41 research outputs found

    Public Health: Prevention

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    Nowadays, colorectal cancer prevention strategies play an essential role in reducing the incidence and mortality of the cases. A well-designed and establishment of the clinical pathway of screening programme needed in all country. Types of screening tools used may vary between the country with the use of FOBT and colonoscopy. The standard guideline related to screening programme such as for high-risk group should be emphasized more as compared to the low-risk group. The uptake of screening for CRC should be highlighted more as the program have showed a significantly reduction of the cases and mortality. The barrier of CRC screening uptake mainly due to poor awareness, discomfort, low physician recommendation, low socioeconomic and improper screening programme. Therefore others prevention strategies beside screening program such as health education and interactive intervention strategies need to be empower

    Factors and Barriers on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator Willingness to Use among the Community: A 2016–2021 Systematic Review and Data Synthesis

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    Background: Bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can improve out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival. However, bystander CPR and AED rates remained consistently low. The goal of this systematic review was to assess factors influencing community willingness to perform CPR and use an AED for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival (OHCA) victims, as well as its barriers. Methods: The review processes (PROSPERO: CRD42021257851) were conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) review protocol; formulation of review questions; systematic search strategy based on identification, screening, and eligibility using established databases including Scopus, Web of Science, and Medline Complete via EBSCOhost; quality appraisal; and data extraction and analysis. There is identification of full-text journal articles that were published between 2016 and 2021 and written in English. Results: Of the final 13 articles, there are six identified factors associated with willingness to perform CPR and use an AED, including socio-demographics, training, attitudes, perceived norms, self-efficacy, and legal obligation. Younger age, men, higher level of education, employed, married, having trained in CPR and AED in the previous 5 years, having received CPR education on four or more occasions, having a positive attitude and perception toward CPR and AED, having confidence to perform CPR and to apply an AED, and legal liability protection under emergency medical service law were reasons why one would be more likely to indicate a willingness to perform CPR and use an AED. The most reported barriers were fear of litigation and injuring a victim. Conclusions: There is a need to empower all the contributing factors and reduce the barrier by emphasizing the importance of CPR and AEDs. The role played by all stakeholders should be strengthened to ensure the success of intervention programs, and indirectly, that can reduce morbidity and mortality among the community from OHCA

    Plain packaging and pictorial warning in Asia countries : where are we?

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    Worldwide, around 8 million people die yearly due to tobacco usage. Cigarette smoking is the most popular form of tobacco usage. Smoking has linked to many detrimental health effects among adults and adolescents. Recognising the burden of smoking, World Health Organization have implemented various tobacco control strategies under the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control and mPOWER. This includes implementation of plain packaging and pictorial warning. In Asia, only Thailand, Singapore, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have implemented plain cigarette pack. However, some countries have made progress to implement plain cigarette pack. Although some countries have not implemented plain pack, implementation of larger pictorial warning serve as a pathway for implementation of plain packaging. Countries with pictorial warning on cigarette pack should ensure it covers at least 50% of pack. Timor Leste has the largest pictorial warning on cigarette pack in the world. In conclusion, only 5 countries in Asia have implemented plain pack and some countries in this region are yet to implement size of pictorial warning according to requirement of World Health Organization. All countries should target to implement standardized pack to denormalise tobacco usage

    Factors influencing physical activity in pregnancy : a systematic review

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    Lack of physical activity in pregnancy may lead to poor maternal and perinatal outcomes including gestational diabetes, hypertensive disorders and postpartum depression. Given these risks, identifying factors that influence physical activity in pregnancy is crucial to planning and implementing appropriate interventional programmes and managing this vulnerable group. Peer reviewed articles on factors influencing physical activity in pregnancy were searched using the Pub-Med and Ovid databases, from 2014 to 2019. The selected articles were reviewed by two authors and critically appraised using the Mixed Methods Assessment Tool 2018. A total of 16 articles were included. Factors that positively influenced physical activity in pregnancy were fun, higher economic status, early trimester, and higher body weight. Factors that negatively influenced physical activity in pregnancy were lack of knowledge, lack of social support, multiparity, physical pain and discomfort, ethnic minority status, and concern for the safety of the baby. Fun was one of the most reported motivators of physical activity in pregnancy, and the most reported reason for reduced physical activity was lack of knowledge. Additionally, social support from friends and family played an important role in encouraging pregnant women to be active. This systematic review highlights the need to improve current health education programmes for physical activity in pregnancy, which should ideally be extended and targeted to the whole community, beyond pregnant women themselves for better uptake and acceptance

    Tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS dalam kalangan ibu muda

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    Pengenalan Sindrom Kurang Daya Tahan Melawan Penyakit atau Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) adalah berpunca daripada jangkitan Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan merupakan penyakit dengan morbiditi dan mortaliti yang tinggi. Ibu muda adalah sub-populasi yang berisiko tinggi untuk memperoleh HIV melalui aktiviti seksual. Maklumat mengenai tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan dalam kalangan ibu muda di Malaysia mengenai pencegahan HIV/AIDS adalah masih terhad. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS dalam kalangan ibu muda serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Kaedah Satu kajian keratan rentas telah dijalankan di sebuah hospital tertiari di pusat bandar dalam kalangan seramai 147 orang ibu muda yang berusia 18-30 tahun dan mendapatkan rawatan di Post Natal dan Wad Obstetrik dan Ginekologi (O&G). Pengumpulan data telah dijalankan pada bulan AprilNovember 2014 dan pemilihan responden adalah berdasarkan persampelan rawak mudah. Soalselidik yang mengandungi instrumen-instrumen yang telah divalidasi digunakan di dalam kajian ini. Kelulusan untuk menjalankan kajian ini telah diperoleh dari Jawatankuasa Etika Penyelidikan UKM sebelum prosedur pengumpulan data dilaksanakan. Keputusan Majoriti daripada ibu muda mempunyai pengetahuan (78.8%) dan amalan (71.2%) yang baik terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Lebih separuh (56.7%) daripada mereka mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Hasil kajian mendapati, status perkahwinan dan kawasan tempat tinggal ibu muda adalah berkait rapat dengan pengetahuan yang baik dan sikap yang positif terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Manakala dari segi amalan pula, ibu muda yang berkahwin dan berumur 5 tahun lebih tua mempunyai keberangkalian tiga kali ganda untuk mempunyai amalan yang baik terhadap pencegahan HIV/AIDS berbanding dengan ibu yang 5 tahun lebih muda. Kesimpulan Kesimpulannya, tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan serta faktor yang berkaitan dengan pencegahan HIV/AIDS boleh dijadikan sebagai garis panduan untuk merancang program kesihatan di masa akan datang dalam usaha mencegah HIV/AIDS di kalangan golongan ibu muda yang tidak berkahwin bagi memastikan program pencegahan dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif khususnya dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan serta faktor yang berkaitan bagi membantu pencegahan HIV/AIDS di negara ini

    Acceptance Factors of Pneumococcal Vaccination among Adult Population: A Systematic Review

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    Received 20 July 2018 Accepted 24 August 2018 Introduction Pneumococcal disease causes considerable morbidity and mortality, including among adults. Adult pneumococcal vaccines help to prevent these burdens, yet, they are underutilized. Our objective is to systematically collect and summarize the available evidence on the potential factors that lead to pneumococcal vaccination acceptance among of adult community. Methods A systematic literature search was conducted involving studies published from January 1999 to December 2015. The studies were identified by searching electronic resources (PubMed/MEDLINE and Pro Quest database) and manual searches of references. The keywords “vaccine/ immunization”, “uptake/ coverage”, “determinant/ factor”, and “Streptococcus pneumoniae/ pneumococcus/ pneumococcal” were used. Final studies result and data were reviewed by two independent authors. Disagreement was resolved through discussion and consensus. Results A total of 171 studies were identified, only 17 studies were included in final discussion with 10 domains identified in the paper. 7 studies (41%) had reported that the provider domain, patients’ perception and socio-demographic factor have had the most effect on the pneumococcal vaccination acceptance rate. In addition, only 18% (3) of reviewed papers had highlighted that socio-economic was a factor influenced the pneumococcal vaccination acceptance while 24% (4 studies) were attributed to the comorbid domains. Conclusions Healthcare provider and patients’ perception about pneumococcal vaccination for adult population are significant domains which influence the acceptance towards vaccination. Strong recommendations from healthcare provider for pneumococcal vaccination would be an important step to increase vaccination acceptance among the population

