12 research outputs found

    Influence Of Behaviour Factor On Seismic Design And Performance Of Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame In Malaysia

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    Gempa bumi sederhana yang terjadi pada 5 Jun 2015 di Ranau, Sabah, dengan magnitude 5.9 telah menyebabkan kerosakan pada bangunan-bangunan. Dengan itu, adalah penting untuk mempertimbangkan rekabentuk seismik untuk bangunan-bangunan baru di wilayah tersebut. Dalam rekabentuk seismik, suatu konsep yang dinamakan sebagai faktor kelakuan yang berkait rapat dengan kemuluran telah dicadangkan. Baru-baru ini terdapat komen dan cadangan bahawa nilai faktor kelakuan sekarang patut diganti. Dengan itu, adalah penting untuk mengkaji kesan perubahan nilai faktor kelakuan dari dua perspektif iaitu reka bentuk dan prestasi. Selain itu, aturan histeresis mewakili kelakuan struktur apabila dikenakan beban kitaran sisi seperti gempa bumi. Kesesuaian sesuatu aturan histeresis untuk digunakan dalam program komputer bagi analisis sejarah masa tidak linear perlu diperiksa. Di wilayah seismik tinggi, kejadian gempa bumi berulang tidak boleh diabaikan dalam analisis struktur kerana ia mencetuskan kerosakan yang lebih besar ke atas sistem struktur. Dengan itu, pengaruh gempa bumi berulang di wilayah seismik medium di Malaysia juga perlu disiasat. Tesis ini membentangkan pengaruh faktor kelakuan ke atas rekabentuk seismik bagi bangunan kerangka penahan momen konkrit bertetulang di Malaysia. Rekabentuk seismik telah dijalankan untuk kemuluran kelas pertengahan dengan faktor kelakuan dari 2.3 hingga 5.5 merujuk kepada Eurocode 8. Ujian beban kitaran sisi juga telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kelakuan struktur apabila dikenakan beban sisi. Ia juga penting untuk memeriksa kesesuaian Modified Takeda Degrading Stiffness sebagai aturan histeresis bagi analisis sejarah masa tidak linear. Akhir sekali, prestasi struktur bagi semua kerangka yang telah direkabentuk dinilai dengan analisis sejarah masa tidak linear dengan mempertimbangkan gempa-gempa tunggal dan berulang. Kajian ini menyumbang kepada penilaian terhadap nilai faktor kelakuan berdasarkan rekabentuk dan prestasi struktur. Selain itu, kajian ini juga memeriksa kesesuaian Modified Takeda Degrading Stiffness sebagai aturan histeresis. Sebagai kesimpulan, nilai faktor kelakuan sangat mempengaruhi rekabentuk seismik. Jumlah berat besi pengukuhan boleh dikurangkan sehingga 36.2% dengan menggunakan faktor kelakuan tinggi dalam rekabentuk. Daripada ujian beban kitaran sisi, boleh disimpulkan bahawa Modified Takeda Degrading Stiffness sesuai untuk digunakan sebagai aturan histeresis dalam analisis sejarah masa tidak linear. Nilai kekakuan nyahbeban, α adalah bersamaan 0.1 sementara nilai kekakuan pembebanan semula, β adalah bersamaan 0.4. Berdasarkan penilaian ke atas prestasi struktur, magnitud maksimum bagi anjakan antara tingkat disebabkan oleh gempa bumi berulang mencapai sehingga 30.1% hingga 40.6% lebih tinggi daripada gempa bumi tunggal. Dengan itu, faktor kelakuan dari 2.3 hingga 5.5 adalah diterima untuk digunakan bagi rekabentuk seismik bangunan kerangka penahan momen konkrit bertetulang baru di atas tanah jenis B di wilayah seismik pertengahan di Malaysia. Di atas tanah jenis D, faktor kelakuan dihadkan dari 2.3 hingga 4.54. