6 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Relationship between Ethical Marketing and Strategic Balance : An a Comparative Study in a Sample of Companies in the Industrial Sector in the Provinces of Babylon and Holly Karbala,

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    الغرض:إنّ الهدف الرئيس للبحث هو تحليل العلاقة بين التسويق الاخلاقي و التوازن الاستراتيجي في الشركات العامة و الخاصة العاملة في القطاع الصناعي في محافظتي بابل و كربلاء المقدسة. المنهجية/التصميم:صيغت مشكلة البحث من خلال عدة تساؤلات فيما يخص العلاقة بين متغيراته وطبيعتها والتي على اثرها حُددت اهداف البحث التي تمثلت بالمخطط الفرضي وتبلور عنه صياغة الفرضيات التي قيست بالبرنامج الاحصائي المتقدم"نمذجة المعادلات الهيكلية بطريقة المربعات الصغرى PLS-SEM" بتحليل ما وفرته اداة الدراسة (الاستبانة) من بيانات بعد تطبيقها على افراد مجتمع البحث الذين تم اختيارهم بطريقة عشوائية وهم روؤساء الاقسام و الشعب في مستويات ادارية متعددة و وزعت (57) استبانة على شركات القطاع العام و الخاص و استردت (54) وبعد استبعدت (4) غير صالحة ليكون عددها النهائي(50) استبانة.و لتحليل البيانات استخدمت الباحثة عدداً من المعادلات الإحصائية في البرنامج الاحصائي المتقدم (SmartPLSV.3) لتحليل البيانات وذلك لندرة البحوث والدراسات التي تستعمل هذا البرنامج ودقة نتائجه و التي من الممكن ان تساعد في التوصل الى استنتاجات موضوعية ودقيقة، فضلا عن استعمال برنامج (SPSSv22) لتقويم أداة القياس. النتائج النظرية:وجود تَصور مبهم لطبيعة العلاقة بين متغيرات البحث الحالي و المتمثلة بالمتغير المستقل التسويق الاخلاقي والمتغير التابع التوازن الاستراتيجي. النتائج العملية:إنّ أهم النتائج العملية التي توصل اليها البحث تتلخص بوجود علاقة تأثير مباشرة موجبة ومعنوية بين التسويق الاخلاقي التوازن الاستراتيجي لكلا القطاعين مع تفوق القطاع الخاص في نسبة هذه العلاقة. قيمة البحث و أصالته:تتمثل قيمة البحث بإرساء قواعد معرفية و مفاهيمية لمتغيراتها من خلال توضيح علاقة التأثير الموجبة المباشرة والمعنوية بينها بعد تطبيقه على الشركات المكونة لمجتمع البحث و من خلال اجراء مقارنة كانت نتيجتها تفوق شركات القطاع الخاص في تطبيقها للتسويق الاخلاقي الذي يحقق التوازن الاستراتيجي و تصويب البحث نحو قطاع ذي تأثير كبير على الاقتصاد العراقي . الكلمات الدالة:التسويق الاخلاقي,التوازن الاستراتيجي الصدق المسؤولية, الاحترام ,الإنصاف ,القدرات ,الفرص, البيئة الداخلية , الاهداف . المقدمة: حصلت العديد من التغييرات في السنوات العشر الاخيرة في العراق و لاسيماً بعد دخول الشركات المستثمرة في القطاع الصناعي و احداثها لمجموعة تغييرات كبيرة ومن ضمنها درجة اهتمامها بالزبائن ووضع حاجاته و رغباته كهدف اساس تسعى الى تحقيقه و التفوق فيه على مثيلاتها من المنظمات عاملة بقطاع مماثل في ضوء تغييرات كبيرة التي طرأت وما زالت تطرأ على البلد .     ولغرض تحقيق ما يسعى اليه البحث تكون الاطار العام له من اربعة مباحث ,المبحث الاول تضمن مدخل البحث وإطاره التمهيدي , بينما تضمن المبحث الثاني المرتكزات الفكرية والفلسفية لمتغيرات البحث الحالي,أما الثالث يشمل الجانب الميداني و تحليل البيانات و المبحث الرابع يشمل مجموعة من الاستنتاجات و التوصيات .Objective: The objective of our present study is to analyze the relationship between ethical marketing and strategic balance in the sample companies represented by the private and public companies operating in the industrial sector in the provinces of Babylon and Holly Karbala. Methodology/ Design: The problem of the study was formulated through several questions regarding the relationship between the variables of the study and its nature by which the objectives of the study were identified and represented in hypothetical scheme which shaped the formulation of the hypotheses that were scaled in the advanced statistical program "partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)" by analyzing data provided by the research tool (questionnaire) after applying it on the research community members who have been picked randomly: sections and branches managers from different administrative levels. (57) Questionnaires were distributed to public and private sector companies, (54) have been retrieved and (4) were excluded for being invalid so the final number is (50). For the analysis of data, the researcher used a set of statistical methods in the advanced statistical program (SmartPLS V.3) for data analysis because of the scarcity of research and studies using this advanced program and the accuracy of its results that can help in reaching objective and precise conclusions, as well as the use of (SPSS v22) to evaluate the scaling tools. Theoretical results: there is an ambiguous perception concerning the nature of relationships among current study variables represented in the independent variable (Ethical Marketing) and subsidiary variable (Strategic Balance). Practical results: the most important practical results reached by the researcher can be summarized in the presence of a relation of direct, positive and moral effect between ethical marketing and strategic balance of both sectors.     The value and authenticity of the study: The value of the research lies in establishing the rules of knowledge and concepts of its variables through clarifying the relation of direct, positive and moral impact on these variables after applying them to the constituents of the study society and through a comparison that resulted in the superiority of private sector companies in their application of ethical marketing that achieves strategic balance and directing it towards the sector of a great impact on the Iraqi economy

