28 research outputs found

    Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Symbiosis Enhances Water Status and Soil-Plant Hydraulic Conductance Under Drought

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    Recent studies have identified soil drying as a dominant driver of transpiration reduction at the global scale. Although Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi (AMF) are assumed to play a pivotal role in plant response to soil drying, studies investigating the impact of AMF on plant water status and soil-plant hydraulic conductance are lacking. Thus, the main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of AMF on soil-plant conductance and plant water status of tomato under drought. We hypothesized that AMF limit the drop in matric potential across the rhizosphere, especially in drying soil. The underlying mechanism is that AMF extend the effective root radius and hence reduce the water fluxes at the root-soil interface. The follow-up hypothesis is that AMF enhance soil-plant hydraulic conductance and plant water status during soil drying. To test these hypotheses, we measured the relation between transpiration rate, soil and leaf water potential of tomato with reduced mycorrhiza colonization (RMC) and the corresponding wild type (WT). We inoculated the soil of the WT with Rhizophagus irregularis spores to potentially upsurge symbiosis initiation. During soil drying, leaf water potential of the WT did not drop below −0.8MPa during the first 6days after withholding irrigation, while leaf water potential of RMC dropped below −1MPa already after 4days. Furthermore, AMF enhanced the soil-plant hydraulic conductance of the WT during soil drying. In contrast, soil-plant hydraulic conductance of the RMC declined more abruptly as soil dried. We conclude that AMF maintained the hydraulic continuity between root and soil in drying soils, hereby reducing the drop in matric potential at the root-soil interface and enhancing soil-plant hydraulic conductance of tomato under edaphic stress. Future studies will investigate the role of AMF on soil-plant hydraulic conductance and plant water status among diverse plant species growing in contrasting soil textures


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    : In recent years, traffic loads have increased, and the sizes and loads of vehicles have become greater, thereby affecting the performance of asphalt pavements. Modified bituminous materials assist to add benefits to performance, maintenance and construction, in terms of better and longer lasting road, and saving in total road life cost. This study attempts to identify the influence of polymer modification in improving asphalt mixture performance. Three types of polymer resins were used, namely, Epoxy resin, Phenol resin, and Polyester resin. The physical properties of asphalt cement were tested by penetration and softening point. Apart from mix performance, the effect of modification on Marshall properties was studied. To estimate the tensile strength and evaluate the mixture’s susceptibility to temperature variations, three test temperatures were used (15, 30, and 45°C). Furthermore, modified mixtures were tested by measurement of static creep. Based on the study results, it was found that increasing the phenol or epoxy resin quantities in asphalt cement lead to an increase softening point and reduce penetration. Material properties can be improved by the incorporation of phenol and polyester resins, since recovery property can be improved. Moreover, using phenol resin in asphalt mixes can increase the resistance to deformation when exposed to traffic loading

    Cybersecurity maturity assessment framework for higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia

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    The Saudi Arabia government has proposed different frameworks such as the CITC’s Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework (CRF) and the NCA’s Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC) to ensure data and infrastructure security in all IT-based systems. However, these frameworks lack a practical, published mechanism that continuously assesses the organizations’ security level, especially in HEI (Higher Education Institutions) systems. This paper proposes a Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment Framework (SCMAF) for HEIs in Saudi Arabia. SCMAF is a comprehensive, customized security maturity assessment framework for Saudi organizations aligned with local and international security standards. The framework can be used as a self-assessment method to establish the security level and highlight the weaknesses and mitigation plans that need to be implemented. SCMAF is a mapping and codification model for all regulations that the Saudi organizations must comply with. The framework uses different levels of maturity against which the security performance of each organization can be measured. SCMAF is implemented as a lightweight assessment tool that could be provided online through a web-based service or offline by downloading the tool to ensure the organizations’ data privacy. Organizations that apply this framework can assess the security level of their systems, conduct a gap analysis and create a mitigation plan. The assessment results are communicated to the organization using visual score charts per security requirement per level attached with an evaluation report

    An Efficient Localization and Avoidance Method of Jammers in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Jamming is a terrifying attack that could harm 802.11p-based vehicular communications by occupying the communication channels by overwhelming the network with jamming packets, especially for self-driving cars, as it is essential to send/receive messages without any interruptions to control the vehicles remotely. In wireless vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET), the attacker’s mission is more accessible due to the network’s open nature, way of communication, and lack of security measures. Most of the existing studies have focused on jamming detection approaches. However, few of them have addressed the jammer localization challenge. Moreover, even in these limited studies, the solutions’ assumptions, the proposed countermeasures, and their complexity were also missing. Therefore, this paper introduces a new approach to detecting, localizing, and avoiding jamming attacks in VANETs with high efficiency in terms of accuracy, implementation and complexity. The proposed approach uses the signal strength of the jammer for estimating only the distance between jammer and receiver, while then a less complex algorithm is proposed for localizing the jammer and then redirecting the vehicles away from the roads the attacker is using. This approach was simulated using real-life maps and specialized network environments. Additionally, the performance of the new approach was evaluated using different metrics. These evaluation metrics include (1) the estimated position of the jammer, (2) the handling of the jammer by announcing its location to normal vehicles (3) the avoidance of the jammed routes by increasing their weight, which forces the cars to reroute and evade the jamming area. The high localization accuracy, measured by the Euclidean distance, and the successful communication of the attacker’s position and its avoidance have highly increased the packet delivery ratio (PDR) and the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). This was noticed significantly before and after avoiding the jamming area when for example, the PDR increased from 0% to 100% before and after bypassing the jammer’s routes

