625 research outputs found

    Researching the possibilities of the pectolytic ensyme biosynthesis with the aspergillus species of microscopic fungi

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    For the purpose of acquiring a highly active producer of pectolytic enzymes, there was a probe of isolating 140 species of Aspergillus’s fungi from different substrates (soils, grape malts, grapes, apples and sugar beet shreds). The isolated kinds of fungi were kept on a slant agar surface according to Chapek, with 2% of pectin. Testing was performed on the isolated layers of fungi as to the production of pectinolytic enzymes. The nourishing base used was the synthetic Chapek base with 2% pectin, 2% lactose and 0.7 % (NH4)2HPO4, and a natural base of 1% refuse apple pulp. Within 48 hours after cultivating the fungi, the filtrates were tested by the viscozimetric method to determine their entire pectolytic activity. The acquired results showed that a fungus was gained with a high pectolytic activity on a natural refuse apple pulp. It is a good employment effect. The selected sort Aspergillus sp.МК-15 as a highly active producer of pectolytic enzymes could, with additional testing, be used for the industrial production of microbe enzymes with pectolytic activity (enzyme preparations).Biosynthesis, pectolytic enzymes, apple pulp, Aspergillus., Land Economics/Use, L65,

    The effects of inorganic salts on biosynthesis of pectinolytic enzymes by Aspergillus Niger

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    The paper examines effects of different inorganic salts in an apple pulp base on the production of pectinolytic enzymes with the aim of optimizing the medium for maximal enzyme production. The apple pulp combined with corn flour and simple mineral salts was used as a nourishing base in submerged production of pectinolytic enzymes by the fungus Aspergillus niger MK-15. The growth of the microorganism (dry weight) on different sources of nitrogen showed maximum dry weight with (NH4)2HPO4. The growth of the microorganism (dry weight) on different concentration of (NH4)2HPO4 (by 0.2% to 0.8%) provided maximal dry weight with 0.7% (NH4)2HPO4. The different inorganic salts (sources of nitrogen) on base stimulated the production of pectinolytic enzymes and enhanced by up to twofold the growth of Aspergillus niger in submerged fermentation. The best source of nitrogen on base was (NH4)2HPO4 with optimal concentration of 0.7%. The obtained results represent practical importance for using apple pulp as a carbon source for production of pectinolytic enzymes in submerged fermentation.Apple pulp, fermentation, inorganic salts, pectinolytic enzymes, Aspergillus niger, Agribusiness, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, L65,

    Textile effluent & waste water: a review

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    Textile processing is a growing industry that traditionally has used a lot of water, energy and harsh chemicals. Textile industries consume over 7 x 105tons of dyes annually and use up to 1 litre of water per kg of dye processed and arethird largest polluters in the world. As a characteristic of the textile processing industry, a wide range of structurally diverse dyes can be used in a single factory, and therefore effluents from the industry are extremely variable in composition. This needed for a largely unspecific process for treating textile waster water. Treatment methods that were perfectly acceptable in the past may not be suitable today or in thefuture.Some of the enzymes that are currently known in biotechnological processes such as amylases and proteases that are being used in the synthetic and biochemical reactions have evolved over millions of years to become efficient and selective for specificreactions taking place in living systems.Research on biological treatment has offered simple and cost effective ways of bioremediating textile effluents. Biotechnology can be used in new production processes that are themselves less polluting than the traditional processes. Waste treatment is probably the biggest industrial application of biotechnology.The aims of this study represents a review of enzyme applications in bioremediating textile dyeand their effluents.The aim is to provide the textile technologist with an understanding of enzymes and their use with textile materials

    Comparison between conventional chemical processes and bioprocesses in cotton fabrics

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    Textile processing is a growing industry that traditionally has used a lot of water, energy and harsh chemicals. They are also not easily biodegradable. Biotechnology in textiles is one of the revolutionary ways to promote the textile field. Bio-processing were accompanied by a significant lower demand of energy, water, chemicals, time and costs. Due to the ever growing costs for water and energy worldwide investigations are carried out to substitute conventional chemical textile processes by environment-friendly and economically attractive bioprocesses using enzymes. Enzymes are known for their specificity, high efficiency and ability to work under milder conditions and thus inexorably provide a promising solution to those problems. So it has advantages as well in terms of ecology as in economy. This research paper focuses on a comparison analysis between the conventional pre-treatment processes with bio-preparation of textile-based enzymes

