9 research outputs found

    Pengenalan kepada penulisan ilmiah

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    Pengenalan kepada penulisan ilmiah merupakan sebuah karya yang memerihalkan tentang konsep, pendekatan dan tatacara penulisan secara ilmiah. Karya ini merupakan hasil gagasan dan gabungan idea lapan orang tenaga pengajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia yang berpengalaman dalam pengajaran penulisan ilmiah pada peringkat pengajian tinggi. Karya seumpama ini amat penting untuk dijadikan panduan serta rujukan pensyarah dan pelajar agar mutu penulisan ilmiah dapat dikawalselia dan dipelihara. Setiap pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi akan berhadapan dengan tatacara berfikir, berbicara dan menulis secara ilmiah. Namun begitu, penulisan ilmiah adalah teras kepada penglahiran dan penterjemahan pemikiran pelajar menerusi teks penulisan hasil daripada proses pembelajarannya di universiti. Oleh itu, penulisan ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh seseorang pelajar mestilah dapat memberi gambaran tentang sikap, keindahan dan kualiti pemikiran ilmiah yang dimilikinya. Kertas kerja ilmiah, laporan industri, projek sarjana muda dan tesis merupakan tugasan yang mesti dihasilkan oleh pelajar di sepanjang pengajiannya di institusi pengajian tinggi. Justeru itu, pada tahap awal kesemua tugasan tersebut menghendaki pelajar untuk memahami tatacara asas untuk menghasilkan suatu teks penulisan ilmiah yang bermutu. Keseluruhan bab dalam karya ini telah digarap dan dicerakinkan secara komprehensif dan bersistem bagi memudahkan pembaca memahami secara mekanis dan teknikal tatacara penulisan ilmiah yang bermutu. Selain itu, contoh sebuah penulisan ilmiah turut disertakan bagi memudahkan pemahaman pembaca. Akhirnya, karya ini amat sesuai di baca oleh semua pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi, maktab perguruan dan sesiapa saja yang berminat untuk memperbaiki mutu penulisan ilmiah. Semoga karya ini dapat mencetuskan budaya berfikir, berbicara dan menulis secara ilmiah dalam komuniti institusi pengajian tinggi dan masyarakat amnya

    Methanol outbreak in the district of Hulu Langat, 2018

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    Introduction: A methanol outbreak occurred in the district of Hulu Langat on 16 September 2018. The Hulu Langat District Health Office received 25 notifications of a suspected methanol poisoning from Kajang and Ampang Hospital. An outbreak investigation was done to determine the source followed by a preventive and control measure. Method: Active case detection was done on cases living quarters and workplaces. Patients were interviewed, and their blood and urine samples were sent for methanol analysis. Samples of suspected alcoholic beverages were also sent for analysis. A suspected case was defined as any person presented with clinical symptoms with a history of consuming alcoholic beverages within five days before symptoms and high anion gap metabolic acidosis. A confirmed case was defined as a suspected case with positive blood and urine methanol. Results: In total, there were 25 suspected cases, of which 12 cases were confirmed. The calculated attack rate was 48%. There were six mortalities (50%) secondary to severe metabolic acidosis. The most common presenting symptom was vomiting (75%) and abdominal pain (41.7%). These cases were linked to consumption of illicitly produced alcohol. Samples of the alcoholic drinks were positive containing high level of methanol. Conclusion: The methanol outbreak in the Hulu Langat was successfully managed. Appropriate control and prevention measures were taken, including health promotion and joint enforcement activities. Steps were taken successfully through collaborations with multiple agencies and cooperation with Selangor Health Departments and the Ministry of Health. Continuous surveillance on the product of liquor, and health promotion are essential to prevent a similar outbreak from happening again in future