    An Efficient Localization and Avoidance Method of Jammers in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Jamming is a terrifying attack that could harm 802.11p-based vehicular communications by occupying the communication channels by overwhelming the network with jamming packets, especially for self-driving cars, as it is essential to send/receive messages without any interruptions to control the vehicles remotely. In wireless vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET), the attacker’s mission is more accessible due to the network’s open nature, way of communication, and lack of security measures. Most of the existing studies have focused on jamming detection approaches. However, few of them have addressed the jammer localization challenge. Moreover, even in these limited studies, the solutions’ assumptions, the proposed countermeasures, and their complexity were also missing. Therefore, this paper introduces a new approach to detecting, localizing, and avoiding jamming attacks in VANETs with high efficiency in terms of accuracy, implementation and complexity. The proposed approach uses the signal strength of the jammer for estimating only the distance between jammer and receiver, while then a less complex algorithm is proposed for localizing the jammer and then redirecting the vehicles away from the roads the attacker is using. This approach was simulated using real-life maps and specialized network environments. Additionally, the performance of the new approach was evaluated using different metrics. These evaluation metrics include (1) the estimated position of the jammer, (2) the handling of the jammer by announcing its location to normal vehicles (3) the avoidance of the jammed routes by increasing their weight, which forces the cars to reroute and evade the jamming area. The high localization accuracy, measured by the Euclidean distance, and the successful communication of the attacker’s position and its avoidance have highly increased the packet delivery ratio (PDR) and the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). This was noticed significantly before and after avoiding the jamming area when for example, the PDR increased from 0% to 100% before and after bypassing the jammer’s routes

    Smart Palm: An IoT Framework for Red Palm Weevil Early Detection

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    Smart agriculture is an evolving trend in agriculture industry, where sensors are embedded into plants to collect vital data and help in decision making to ensure higher quality of crops and prevent pests, disease, and other possible threats. In Saudi Arabia, growing palms is the most important agricultural activity, and there is an increasing need to leverage smart agriculture technology to improve the production of dates and prevent diseases. One of the most critical diseases of palms if the red palm weevil, which is an insect that causes a lot of damage to palm trees and can devast large areas of palm trees. The most challenging problem is that the effect of the weevil is not visible by humans until the palm reaches an advanced infestation state. For this reason, there is a need to use advanced technology for early detection and prevention of infestation propagation. In this project, we have developed am IoT based smart palm monitoring prototype as a proof-of-concept that (1) allows to monitor palms remotely using smart agriculture sensors, (2) contribute to the early detection of red palm weevil. Users can use web/mobile application to interact with their palm farms and help them in getting early detection of possible infestations. We used Elm company IoT platform to interface between the sensor layer and the user layer. In addition, we have collected data using accelerometer sensors and we applied signal processing and statistical techniques to analyze collected data and determine a fingerprint of the infestation

    Role of vitamins A, C, D, E in cancer prevention and therapy: therapeutic potentials and mechanisms of action

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    Cancer, a leading global cause of mortality, arises from intricate interactions between genetic and environmental factors, fueling uncontrolled cell growth. Amidst existing treatment limitations, vitamins have emerged as promising candidates for cancer prevention and treatment. This review focuses on Vitamins A, C, E, and D because of their protective activity against various types of cancer. They are essential as human metabolic coenzymes. Through a critical exploration of preclinical and clinical studies via PubMed and Google Scholar, the impact of these vitamins on cancer therapy was analyzed, unraveling their complicated mechanisms of action. Interestingly, vitamins impact immune function, antioxidant defense, inflammation, and epigenetic regulation, potentially enhancing outcomes by influencing cell behavior and countering stress and DNA damage. Encouraging clinical trial results have been observed; however, further well-controlled studies are imperative to validate their effectiveness, determine optimal dosages, and formulate comprehensive cancer prevention and treatment strategies. Personalized supplementation strategies, informed by medical expertise, are pivotal for optimal outcomes in both clinical and preclinical contexts. Nevertheless, conclusive evidence regarding the efficacy of vitamins in cancer prevention and treatment is still pending, urging further research and exploration in this compelling area of study

    Effect of the use of Chia seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on some biochemical parameters in overweight and obese Iraqi women

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    Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing prevalence in adults and children, Obesity is one of the most important health problems in human beings and it increases the likelihood of various diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, and particularly heart disease, systemic hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis and authorities view it as one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The consumption of bioactive compounds from the diet or dietary supplementation is one possible way to control obesity and to prevent or reduce the risks of getting various obesity-related diseases. Recently, there has been a remarkable interest in finding natural lipid inhibitors from natural products to replace synthetic compounds. Natural substances are presumed to be safe since they occur in plant foods, and are therefore seen as more desirable than their synthetic counterparts. Salvia hispanica L., commonly known as chia, is an annual plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Originating in some countries, chia seed was used and consumed as a source of energy and incorporated into a number of foods in the diet of the indigenous Aztec civilization