    Industrial enzymes in textile processing and the healty environment: A review

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    Textile processing is a growing industry that traditionally has used a lot of water, energy and harsh chemicals. They are also not easily biodegradable. Textile industries are third largest polluters in the world. Biotechnology in textiles is one of the revolutionary ways to advance the textile field. Industrial enzymes offers the potential for new industrial processes that require less energy and are based on renewable raw materials, as well as the application of green technologies with low energy consumption and environmentally healthy practices. The use of enzymes in textile industry is one of the most rapidly growing field in industrial enzymology. Textile processing has benefited greatly on both environmental and product quality aspects through the use of enzymes. The best known enzymes used in the textile field are amylases, catalases and laccases which are used to removing the starch, degradation excess hydrogen peroxide, bleaching textiles and degradation lignin.The application of cellulases for denim finishing and laccases for decolourization of textile effluents and textile bleaching are the most recent commercial achievements

    Проучување на можности за ефикасно користење на пектинолитички ензими произведени со чисти култури микроорганизми во бистрење на вината

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    Целта и задачите на оваа докторска дисертација е проучување на можностите за ефикасно користење на пектинолитичките ензимски препарати, добиени од чисти култури на микроорганизми во процесот на преработка на грозјето во вино, и пред сè за ензимско бистрење на добиените вина од црвено грозје вранец и бело грозје смедеревка. Се испитуваа ефектите од претферментациска ензимска мацерација (6 часа за вранец) на 18-20оС и ензимска мацерација, комбинирана со алкохолна ферментација (5 дена за вранец) на 25оС со 3 комерцијални пектинолитички ензимски препарати (Vinozym Vintage FCE, Rohapect VR-C, Trenolin Rot DF) со четири различни дози и по 1 контролен безензимски препарат, и претферментациска ензимска мацерација (4 часа за смедеревка) на 18-20оС и алкохолна ферментација за смедеревка (после исталожување со 30 ppm SO2)на 25оС со 3 комерцијални пектинолитички ензимски препарати (Vinozym Process, Trenolin Mash DF, Rohavin LX) со четири различни дози и по 1 контролен безензимски препарат. Ефикасноста на комерцијалните пектинолитички ензимски препарати беше оценета за рандманот на самоток на ширата, брзината на филтрирање и брзина на таложење на одредено количество шира, волумен на талог, интензитетот на бојата, нијансата, количеството на боја и сјајноста на добиените вина, како и количествата на вкупните фенолни соединенија, флавоноиди, катеини и антоциани, стандардни физичко-хемиски анализи (алкохол, екстракт, вкупни киселини, специфична тежина, pH) и микробиолошки анализи на вината како краен производ (вкупен број бактерии, квасци, габи (мувли), сулфиторедуктивни клостридии, Salmonella и Shigella, Staphylococus aureus, Proteus spp, и Escherichia coli. Пектинолитичките ензимски третмани на каши од вранец, покажаа зголемен рандман на самоток од 4.85% до 6.35%; намалување на времето на филтрација за 3.16 пати; зголемување на брзината на таложење до два и половина пати; зголемување на интензитетот на бојата на вината за 19 %; зголемување на количеството на вкупни феноли за 17.2% (Vinozym Vintage FCE), зголемување за 15.2% (Trenolin Rot DF), намалување за 6.6% (Rohapect VR-C); споредено со контролната проба (без додадено ензим). Добиените вина со пектинолитички ензимски третмани на каши од вранец, покажаа најниска нијанса на бојата од 0.468 споредено со 0.537 на нетретираната каша од контролната проба и подобра сјајност на вината (dA%) од 69.0 во споредба со контролното вино од 63.6. Пектинолитичките ензимски третмани на каши од бело грозје смедеревка, покажаа зголемен принос на самоток од 4.62% до 7.12%; големо намалување на волумените на вкупните талози до 47,3%; намалување на времето на филтрација за 1.77 пати; намалување на количеството на вкупни феноли за 17.7% (Vinozym Process), намалување за 28.1 % (Trenolin Mash DF), намалување за 37.7 % ( Rohavin LX); споредено со контролната проба (без додадено ензим). Резултатите од експериментите даваат споредба на ефикасноста на ензимските препарати што беа применети во технологијата на вино, и може да придонесатза подобра ориентација во изборот на соодветни комерцијални пектинолитички ензимски препарати, добивање соодветни практични сознанија и согледување на сите подобрувања што се добиваат со нивната примена во винарската индустрија

    FMRFamide‐like peptides encoded on the flp‐18 precursor gene activate two isoforms of the orphan Caenorhabditis elegans G‐protein‐coupled receptor Y58G8A.4 heterologously expressed in mammalian cells

