418 research outputs found

    Innovations in foreign (chinese) students’ grammar competence formation while training them russian as a foreign language: network technology and the module approach

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    The article deals with the researches in the field of finding new methods of teaching Russian to foreign (Chinese) students and its Grammar aspect, in particular. In this connection the authors share the results of the investigation dealt with the development of one of the most future-oriented approaches in methods of training the Russian Grammar standards which may be called the Module Approach realized by means of Network Technologie

    Linguocultural aspects of the discursive synergy

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    This article discusses the basic principles of the innovative “discursive synergy of cultural linguistics” concept. The relation of language and culture in the format of linguocultural concept as the basis of linguocultural discourse, which is anonlinear communication model is researchedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Feasibility and challenges of performing magnetoencephalography experiments in children with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita

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    Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) has recently drawn substantial attention from researchers and clinicians. New effective surgical and physiotherapeutic methods have been developed to improve the quality of life of patients with AMC. While it is clear that all these interventions should strongly rely on the plastic reorganization of the central nervous system, almost no studies have investigated this topic. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate brain activity in young AMC patients. We also outlined the general challenges and limitations of electrophysiological investigations on patients with arthrogryposis. We conducted MEG recordings using a 306-channel Elekta Neuromag VectorView system during a cued motor task performance in four patients with arthrogryposis, five normally developed children, and five control adults. Following the voice command of the experimenter, each subject was asked to bring their hand toward their mouth to imitate the self-feeding process. Two patients had latissimus dorsi transferred to the biceps brachii position, one patient had a pectoralis major transferred to the biceps brachii position, and one patient had no elbow flexion restoration surgery before the MEG investigation. Three patients who had undergone autotransplantation prior to the MEG investigation demonstrated activation in the sensorimotor area contralateral to the elbow flexion movement similar to the healthy controls. One patient who was recorded before the surgery demonstrated subjectively weak distributed bilateral activation during both left and right elbow flexion. Visual inspection of MEG data suggested that neural activity associated with motor performance was less pronounced and more widely distributed across the cortical areas of patients than of healthy control subjects. In general, our results could serve as a proof of principle in terms of the application of MEG in studies on cortical activity in patients with AMC. Reported trends might be consistent with the idea that prolonged motor deficits are associated with more difficult neuronal recruitment and the spatial heterogeneity of neuronal sources, most likely reflecting compensatory neuronal mechanisms. On the practical side, MEG could be a valuable technique for investigating the neurodynamics of patients with AMC as a function of postoperative abilitation

    Contemporary foreign language teachers training

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    The article deals with contemporary foreign language teacher’s training. Based on experience it is analyzed foreign language teacher’s training system in Russia and noted specific tendencies in teacher’s training and his/her personal qualities. The authors consider innovative approaches directed to contemporary teacher of the 21-st century who is a central facilitator of a foreign language educational process. Due to the research there were established the most effective learning techniques for development of teacher’s methodological thinking and his/her personal qualities formation (communication skills, empathy, creativity, reflexivity etc.


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    The paper investigates modern trends in the development of innovative systems in Russia. These trends are caused, on the one hand, by the lack of a clearly formulated concept of an innovation system, and, consequently, by the inability to determine the ways of its development, and by the active use of undeservedly forgotten program-target planning methods, on the other hand. A detailed analysis of various positions and statistical materials allowed us to prove that, contrary to the generally accepted opinion, the Russian model of public administration and financing of innovative activities has signs of cluster and state-corporate types. The article considers the existing approaches to the management of innovation and investment activities of organizations, which is aimed directly at reproduction processes, in particular, the reproduction of fixed capital. The authors substantiate the necessity of creating territorially grouped innovation systems, which is explained by the dependence of industries and sectors of the economy on each other on the technological principle and the need to create technological links between them to realize their potential advantages within the framework of the implementation and creation of innovative products


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    The issues of cost management from the point of view of substantiating the reduction in the cost of investment products in order to create reasoned conditions for the interest of investors in long-term investments have been considered. The main emphasis on the real economic sector has been made, since it is in this sector that budget revenues at all levels are generated and overall economic growth is ensured. The existing mechanism of cost management in the implementation of investment programs has been assessed. Attention to the main elements of the cost management mechanism in the investment and construction sector of the economy has been paid. Factors that determine the level of production expenses taking into account the specifics of construction products have been analysed. An attempt to justify multi-factor cost management has been made. Management functions by performers have been differentiated

    Current management of the stability of organizations of the investment and construction complex in crisis situations

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    The article сonsiders topical issues of managing the economic stability of organizations in a crisis. The authors substantiate the need to study regional trends as an integral part of the anticrisis program at the regional level. Early diagnosis of crisis phenomena in the economy proves that a sufficiently high level of socio-economic development does not yet ensure complete economic security and the ability to withstand the threats posed by the unbalanced structure of the economy. Based on this, the problems in the field of ensuring the stability of organizations in the conditions of crises have been analysed and generalized. The problems faced by enterprises and organizations of the investment and construction sector of the economy have been considered. In methodological terms, the authors propose to use a system of indicative analysis and regulation of production and economic activities of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, as an organizational tool for resolving crisis situations in the economy. The study justifies the necessity of the introduction of digital technologies, on the basis of which it is possible to quickly implement the tasks set and achieve the expected results. The authors emphasize that we need our own anticrisis programs that to help maintain the sustainable functioning of organizations in the conditions of crisis phenomena

    Project financing in the investment and construction complex

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    The problems arising in organizations during the process of investment activities have been considered. The results of financing and implementation of projects and programs have been analysed and interpreted consistently. The issues of expediency of using the profitability indicators of the capital or assets of the company, which requires for the project implementation, have been touched upon. Approaches to the possibility of using the project financing mechanism, have been substantiated. Attention has been paid to the positive and negative aspects of the application of project financing for the company investment activities. It has been noted that project financing is usually used in the implementation of large investment projects, which combine the economic interests of the state and private investors. Particular attention has been paid to the issues of project and program management within the digital environment in order to provide a unified information base. The analysis of possible risks when using the project financing mechanism has been provided and the approaches to influencing the emerging risks have been defined. The result of the study was the formation of factors affecting the effectiveness of the project financing mechanism in the implementation of investment projects and programs


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    The main unresolved issues of choosing the most effective investment projects aimed at introducing innovative technologies have been considered. The traditional indicators of investment efficiency have been analysed. The expediency of using the indicator of the total reduced costs necessary for the implementation of the project has been substantiated. Attention has been paid to the possibilities of public-private partnership in innovation projects. The issues of shares distribution between participants in innovation and investment projects and the use of such objects have been reviewed. The current situation in the investment and construction sector of the economy has been assessed and ways to solve the main problems of investment activity in the construction industry have been outlined. The expediency of creating a mechanism for economic justification of the investment project implementation process, including the creation of reserve funds, has been substantiated. Recommendations for using the indicator of the of the investor’s total stated costs have been given