effect of friction angle increases

    Crack damage evolution in coal at elevated temperatures

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    This work studies the behaviour of coal samples at various thermal environments from sub-zero temperatures of -100 to 300 °C by monitoring their fracture speed, ultimate strength, and crack damage evolution mode. High-speed recordings captured at 140,000 frames per second identified three different fracture evolution modes as a function of the applied ambient temperature. As the temperature increases, the fracture behaviour was observed to be through intact rock bridges resulting in reduced crack speeds and smaller fragments. Interestingly, at sub-zero temperatures, a different failure pattern was observed through the formation of a single fracture plane resulting in larger fragments with sharper edges

    Numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of rock joints and non-persistent jointed rock masses

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    The mechanical behaviour of a rock mass is significantly controlled by the presence of discontinuities, and understanding the effect of discontinuities is essential in the economical and reliable design of rock structures. This research investigated the effect of roughness and persistency of rock joints on the mechanical behaviour of rock structures using the Particle Flow Code (PFC). In PFC, the intact material is represented by an assembly of particles bonded together. Traditionally, joints have been modelled in PFC using either the bond removal method or the smooth joint model. Analyses undertaken in this research showed that these approaches are not able to reproduce the shear behaviour of rock joints. To overcome this problem, a new shear box genesis approach was proposed. The ability of the proposed method in reproducing the shear behaviour and asperity degradation of rock joints was investigated by undertaking a comparative study against analytical and empirical models, as well as experimental direct shear tests on synthetic joints under different normal stresses whereby good agreement was found.To overcome existing problems in the determination of the shear behaviour of rock joints, a combination of photogrammetry and numerical modelling was proposed. Results indicated this approach has the ability to reproduce the shear behaviour of rock joints. The proposed method was employed to investigate the effect of scale on the shear behaviour of rock joints. It was found that the mobilisation of different order asperities for different joint lengths resulted in the negative scale effect on the peak shear strength.The effect of joint geometrical parameters of non-persistent joints on the mechanical behaviour of jointed rock masses was numerically investigated. A validation study was undertaken by uniaxial and biaxial compression tests, and the numerical analyses were found to correlate well with physical experimentation at low confining pressures. This was followed by a sensitivity study on the effect of joint configuration parameters on the failure mode, unconfined compressive strength, and deformation modulus.The insights presented in this study have improved understanding of the effect of joint roughness on the shear behaviour, and the process of damage evolution of rock joints as well as the effect of joint geometrical parameters on the mechanical behaviour and failure mechanism of non-persistent joints

    Numerical assessment of rupture mechanisms in Brazilian test of brittle materials

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    Due to the difficulties associated with performing a direct uniaxial tensile test, the tensile strength of brittle materials is commonly estimated indirectly. The Brazilian test is probably the most widely accepted indirect technique among others. Since the development of the Brazilian test, the test has received considerable attention due to its ease of sample preparation and interpretation. However, the accuracy of this method has also been criticized for a long time in the literature. This paper aims to numerically study some of these criticisms by mainly focusing on failure mechanisms, the effect of contact loading conditions and stress distributions induced in the Brazilian test. Brazilian discs having contact angles ranging from 1 to 30° (i.e. concentrated to distributed loading scenarios) were simulated in the Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) based on the finite difference model. Results of this study show that at low contact loading angles, zones of high compressive stresses are generated at the vicinity of loading rims which is followed by an initiation and propagation of the cracks from these high-stressed zones. With an increase in the contact loading angle, the magnitude of compressive stresses at the vicinity of loading rims decreases leading to the disc's tensile rupture initiation at its centre. Also, it was found that the transition in the observed failure mode from cracking under the loading rims to central tensile cracking is material dependent in a Brazilian test. Finally, the ratio of uniaxial compressive strength to tensile strength was suggested as a controlling parameter for the evaluation of failure transition in a Brazilian test

    DEM Analysis of Backfilled Walls Subjected to Active Translation Mode

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    In this paper, the problem of a retaining wall under active translation mode is investigated numerically. To this end, a series of numerical models is conducted using the discrete element code, PFC2D. The backfill soil is simulated by an assembly of separate cohesionless circular particles. Backfill soil was prepared by pouring soil particles from a specific height under gravity force and giving them enough time for appropriate settlement. Different heights of retaining walls are simulated and the lateral earth pressure on the wall is observed under both at-rest and active conditions. Numerical results compared with predictions from some analytical methods and measurements from physical models. The active state of earth pressure is defined as the earth pressure distribution corresponding to the values of wall displacement where the failure zone in the backfill is fully developed. The numerical results showed that the fully active state of earth pressure occurred at a wall displacement corresponding to the strains required for reaching the critical state in biaxial compressive tests

    Crack damage evolution in coal at elevated temperatures

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    This work studies the behaviour of coal samples at various thermal environments from sub-zero temperatures of -100 to 300°C by monitoring their fracture speed, ultimate strength, and crack damage evolution mode. High-speed recordings captured at 140,000 frames per second identified three different fracture evolution modes as a function of the applied ambient temperature. As the temperature increases, the fracture behaviour was observed to be through intact rock bridges resulting in reduced crack speeds and smaller fragments. Interestingly, at sub-zero temperatures, a different failure pattern was observed through the formation of a single fracture plane resulting in larger fragments with sharper edges

    Effect of particle morphology on mechanical behavior of rock mass

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