3 research outputs found
[National Agriculture Policy (Dpn3) & National Agro Food Policy: Analysis of Rice and Rice Foundation Foods according Islam]Dasar Pertanian Negara Ketiga (Dpn3) & Dasar Agromakanan Negara (Dan): Analisis Terhadap Makanan Asasi Beras Dan Padi Menurut Islam
National Agriculture Policy (DPN 3) 1998-2010, and the National Agro Food Policy (NAP) 2011-2020 is the transformation of the government to improve the country's food quality. However, there are shortcomings in the realization of achieving food self-sufficiency level of at least 80%. This study aims to examine the needs of basic food supplies of rice from the perspective of Islam. The research methodology used in this study is content analysis, the data were analyzed through descriptive approach with a combination of qualitative approach of analyzing the text, including the analysis of documents such as official reports, circulars, annual reports, statements of position, financial plan, reports agencies, and transcripts. The study found that the concept of jurisprudence awlawiyyah in improving the quality of food and income country emphasizes on clean and halal food products. Implication of the study suggests that the development of agricultural land on which the agency involved is Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-based Industry must be given attention. The DPN and the DAN are expected to play a role in promoting the growth of the agricultural sector and farmers in line with the development of holistic development.
Key Words: National Agricultural Policy (DPN), the supply of basic food supplies of from the perspective of Islam.
Dasar Pertanian Negara (DPN 3) 1998-2010, dan Dasar Agro Makanan Negara (DAN) 2011-2020 merupakan satu transformasi kerajaan bagi meningkatkan kualiti makanan negara. Namun terdapat kepincangan dalam merealisasikannya untuk mencapai tahap sara mampu diri makanan negara sekurang-kurangnya 80%. Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti keperluan bekalan makanan asasi padi dan beras mengikut perspektif Islam. Metodologi kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian analisis kandungan, data-data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis melalui pendekatan deskriptif dengan gabungan pendekatan kualitatif iaitu menganalisis teks termasuk menganalisis dokumen-dokumen seperti laporan- laporan rasmi, surat pekeliling, laporan tahunan, laporan jabatan, rancangan kewangan, laporan agensi, dan transkrip. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa konsep fiqh awlawiyyah dalam meningkatkan kualiti makanan dan pendapatan negara, menekankan produk pemakanan yang halal dan bersih. Implikasi kajian mencadangkan pembangunan tanah pertanian Islam ke atas agensi yang terlibat khusus seperti Kementarian Pertanian & Industri Asas Tani harus diberi perhatian. Dasar Pertanian Negara DPN dan DAN diharapkan agar memainkan peranannya dalam menggalakkan pertumbuhan sektor pertanian dan pembangunan petani selaras dengan pembangunan Islam secara syumul.
Kata kunci: Dasar Pertanian Negara (DPN), Keperluan bekalan makanan asasi padi dan beras mengikut perspektif Islam
Violence Against Women: A Comparative Legal Study
ABSTRACT Domestic violence is a phenomenon that is widespread in modern society. Although, no extensive study has been undertaken so far to highlight the extent and proportion of the domestic violence in the Muslimsociety, its traces began to emerge,indicating the rise in the rate of domestic violence in the Islamic society. Consequently,all parties in the community are required to act urgently in solving the issue of domestic violence before it is too lateto stop it.Both conventional law and shari'ahare consulted to find the ground for adopting the harshest measures against those committing such a crime hence, deterring them from involvement in such violence.The study uses analytical and comparative approaches to elucidatethe justifications of both systems for adopting certain measures for dealing with domestic violence and to highlight the dimensions of their differences in respect of dealing with the issue. The aim of this study is to providean analytical discussion of domestic violence committed against women in a clear crystal manner. This is done in the light of relevant rules and provisions pertaining to human rights contained in both conventional and Islamic laws. The findings of the study shows that domestic violence has severe repercussionsfor household as it result in disintegration of family, lack of confidence and the feeling of insecurity hence, leading to destruction of institution of family and the emergence of psychological problems with the resultant criminal behaviors
Offensive and defensive jihad according to Sayyid Qutb
This article discusses the concept of offensive and defensive jihaat according to Sayyid Qutb, one of the outstanding writers on Islamic thought of the twentieth century. Although this issue has been discussed by the traditional Muslim scholars it still attracts the present Muslim scholars to discuss it. Therefore, both the traditional and present Muslim scholars, ideas will be discussed in the earlier part of these article in order to ascertain the similarities and differences of their thoughts with those of Sayyid Qutb. Obviously, the main discussion will be focussed on Sayyid Qutb’s view on the issu