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A moderate earthquake which occurred on 5th June 2015 in Ranau, Sabah, with Mw5.9 had caused damages on buildings. Therefore, it is important to consider seismic design for new buildings in that region. In seismic design, a concept namely as behaviour factor, q which strongly relates with ductility was proposed. Recently, there are comments and suggestion that the current value of behaviour factor, q shall be replaced. Therefore, it is importance to study the effect of changing the value of behaviour factor, q from two different perspectives which is design and performance. Besides, hysteresis rule represents the structural behaviour when subjected to cyclic lateral load like earthquake. The suitability of a hysteresis rule to be used in computer program for nonlinear time history analysis has to be checked. In high seismic region, the occurrence of repeated earthquake cannot be neglected in structural analysis since it induces greater damage on structural system. Therefore, the influence of repeated earthquake in medium seismic region in Malaysia also has to be investigated. This thesis presents the influence of behaviour factor, q on seismic design for reinforced concrete moment resisting frame buildings in Malaysia. The seismic design had been conducted for ductility class medium with behaviour factor, q from 2.3 to 5.5 by referring to Eurocode 8. The cyclic loading test also had been conducted to investigate the structural behaviour when subjected to lateral load. It is also important to check to suitability of Modified Takeda Degrading Stiffness as hysteresis rule for nonlinear time history analysis. Finally, the structural performance of all designed frames had been evaluated by using nonlinear time history analysis considering single and repeated earthquakes. This study contributes to the evaluation on the value of behaviour factor, q based on design and structural performance. Beside, this study also checked the suitability of Modified Takeda Degrading Stiffness as hysteresis rule. As a conclusion, the value of behaviour factor, q is strongly influencing the seismic design. The total weight of steel reinforcement can be reduced up to 36.2% by using higher behaviour factor, q in design. From cyclic loading test, it can be concluded that the Modified Takeda Degrading Stiffness is suitable to be used as hysteresis rule in nonlinear time history analysis. The value of unloading stiffness, α is equal to 0.1 while the value of reloading stiffness, β is equal to 0.4. Based on evaluation on structural performance, the magnitude of maximum interstorey drift ratio caused by repeated earthquake reached up to 30.1% to 40.6% higher than the single earthquake. Therefore, the behaviour factor, q from 2.3 to 5.5 is acceptable to be used for seismic design of new reinforced concrete moment resisting frame building on Soil Type B in medium seismic region in Malaysia. On Soil Type D, the behaviour factor, q is limited from 2.3 to 4.54