    Aspek pendidikan dalam hubungan etnik

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    Bidang pendidikan di Tanah Melayu mempunyai sejarah yang panjang. Ia mempunyai kaitan dengan sosiobudaya penduduk dari pelbagai kaum. Kewujudan sistem pendidikan itu pula menggambarkan pemikiran sesebuah masyarakat itu sendiri. Orang Melayu misalnya, telah mengalami sistem pendidikan yang berasaskan agama, berubah kepada keperluan zaman dan akhirnya turut mengalami pendidikan sekular. Kedatangan penjajah turut memberi kesan kepada bidang pendidikan dan telah mewarnai perkembangan sistem pendidikan. Penjajah British juga telah menggunakan sistem pendidikan sebagai suatu mekanisme untuk mengukuhkan lagi dasar kolonialisme dan imperialisme di negara ini. Sebab itulah kesan yang paling ketara ialah pembentukan sekolah vernakular, hasil daripada dasar pecah dan perintah British untuk mengukuhkan kemajmukan masyarakat

    Hubungan Iklim Organisasi Dengan Motivasi Kerja : Satu Kajian Perbandingan Antara Dua Organisasi

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    This research aims to find out the relationship between organizational climate and work motivation of two organizations. It identifies the differences related to demographic factors and relationship between work motivation and organizational climate. Two companies were involved in this study. They were Titan Group and Shimano Components (M) Sdn. Bhd. 40 engineers were selected from each company. The perception toward organization climate was measured using Work Environment Scale (WES) which has been modified, while work motivation among the engineers was measured based on Herzberg Theory. Data obtained was then analysed using Mann Whitney –U and Kruskal-Wallis tests was used to identify the relationship between work motivation and organizational climate. This research has found that all dimensions of organizational climate are significally related to work motivation. However the relation between both variables is moderate. This shows that organizational climate does influence the work motivation of the engineers. Demographically, only age factor shows differences between the two organizations that influenced the organizational climate and work motivation. It indicates that young employees are more motivated

    Pembangunan sosial dalam hubungan etnik

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    Pembangunan sosial merupakan suatu proses pembangunan yang memberi penekanan kepada pembangunan manusia dan sistem sosialnya. Ia berhubung kait dengan dasar, program dan aktiviti yang menjurus kepada pengisian nilai dan pembangunan budaya yang dapat mempertingkatkan kualiti hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dalam konteks Malaysia, pembangunan bukan sahaja diukur berdasarkan pencapaian ekonomi dan pembangunan fizikal, tetapi ia mesti diintegrasikan dengan usaha-usaha dan program untuk mewujudkan perpaduan dan integrasi nasional. Dengan itu, pembangunan sosial menjadi suatu dasar yang amat kritikal dalam usaha membangunkan negara keseluruhannya. Pembangunan negara tidak dapat dinikmati dengan sepenuhnya jika terdapat ketidakseimbangan antara pembangunan ekonomi dengan pembangunan sosial. Di samping itu, tahap kemajuan sesebuah negara tidak boleh diukur hanya berdasarkan pembangunan fizikal dan kejayaan material semata-mata. Sebaliknya aspek kualitatif seperti kemantapan sosial, nilai-nilai moral, kekuatan intelektual dan keutuhan budaya perlu juga diambilkira dan diberi perhatian yang wajar. Dengan itu, walaupun kerajaan bermatlamat untuk meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan pembangunan Malaysia supaya seiring dengan negara maju yang lain, namun kerajaan tetap mewujudkan pembangunan yang mapan, bersepadu dan holistik

    The Adequacy of the Term of Reference for the Construction Management (CM) Education and Training from the Perspective of Practitioners in Malaysia

