37 research outputs found

    Goal-directed action is automatically biased towards looming motion

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    AbstractIt is known that looming motion can capture attention regardless of an observer’s intentions. Real-world behavior, however, frequently involves not just attentional selection, but selection for action. Thus, it is important to understand the impact of looming motion on goal-directed action to gain a broader perspective on how stimulus properties bias human behavior. We presented participants with a visually-guided reaching task in which they pointed to a target letter presented among non-target distractors. On some trials, one of the pre-masks at the location of the upcoming search objects grew rapidly in size, creating the appearance of a “looming” target or distractor. Even though looming motion did not predict the target location, the time required to reach to the target was shorter when the target loomed compared to when a distractor loomed. Furthermore, reach movement trajectories were pulled towards the location of a looming distractor when one was present, a pull that was greater still when the looming motion was on a collision path with the participant. We also contrast reaching data with data from a similarly designed visual search task requiring keypress responses. This comparison underscores the sensitivity of visually-guided reaching data, as some experimental manipulations, such as looming motion path, affected reach trajectories but not keypress measures. Together, the results demonstrate that looming motion biases visually-guided action regardless of an observer’s current behavioral goals, affecting not only the time required to reach to targets but also the path of the observer’s hand movement itself

    Dissociable Effects of Salience on Attention and Goal-Directed Action

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    SummaryEveryday behavior frequently involves encounters with multiple objects that compete for selection. For example, driving a car requires constant shifts of attention between oncoming traffic, rearview mirrors, and traffic signs and signals, among other objects. Behavioral goals often drive this selection process [1, 2]; however, they are not the sole determinant of selection. Physically salient objects, such as flashing, brightly colored hazard signs, or objects that are salient by virtue of learned associations with reward, such as pictures of food on a billboard, often capture attention regardless of the individual’s goals [3–6]. It is typically thought that strongly salient distractor objects capture more attention and are more disruptive than weakly salient distractors [7, 8]. Counterintuitively, though, we found that this is true for perception, but not for goal-directed action. In a visually guided reaching task [9–11], we required participants to reach to a shape-defined target while trying to ignore salient distractors. We observed that strongly salient distractors produced less disruption in goal-directed action than weakly salient distractors. Thus, a strongly salient distractor triggers suppression during goal-directed action, resulting in enhanced efficiency and accuracy of target selection relative to when weakly salient distractors are present. In contrast, in a task requiring no goal-directed action, we found greater attentional interference from strongly salient distractors. Thus, while highly salient stimuli interfere strongly with perceptual processing, increased physical salience or associated value attenuates action-related interference

    A pragmatic cluster randomized trial evaluating the impact of a community pharmacy intervention on statin adherence: rationale and design of the Community Pharmacy Assisting in Total Cardiovascular Health (CPATCH) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traditional randomized controlled trials are considered the gold standard for evaluating the efficacy of a treatment. However, in adherence research, limitations to this study design exist, especially when evaluating real-world applicability of an intervention. Although adherence interventions by community pharmacists have been tested, problems with internal and external validity have limited the usefulness of these studies, and further well-designed and well-conducted research is needed. We aimed to determine the real-world effectiveness of a community pharmacy adherence intervention using a robust study design. This novel design integrates cluster randomization and an outcome evaluation of medication adherence using a population-based administrative data source in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Community pharmacies from across the province of Saskatchewan, Canada were randomized to deliver an adherence intervention to their patients or usual care. Intervention pharmacies were trained to employ a practical adherence strategy targeted at new users of statin medications. While randomization and implementation of the intervention occurred at the community pharmacy level, the outcome analysis will occur at the level of the individual subjects. The primary outcome is the mean statin adherence among all eligible new users of statin medications. Secondary outcomes include the proportion of new statin users who exhibit adherence ≥80%, and persistence with statin use.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This novel study design was developed to combine the rigor of a randomized trial with a pragmatic approach to implementing and capturing the results in a real-world fashion. We believe this approach can serve as an example for future study designs evaluating practice-based adherence interventions.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov no. NCT00971412.</p

    Real-time visual feedback during sustained attention

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    A comparison of simple movement behaviors across three different devices

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    Rethinking Vision and Action

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    Action is an important arbitrator as to whether an individual or a species will survive. Yet, action has not been well integrated into the study of psychology. Action or motor behavior is almost a field apart. This is traditional science with its need for specialization. The sequence in a typical laboratory experiment of see–&gt;decide-&gt;act provides the rationale for broad disciplinary categorizations. With renewed interest in action itself, surprising and exciting anomalous findings at odds with this simplified caricature have emerged. They reveal a much more intimate coupling of vision and action which we describe. In turn, this prompts us to consider some broader, more integrative ideas. ----- We thus conclude by placing these anomalous results in the context of three theoretical perspectives. Ideo-motor theory, attributed to William James (1890), Bjorn Merker’s (2005) theory on the motor origins of consciousness, and Paul Cisek’s (2009) Affordance Competition hypothesis