4 research outputs found
Total antioxidant activity and phenolic content in selected vegetables
This study was carried out to determine the total antioxidant activity and phenolic content of selected common vegetables. The effect of thermal treatment on antioxidant activity and phenolic content were also studied. Kale, spinach, cabbage, swamp cabbage and shallots were used in this study. Among all the vegetables (fresh and thermally treated), shallots showed the highest total antioxidant activity followed by spinach, swamp cabbage, cabbage and kale. Spinach had an exceptionally high total phenolic content, followed by swamp cabbage, kale, shallots and cabbage. Except for shallots and cabbage, the antioxidant activities of kale, spinach and swamp cabbage were significantly decreased (p<0.05) after thermal treatment. Moreover, this study revealed that a 1-min thermal treatment significantly decreased (p<0.05) the total phenolic content of all vegetables studied
Socio-economic determinants of nutritional status of children in rural Peninsular Malaysia
The data presented is part of the findings from a four-year collaborative research project between Universiti Putra Malaysia, the Institute for Medical Research and the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The project assessed the nutritional status of the major functional groups in Peninsular Malaysia. Mukim Sayong and Pulau Kemiri in the District of Kuala Kangsar, Perak were two of the subdistricts selected to represent small rubber holdings in Peninsular Malaysia. This paper attempts to analyse the socio-economic profile of the households and the nutritional status of children below 9 years of age. A total of 307 households were studied. Approximately 63% of the households were involved in rubber activities and the majority of them were hired tappers. The average monthly income of the households was RM467 and the income ranged between RM30 to RM2120. Based on the per capita poverty line income of RM84.38, it was found that 14.1% of the households earned less than RM42.19, which can be considered as hard-core poor, while 32.7% were poor (monthly per capita income between RM42.19 and RM84.38). Slightly more than half (52.7%) earned income above the poverty line. The average family size was 4.5, ranging from 1 through to 16. The majority of the heads of households (56.6%) had between 3 and 6 years of education, and 14.5% did not receive any formal education. The prevalence of stunting among children 0-5 years of age was 26%, while 31.5% were underweight and 3.8% wasted. Among children aged between 5 and 9 years, almost the same pattern of nutritional status was noted. The overall percentages of stunting, underweight and wasting among these children were 29.2%, 26.1% and 0.62%, respectively. Analysis on nutritional status according to income level showed a noticeable difference in the prevalence of malnutrition in children above and below the poverty line income. The Student's t-test indicated significant differences in weight-for-age and weight-for-height between the two poverty line income for children below 5 years of age. Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a significant correlation between height-for-age with household size (r = -0.26, P < 0.05), and monthly per capita income with weight-for-height (r = 0.25, P < 0.05). There was a highly significant correlation between acreage of land cultivated and weight-for-height (r = 0.42, P < 0.01), and weight-for-age (r = 0.25, P < 0.05). The findings indicated the influence of socio-economic factors on the nutritional status of children
Nutritional assessment of pre-school children in rural village of the family dynamics, lifestyle and nutrition study (1997-2001)
This paper presents the socio-economic profile of households in the Family Dynamics Study (FDS) (1997-2001) and makes comparisons with the earlier Functional Groups Study (FGS) (1992-1996). For the current study, FGS villages with a high prevalence of child malnutrition
were purposively selected. In each village selected, all households were included, and interviews with a structured questionnaire were conducted in April-May 1998. Incomes were generally low and incidence of poverty was high; 49.6% of the households were under the poverty line income,
of which 37.2% were poor and 12.4% were hard core poor. Overall, only 23.2% of heads of households were in agricultural occupations, others being primarily waged workers and petty traders. Livestock rearing was widespread (57.8%), and most households (90.4%) owned at least
one motorized vehicle, the most common being the motorcycle. The majority of households had
refrigerators (73.6%), washing machines (58.8%), and televisions (91.1%); but telephones (42.2%), mobile phones (6.1%) and computers (2.3%) were less common. Although 99.7% of households had electricity supply and 95.1% had either a flush or pour flush latrine, only 57.4%
had piped water supply. In comparison to the FGS, poverty in the current study is lower (49.6% of FDS households are poor compared to 55.2% of FGS households), the proportion of
household heads in agricultural occupations is also lower (26.9% compared to 55.3%), while all other socioeconomic indicators were better, except for piped water supply, which remains inadequate for households in the current study