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    The increase in requirement and complexity in managing construction projects has in-part compelled graduates to be highly capable and possessed adequate skills for them to perform well after graduating.  To equipped graduates with the required standard, the education curriculum has to be re-design and re-align to the needs of the industry.  However, to develop a structured and holistic curriculum, a proper reference framework need to be made available as a term of reference to ensure that the curriculum comprises all the necessary elements to prepare the graduates for the industry.  This paper aims to report on the perception of the industry practitioner and stakeholders on the currently available reference framework used as a term of reference for developing the Construction Management education and training program.  A qualitative approach using exploratory design has been adopted, which uses an open-ended questionnaire for data collection, drawing insight from experienced construction practitioners and the stakeholders.  The questionnaire has been distributed during the Association of Project Managers Malaysia (ACPM) ‘The Tarik’ session.  It has been found that the available reference framework only provides the key knowledge area in Construction Management.  It is found that the standards are insufficient and confusing and also not standardized and not integrated.  It has consequently created different perceptions of how Construction Management should be practice and thus create a variable in the Construction Management curriculum.  It is suggested that a more structured and holistic approach needs to be adapted to provide the 'know-how' of Construction Management, and a commonly recognized term of reference is needed to be made available to achieve the desired outcome

    Urbanisation effect on dengue cases in Hulu Langat, Selangor (2014-2018)

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    INTRODUCTION: The frequency and magnitude of epidemic disease continued to increase in tandem with rapid urbanization. Mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus can increase following unplanned and unhealthy urbanization. In the large urban regions, crowded human populations live in intimate association with equally large mosquito populations provides the ideal home for maintenance of the viruses and the periodic generation of epidemic strains. METHOD: Data from e-Dengue registry including the urban sub-districts, between 2014 to 2018 were reviewed. Descriptive analysis was conducted to examine the epidemiology of Dengue fever in the urban regions of Hulu Langat district, Selangor which consist of Kajang, Cheras and Ampang sub-districts. RESULTS: Total incidence rate of Dengue in urban sub-districts in year 2014 was 1,060 per 100,000 populations (n=10,254) while in year 2018 the incidence decreased to 691 per 100,000 populations (n=6,762). Most of the cases were contributed by sub-district Kajang (43%) and Ampang (23%). Meanwhile the cases were most recorded from premises of landed houses (61%) and strata (21.1%). Case-fatality rate was increasing in trend from year 2014 to 2017 (0.18% to 0.22%) however noted to decrease in 2018 with 0.15%. Most of the death were from Kajang sub-district (37%),followed by Ampang (36%). DISCUSSION: Dense population in urban regions contributed to Dengue hyperendemicity in Hulu Langat. Orchestrated holistic approach in controlling Dengue outbreak in urban regions must be conducted wisely

    Urbanisation effect on dengue cases in Hulu Langat, Selangor (2014-2018)

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    INTRODUCTION: The frequency and magnitude of epidemic disease continued to increase in tandem with rapid urbanisation. Mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus can increase following unplanned and unhealthy urbanisation. In the large urban regions, crowded human populations live in intimate association with equally large mosquito populations provides the ideal home for maintenance of the viruses and the periodic generation of epidemic strains. METHODS: Data from e-Dengue registry including the urban sub-districts, between 2014 to 2018 were reviewed. Descriptive analysis was conducted to examine the epidemiology of Dengue fever in the urban regions of Hulu Langat district, Selangor which consist of Kajang, Cheras and Ampang sub-districts. RESULTS: Total incidence rate of Dengue in urban sub-districts in year 2014 was 1,060 per 100,000 populations (n=10,254) while in year 2018 the incidence decreased to 691 per 100,000 populations (n=6,762). Most of the cases were contributed by sub-district Kajang (43%) and Ampang (23%). Meanwhile the cases were mostly recorded from premises of landed houses (61%) and strata (21.1%). Case-fatality rate was increasing in trend from year 2014 to 2017 (0.18% to 0.22%) however noted to decrease in 2018 with 0.15%. Most of the death were from Kajang sub-district (37%), followed by Ampang (36%). DISCUSSION: Dense population in urban regions contributed to Dengue hyperendemicity in Hulu Langat. Orchestrated holistic approach in controlling Dengue outbreak in urban regions must be conducted wisely