52 research outputs found

    A world without Islam

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    Islamophobia in the west measuring and explaining individual attitudes

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    John L. Esposito the Islamic threat: myth or reality

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    Ketokohan dan Pemikiran Dakwah Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa (1922 – 2000) di Malaysia

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    Abstract: Article with the title 'Characteristics and Thought of Mr. Haji Yusof Rawa's Da'wah (1922 - 2000) in Malaysia', this aims to describe and analyze the character and thoughts of al-marhum Mr. Haji Yusof Rawa in the field of Islamic da'wah. It starts by highlighting his background in figures and goes on to talk about his Islamic da'wah thoughts. The method used in this study uses a library research method or approach. Literature study can be interpreted as a series of activities relating to the method of collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research material. The findings of this study indicate the role of this figure in controlling the age of the old order transition to the new order has been in line with the demands of the era. He succeeded in becoming a father to the party and upholding the fundamental principles that became the basis and compass for the next party journey. Although he sparked ideas and thoughts that symbolized the openness of PAS to the changing times, he was very wise in outlining the idealism of the party to the point of eternity until now. His strong stance in sparking Da'wah thoughts that were more similar to PAS-centric and shrouded in controversy at the time, had preceded many parties in introducing great ideas such as the Hadith tajdid which later was recognized as a source of inspiration for the hadhari Islamic ideas launched by the UMNO government led by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi   Keywords: Da’wah thought, Haji Yusof Rawa   Abstrak: Artikel dengan judul ‘Ketokohan dan Pemikiran Dakwah Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa (1922 – 2000) di Malaysia’, ini bertujuan memaparkan dan menganalisis ketokohan dan pemikiran al-marhum Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa dalam bidang dakwah Islamiah. Dimulai dengan menyorot latar belakang ketokohan beliau dan seterusnya membincangkan mengenai pemikiran dakwah Islamiahnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Studi pustaka dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan peranan tokoh ini dalam mengendalikan zaman transisi orde lama kepada orde baru telah sejalan dengan tuntutan zaman. Beliau berhasil menjadi seorang bapak bagi partai dan menegakkan asas fundamental yang menjadi dasar dan kompas kepada perjalanan partai selanjutnya. Walaupun beliau mencetuskan berbagai ide dan pemikiran yang melambangkan keterbukaan PAS kepada perubahan zaman, beliau sangat arif menggariskan idealisme partai hingga kekal utuh sampai sekarang. Ketokohannya dalam mencetuskan pemikiran dakwah yang lebih mirip kepada PAS-centric serta diselubungi dengan kontroversi pada waktu itu, telah mendahului banyak pihak dalam memperkenalkan gagasan besar seperti tajdid hadhari yang kemudian diakui menjadi sumber inspirasi kepada gagasan Islam hadhari yang dilancarkan oleh pemerintahan UMNO pimpinan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.   Kata kunci: Pemikiran dakwah, Haji Yuso Rawa   &nbsp


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    The relation of Islam and civilization in the Malay World of Malaysia and Indonesia is unique compared to other Islamic world regions. This article discusses the role and contribution of the Islamic movement in these two regions to the development of Malay world civilization from the earliest times to the modern era today. Using a variety of reliable sources, this paper came to the conclusion that Islamic movements in both countries contributed significantly to the formation of Islamic civilization in the Nusantara Malay World. Starting from the Islamic movement in the form of the spread of Islam and the intellectual movement of Islam in the early days and continued to develop in the form of Islamic movements that are both academic and empirical-pratical. All forms of this Islamic movement succeeded in organizing Malay society and produced a unique Islamic civilization both in the context of Indonesia and Malaysia. Islamic movements in Malaysia and Indonesia managed to identify and answer the needs of modern society and civilization today