    Climate change and cardiovascular disease: implications for global health.

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    Climate change is the greatest existential challenge to planetary and human health and is dictated by a shift in the Earth's weather and air conditions owing to anthropogenic activity. Climate change has resulted not only in extreme temperatures, but also in an increase in the frequency of droughts, wildfires, dust storms, coastal flooding, storm surges and hurricanes, as well as multiple compound and cascading events. The interactions between climate change and health outcomes are diverse and complex and include several exposure pathways that might promote the development of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease. A collaborative approach is needed to solve this climate crisis, whereby medical professionals, scientific researchers, public health officials and policymakers should work together to mitigate and limit the consequences of global warming. In this Review, we aim to provide an overview of the consequences of climate change on cardiovascular health, which result from direct exposure pathways, such as shifts in ambient temperature, air pollution, forest fires, desert (dust and sand) storms and extreme weather events. We also describe the populations that are most susceptible to the health effects caused by climate change and propose potential mitigation strategies, with an emphasis on collaboration at the scientific, governmental and policy levels

    Vascular Positron Emission Tomography and Restenosis in Symptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    OBJECTIVES: This study determined whether in vivo positron emission tomography (PET) of arterial inflammation (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose [18F-FDG]) or microcalcification (18F-sodium fluoride [18F-NaF]) could predict restenosis following PTA. BACKGROUND: Restenosis following lower limb percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is common, unpredictable, and challenging to treat. Currently, it is impossible to predict which patient will suffer from restenosis following angioplasty. METHODS: In this prospective observational cohort study, 50 patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease underwent 18F-FDG and 18F-NaF PET/computed tomography (CT) imaging of the superficial femoral artery before and 6 weeks after angioplasty. The primary outcome was arterial restenosis at 12 months. RESULTS: Forty subjects completed the study protocol with 14 patients (35%) reaching the primary outcome of restenosis. The baseline activities of femoral arterial inflammation (18F-FDG tissue-to-background ratio [TBR] 2.43 [interquartile range (IQR): 2.29 to 2.61] vs. 1.63 [IQR: 1.52 to 1.78]; p < 0.001) and microcalcification (18F-NaF TBR 2.61 [IQR: 2.50 to 2.77] vs. 1.69 [IQR: 1.54 to 1.77]; p < 0.001) were higher in patients who developed restenosis. The predictive value of both 18F-FDG (cut-off TBRmax value of 1.98) and 18F-NaF (cut-off TBRmax value of 2.11) uptake demonstrated excellent discrimination in predicting 1-year restenosis (Kaplan Meier estimator, log-rank p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Baseline and persistent femoral arterial inflammation and micro-calcification are associated with restenosis following lower limb PTA. For the first time, we describe a method of identifying complex metabolically active plaques and patients at risk of restenosis that has the potential to select patients for intervention and to serve as a biomarker to test novel interventions to prevent restenosis

    Paclitaxel Drug-Coated Balloon Angioplasty Suppresses Progression and Inflammation of Experimental Atherosclerosis in Rabbits

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    © 2020 The Authors Paclitaxel drug-coated balloons (DCBs) reduce restenosis, but their overall safety has recently raised concerns. This study hypothesized that DCBs could lessen inflammation and reduce plaque progression. Using 25 rabbits with cholesterol feeding- and balloon injury-induced lesions, DCB-percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA), plain PTA, or sham-PTA (balloon insertion without inflation) was investigated using serial intravascular near-infrared fluorescence−optical coherence tomography and serial intravascular ultrasound. In these experiments, DCB-PTA reduced inflammation and plaque burden in nonobstructive lesions compared with PTA or sham-PTA. These findings indicated the potential for DCBs to serve safely as regional anti-atherosclerosis therapy