14 research outputs found

    Mathematica's Evaluation of The Equity Project Charter School: High Salaries for Teachers, Positive Impacts on Student Achievement

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    Mathematica found that by the end of the 2012 -- 2013 school year, TEP's impacts on student achievement were consistently positive across subjects and cohorts, with especially large effects in math. Using benchmarks for average annual learning gains, the research team found that, compared to similar students in comparable New York City public schools, students who attended TEP for four years had test score gains equal to an additional 1.6 years of school in math, an additional 0.4 years of school in English language arts, and an additional 0.6 years of school in science. Using another relevant benchmark, TEP's cumulative effect on student achievement over four years is approximately equivalent to 78% of the Hispanic-white achievement gap in math, 17% of the Hispanic-white gap in English language arts, and 25% of the Hispanic-white gap in science

    Charter-School Management Organizations: Diverse Strategies and Diverse Student Impacts

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    Examines the growth of charter school management organizations, characteristics of students served, and use of resources; CMO practices; impact on students, including middle school test scores; and structures and practices linked to positive outcomes

    Changing the Principal Supervisor Role to Better Support Principals: Evidence from the Principal Supervisor Initiative

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    The principal supervisor job has traditionally revolved around administration, operations and compliance, but as principals have increasingly been called on in recent years to concentrate on supporting high-quality teaching, the idea of a complementary makeover of the supervisor job has gained attention. In 2014, with funding from The Wallace Foundation, six large school districts around the country embarked on a four-year, $24-million initiative to redesign the supervisor position so it focused primarily on supporting principals in their role as instructional leaders.This report, which looks at the final year and the effects of the Principal Supervisor Initiative, concludes that the effort succeeded in changing the job so that it centered on developing and evaluating principals to help them promote effective teaching and learning in their schools. Over the course of the initiative, principals' ratings of their supervisors' effectiveness rose from 3.88 to 4.10 on a scale of 1-to-5, a statistically significant increase. Principals reported greater frequency of supervisor practices to develop school leadership—such as helping principals with data analysis, providing them with useful feedback and working with them to assess teacher effectiveness

    Learning from Charter School Management Organizations: Strategies for Student Behavior and Teacher Coaching

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    The National Study of CMO Effectiveness examines the effects of nonprofit charter school management organizations (CMOs) on student achievement and the practices that are related to positive effects. This report—the last in a series—describes two types of CMO practices—student behavior policies and teacher coaching—that are associated with positive impacts on math and reading achievement. The study, which began in May 2008, was conducted by Mathematica Policy Research and the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE). It was commissioned by NewSchools Venture Fund, with the generous support of th