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    Pendekatan dakwah dalam kaedah pengajaran kepada mualaf merupakan suatu tajuk yang membincangkan berkaitan penerapan konsep dakwah dalam kaedah pengajaran kepada mualaf. Objektif kajian ini ialah mengkaji kaedah pengajaran yang sesuai kepada mualaf berdasarkan beberapa pendekatan dakwah yang ada dalam al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah kajian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis dokumen yang bersifat kualitatif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat banyak pendekatan dakwah yang boleh digunakan dalam kaedah pengajaran kepada mualaf iaitu pengajaran berasaskan kaedah al-Quran, pengajaran berasaskan pendekatan Rasulullah SAW dan pendekatan pengajaraan secara berhikmah. Kajian ini akan memberi sumbangan kepada tenaga pengajar mualaf khususnya dan pendakwah umumnya. Implikasi kajian adalah beberapa kaedah yang ditemukan dalam kajian ini boleh diguna pakai oleh tenaga pengajar mualaf khususnya ketika menjalankan aktiviti pengajaran. Begitu juga pendakwah, beberapa penemuan dalam kajian ini boleh digunakan sewaktu menjalankan aktiviti dakwah. Katakunci: Pendekatan dakwah, Kaedah Pengajaran, MualafDakwah approach in the teaching method to the mualaf is a headline that deals with the application of the concept of dakwah in the teaching method to mualaf. The object of this study is to examine appropriate teaching methods to mualaf based on several dakwah approaches that exist in the al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah. The method use in this study is literature review using qualitative document analysis techniques. The study shows that there are many dakwah approaches that may be used in the teaching method to mualaf is the teaching based on the rules of al-Qur’an, the teaching based on the approach of the Rasulullah SAW and the lesson about approach. This lesson will contribute to the teachers of mualaf especially in particular and the general preachers. The implications of the study are that some of the methods found in this study may be used by teachers of mualaf especially when carrying out teaching activities. Likewise preachers, some of the findings in this study may be used while performing dakwah activities. Keywords: Dakwah Approaching, Teaching Method, Muala

    Penilaian tahap pembelajaran mengenai isu HIV/aids dalam kalangan pegawai agama di Malaysia

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    Formal learning on the issues of HIV/AIDS is very important in order to get accurate information, comprehensive understanding and efforts to adress these symptoms efficiently. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate the level of participants' learning of the Manual on Islam and HIV/ AIDS training programme based on information obtained from the contents of the programme and from the outreach activities. The study was conducted through quantitative approach by applying Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model (1959). Data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to 350 Religious Officers from twelve categories that had been trained from 2011 until 2014. They were selected through random sampling techniques

    Menejemen Resiko Bencana Alam Berdasarkan Islam: Satu Kajian Pendahuluan

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    Abstract: Natural disasters are hot issuesbeing discussed either through print media or electronic media. The natural disasters took place in recent years have created anxieties to the world's population so that many agencies are involved in the search for a wide range of latest and upcoming alternatives to tackle the problems. This catastrophic problem is often associated with the law of the rule of nature but there are some obvious causes by human activity for local development. The concept of destiny is one of the important aspects in the discipline of history, philosophy and religion. There are debates involves the physical and metaphysical nature of the unseen nature and its relation to the existence of God, the relationship of God andhuman, the relationship of God with nature and human relationships with nature. Natural disasters such as landslides, earthquakes, flash floods and so forth are likely the result from greedy human acts in the pursuit of modernization through extreme development. While the disasters had affected our mother nature, it is important for us to implement the precautionary measures to minimize the effects of natural disasters and thus prevent and minimize the impact of losses. Continuing from this analogy, this paper will analyze and provide a framework for disaster risk management proposals in the Islamic perspective. Keyword: Natural disaster, development, flash flood, landslides, prevention&nbsp

    An Assessment of Teaching and Learning Methodology in Islamic Studies

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    AbstractDuring the last century, there have been critiques targeted at methodology related to teaching and learning of Islamic studies, in particular towards the failure to effectively respond to the challenges brought by contemporary needs in this modern world. As a religion embraced by one fifth of the world's population, there is a real need for Islamic studies to re-vamp its methodology and approach in order to ensure its continuous relevance and as a response to the demands exerted by the globalization and presented by the modernity. Since the late 1970s, Islamic scholars have seriously discussed this failure and have suggested a multitude of action plans to address the weakness. This paper discusses various stands taken by Islamic scholars in this issue and suggests ways to improve the method of teaching and learning of Islamic studies

    Embedding higher order thinking skills in Islamic history (Sirah) education in Malaysia

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    The promotion of integrating higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in the Malaysian education system is pivotal to producing analytical thinkers to keep up with the rapid globalization of this era. Thus, the implementation of HOTS in learning and facilitation (PdPc) has been emphasized. However, little is known about the integration of HOTS in Islamic history and civilization (Sirah) lessons. Furthermore, teachers continue to use traditional methods and disregard incorporating HOTS in PdPc. Therefore, the current study conducted an in-depth investigation into the components of Sirah lessons to support the implementation of the Malaysian education development plan (PPPM) 2013-2015 by strengthening teaching techniques through the use of HOTS for a better understanding of Sirah lessons. Using an explanatory sequential mixed method design, the findings reveal that the teaching components of Sirah lessons with the integration of HOTS are at a moderate level in the conclusion stage of a lesson. Therefore, the current study proposes a model that integrates HOTS, i.e., the element of attitude, preparation and planning, teaching aids with relevant aspects of PAK21, knowledge of HOTS, mastery of the subject content, teaching techniques and approach, assessment, and evaluation