    Influence Of Force Reduction Factor On The Interstorey Drift Of RC Building Under Repeated Near-Field Earthquake

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    Current practices in earthquake engineering only apply single earthquake motion on building structure during modelling and analysis. However, in real earthquake event, the tremors always occurred repeatedly until two or three times after the first tremor. This phenomenon can affect the stiffness and strength of the structural system. Due to lack of time any rehabilitation action is impractical. Thus, the building may experience greater damage due to several repeated tremors. This thesis presents the seismic performance of 3 and 18 storey generic reinforced concrete building subjected to single and repeated earthquake

    Cost evaluation for 12-storey reinforced concrete apartment building in Sabah due to seismic design

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    In June 2015, Ranau stated earthquake of moment magnitude M 6.1 which cause a lot of damage to buildings. Therefore, seismic design input should be applied for new buildings to minimize damage. This work investigates the influence of seismic design on structural works cost. A 12W storey apartment reinforced concrete apartment has been used as a model for the project. In this research, soil type D and 3 levels of seismicity were used as design variables. The reference peak ground acceleration, αg used were 0.08g, 0.12g and 0.16g. The results indicate that models with seismic design have greater structural costs, increasing 3.4% to 19.1%

    Cost estimation of structural work for residential building with seismic design consideration

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    The Sumatra-Andaman earthquakes had triggered local earthquakes in Malaysia by reactivation of ancient inactive faults. Previously on 5th June 2015, Ranau, a region located in Sabah, Malaysia, had experienced a moderate earthquake of Mw6.1. The structural failures occurred because all existing buildings only designed for gravity load without any seismic provision. Recent research work exhibits the seismic designs’ impact on the cost of material and its parameters that impact the cost. There are two types reinforced concrete residential buildings called Type 1 and Type 2 for two storey and four storey which had been used as models. This research applied four seismicity levels to the reference peak ground acceleration value, αgR = 0.07g, 0.10g, 0.13g & 0.16g, and two soil types: Soil Types B and D. The result shows that for two storey reinforced concrete residential buildings on soil types B and D, seismic design increases structural work costs, which is around 0.62% to 1.31% and 0.61% to 2.16%, respectively, for Type 1 model compared to non-seismic design. Besides, model Type 2, the increment is around 0.24% to 1.22% and 0.20% to 1.71%, respectively. Otherwise, for reinforced concrete residential building with four storey on soil types B and D, the result shows that seismic design tends to have a higher structural work’s cost around 0.41% to 2.48% and 0.98% to 11.23%, respectively, for Type 1 model. Besides, for model Type 2 the increment is around 1.80% to 2.05% and 2.34% to 8.53%, respectively, compared to non-seismic design

    Increment of material usage in construction of four storey reinforced concrete building due to seismic design

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    Malaysia is fortunate because it is located outside the Pacific Ring-Fire region which is seismically active. However, it still exposes to earthquake hazard from Far-Field earthquake from neighbouring countries. In Peninsular, it is exposes to Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from Indonesia. In East Malaysia, to states namely as Sabah and Sarawak are expose to Philippines earthquake. Besides, Malaysia also experienced earthquakes from local faults such as Bukit Tinggi in 2007. On 5th June 2015, a moderate earthquake with Mw6.1 occurred in Ranau, Sabah which caused 18 fatalities. The same event also caused damage to 61 buildings around Ranau and Kundasang. For the sake of safety, construction of new buildings in Malaysia has to consider seismic design. This paper presents a study to evaluate the increment of construction materials used due to consideration of seismic design. A typical four-storey generic reinforced concrete school building had been used as model. This study adjusted the value of reference peak ground acceleration, αgR in modelling, analysis, and design process. The concrete grade was fixed as C30. Four soil types had been considered for all models with seismic design consideration. Findings from this study demonstrate that the consideration of seismic design caused the increment of steel reinforcement around 16% to 32% for beam and 1% to 14% for column. In term of cost of structural work, consideration of seismic design increases the cost in range of 2% to 5% compared to the nonseismic design. Therefore, it is worth for Malaysia to fully implement the seismic design in new development

    Improving sustainability of road construction by partial replacement of natural aggregates in subbase layer with crushed brick and reclaimed asphalt pavement

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    Reducing dependent on naturally sourced materials is among the priority in improving the sustainability of road construction. The subbase layer which provides strength and stability across the road profile, comprised mainly of natural aggregates. This study aims to explore the feasibility of partial replacement of natural aggregates in subbase layer with 20% Crushed Brick (CB) and 20 to 50% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test and Constant Head Permeability tests were carried out to determine the effect of this partial replacement on the geotechnical properties of the subbase layer. The results obtained denotes that the combination of 20% CB and 50% RAP is the optimum partial replacement of natural aggregates in subbase layer with CB and RAP. The use of CB further complements RAP in improving the stiffness and compressibility of the subbase layer while contributing significantly toward sustainability in road construction


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    Since Malaysia is not located in active seismic fault zones, majority of buildings in Malaysia had been designed according to BS8110, which not specify any seismic provision. After experienced several tremors originating from neighbouring countries especially from Sumatra, Indonesia, the Malaysian start to ask questions on integrity of existing structures in Malaysia to withstand the earthquake load. The question also arises regarding the economical effect in term of cost of construction if seismic design has to be implemented in Malaysian construction industry. If the cost is increasing, how much the increment and is it affordable? This paper investigated the difference of steel reinforcement and concrete volume required when seismic provision is considered in reinforced concrete design of 2 storey general office building. The regular office building which designed based on BS8110 had been redesigned according to Eurocode 2 with various level of reference peak ground acceleration, agR reflecting Malaysian seismic hazard for ductility class low. Then, the all frames had been evaluated using a total of 800 nonlinear time history analyses considering single and repeated earthquakes to simulate the real earthquake event. It is observed that the level of reference peak ground acceleration, agR and behaviour factor, q strongly influence the increment of total cost. For 2 storey RC buildings built on Soil Type D with seismic consideration, the total cost of material is expected to increase around 6 to 270%, depend on seismic region. In term of seismic performance, the repeated earthquake tends to cause increasing in interstorey drift ratio around 8 to 29% higher compared to single earthquake