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    Two alternatively spliced variants of an orphan Caenorhabditis elegans G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs; Y58G8A.4a and Y58G8A.4b) were cloned and functionally expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The Y58G8A.4a and Y58G8A.4b proteins (397 and 433 amino acid residues, respectively) differ both in amino acid sequence and length of the C‐terminal tail of the receptor. A calcium mobilization assay was used as a read‐out for receptor function. Both receptors were activated, with nanomolar potencies, by putative peptides encoded by the flp‐18 precursor gene, leading to their designation as FLP‐18R1a (Y58G8A.4a) and FLP‐18R1b (Y58G8A.4b). Three Ascaris suum neuropeptides AF3, AF4, and AF20 all sharing the same FLP‐18 C‐terminal signature, ‐PGVLRF‐NH 2 , were also potent agonists. In contrast to other previously reported C. elegans GPCRs expressed in mammalian cells, both FLP‐18R1 variants were fully functional at 37°C. However, a 37 to 28°C temperature shift improved their activity, an effect that was more pronounced for FLP‐18R1a. Despite differences in the C‐terminus, the region implicated in distinct G‐protein recognition for many other GPCRs, the same signaling pathways were observed for both Y58G8A.4 isoforms expressed in CHO cells. Gq protein coupling seems to be the main but not the exclusive signaling pathway, because pretreatment of cells with U‐73122, a phospholipase inhibitor, attenuated but did not completely abolish the Ca 2+ signal. A weak Gs‐mediated receptor activation was also detected as reflected in an agonist‐triggered concentration‐dependent cAMP increase. The matching of the FLP‐18 peptides with their receptor(s) allows for the evaluation of the pharmacology of this system in the worm in vivo. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 90: 339–348, 2008. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at [email protected] Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/93518/1/20850_ftp.pd


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    Во трудов е направена контрола на квалитет во конфекциско производство. Контрола на квалитет беше направена во три различни периоди од годината: во месец декември, јануари и март, а контролиран е ист производ. Целта беше да се забележи влијанието на неработните денови, празници, викенди итн, врз работењето на вработените кое резултира во производство на производи со различен квалитет. При контрола на квалитетот се применети неколку методи и техники како Чек листа, Парето дијаграм и Ишикава дијаграм. Резултатите од контролата покажуваат дека има разлики во квалитетот на производството во зависност од временскиот периодот, односно има разлики во квалитетот на работењето на вработените. Анализата на резултатите најпрво е направена по периоди, а потоа следи компарација на периодите. Во секој од контролираните временски периоди, најмногу дефекти се забележани првите денови од производството, а најголем процент на дефекти има во месец јануари.&nbsp

    Sustainability of the textile waste stream in Macedonia,

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    In Macedonia, as a country with a developed apparel industry, a significant amount of pre-consumer textile waste is generated, more precisely apparel cutting waste. The aim of this paper is to make an accurate estimate of its quantity, as well as the characterization based on the raw material composition as a prerequisite for its further handling. Before any recycling initiative for textile waste, an analysis should be made of whether its quantity and quality can ensure the continuity of the recycling process. The analysis shows that the amount of apparel cutting waste is a fairly constant value (in the period from 2009 to 2014 an average of 3,377 tons of apparel cutting waste was generated annually). The waste from cotton and cotton blends is most common. Despite the constant annual amount of apparel cutting waste and numerous reasons for its recycling, almost all this waste ends in landfills

    Apparel Industry in Macedonia, Conditions and Challenges

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    Around 395 registered companies in Macedonia work with apparel manufacturing. Even though they are spread across the whole country, the largest number of companies – 119 (or 30%) are located in the East region. This industrial activity employs 31,742 employees or 6.1% of Macedonia’s working population. Compared to 2012, a 4.8% decrease is noted. The cumulative manufacturing index for 2014/2015 is 107, and the manufacturing index for 2015 (compared to 2010) is 136. Textile production participates with 11.7% in the total export of the country, and with 6.9% in the import. The textile industry participates with 15.5% in the total gross domestic product, while in the industrial it participates with 21.8%. The textile industry participates in the total export with 26%, and employees 28% of the total number of employees in the industry. 93% of the apparel production is organized according to the CMT system for the foreign markets, mostly the European countries. The added value is low because 92-42% of the production is Lon, which brings small profits, even though the companies manufacture for quite famous worldwide brands. Statistic data shows there is a necessity for changing the manufacturing structure towards products with higher added value, i.e. products for internal use. For this, hiring larger domestic capacities and resources is required