288 research outputs found

    Educational Voyaging in a Globalizing Planet: The Conference of the Rich, the Poor, and the Oppressed

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    This paper is an account of the author's experience of aspects of globalization that are generally overlooked in market- and statecentred discourses. She uses her personal experience of attending several academic conferences as a way of analysing the relationship between the market, struggle, politics, and identity. The paper also provides a critique of the concept of "civil society" as a celebrated "space" of plurality and resistance.Cet article fait u compte-rendu de l'experience vecue de l'auteure sur les aspects de la mondialisation qui sont souvent ignores dans les discours centres sur le marche et l'etat. Elle se sert de l'experience qu'elle a acquise en assistant a plusieurs conferences academiques en tant que moyen d'analyser la relation entre le marche, la lutte, la politique, et l'identite. Cet article fait aussi une critique du concept de la "societe civile " comme un "espace" de pluralite et de resistance celebre.

    Learning by Dispossession: Gender, Imperialism and Adult Education

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    This is a Marxist-feminist theoretical study of ‘democracy training’ projects delivered among Iraqi women as part of ‘post-war reconstruction’ efforts of the US. This frame of analysis can assist us in dialectically understanding the ideological practice of these training projects and conceptualizing consciousness/praxis in order to explain adult education, gender, and imperialism

    Women of the Afghan War

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    Legality Principle of Crimes and Punishments in Iranian Legal System

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    The Principle of legality of crimes and punishments (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege) refers to the fact that an act is not considered a crime and deserves no punishment, unless the Legislator determines and announces the criminal title and its penalty before. The legality principle protects individual security by ensuring basic individual libertties against the arbitrary and unwarranted intrusion of the state. Thus, the criminal judge can’t call the individuals’ acts crime and assign punishments for them or exert punishments that are not prescribed by the Legislator without any letter of law. If an act is morally rebutted or socially is against the public order, it is not regarded as crime and the Legislator is the only authority who can recognize some acts as crime and punish the actor. In Iranian legal system, before the Islamic Revolution and also after it, the Constitution and ordinary laws have explicitly emphasized the observance of the mentioned principle. when there is no text or in the case of the silence or lack of law, the criminal judge is bound to issue the verdict of innocence. In recent years, as a result of the great misunderstanding of the Art.167 of the Constitution, ordinary rules including s. 214 of the Criminal Procedure of Public and Revolutionary Courts Act 1999, and s. 8 of the Revolutionary and Public Courts Act 1994, allowed the criminal judge to refer to the Jurisprudence and religious decrees in order to assign the criminal titles and the related punishments, when there is no text or in the case of the silence or lack of law. This paper attempts to verify this legal base. It refers to the history of the discussion and the articles of the Constitution and the jural sources to indicate that it’s necessary to pay more attention to the aforementioned law and the legality principle, which in turn makes it possible to abolish or amend the contradictory laws

    The Politics and Culture of "Honour Killing": The Murder of Fadime §ahindal

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    Rahmi Sahindal, a Kurdish man who migrated from Turkey to Sweden in 1980, killed his daughter Fadime in the city of Uppsala on 21 January 2002. Rahmi and his son, Mesud, felt that Fadime had shamed the family by rejecting an arranged marriage, and by feeling free to love a partner of her choice, a Swedish man. She had, according to tradition, violated the codes of honour "namus." She had further "shamed" her father and brother by resisting their death threats, going public about their intentions, taking them to court, and by launching a campaign against honour killing. Rahmi told the police that he had to defend his (family's) honour by killing his daughter

    The Struggle Over Lifelong Learning: A Marxist-Feminist Analysis

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    The concept of lifelong learning has become both an ideological distraction that shifts the burden of increasing adaptability to the worker, and a ray of hope for a more democratic and engaged citizenry. The purpose of this paper is to provide a Marxist-feminist analysis of the responses of the field of adult education to the concept of lifelong learning

    The Rise and Fall of Socialist Adult Education in North America: Theorizing from the Literature

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    This paper provides a brief overview of literature on the rise and fall of early 20th century experiments in North American socialist adult education. Through a Marxist-Feminist theoretical framework, we examine and contrast the contributions of the folk school movement and the more explicitly socialist labour colleges to the broader field of adult education in Canada and the United States. We suggest that the demise of the socialist schools must be seen as a consequence of both internal philosophical and political struggles over the questions of gender and race, as well as the external forces of liberalism and state repression during the Cold War era

    Immigrant Women and Labour Flexibility: Resisting Training through Learning

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    This research roundtable focuses on the lives and experiences of immigrant women in the context of the casualisation of labour and job deskilling. The presenters document the failure of training programs to challenge the ghettoisation of immigrant women in contingent and peripheral jobs and focus on the ways in which women learn to resist racialized and gendered exclusion in state approaches to training

    A Review of Parliamentary Privilege with an Approach to Iranian Legal System

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