    Assessing the vulnerability of Kota Kinabalu buildings

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    A gradual increase in moderate and low seismic activity has occurred in Sabah over the course of several years due to the presence of certain moderately active fault lines in the region. Around 300 moderate earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from MW 4.0 to 7.0 have occurred in the last 120 years. The majority of existing buildings in Sabah are wind and gravity loaded. This study proposes a preliminary seismic vulnerability assessment methodology based on empirical and analytical vulnerability method for 250 existing buildings in Kota Kinabalu city. The empirical vulnerability assessment focuses on building evaluation utilizing a standard Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) method and the FEMA 154 guidebook’s moderate seismicity assessment form. A field survey was conducted on the buildings ranging in height from low-rise to high-rise. As a result, when subjected to moderate-intensity earthquakes, 60% of the buildings are classed as susceptible and vulnerable to seismic hazard. The current study included the use of nonlinear static analysis to seven different building cases for further investigation. The findings of the analysis demonstrate that the majority of the buildings respond linearly elastical when subjected to peak ground acceleration (PGA) at 0.17g, which indicate that, buildings without seismic design accumulate damage early when subjected to moderate earthquake loadings

    Comparison on total weight of steel reinforcement for 5 story reinforced concrete building with and without seismic design

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    On June 5th 2015, Malaysia was shocked by an earthquake with Mw6.1 which had struck Ranau, one of the districts in Sabah. The moderate earthquake was the strongest recorded since the Mw5.8 earthquake which occurred in Lahad Datu in 1976. The Ranau earthquake had caused minor to severe damages to local buildings. Although Sabah is located outside the Pacific Ring of Fire, there are some regions which set at risk of earthquake namely as Kundasang, Ranau, Pitas, Lahad Datu and Tawau. After experiencing the tremors from both local and regional earthquakes, Malaysian now aware on the importance of seismic design on buildings and structures. However, the effect of seismic design application on cost of materials need to be studied beforehand. In relation to that, this study presents the seismic design of reinforced concrete hotel or dormitory building with consideration of different magnitude of reference peak ground acceleration, agR and different soil type. Result shows that both parameters strongly influencing the cost of steelreinforcement. The latter is estimated to be increase around 14–247% higher compared to similar building without seismic design

    Impact of seismic design on cost of structural materials for two storey hostel building in Sabah

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    Previously, damaging earthquakes were fortunately rare in Malaysia. However, after Sumatera-Andaman earthquake on 26 December 2004 affected Peninsular Malaysia causing deaths, injuries and loss of property. Furthermore, some of the local earthquake that had occurred in Malaysia are probably due to the reactivations of ancient inactive fault due to increasing seismic activities in and around Malaysia. On 5th June 2015, Malaysia experienced a devastating earthquake with magnitude Mw 6.0 in Ranau results in 18 fatalities and affected 61 buildings. Mostly, the fatalities and injuries persistent during an earthquake is caused by structural failures which not include the seismic action into design. Reinforced concrete hostel building in school area will act as a temporary shelter for refuge during the disaster and until it dwindles. Although Malaysia is located on a stable plate and far from the Pacific Ring of Fire, it is essential to consider seismic practice, especially when dealing with cost. Therefore, this paper presents the influence of seismic consideration on cost of material and the factors which influencing the cost by implementing the soil factor, S as proposed by National Annex to Eurocode 8. A typical two storey reinforced concrete hostel building has been generated as basic model. A total of four soil type namely soil type B, C, D and E and five seismicity level has been taken into account where the value of reference peak ground acceleration, αgR = 0.04g, 0.06g, 0.07g, 0.12g & 0.16g. Overall, this research work had been conducted based on 3 phases. Based on result, the cost of structural works for the whole building increases around 1% to 12% depend on soil type and level of seismicity