34 research outputs found

    Broad phase collision detection using multi-core processor

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    Collision detection is a very important component in computer graphics applications. However, due to its high algorithm complexity, collision detection usually forms a bottleneck in many of these applications causing the simulation performance to deteriorate. Earlier algorithms for collision detection are sequential in nature. The multi-core processor technology is seen as an opportunity to reduce and eliminate this bottleneck by parallelizing the collision detection algorithm. Therefore, this paper implements the sphere bounding volume in the broad phase collision detection using the sequential and parallel approach separately, in order to identify the simulation performance differences between both approaches. The algorithm used to implement the broad phase collision detection involved the all-pair test where it is based on the comparison of the object bounding volume to determine if collision occurs. As an extension, this paper utilizes the graphics processing unit to implement the parallel approach. The implementation of the broad phase parallel collision detection shows improved frame rate for larger number of objects involved up to 1.2 x faster compared to the sequential implementation

    Training evaluation models for skill-based e-learning system: a systematic literature review

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    Training evaluation can be defined as a way of measuring how well users learn and adapt to a system or software. Various methods have been developed to carry out training evaluations of systems or software over the past few decades. A systematic literature review report on the assessment training model was conducted to give different views on the usability aspects of the proposed approach. This study provides a current systematic review of training evaluation on skill-based system or software. The particular purpose of the review is to explore the research as preliminary step that helps in choosing the right type of training evaluation model for skill-based E-learning system or software. There is a lack of appropriate models available through the specific gaps in literature and finding especially for skill-based E-learning system evaluation

    Collision detection: review of methods and recent advances in crowd simulation

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    Crowd simulation is a large complex system that visualizes the behavior of crowd entities' movement and their interactions with the virtual environment. Crowd model is usually integrated into a virtual environment to make the environment alive. In the context of agent-based simulation (as in crowd simulation), it encompasses collision checking between moving agents that are present in the same environment. Hence, it is important to design an efficient and yet effective collision detection in crowd simulation. This is to ensure that it is cost effective toward computational processing usage and still produce a believable behavior. This paper presents a study of collision detection techniques in crowd models, and recent advancement to accelerate the process so that in turn, these efforts could also improve the performance and outcome of crowd model in virtual environment applications

    Sphere encapsulated oriented-discrete orientation polytopes (S-dop) collision culling for multi-, rigid body dynamic

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    This paper discusses on sphere encapsulated oriented-discrete orientation polytopes (therefore will be referred to as S-Dop) collision culling for multiple rigid body simulation. In order to improve performance of the whole simulation system, there are available options in sacrificing the accuracy over speed by using certain approximation techniques. The aim of this research is to achieve excellent performance through implementation of suitable culling technique, without jeopardizing the resulting behavior so that the simulation will still be physically plausible. The basic idea is to identify the highly probable pairs to collide and test the pair with a more accurate collision test in broad-phase collision detection, before the pair is passed to a more costly stage. Results from the experiments showed that there are a number of ways to implement the sphere encapsulated or-Dops (S-Dop) collision culling on a multiple rigid body simulation depending on the level of performance needed

    Classical bounding volume techniques

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    In a virtual environment, detecting collision is ve ry crucial so that realistic behaviour could be simulated. Some of the examples are balls bouncing after hitting hard surfaces, a vase broken into pieces after hitting the floor and even the act of the actor standing correctly on the floor. In most cases, they require real-time collision detecti on in order to provide real-time response to the users. Real-time collision detection is a basic element for realistic interacti on (Bergen 2004). Real-time collision detection usually employs efficient and fast collision detection technique that has the ability to report any collision as accurate as pos sible. Spending too much resource on collision handling may jeopardize the resulting frame rates. In some applications, we have a choice to trade speed over accuracy in order to achieve in teractive frame rates. However, neglecting too much accuracy may result in unrealistic behaviour. Bounding volume is one of the most widely used techniques to speed up collision detection. It is an adaptation of a basic polyhedron that is us ed to bound a three dime nsional (3D) object. Different types of polyhedron were used like a box, a sphere a nd oriented rectangular box. Three most important considerations when choosi ng the right type of bounding volume are speed, tightness and BV generation. Simple bounding volume requires simpler collision testing and this in turns needs less computing time to complete the test. On the other hand, simple bounding volume sometimes creates large empty corners. Large empty corners (where objects are not tightly bound) may lead to false collision de tection. It happens when two (or more) bounding volumes collided at these empty corners without actual collision on the objects involved

    The development of cloud modelling and motion analysis for virtual environment

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    Modelling the natural phenomena such as clouds is one of the most challenging problems in computer graphics. The complexity of cloud formation, dynamics and light interaction makes real time cloud modelling a difficult task. The visual portrayal of the sky and cloud is a common requirement when rendering the outdoor scenes in computer graphics. The traditional way to create the sense of cloudy is by using the captured sky images as background. This main output of this project is a cloud modelling editor for designing cloud shapes namely RekAwan. The editor provides integrated environment for modelling volumetric clouds with particle system and surfaced based cloud using texture. This invention uses the newly developed randomized algorithm to fill the cloud volume with particle systems. Randomized method provides an efficient mean in modelling cloud particles data very quickly and filling the cloud volume space with particles randomly. The invention gives on-the-fly control over size of particles and number of particles and radius of particles in the system. This shows its suitability for real time virtual reality applications such as flight simulator and 3D games. The user can pass through the cloud with realistic visual effect. The completed 3D cloud model output from RekAwan can be easily imported into any OpenGL based virtual environment such as simulator, animation and games. RekAwan can also become plug-ins to current commercial 3D modeller software such as AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, Maya and Rhino3D. The potential industries that highly use RekAwan are weather visualization, film, advertisement, games and flight simulator. This invention will cut the development cost of the industry such as simulator and entertainment. This product can be used effectively by 3D artists, designers and game developer to model cloud shapes easily through interactive user interface. It is simple to use, efficient and gives extensive control over the cloud shapes. RekAwan can also be used to model any other gaseous object such as smoke, haze and fog

    Tinjauan terhadap pengesanan pelanggaran dalam persekitaran maya interaktif.

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    Bidang pen gesanan pelanggaran merupakan elemen penting dalam aplikasi persekitaran maya interaktif. Tanpa elemen ini, aplikasi yang dihasilkan adalah kurang realistik dan menarik. Kajian yang berterusan hampir 15 tahun di dalam bidang pengesanan pelanggaran menyaksikan pelbagai kaedah dan teknik dikemukakan oleh para penyelidik grafik berkomputer. Namun, kaedah dan teknik yang dicadangkan amat bergantung kepada model objek yang digunakan dan bentuk aplikasi yang akan dihasilkan. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan bidang pen gesanan pelanggaran dalam aplikasi persekitaran maya interaktif kepada empat bahagian. Keempat-empat bahagian tersebut mencakupi pen genalan men genai bidang pengesanan pelanggaran, klasifikasi kaedah pen gesanan pelanggaran, peringkat-peringkat pen gesanan pelanggaran dan aplikasi pen gesanan pelanggaran dalam persekitaran maya seperti permainan berkomputer