4 research outputs found

    Dostopnost zelenih površin za oskrbovance domov starejših občanov v majhnih mestih Slovenije

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    Demografski podatki in podatki o razpoložljivosti kapacitet domov starejših občanov (DSO) v Sloveniji nakazujejo potrebo po spremembi organiziranosti tega segmenta varstva. V prispevku smo se osredotočili na analizo in vrednotenje stanja urejenosti in dostopnosti zelenih površin ter storitev splošnega pomena v majhnih mestih z vidika potreb starejših prebivalcev, ki svojo starost preživljajo v DSO. Hkrati smo ocenili možnosti za dejansko uporabo zelenih površin te skupine prebivalstva. Ugotovili smo, da v Sloveniji potrebujemo temeljite sistemske spremembe na področju institucionalnega varstva starejših občanov, tudi na področju zagotavljanja, urejenosti in uporabe zelenih površin ob DSO

    A Novel Approach to Building a Heterogeneous Emergency Response Communication System

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    We present a specification and a nationwide pilot implementation of a future public safety communication system. We propose a novel approach to survivable heterogeneous emergency communication systems, merging professional and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment, communicating over state-of-the-art mobile and satellite links. We explain the architecture and functional outline of an Advanced Emergency Response Communications System (A-ERCS), which was developed and integrated with professional, commercial, and ad hoc networks to provide survivable communications services and sensor-based applications to support public safety agencies in their day-to-day operation and disaster relief missions. Further, we present the results of a real-world pilot implementation, customized for fire fighter services in Slovenia, and discuss the outcomes of performance tests, showing how the proposed solution can be applied in public safety practice and how COTS technologies can be efficiently and reliably reused in this specific domain

    Evaluation of substitution maintenance treatment in Slovenia - assessing its quality and efficiency.

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    After a chapter describing the methods used, this report starts with presenting context information on SMT in Slovenia, including a description of the background and the current organization of SMT. Its rationale, aims, and the available evidence of effectiveness of SMT are briefly reviewed. We also included a qualitative force field analysis that gives an impression of the forces and interests influencing policy choices on SMT. The report continues with an assessment of the quality of SMT, based on several core items from the literature. Here we also included an analysis on patient satisfaction. Next, the results are presented of an indicative inventory of the efficiency of SMT. This was done by assessing the funds and expenditures, aspects of SMT management and some organizational issues. For a broader view on SMT, a selection of data from reference countries is briefly presented to enable a rough comparison between the Slovene situation, and that in four other EU countries