    Insecticide resistance of Dengue vectors in South East Asia: a systematic review

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    Background: The insecticides used widely has led to resistance in the vector and impose a challenge to vector control operation. Objectives: This review aims to analyse the distribution of insecticide resistance of dengue vectors in South East Asia and to describe the mechanism of insecticide resistance. Methods: Literature search for articles published on 2015 to 2019 from PubMed, Scopus and ProQuest was performed. Total of 37 studies included in the final review from the initial 420 studies. Results: Pyrethroid resistance was concentrated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Northern Thailand and scattered at Java Island, Indonesia while organophosphate resistance was seen across the Java Island (Indonesia), West Sumatera and North Peninsular Malaysia. Organochlorine resistance was seen in Sabah, Malaysia and scattered distribution in Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. V1016G, S989P, F1269C gene mutation in Aedes Aegypti were associated with Pyrethroid resistance in Singapore and Indonesia. In Malaysia, over-expressed with monooxygenase P450 genes (CYP9J27, CYP6CB1, CYP9J26 and CYP9M4) Glutathione S-transferases, carboxylesterases commonly associated with pyrethroids resistance in Aedes Aegypti and CYP612 overexpressed in Aedes Albopictus . The genetic mutation in A302S in Aedes Albopictus was associated with organochlorine resistance in Malaysia. Conclusions: Rotation of insecticide, integration with synergist and routine assessment of resistance profile are recommended strategies in insecticide resistance management

    Tuberculosis contact tracing in low and middle income countries: a systematic review

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    Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global health challenge especially in low- and middle-income countries reflects improper, delayed or missed diagnosis. Contact screening should be utilized both as an efficient and effective targeted approach to intensify TB case finding. Methods Through a comprehensive systematic literature review of online database, this paper aims at providing an insight into the current practice of TB contact screening and to provide evidence based practice for formulation of appropriate policies in low- and middle-income countries. There are 24 articles included in this review from studies published from 2005 to 2014. Results Findings in literature varies substantially. Generally, contact screening is better intensified with clear operational guidelines, adequate training, include close contact outside household as appropriate and follow up at least for 1 year. Prioritizing high risk close contacts is helpful in resource limited setting. Tuberculin skin test is still of value as screening tool and intensified case finding must be accompanied with effective management protocol. Prophylaxis treatment is recommended especially for children especially less than 5 years old, unvaccinated, malnourished, living with person having HIV and close contact with MDR-TB. Conclusions Policy recommendations in improving TB management must incorporate complementary strategies to enhance case finding, effective management protocol for follow up or prophylaxis treatment, training for public health capacity and concerted dedication from various stakeholders

    Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi ibu terhadap kanak-kanak dengan kecacatan klef

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    Introduction A study was conducted to determine the level of mothers' perception on children with cleft deformity and its associated factors Methods This was a cross sectional study involving 110 mothers with children attending the Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Clinic. Data was gathered from a face to face interview based on a questionnaire that assesses the level of perception and its associated factors. The level of perception was evaluated from a scoring method and divided into four domains namely psychosocial, care management, treatment and education. Results The level of perception was high in all four domains ranged from 62% for treatment and 80% for education. Factors that were significantly associated with the level of perception were ethnicity, religion, type of cleft deformity and level of information. Conclusions Information regarding cleft deformity must be tailored toward mothers’ personal characteristics and type of cleft deformity to improve mothers' perception on this problem

    Tuberculosis Contact Tracing in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global health challenge especially in low- and middle-income countries reflects improper, delayed or missed diagnosis. Contact screening should be utilized both as an efficient and effective targeted approach to intensify TB case finding. Methods Through a comprehensive systematic literature review of online database, this paper aims at providing an insight into the current practice of TB contact screening and to provide evidence based practice for formulation of appropriate policies in low- and middle-income countries. There are 24 articles included in this review from studies published from 2005 to 2014. Results Findings in literature varies substantially. Generally, contact screening is better intensified with clear operational guidelines, adequate training, include close contact outside household as appropriate and follow up at least for 1 year. Prioritizing high risk close contacts is helpful in resource limited setting. Tuberculin skin test is still of value as screening tool and intensified case finding must be accompanied with effective management protocol. Prophylaxis treatment is recommended especially for children especially less than 5 years old, unvaccinated, malnourished, living with person having HIV and close contact with MDR-TB. Conclusions Policy recommendations in improving TB management must incorporate complementary strategies to enhance case finding, effective management protocol for follow up or prophylaxis treatment, training for public health capacity and concerted dedication from various stakeholders